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/ ? / n.男演员 angrily

/ @ / adv.生气地 angry

/ @ / adj.生气的 attention

/ / n.注意 bear

/? / v.容忍 behind

/? ? / prep.在……的后面 business

/ ? = / n.事 conversation

/ ? + / n.谈话;会话 enjoy

/ / vt.欣赏 in the end

最后 interesting

/ / adj.有趣味的 loudly

/ ? / adv.大声地 play

/? / n.戏 private

/ ? ? + / adj.私人的 rudely

/ ? / adv.无礼地,粗鲁地 seat

/ / n.座位 v .坐下 theatre

/ . / n.剧场,戏院 turn

/ / vi.转身

答案:1,C; 2,C; 3,B; 4,C; 5,B

(Text 1) M: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Adams, please. This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center.

W: Mr. Miller, my husband isn’t at home. I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work.

(Text 2)

W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to give up his job.

M: Don’t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house.

(Text 3)

W: How can I get to the shopping center from here?

M: You can take a bus or a taxi,but it isn’t too far. Maybe you’d like to walk.

(Text 4)

M: Tell me,Li Hua. Last time I met you,you were planning to go to a law school,but why have you changed your mind?

W: Well,I’ve decided to learn English because it is a tool to learn the advanced science and technology from the West. It will play an important part in the realization of China’s Modernization Programme.

(Text 5)

M: Mary,how many languages can you speak? Apart from English,of course.

W: I speak German very well,and I can also write in German.

M: Any other languages?

W: I can speak a little French. I can’t speak it very fast though.

1. The small house is theirs.

2. My room is untidy.

3. My aunt’s cat is lovely.

4. The clean coats are ours.

5. The beautiful dress is your sister’s.

6. Jim’s book is old.

7. The thin father is mine.


1. 害怕的。出现在结尾处,前面一直在说“鬼”的事情,这里又听到了脚步声,因此我们的


2. Footsteps.“人的走路声”。

3. They go hiking and sleep outside. 结合After hiking all day, we find a place to camp for the


4. Because they want to cook their food. 原文中的...so that we can cook our dinner引导的是一


5. Because they tell ghost stories before going to sleep. 结合we all hear footsteps and we are all

so scared that we can’t get to sleep. 这句话的意思得出本题答案:害怕的原因是鬼故事而



1. Your English is getting better and better.

2. The school master will look over our studies in half an hour.

3. She is always ready to help others.

4. They didn’t tell me whether she had left.

5. Hainan is the second largest island of China.

6. I’d like to reserve some seats for the opera.

7. The match ended at three o’clock.

8. How did you open the door?



/± / n.姑,姨,婶,舅母 breakfast

/ ? ?? / n.早餐 late

/ / adv.迟,晚 lunch

/ / n.午餐 outside

/ ? ? / adv.外面 repeat

/ ? / v.重复 ring

/ / v.(铃或电话等)响 telephone

/ ? / n.电话 until

/ / prep.直到

答案:1,B; 2,C; 3,C; 4,A; 5,A

(Text 1) M: Have you ever read Harry Potter?

W: I’m afraid I haven’t.

M: What a pity! You really should. It’s very interesting, you know.

W: I have a copy here. If you like, I’ll lend it to you.

(Text 2)

M: Look! Jack has got the ball. He’s going like lightning towards Oxford’s goal. Oh, go on, Jack. W: That Oxford centre-half is trying to stop him.

(Text 3)

W: Alan, have you got a meeting in Edinburgh?

M: Yes. I’m going to see some important people. Why?

W: I’m going to visit Glasgow on Wednesday and it’s quite near Edinburgh.

M: Ah...l’m going to drive there tomorrow, so you can go with me.

(Text 4)

M: Did you watch the football match on TV yesterday evening?

W: No, I didn’t. I had dinner with a friend and didn’t go back home until 8 o’clock.

(Text 5)

M: Shall we watch TV tonight?

W: All right. What’s on tonight?

M: A pop show on Channel six is at 7: 30. Then at 8:20 there’s a western.

1. is sleeping, sleeps

2. Is it raining

3. is having, has

4. talks, is talking

5. rains, is not raining, is shining, Does it rain


1. B。根据全文的意思,Jigs 和Reads只有五个月大就可以出去猎取hare。说明应当是dogs。

2. A。根据Jigs and Reads had nothing to eat for a day. They knew that things weren’t right at

home. 这两句话可以得出:家里没有吃的了。

3. C。见原文He looked out and could not believe—they were drawing a big hare through the


4. D。从短文内容看:大雪天里,Jigs和Reads在家中没有吃的东西时外出寻找食物,给了


5. C。根据全文内容看,首先是饿了,想找吃的东西;其次是外出找食物,整夜未归;再


5次是逮到一只野兔;最后将野兔带回了家。因此,选项C 符合本题的答案。

1. She has beautiful big dark eyes.

2. The dark comes very early in winter.

3. They kept their plan dark.

4. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them

at the station.

5. As soon as he got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same


6. The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.

7. This year new students will be more than doubled.

8. The price of vegetables has gone up by 30 percent.



/ / n.决定 friendly

/ ? / adj.友好的 Italian

/ / n.意大利语 Italy

/ / n.意大利 lend

/ / v.借给 line

/ ? / n.行 museum

/ = / n.博物馆 postcard

/ ? ?± / n.明信片 public

/ ? ? ?/ adj.公共的 send

/ / v.寄,送 single

/ @ / adj.唯一的,单个的 spoil

/ ? / v.使索然无味,损坏 teach

/ / vt.教 understand

/ / vi.&vt.懂,了解

visit / + = / vt.访问

waiter / ? / n.服务员,招待员

whole / / adj.整个的

word /? / n.话

答案:1,A; 2,C; 3,B; 4,B; 5,B

(Text 1)

M: Excuse me, but which gate is for flight CA1950 to Shanghai?

W: It’s gate 8, on the second floor.

M: Thank you.

(Text 2)

W: It’s terribly hot in this small room.

M: I agree. Would you mind opening the window?

W: Of course not.

(Text 3)

W: Hurry up! It’s a quarter to five already.

M: Don’t worry. The clock is half an hour fast.

W: Really? There’s still plenty of time.

(Text 4)

M: Have you decided which coat you want, madam?

W: Er...I’m afraid even this one is not quite suitable really. It’s a bit too short.

(Text 5)

W: What a crowd!

M: Let’s get in the queue.

W: What are you mailing, Ruan?

M: A textbook. It’s based on a new method of teaching physics. I want my friends to take a look at it.

1. I have met

2. I have finished

3. I haven’t written

4. has not finished

5. She has flown

6. They have known

7. It has been 8. She has been


71. to

2. for

3. for

4. to

5. for

6. for

7. to

8. for 9. for

10. for

1. C 。a story about an English sailor 已说明这个水手为英国人。

2. D 。在第一段第二行至第三行写到,一天他(bought some tea as a present )把茶叶作为礼


3. A 。选择正确的一项。通读第一段,在段尾应注意到nobody liked the tea leaves 证明没一


4. A 。在第一段尾写到they began to eat them ,其中them = tea leaves 。

5. B 。这是一道推论题,因为文章说到他妈妈知道把茶叶用水煮,说明他儿子肯定说了茶

叶要和水有关,但具体怎么和水搭配用肯定没说清,故选择B 。

1. “I might as well have them!” I said sadly.

2. It is said that it he’s married.

3. Word your idea clearly.

4. Words cut more than swords.

5. I hope you will come back whole.

6. Nature is a whole.

7. The whole of one week was spent on the beach.

8. The new auditorium can hold 4,000 people.



/ ? / adv.在国外,到国外 Australia

/ / n.澳大利亚

centre / / n.中心

different / ? / adj.不同的

engineer / / n.工程师

exciting / ? ? / adj.令人兴奋的

find /?? / vt.感到,发觉

firm /? / n.商行,公司

fly /? ? / vt.空运

great /@ / adj.极大的

just / / adv.刚才

month / ./ n.月

receive / +/ v.接受,收到

trip / ?/ n.旅行

答案:1,B; 2,C; 3,A; 4,C; 5,B

(Text 1)

M: Why don’t you go to a show or something tonight?

W: As a matter of fact, I thought Judy might like to go to a concert.

M: Let’s have a look and see what’s on...You might try the concert at the Festival Hall. W: That sounds nice.

(Text 2)

M: Let’s drop in here for a cup of coffee.

W: Well, I’d love to, but in fact, I’ve got to make a rather early start tomorrow. (Text 3)

M: I’m terribly sorry, but I’ve broken a plate.

W: That’s all right.

M: I must apologize. I’ll buy you a new one tomorrow.

W: No, please don’t. I couldn’t let you do that.

(Text 4)

W: What’s the film on Sunday?

M: Railway Station.

W: Good. Let’s go to the cinema.

M: OK, I’ll see you at 7:00 at the cinema. Bye.

(Text 5)

W: Mr. Brown is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?


9M: OK. He’s booked Flight No. B-A-1-2-7-9. It leaves at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow. But he must be there at least one hour before checking in.

1. have finished, finished

2. has had lunch, had

3. have seen, saw

4. have written, wrote

5. has called, called

6. have read, read

1. Do you have ,planned ,Have you ever been ,have been, lives, go

2. is studying, will she get, has she studied 或has she been studying, Does she study

1. A 。因为要求选出本文中没有出现的内容,因此一定要按照原文的内容来进行分析。选

项中只有what time 的内容在原文中没有出现。

2. C 。从确定美国人hurry at meals 的原因来看,A 项属于答非所问;B 项不是事实,这从

分析第一题中可以得知信息;D 项不符合常理。

3. C 。根据短文内容看,选项B 是作者一心想向我们陈述的中心内容:中午吃饭时间很短,

都挤在restaurants 吃饭,显然这时restaurant 是最忙的;而选项C 则说明与家人在一起吃饭的时间就相对地富余些,也就是restaurant 中最清闲的时间了。

4. B 。选项C 在文中没有涉及;选项A 和D 在文中已经明显地说出;因此只能是选项B 了。

5. C 。从原文的第一句话中可以得出本题的答案,即:只有在有应酬或在家人一起吃饭时


1. Bad weather reduced the wheat crop by 20 percent.

2. Some computers can work 500,000 times faster than human beings.

3. One night at the Antarctic base the temperature dropped two thirds,from ﹣12 to ℃﹣20.℃

4. As spring is coming,the prices of winter coats at the clothing market have been reduced by at

least 35 percent.

5. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.

6. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.

7. Last year when we were travelling across the English Channel, Jane put a piece of paper with

10her name and address on it into a bottle.

8. The manager started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at

the door.



/ ? / vt.传送 cover

/ ? + / v.越过 distance

/ / n.距离 garage

/ @ ± / n.汽车修理工厂 message

/ / n.信息 mile

/ ? / n.英里 minute

/ / n.分钟 part

/?± / n.零件 pigeon

/ ? / n.鸽子 request

/ ?? / v .&n.要求,请求 service

/ + / n.业务,服务 spare part

备件 spare

/ ? / adj.备用的 up to now

直到现在 urgent

/ / adj.紧急的

答案:1,C; 2,B; 3,B; 4,A; 5,C

(Text l) W: Hello, and how did you spend the holiday?

M: I played tennis till lunch time and went for a swim with John.

(Text 2)

Mr: Have you ever been to Canada?

W: 1 wish to someday. So far I’ve been to Japan, Korea and China.

M: Canada is really worth visiting.

(Text 3)

M: Have Elvis and Susan set a date for leaving?

W: No, they haven’t. But Elvis said they’d like to leave next Monday or Tuesday.

M: I’d like to see them off at the airport. Will you go with me?

W: Sure. I’ll ask for a day off on Friday.

(Text 4)

M: Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?

W: I’m sorry, but I have an exam tomorrow.

M: What a pity! You’ll miss a lot.

(Text 5)

M: Kate, are we going home now?

W: I was hoping to get some bread from the bakery before it closes.

M: My watch says 6:55, so we have about 35 minutes left to get there.

1. an, a

2. the

3. a

4. the

5. the, a

6. a

7. The, a, the, the 8. the, the

1. saw, seen

2. drove, driven

3. ate, eaten

4. rode, ridden

5. gave, given

6. wrote, written

7. fell, fallen 8. bit, bitten/bit

9. took, taken 10. hid, hidden

11. broke, broken 12. threw, thrown

13. spoke, spoken 14. blew, blown

15. stole, stolen 16. flew, flown

17. got, got 18. drank, drunk

19. wore, worn 20. sang, sung

21. drew, drawn 22. swam, swum

23. grew, grown 24. went, gone

1. He was the son of King Dave. 从第一句中可以找到答案,但注意要将名词主语改成代词


2. His hair is most beautiful of all, yellow and long. 见原文的his hair was most beautiful of all.

It was yellow and long, its length touched the ground.。

3. They all talked about his hair because it was very beautiful. 答案源于文章的Everybody


12talked about his hair. 这句话。

4. His hair stopped him from running away because it was caught by a tree. 注意参考文章的答

案来源:when Absalom ran by a tree, his hair was caught by it, and he fell down...the enemies came up and killed him.


They said his hair killed him. 答案来源可以参照短文的最后一段。

1. Walking tractors are in great request.

2. We came at your request.

3. You shall have your request.

4. The export was up/was increased 2.5 times last year.

5. This living room is twice as big as the bedroom/is twice the size of the bedroom.

6. Our class is going to watch the football game next weekend.Are you coming with us?

7. Have you got the tickets?

8. We don’t know how many people will go.


ask for

要求 beer

/? / n.啤酒 beggar

/ ? @ / n.乞丐 call

/? / v.拜访,光顾 cheese

/ =/ n.干酪 food

/?? / n.食物;粮食 meal

/ / n.餐 move

/ ? +/ vt.搬动 neighbour

/ ? / n.邻居 piece

/? / n.片 pocket

/ ? ? / n.衣服口袋 return

/ / n.报答

答案:1,C; 2,A; 3,C; 4,C; 5,C

(Text 1)

M: What’s the matter, Ann? Do you have a problem?

W: Yes, I have the chance to get another job, but I don’t know what to do.

M: If it’s a better job than your present one, take it. That’s my advice.

(Text 2)

W: Excuse me. Where is the White Swan Hotel?

M: It’s just over there around the corner.

W: Thank you.

M: You’re welcome.

(Text 3)

M: I’m staying at home. I want to read a book.

W: You’re always reading. You work all the time.

M: Games are silly.

W: No, they’re not. The headmaster says, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

(Text 4)

M: Hello, Mary, this is John Smith from the bank. Is Paul there?

W: Not yet, John. He phoned me from the office 5 minutes ago to say that he was going to look for a birthday present on his way home.

(Text 5)

M: Have you got a single room for two nights?

W: Yes. You can have a room facing the sea.

M: What’s the price?

W: $ 34 one night with a shower.

1. out

2. in

3. up

4. up

5. out

1. a

2. the

3. an

4. The, the

5. the, the

1. some

2. a

3. a

4. some


145. an

6. some

7. some

8. some 9. Some

10. a

1. A 。本文主要是围绕中国的传统节日“春节”来谈论的。

2. A 。由文中第3、4句We may call...of the dog.可知每一年都有一个动物名称与之相匹配。

3. D 。由文章第二段2、 3句可知,中国人在除夕吃团圆饭,然后全家人守夜,欢迎新年


4. B 。从文中倒数第2句,可推断为B 。

5. B 。A“好时光”、范围过大,不具体。C 、D 不能概括整篇文章。

1. I suddenly heard a call for help.

2. Please call me a taxi.

3. The train calls at every station.

4. The ball struck him so hard that he nearly fell into the water.

5. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed 728 people.

6. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news.

7. When he was driving along Catford Street recently he saw one thief carrying a bag full of


8. I bought a book this morning. The book is not very expensive.


a few hours earlier 几小时前 airfield

/ ? / n.飞机起落的场地 airport

/ ? / n.机场,航空站 Customs House

海关 detective

/ ? +/ n.侦探 diamond

/ ? / n.钻石

expect / ? ? ? / v.期待,等待

guard /@± / v.&n.警戒,守卫

inside / ? / prep.在……里面

main / / adj.主要的

parcel / ?± / v.&n.包裹

police /? / n.警察

precious / ? / adj.珍贵的

sand / / n.沙子

South Africa 南非

steal / / v.偷

stone / / n.石子

surprise / ? ? =/ n.&v.惊讶

thief /. ?/ n.贼

valuable / + ? / adj.贵重的

答案:1,A; 2,C; 3,C; 4,B; 5,B

(Text 1)

W: Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I’m ten minutes late already. M: I’ll try. But the traffic is so heavy; it will take at least another 20 minutes.

(Text 2)

W: Hi, Paul. Did you have a good day at work?

M: No. l’m glad the day is over.

W: What happened?

M: I made a lot of typing mistakes, and then I forgot to send the letter my boss

asked me to send, so he was very angry.

(Text 3)

W: Are you going to Jane’s birthday party, George?

M: Yes. I received her invitation yesterday. What about you, Nina?

W: I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

(Text 4)

M: Good afternoon. This is Dick Williams at World Travel Service. Is Mr. Baker there? W: No. He’s out to lunch. I will be glad to take a message.

M: Well, thank you, but l’ll give him another call later.


(Text 5)

M: Now, madam, anything stolen?

W: About five hundred dollars.

M: How do you think the thief got in?

W: Through an open window over there, which faces the garden.

1. at

2. from, to

3. in

4. in

5. in

6. at

7. in 8. in

9. on 10. on

11. on, on 12. in

13. in 14. on

15. in

1. was sitting

2. didn’t want, rained

3. called, was not, was studying

4. didn’t hear, was sleeping

5. was arguing, walked

6. opened, found

7. was climbing, tripped, fell, didn’t hurt

8. were not, were playing

1. C。在文中第一句话,说他是一名英国的诗人,故来自英格兰。

2. C。在文中第一句话说了他是14世纪的诗人,故他生活在14世纪,故为C。

3. A。从The language was quite different from the English we know today.中我们得知答案为


4. C。推理题,他作为诗人写诗应该是来描述社会的一种现象。

5. A。在文中最后一句说了此答案。

1. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.

2. They always tell you what a picture is “about”.

3. It was raining heavily and they found that stream had formed in the field.

4. Because of this,he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once.


175. When the police arrived,they found the door open and the room empty.

6. The beautiful piece of glass is very precious.

7. They have lost precious working time.

8. Just as he was going upstairs, the telephone rang.



/? / adj.最佳的 competition

/? ? / n.比赛,竞赛 enter

/ / vi.参加 grow

/@ / vt.种植 hard

/ ± / adj.辛勤的 make

/ ?/ vt.造 nearly

/ / adv.几乎 neat

/ / adj.整齐的,整洁的 nice

/ ? / adj.美好的 path

/?± ./ n.小路,小径 pool

/?? / n.水池 prize

/? ? =/ n.奖赏 win

/? / vi.赢 wooden

/ ? / adj.木头的 worst

/? / adj.最差的

答案:1,B; 2,A; 3,C; 4,B; 5,C

(Text 1) W: I don’t think the job has to be done perfectly.

M: Maybe, but it’s important to do your best.

(Text 2)

M: I’m still waiting for the clerk to come back and make some copies of this paper for me. W: Why trouble him? I’ll show you how easy it is to work the copies of this paper for you. (Text 3)

M: Good morning, City Taxi.

W: Good morning. I’d like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning, please.

M: Where from?

W: I’m at Garden Hotel in Union Street. There will be three of us sharing. How much will it be? M: About 60 dollars.

W: 60 dollars? Each of us?

M: Oh, that’s all together. What time do you want to leave?

W: Seven in the morning.

M: Right! We’ll pick you up at your hotel at seven then.

W: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

(Text 4)

M: Can I speak to Peter Schmidt?

W: He went out about an hour ago. Can I take a message?

M: Yes. This is Global Travel. Could you tell him his ticket’s ready?

W: OK. I’ll do that.

(Text 5)

W: Do I need to take some medicine?

M: Yes. And I strongly advise you to go on a low-fat diet.

W: Do you really think that’s important?

M: Definitely. If you don’t, you might have a heart attack some day.

W: Well. I think I should take your advice. You have been very helpful. Thanks.

1. older, oldest

2. sweeter, sweetest

3. smaller, smallest

4. more expensive, most expensive

5. bigger, biggest

6. hotter, hottest

7. more important, most important

8. cheaper, cheapest

9. easier, easiest

10. better, best

11. more difficult, most difficult

12. worse, worst

13. longer, longest

14. further\farther, furthest\farthest


15. heavier, heaviest

16. lazier, laziest

1. better than

2. worse than

3. funnier than

4. smarter than

5. wider than

6. easier than

7. farther, than 8. deeper than

1. B。根据第一句话的内容:Jack is the name of a game. It is quite popular with children.可以


2. C。从Toss the ball high (but not too high) 这句话中可以推测出。因为既然使用了high,


3. B。根据最后一段的理解:一共有10个jacks。第一次每次抓一个,共10次;第二次每


4. C。这点从To play jacks, you will need a small ball and ten small metal objects called jacks.


5. C。可以从原文最后的This is more difficult, of course, you lose your turn if you make any of

the above three mistakes.内容得出判断。

1. Each of them has to pay his own fine.

2. Give them two each.

3. She has an apple in each hand.

4. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere - on snow, water, or

even on a ploughed field.

5. The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in Altantic Ocean but captain Fawcett did

not take him because the trip was too dangerous.

6. Who(Whom)are you waiting for?

7. Whose umbrella is this?

8. Whose is this cap?


20 9


/? / adj.冷淡的 crowd

/? ? / n.人群;平民,百姓 gather

/ @ ″ / v.聚集 hand

/ / n.指针;手 v .触摸 happen

/ ? / vi.发生 laugh

/ ± ?/ v.笑 moment

/ / n.时刻 refuse

/ ? ? =/ v.拒绝 shout

/ ? / v.喊叫 strike

/ ? ?/ vt.报时 Town Hall

市政厅 welcome

/ ? ? / n.&v.欢迎

答案:1,D; 2,C; 3,C; 4,A; 5,B

(Text 1) M: Excuse me, do you have a vacant apartment?

W: Yes, we do. It's on the 4th floor. Would you like to see it?

(Text 2)

M: Could you tell me about the kitchen?

W: Well, it's got a new cooker and a small fridge, and plenty of cupboards. (Text 3)

M: Why did the teacher criticize Tom yesterday?

W: The class began at eight but Tom was twenty minutes late.

(Text 4)

M: Wow! Your homework looks great.

W: Thanks. I did it on my computer.

M: But come to think of it, didn't Mrs. Sawyer tell us we had to write it on our books?

W: Oh, no. You are right. Oh, what am I going to do now?

(Text 5)

W: Good morning, Mr. Li. Did you sleep well last night after your long flight?

M: Good morning. Yes, I did. I feel totally rested and now I’m ready for our meeting.

1. a. John was surprised by the news.

b. I am not surprised by the news.

c. Are you surprised by the news?

2. a. Erin is surprised by the news.

b. We are not surprised by the news.

c. Are you surprised by the news?

3. a. Steve will be shocked by the news.

b. Jean won’t be shocked by the news.

c. Will Pat be shocked by the news?

4. a. The petition has been signed by Bob.

b. It hasn’t been signed by Paul.

c. Has it been signed by Jim yet?

1. I don’t have any problem. I have no problem.

2. There wasn’t any food. There was no food.

3. I didn’t receive any letter from home. I receive no letter from home.

4. I don’t need any help. I need no help.

5. We don’t have any time to waste. We have no time to waste.

6. You shouldn’t have given the beggar any money. You should have given no money to the


7. I don’t trust anyone. I trust no one.

8. I didn’t see anyone. I saw no one.

1. B。在第一段最后有He was a good player. he 在文中所指为Sam。

2. A。在第二段第一句话说了比赛在3:00开始。

3. B。在文中第二段有There was no score in the first half of the match.故为0:0选择B。

4. C。通读全文后,用排除法,或者在第二段中有明显的答案When it was almost the end of

the match, ...and it got into a goal.

5. D。在本文第3段一开头有答案。The result of the match was 1 to 0.即1:0。

1. Don’t follow the crowd.

2. His mind was crowded with whys.


