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HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle DBs
Last Update: July 2002 (Oracle 8/8i/9i R1/9i R2, HP-UX 11/11i)
Oracle 9i recommendations:
- Minimum RAM = 256 MB - HP-UX 11 or HP-UX 11i
- Swap Space: Minimum 2 x RAM or 400MB, whichever is greater - available Disk Space: 3 GB
- Create OS UNIX groups for Oracle system:
o OSDBA group : Required o OSOPER group: Optional
o ORAINVENTORY group: Optional o APACHE group: Recommended
- Please check appendix 6 for SCHED_NOAGE usage and MLOCK
Note: These are minimum kernel requirements for Oracle9i. If you have previously
tuned your kernel parameters to levels equal to or higher than these values (be careful for file system cache parameters – dbc_max_pct, dbc_min_pct), continue to use the higher values. A system restart is necessary for kernel changes to take effect.
Kernel Parameter Setting Purpose HP-UX 11.x Description, Default/Recommended Kernel Parameter Value bufpages Number of static Buffer Pages of 4kB, enables dynamic buffer cache (see dbc_max/min_pct). default= 0 recommended: 0 www.tangxiaobei.com dbc_max_pct Max dynamic Buffer Cache size in percent of system memory, when bufpages and nbuf are both set to 0, default=50. recommended: between 3 and 10 It's more efficient to use system memory for Oracle SGA instead of file system buffer cache dbc_min_pct Min dynamic Buffer Cache size in percent of system memory (see dbc_max_pct), default=5. recommended: between 2 and 5 www.changshady.com fs_async see appendix 2 and appendix 6 KSI_ALLOC_MAX (NPROC * 8) Defines the system wide limit of queued signal that can be allocated.
HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle DBs
max_async_ports Maximum number of asyncdsk ports that can be open at one time. If an error happens with this, it will not shown in the Oracle alert.log file or in trace files. default: 50 recommended: max. no of shadow processes + no of parallel querie slaves max_thread_proc Max no. of threads allowed in each process default: 64 recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.6 = 64 >= Oracle 8.1.7 = 256 maxfiles Soft File Limit per Process, soft limit for number of files a process is allowed to have open simultaneously. Processes can increase their soft limit until they reach the hard limit maxfiles_lim. default=60. recommended=1024 maxfiles_lim Hard File Limit per Process, default=1024. recommended=1024 (default). maxdsiz Refers to the maximum data segment size for 32-bit systems. Setting this value too low may cause the processes to run out of memory. Max Data Segment Size (Bytes) default: 67108864 recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = 128 MB >= Oracle 9i = 1073741824 bytes maxdsiz_64bit Refers to the maximum data segment size for 64-bit systems. Setting this value too low may cause the processes to run out of memory. Max Data Segment Size (Bytes) default: 1073741824 recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = 1073741824 bytes >= Oracle 9i = 2147483648 bytes MAXSSIZ Defines the maximum stack segment size in bytes for 32-bit systems. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = 134217728 bytes MAXSSIZ_64BIT Defines the maximum stack segment size in bytes for 64-bit systems.
HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle DBs
Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = 1073741824 bytes maxtsize Max Text Segment size (Bytes) Recommended: 128MB max_fcp_reqs Maximum Number of Concurrent Fiber Channel Requests Per Adapter recommended: 512 maxswapchunks maximum number of swap chunks where SWCHUNK is the swap chunk size (1 KB blocks). Default: 2048 recommended: <= Oracle 8i = 4096 >= Oracle 9i = 16384 maxusers Value of MAXUSERS macro, limits the Ssstem resource allocation (not the actual number of users). Influences nproc, ninode, nfile. default=32. recommended: set to number of concurrent Oracle DB users + 64 maxuprc Max Number of simultaneous user processes (per user-id!). default=75 Because all database processes often run with the Oracle user-id, it's recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = maxusers * 5 >= Oracle 9i = ((NPROC*9)/10) Maxvgs Max. number of volume groups: Default: 10 Recommended: increase to the number of volume groups you would like to have on the system (maximum 256) MSGMAP Defines the maximum number of message map entries. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (MSGTQL + 2) MSGMNI Defines the number of message queue identifiers. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC) MSGSEG Defines the number of segments available for messages. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC * 4) (at least 32767)
HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle DBs
MSGTQL Defines the number of message headers. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC) NCALLOUT Defines the maximum number of pending timeouts. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC + 16) NCSIZE Defines the Directory Name Lookup Cache (DNLC) space needed for inodes. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = ((8 * NPROC + 2048) + VX_NCSIZE) VX_NCSIZE is by default 1024. nfile Max Number of simultaneously Open files system-wide at any given time. Total number of slots it the file descriptor table, default=16*(nproc+16+maxusers)/10+32+ 2*(npty+nstrpty) recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = to use default. >= Oracle 9i = (15 * NPROC + 2048) nflocks Max Number of File Locks available system-wide, (check with glance if you are getting close to the value you have set) default=200 or 200+10*(num_clients) recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = at least 200 + sum off all db_files for all instances of Oracle >= Oracle 9i = (nproc) (at least 4096) NINODE Defines the maximum number of open inodes. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (8 * NPROC + 2048) NKTHREAD Defines the maximum number of kernel threads supported by the system. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (((NPROC * 7) / 4) + 16) nproc Max Number of Processes that can exist simultaneously in the system, default=(20+8*MAXUSERS), influences ninode, nfile. recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = to use default >= Oracle 9i = 4096 npty Number of ptys (pseudo ttys), default=60. recommended: if you are using rlogin/telnet
HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle DBs
connections from clients to server then increase npty up to the number of client users, otherwise use default. Note: ptys are not used when using Oracle SQL*Net num_tachyon_adapters HP-UX 11.0 only Number of Tachyon-based Fiber Channel Adapters in the System Recommended: minimum 5, set to real number of Fiber Channel Adapters HP-UX 11i – no support for tachyon adapters, the new is tachlite, which do not use this kernel parameter. o_sync_is_o_dsync Enable/Disable translation of O_SYNC to O_DSYNC in open()/fcntl() calls, default=0. recommended: < Oracle 7.3 = o_sync_is_o_dsync=1 or use Oracle Patch for Bug #310042. >= Oracle7.3 = use default for o_sync_is_o_dsync=0 (patch #310042 not needed). SEMMAP Defines the maximum number of semaphore map entries. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (SEMMNI + 2) semmni Number of Semaphore Identifiers, specifies the maximum number of sets of semaphores that can exist simultaneously on the system, default=64. recommended: <= Oracle8i = use default or at least 10 per Oracle database >= Oracle9i = 4096 semmns Max Number of Semaphores, defines the system-wide maximum number of individual semaphores that can be allocated for users, default=128. recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = 256 or at least 1 per Oracle process >= Oracle 9i = (semmni * 2) 5
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