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Th ehitsoyr adnpr eset nistuaiot no fcinah cmente 1 The.fi rts o ute semcnettim e n iChnia 2 T.h eirstfce mne ptlna itn Cina h .T3e raphi devedlompetnof c mente

hT heistryo nad pesenrt itsuaito nfo chia nementcChin ia tshefir ts o tuesc ment ein 1728 ,wthith eB rtiish cnsoulatei nSh agnha ia ttha titm.eChian's arleeitst ngsaha niqixn ceentm lantp aw sbuit ln i1889

.hTef istrbag o fc emntei s192 t8angsha qixni cnmeetncom apy.nuilt in 1B099 dya ceemnetp alt nf ouhebip rviocen

rom 20F00 t 2o01, 3ecmnt erodpctuio nnd atatissicalt fiure og fgorwt

Aphlpicaiont andcla ssificatio nf coemnet—B YWAGNS ENH GUHI

Acocdirg ton th pueprso ean dperormafcenGeeran lcmeetn

Cem nte

peSiclacem et

nrPoerpits of eemcent

cAordicng to th eainmhy raduicl amerialtProtandl emcetnA lmunaie tceentm

emCentSuphollumiaane ctmeet nFeroral uimnta eecmnte luFoo alrminuat cemene Otthre

Ceme t ni maisly anppled ini natinoaldef esne,arhictctuer ena dhdyarulc ingieneeirn.g

rdOinar Portyaln dcmeet nmniral ecmopsotiin ano prdpeotires

Porland ctmeetni msde ayb ehtinga miatxrueo f lmisteone ad ncal,y r otheor mtaeirlsa o sfmilirab ul kcmoosiptoi ann dusficfent reictaivty,i luitmtelya toa tmepraetrueof aoutb1 50℃4 Pa.rita lufsoi noccrsu, adnn oudes of cllnikr ere prodaceu. dTh elicknrei s ixmde iwh ta efw eprce n to falcciu mslufaet nadfin el ygound,rt oakm the ceeent.m heT accluimsul ftae ontrcls he orae tfose ant idnlufnceseth reteao fstr engt hevdlepmoet.n t Iiscom omlynd esciberdas gyspum ,butth i msa yb pareltyor w ollhy rplaced byeo teh rorfms fo calcumi ulsate. fSom seepicifctaonsia llwot e ahddtiinoo fothr eaterimlsa ta he trigning dtsgae .Teh linkerc tpiyacll hys a aompocision tinthe regi n oo6f7CaO%22,SiO%,25Al2O3, 3%F%e2O an33d %ohtre ocpomennts and, nroamly loncatns ifuo mrajo rphases, acled llait, eelbie,talum niae atn ferdiret S.eevar ltohrep hsea,ss uchas lkaails luaftesa dn claicu omxie, dar neomrllyap erens tni mnioramo utn. Hasrdeinngresu lt fsorm recaiontsb eweten hte amorjp ahse sna watder.

rTcaliiucm sliiacet Ailte s tih meot smipotratnco stnitenuto fallno mrlaP otrland ecmen ctinlkrse, f whoci iht ocstitnutes50 %~0%7.I tis t icracilu silmcita eCa3(SO5i )omdfieidin comp oitisn and orcytsals rtcturu by einoci usstibtutoin.s t Iearctsr laetievl yquckli wyth iwater, ndai nno ralm Potlrnd aecmnts is teehmo s itpmroantto thf coentstiunetph aes sfro strengh tdveelopent;m t agesa u pto8 d2ay s, t ii bs yfa rthem sto miportat.n

iDalccimus liicate Bleie tcosnitutets 51~3%0 o% fnroma Plrotanl demcent cilknersI.ti s icdlcaimu slicaite(aCS2oi)4 omidfei dby inic soubsttituoin asnd nroal mpersntewhol ylor la rgeyl sa the β opylompr.h tIr aect sslwoylwi th atwre thu,s ontricubtni litgle tt oht esrtnegth durni theg ifsr 2t8 ayds,but usstantbaily to lte hfrther unicearesin sretntg hhattoc crs au tlaer agte.s B ony eeayr t,e hstregnths otaibnble arfo mpre alitue adn belitea e rabuot ht seaemun ed crmpaorable cndoiitons


rcilcaiu amlmuinat eAl miunae tocnstiutet 5s%10~% fo ostm normlaP otrlnadce mnt ecilnekrs.I t is ritalcciu almmiante (aC3Si6O, s)bustnatillay mdioiefdin cmoopsitinoan ds metoiems lao in strusctrueby i oncis bstuittiuons. tIreact s raidlpy withw atre, nad ncc aus enduersribayl apird settnig uless a snte-ocntrollig anegnt,us ually gpysm, is uaddde.


aracliucmAlu miofenrrtei Ferr ie mtkae usp 5~1%5% f onrmolaPort lnd aemcet cnilkers. Int s ietratalccim u Aluinofermrie t(C2AalFO5)e ,usstbntaallyimodif ei din comopision byt arvitaion n ilA/Fe rtaioan di oni subscttuitoin.sThe r aeta thicw ih rtacet siwht awtrea ppaers t bo soeewmha tarivalb,ep rhape duesto diferencfs ei nocposmiito orn ohtr ecarihteristscis,bu in tgnerel ia higsh intialliy nadl ow rove rylo wta laert ages.

eCmen tTehcnloogy--YB UXDEN G KE

oH wt oropucdecem et






Th generea flolwmashsbrniung 1520


Maily EnuqipemntCemen kitnlbruing tnhec meenrtw meaa lto emcnet cinklr


FrewoamrerIt isu edsto ove nry decemt rnwam eal

cementb ul milllsmahsnigt e hcmenetc lnik


io cleenmtseu dtos tor eecemnt

Taverlingl ebltrtanspro tte mhteraiasl、c ilk nad nropdcutoni

