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()1、The student________answered the question is Tom. .

A. which

B. whom

C. whose

D. who

( ) 2、A clock is a machine _______ tells people the time.

A. that

B. who

C. whose


( ) 3、What’s the name of the program ____________.

A. which are listening

B. you are listing to

C. to that you are listening

D. that you are listening

( ) 4、The students were all interested __________ you told me yesterday.

A. in which

B. in that this

C. all that

D. in everything

( ) 5、He was the only person in his office _________ was invited.


B. whose

C. that

D. which

( ) 6、This is the museum ________ we visited last year.

A. where

B.in which


D. in that

( ) 7、Charlie told his mother all ______ had happened.


B. what

C. which

D. who

( ) 8、Do you know the student ________?

A. whom I often talk

B. which who I often talk

C. I often talk with

D. that I often talk

( ) 9、Is it possible _______he misunderstood _______I said ?

A. that;that

B. what; what

C. that;what

D. what; that

( ) 10、The reason _____ he was absent yesterday was ____ he had caught a bad cold.

A.that; because

B.how; that

C.why; that

D. why; because

( ) 11、Little Tommy told the schoolmaster _______ he had done the day before.


B. how

C. where


( ) 12、Parents are taught to understand __ important education is to their children’s future.

A. that

B. how

C. such

D. so

( ) 13、It doesn’t matter ______ he’s come back or not.

A. if

B. whether

C. that


( ) 14、China is no longer _________ she used to be.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. whom

( ) 15、_______ the child formed the habit of smoking made his parents angry.


B. If

C. Whether

D. That











1、Teacher’s life is often ___________ to a candle.

2、We need food and water for ________.

3、He give a __________ at the ball.

4、We have _________ a party to celebrate her birthday.

5、She is completely ___________ on her mother for money.

6、The flood made many people _____________.

7、John __________ breaking the window.

8、I can hardly find a __________ between the sisters.

9、The children turned everything in the room_____________.

10、Living in a big city has many __________ , such as good schools, shops and theatres. IV、选择合适的关系代词“ that ,which ,who ,whom,whose”(5’)

1、This is the pen with _______ I wrote the letter.

2、The person ________ you should write to is Mr. Bell.

3、The book has nothing __________interests me.

4、Show me the boy _________ mother is a well-known singer.

5、This is the tallest building _______ I have ever seen.

V、选择合适的关系副词“when, where, why.”(5’)

1、I want to live and die in the village _________I was born.

2、The bookstore ________ his sister works is the largest one in Nanjing .

3、That was the time _________ he first arrives in America.

4、I don’t know the reason ________ he did’t come to the meeting yesterday morning.

5、I still remember the day __________ she first wore that green dress.


1、He will make you laugh with his clever and funny words.

_________________________________________________________________________ 2、This funny film teaches us to see the world through the other’s eyes.


_________________________________________________________________________ 3、Children who watch a lot of TV can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes, for they can pay attention only for the period of time between commercials.

__________________________________________________________________________ 4、Another reason is that our living –room furniture is usually arranged around the TV set.

___________________________________________________________________________ 5、In English , many words sound similar, so misunderstangings among English-speaking people are common.

____________________________________________________________________________ VII、完形填空(10’)

Mr. and Mrs.Smith went to ____(1)___ a film. They couldn’t leave their two-year-old baby at __(2)__ alone, so they took him ___(3)___ them.

At the entrance to the __(4)___ , the clerk said to them, “If your baby cries , you have to__(5)___ , or the others can not enjoy their__(6)__ . But you can go to the ticket window to get your money back.”

Ten minutes __(7)__ the film began, Mr. Smith asked his wife ,“Do you like the film , dear?”“No, I don’t . What about you?”

“Neither __(8)___ I,”Mr.Smith answered.

“So why __(9)__ wake the baby and let him __(10)__?”

( ) 1、A. watch B. look at C.read D. see

( ) 2、A. school B. the cinema C. home D. the hospital

( ) 3、A. to B. with C. for D. in

( ) 4、A. cinema B.building C. hospital D. film

( ) 5、A. cry B. laugh C. go out D. stand up

( ) 6、A. film B. story C.music D.cry

( ) 7、A. before B. ago C. after D. late

( ) 8、A.can B. am C. do D. don’t

( ) 9、A. don’t B. not C.no D. to

( ) 10、A. smile B. sing C. cry D. go



One day in the middle of winter a man was sitting by a window in his house , when he heard some women outside crying. He put his head out of the window, and saw a lot of people coming towards his house. They were carrying a dead man, and a woman was crying, “Oh, why are you leaving us to go to a place without light and without a fire and without food ? It will be dark there , and you will be cold and hungry. Nobody will love you there!

“My God!” said the man to his wife. “They are talking about our house. They are bringing

the dead man here ! Quick, lock the door ! Don’t let him in!

Please decide weather the following statements are true or false.

( )1.This story took place in a winter.

( )2.A woman died in this story.

( )3.The woman were crying over the death of a man.

( )4.The man sitting by the window had a big bright house.

( )5.The family living in the house was very poor.


The old name for “film” was “moving pictures”. In America people still call them “movies”and they say, “Shall we go to the movies.?”

Then one day a boy said to his friend, “Do you like moving pictures?

The friend thought that he was going to be invited to the cinema, so he said, “Yes, please.

I like moving pictures very much.”

“Good,” said the first boy . “My father has a picture shop. He sells pictures. This evening I have to move fifty heavy boxes of pictures from one place to another. You like moving pictures , so I’m sure you will enjoy moving the pictures with me.”

Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.

( )6).What was the old name for “film”?

A. Movies

B. Pictures

C. Moving pictures

D. Movie pictures

7).In America, when people say “Shall we go to the movies?”, they mean “ ______?”

A.Shall we go to move pictures

B.Shall we go to take some pictures

C.Shall we go to buy some pictures

D.Shall we go to see a film

8).When the first boy said to his friend, “Do you like moving pictures?, he was going to


A.show some beautiful pictures to his friend

B.invite his friend to movies

C.give some pictures to his friend

D.ask his friend to move some pictures with him

9).How many boxes did the boy have to move that evening?


B. Fourteen

C. Fifty

D. Fifteen

10).The friend might be very _________ after learning the fact.

A. happy

B. disappointed

C. excited




Languages change with time and the world, so dose English. New words are borrowed from other languages. About 900 years ago there were great changes in England. A great many words were borrowed into English from French. About 500 years ago there was another change. This time it was a change in pronunciation, but the spelling was not much changed. English words are spelled quite the same as they were in those days. The spelling shows how words were spoken at that time. It dose not tell us much about the pronunciation of words today. For example, the letters which go in the word might tell us nothing about how it is spoken now. That's why students of English find English spelling so confusing(容易弄错的)。Questions 11 to 15 are based on Passage A:

( )11.Through the history of English, we know English_______.

A.had a change in spelling

B.did not have any change

C.has slowly changed

D.changed greatly twice in the past

( )12.How do languages change?__________.

A. They change in the same way

B. They lead to the change of things

C. They change when time and the world change

D. They are the same all the time

( )13.What happened in English about 900 years ago?________.

A. There was a great change in pronunciation

B. Hundreds of French began to become English ones

C. The world changed with the change of languages

D. English began to change very slowly.

( )14.What happened about 500 year ago?__________.

A. There was a great changed pronunciation

B. Spelling was changed greatly

C. Many French word entered English

D. English words were spelled quite the same as French ones

( )15.English spelling seems confusing because_________.

A. the pronunciation changed greatly but the spelling didn't

B. the spelling changed greatly

C. all the things are changing

D. the world and time are changing


Many people say television "destroys family unity and kills imagination". They say that if parents really love their children, they should get rid of their TV sets.

Well, my parents disagree with these people and so do I . They love us, yet they refuse to

throw out our TV set. True, there are a lot of shows that aren't very good, but if you choose what you watch carefully, there are a lot of advantages of having a TV.

I believe that television can increase imagination and family unity. Our family often get together to watch a program and afterwards we discuss it. This makes us think about what we have seen .

People shouldn't forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. Through TV I can see how people in other countries live, what they wear, even though I can't afford to travel to those countries. At fifteen years of age, I've seen more of the world on TV than my grandmother did in her whole life.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on Passage B

( )16.Many people think if parents really love their children, they should________.

A. buy TV sets for them

B.watch TV with them

C.throw out their TV sets

D.discuss TV programs with them

( )17.The writer's parents_____.

A.agree with many people

B.do not agree with many people

C.want to throw out their TV set

D.refuse to buy a TV set

( )18.The writer believes__________.

A.it is important to choose TV programs

B.all the shows are bad

C.people should throw out their TV sets

D.all TV programmes are helpful

( )19.The writer's family _______.

A.seldom watch TV programmes together

B.often watch TV programmes together

C.never watcher TV programmes together

D.hate watching TVprogrammes together

( )20.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

ec0dac0fe87101f69e319555 can be an excellent

B.The writer has traveled to many countries

C.The writer is fifteen year old

D.The writer knows more than his grandmother

answer sheet


班级:________ 姓名:________ 学号:________得分:_____________










9._________________________________10._______________________________________ III. 选词填空:(10’).









9.______________10._______________ IV、选择合适的关系代词“ that ,which ,who ,whom,whose”(5’)






V、选择合适的关系副词“when, where, why.”(5’)





5.____________ VI、英译汉(10’)








