2016届湖南省长沙市雅礼中学高三上学期月考(三)英语试题 word版

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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15. 答案是B

1. Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a grocery store. B. At a restaurant. C. At a hotel.

2. What will Tom do at last? A. Sweep the floor. B. Go out C. Clean the car.

3. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn’t like picnics. B. She will not go for the picnic.

C. She doesn’t want to go to the birthday party.

4. Why do the man and the woman decide to take the underground?

A. It’s more direct. B. It’s cheaper. C. It’s faster.

5. What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. To finish her painting quickly. B. To help him plant potatoes. C. To call his teacher.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman? A. He has a pain in his knee. B. He wants to watch TV. C. He is too lazy.

7. What will the woman probably do next? A. Stay at home.

B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do some exercise. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What did the speakers eat when they were young? A. Very healthy bread.

B. Bread made with only few ingredients. C. Bread with a lot of artificial things in it. 9. What does the man want to make? A. A whole loaf of bread. B. A pizza. C. A sandwich.

听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. When did the woman leave school?

A. In 1994. B. In 1995. C. In 1996. 11. Why did the woman start running? A. To keep fit.

B. To make money. C. To become famous.

12. What does the woman plan to do next year? A. Earn more money for a good school. B. Visit Europe with her family. C. Take part in the race in Europe. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. When did the dialogue take place?

A. On a Monday. B. On a Friday. C. On a Saturday. 14. Why was the woman late for meeting a customer? A. There was too much traffic. B. She was stopped by a policeman. C. There was something wrong with her car. 15. What did her children do to the dog? A. They hurt it.

B. They covered it with feathers. C. They gave it a bath.

16. What was the worst thing that day?

A. She forgot that she had invited her boss and his wife over. B. She failed to cook dinner for her husband.

C. Her boss and his wife came to her house unexpectedly. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What do we know about Jack? A. He is a middle school student. B. He is a clever boy. C. He is an American boy. 18. Why was Jack punished?

A. He didn’t hand in his homework. B. He kissed a girl in school. C. He didn’t obey his teacher.

19. Who was Jack’s mother angry with? A. Her own son, Jack. B. The teacher. C. Jack’s school.

20. What did Jack’s mother think of Jack’s behaviour?

A. Friendly. B. Brave. C. Unwelcome. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Kids Flying Alone Guide

Helpful tips for children traveling alone Airline Air Tran Airways Age 6 to 8 years old---non-stop $ 48 for a non-stop flight Unaccompanied children or direct flights only Flights 6 to 8 years old—non stop American or direct flights only cannot be booked online. 7 to 15 years old---can British travel alone on connecting $ 60 for flights within UK unaccompanied children Airways flights 6 to 15 years old— Frontier non-stop or direct flights flights Airlines or connecting flights Before the flight:

Try to book a morning flight. If it is delayed or canceled, you have the rest of the day to make alternate planes.

Make sure your child doesn’t wear any clothing that has his or her name on it, which

$120 for connecting flights cannot be booked online. unaccompanied children cannot be booked online. $ 60 for non-stop or direct Flights for Flights for $ 110 unaccompanied children for Fee per child(each way) Notes

would make it easier for a stranger to convince a child he can be trusted. At the airport:

Make sure the flight attendants know that your child is traveling alone. Make sure that he or she will be seated in an area of the aircraft that’s convenient for attendants to keep an eye on---the very front of very back of the aircraft is ideal. Register your child’s travel plans with the U. S. State Department, which can provide assistance in an emergency. This is a free service. What to pack:

Cell phone: If your child doesn’t have a cell phone, buy him or her a pay-as-you-go phone at a cell phone retailer(零售店)so he or she has an easy form of communication for emergencies.

Gift cards: Invest in a few pre-paid gift cards worth $ 25 or $ 50. This will reduce the worry of traveling with a large amount of cash.

Family/ friends contact information: Give your child a complete list of names, numbers and addresses of the people who are picking your child up at the airport. 21. How much should you pay if your child aged eleven travels alone on a connecting flight by Frontier Airlines?

A. $ 50. B. $ 75. C. $ 120. D. $ 160. 22. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Juice or water can’t be brought onto the aircraft.

B. Unaccompanied children can’t fly on the last flight of the day.

C. Pay-as-you-go phones are provide for free at the airport for children without cell phones.

D. Parents can register children’s travel plans with the U. S. State Department for free.

23. Which of the following is recommended for unaccompanied children? A. Booking them morning flights. B. Giving them a large amount of cash.

C. Making them sit in the middle of the aircraft. D. Dressing them in clothing with their names on it.


A young emperor penguin won’t be getting a free ride all the way back to its Antarctic home, but its human friends in New Zealand will help it to get a little closer.

The penguin is recovering well at Wellington Zoo, where it had a medical procedure on Monday to wash out much of the beach sand it had swallowed, apparently mistaking it for snow.

It may need a few months to recover, but wildlife officials have been trying to figure out how the 3-foot-tall bird will get home. Transporting it to Antarctica is near-impossible in the southern winter, and there are fears that the penguin may have acquired infections in the warmer New Zealand environment that could spread to other penguins.

On Wednesday, a group headed by the Department of Conservation decided officials would help the penguin get part of the way home by releasing it into the Southern Ocean, southeast of New Zealand—and letting it swim the rest of the way. “The reason for not returning the penguin directly to Antarctica is that emperor penguins of this age are usually found north of Antarctica on pack ice and in the open ocean,” the department’s spokesman Peter Simpson said.

The bird is estimated to be about two and a half years old, a juvenile(幼雏) in a species that reaches breading age at around four or five. It will be released on the northern edge of the region where young emperor penguins are known to live. Simpson said he was unsure how far the penguin would have to swim before reaching its final destination.

The logistics for the trip haven’t been set and the penguin wont’ be released until it has recovered, which could be months. Until then, it will remain at the zoo.

The penguin drew intense interest after being spotted on North Island’s PekaPeka Beach, about 2,000 miles(3,200 kilometres) from the Antarctic cost. It was the first emperor penguin spotted in the wild in New Zealand in 44 years.

“The bird is isolated in an air-conditioned room filled with large blocks of

ice,” said zoo spokeswoman Kate Baker.

24. We can learn from the second and third paragraphs that_______. A. the penguin will have a medical examination B. the penguin might be transported directly home. C. the penguin is now in good health.

D. the penguin ate sand instead of snow by mistake. 25. According to the passage, Peter Simpson_________. A. is an official working at Wellington Zoo B. is the head of the Department of conservation C. is he spokesman of the Department of Conservation D. knows exactly how far the penguin has to swim home

26. The underlined word “logistics” in the passage means_______. A. practical arrangements B. designed symbols C. skilled experts D. strong disagreements 27. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The penguin is staying at the zoo with other birds. B. The penguin will not be released because it is very young. C. The people of New Zealand are concerned about animals and birds. D. The people of New Zealand haven’t seen this kind of penguin before.


When John Kinnear’s wife became pregnant, her boss warned the soon-to-be father that he gained 10 pounds for every child he’s had.

A new study released in the American Journal of Men’s Health analyzed the BMI of more than 10,000 men from adolescence into their mid-30s through data collected from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. By comparing three groups—nonfathers, resident fathers(who live wit their children) and nonresident fathers—researchers from Northwestern Medicine discovered the dad groups showed an increase in BMI between adolescence and fatherhood.

In fact, a regular 6-foot-tall man living with his child gained an average of 4.4 pounds after becoming a dad for the first time, according to the study. There was

only a slight difference for the nonresident dads. Those fathers gained, on average, 3.3 pounds. Meanwhile, nonfathers lost 1.4 pounds over the same period.

The results were surprising to the study’s lead author, Dr. Craig F. Garfield, especially given his earlier research that fatherhood motivated men to improve their health habits.

“Regardless of what kind of father you were,” Garfield said, “your weight actually increased. So all fathers ended up increasing their weight as they went through fatherhood.” Garfield serves as associate professor of pediatrics(儿科) and of medical social sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and attending pediatrician(儿科医生) at Ann &Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

The study accounted for factors such as race, education, income and screen time as well as marriage status, which have been shown to affect weight. Though all the young men’s BMI showed an increase over time due to age, additional weight gain was shown to be contingent(因情况而异的)on fatherhood status, according to the study.

The study only speculates(推测)why fatherhood leads to extra pounds. But Garfield’s noted his weakness for finishing his kids’ leftover frozen pizza.

Kinnear was not surprised by the study. “ I love to cook and eat healthily, but when than I did before I had kids,” said Kinnear. “I love to cook and eat healthily, but when it comes to compromises on time, I will trade a healthy meal for more time with my kids every time.”

28. According to the study, how many pounds does a regular 6-foot-tall man living with his child generally gain after becoming a dad for the first time?

A. 10 pounds. B. 4.4 pounds. C. 3.3 pounds. D. 1.4 pounds.

29. The best title of the passage is_________. A. Fatherhood Increases Your Appetite B. Fatherhood Motivates You To Lose Weight C. Fatherhood Makes You Fat

D. Fatherhood Makes You Fat.

30. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The study mainly compared nonfathers and resident fathers. B. John Kinnear’s wife gained 10 pounds after she was pregnant.

C. Dr. Craig F. Garfield’ s earlier research showed that fatherhood motivated men to lose weight.

D. Kinnear was not surprised by the study.

31. The underlined word “BMI” in the second paragraph probably stands for_______. A. Body Mass Index. B. Brain Memory Index. C. Baby Mass Index. D. Boy Mass Index.


In Japan many workers who work in large corporations have a guarantee of lifetime employment. During their employment, they will not be laid off during recessions(经济萧条) or when the tasks they perform are taken over by robots. To some observers, this is what they call capitalism at its best, because workers are treated as people not things. Others see it as necessarily inefficient and they also believe it cannot continue if Japan is to remain competitive with foreign corporations by being more concerned about profits and less concerned about people.

Defenders of the system argue that those who call it inefficient do not understand how it really works. in the first place not every Japanese worker has the guarantee of a lifetime job. The lifetime employment system includes only “regular employees”. Many employees are not included in this category, including all women. All businesses have many part-time and temporary employees. These workers are hired and laid off during the course of the business cycle just as employees in the United States are. These “irregular workers” make up about 10 percent of the non-agricultural work force. Additionally, Japanese firms keep some flexibility through the large-scale use of subcontractors(转承包者). This practice is much more common in Japan than in the United States.

The use of both subcontractors and temporary workers has increased remarkably in Japan since the 1974-1975 recessions. All this leads some people to argue that the

Japanese system is not all that different from the American system. During recessions Japanese corporations lay off temporary workers and give less business to subcontractors. In the United States, corporations lay off those workers with the least seniority(资历). The difference then is probably less than the term “lifetime employment” suggests, but there still is a difference. And this difference cannot be understood without looking at the values of Japanese society. The relationship between employer and employee cannot be explained in purely contractual(合同的) terms. Firms hold on to the employees and employees stay with one firm. There are also practical reasons for not jumping from job to job. Most retirement benefits come from the employer. Changing jobs means losing these benefits. Also, teamwork is an essential part of Japanese production. Moving to a new firm means adapting to a different team and at least temporarily, possessing lower productivity and lower pay.

32. It is stated in the second paragraph that ____. A. defenders themselves do not appreciate the system

B. about 90% of “irregular workers” are employed in agriculture C. the business cycle occurs more often in Japan and in the U.S. D. not all employees can benefit from the policy

33. During recessions those who are to be fired first in the U.S. corporations are ____.

A. regular employees B. part-time workers

C. junior employees D. temporary workers

34. According to the passage, Japanese firms are remarkably different from American firms in that the former ____.

A. use subcontractors in larger amount

B. are less flexible in terms of lifetime employment C. hold on to the values of society

D. are more efficient in competition than the latter

35. Which of the following does NOT account for the fact that a Japanese worker is unwilling to change his job? A. He will probably be low-paid.

B. He will not be able to possess some job benefits. C. He has got used to the teamwork.

D. He will be looked down upon by his prospective employer. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Getting Along With Your Parents

When you were very little, you and your parents would hug or touch each other, play together, talk to each other and be together almost all the time. As you get older, you become less dependent on your parents and more dependent on yourself. 36 But communication between you and your parents is not any less important. Everywhere has rules. You have grown up with lots of rules around the house. 37 As you get older you may want to make some changes. Make a time to talk to your parents if you don’t already have a regular time.

When rules are broken there are always consequences. Part of growing up is learning that whatever you do has an effect on others as well as yourself. 38 Your mum may see that differently. Instead of complaining “How unfair it is”, do a bit of thinking what was the reason you were grounded? Did you learn anything from this? _39_They have other roles too. Parents deserve some “time-out” too! So, be respectful to whoever is looking after you when your parents are out. Otherwise, it could be hard for them to find a babysitter next time.

Everyone has many roles to play in their lives. Whatever role you play in the outside world, you can be yourself at home. Learn to get along with each other, respect each other and care for each other. 40

A. These are the people who will be part of your life forever. B. Giving parent some time to have a rest.

C. You may think that being late home is okay because you were safely with a friend. D. You should learn to get along with our parents.

E. These rules are for the benefit of everyone living in the house, their safety and comfort.

F. That’s part of growing up.

G. Remember that your parents are not just your parents. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

If you want to stand out, there is no alternative but hard work.

Once a boy in 41 clothes full of patches ran to ask a successful building contractor(承包商)in a construction site, “How could I become as 42 as you when I grow up?”

With a 43 at the boy, the contractor replied, “There is a story about three diggers. The first digger liked holding a spade without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a(n) 44 in the future. The second always liked 45 about the work and his low 46 . The third digger liked 47 devoting himself to digging. Later, the first was still holding his spade in the 48 place and the second took an excuse for early 49 . Only the third became a boss. Do you understand the 50 of this story? Just go to buy a 51 shirt and work hard.”

The little boy was 52 . So he asked the contractor to explain further. 53 the working builders, the contractor replied, “Look at my workers! I can’t remember all their names, and even I have no 54 of some of them. Most of them wear blue shirts. But if you look 55 , you will notice a sunburned man in red. He seems to be working harder than others. He is always the first one to work while the last one to leave. It is exactly his red shirt that makes him 56 .Soon he will be 57 to my assistant. You know, that is also how I got 58 I am now. I worked hard and wore a striped shirt. My boss 59 me. I also became a boss eventually.” Success can only 60 action. Working hard is all winners’ shared experience for achieving their dreams. 41. A. spotted formal

42. A. creative

B. rich

C. strong


B elegant

C. ragged



43. A. laugh shout

44. A. designer assistant

45. A. thinking B. learning

C. explaining


B. businessman

C. boss


B. glance

C. wave



46. A. spirit salary

47. A. quietly 48. A. remote suitable

49. A. arrival payment

50. A. ending importance

51. A. yellow 52. A. inspired puzzled

53. A. Speaking to Coming to

54. A. impression expression

55. A. frequently doubtfully

56. A. stand out out

57. A. employed 58. A. which 59. A. praised

B. intelligence

C. ability


B. excitedly C. obviously D. freely

B. original

C. ideal


B. development

C. retirement


B. people

C. moral


B. white

C. red

D. blue B. disappointed C. embarrassed


B. Referring to C. Pointing to


B. description C. information


B. carefully C. regularly


B. work out C. turn out

D. give

B. elected C. promoted D. admitted

B. where C. who D. why

B. ignored C. scolded



60. A. bring about B. lead to result from


题序 答案 题序 答案 题序 答案 题序 答案 1 16 31 46 2 17 32 47 3 18 33 48 4 19 34 49 5 20 35 50 6 21 36 51 7 22 37 52 8 23 38 53 9 24 39 54 10 25 40 55 11 26 41 56 12 27 42 57 13 28 43 58 14 29 44 59 15 30 45 60 C. get into


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Hope is 61 makes one’s life move forward. Setting goals for oneself is fine, but they are 62 (possible) to reach without hope. Many people believe that hope is what creates disappointment. What 63 sad belief that is, because hope provides one with the ability to see success in one’s mind, and provides the strength needed to be 64 (appropriate)focused on reaching one’s goals.

Hope provides one with trust and gives one optimistic spirit. Hope does not create disappointment, but 65 (expect) do . For when one expects, one unconsciously narrows one’s focus. Expectations create disappointment by causing one 66 (feel)pessimistic about failure, impatient with new fears and challenges, and uneducated 67 one’s limited ability to achieve goals goes away completely. Hope brings one’s focus on achieving goals into 68 (broad)view, 69 (allow) one to see new fears and 70 (challenge) and helping one to prepare for them. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( \\ )划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Five years ago, I was in greatly depression. I worked hard at piano learning and devoted all my spare time to practice it. But I failed to pass the B Level Test, that made me quite disappointed. So I turned to my grandpa on advice when I got home. Hearing of what I told him, he smiled and said, “Test results sometimes cannot show your real ability and level. Thus, my progress should not be judged only by one test.” He encouraged me work harder for the next year’s B Level Test. I take my grandpa’s advice. Now the certificate of B Level is in front of me, but I’ve realized that the process of learning is much more important. In other words, it is the process of learning that bear greater importance. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

我们国家自1979年以来长期实行独生子女政策。现在政府全面放开这一政策,允许夫妻生育第二个孩子,对此你怎么看?请以“The second one, should or not?”为题目,围绕以下几点谈谈你的看法。

1.你是否支持全面放开二胎政策; 2.简述原因(可结合个人情况); 3.提出合理建议。 注意:

1.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2.文中不能出现考生信息; 3.词数100左右。

关键词:独生子女政策one-child policy ;二胎政策two-child policy。


