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unit 7 vocabulary & reading
试卷编号: unit7readingquiz 考试时间: 120 分钟
满分: 100 分
Part 1 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)
(Each item: 1)
Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage(s) by selecting suitable
words/expressions from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words/expressions more than once.
Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhoweverYesterday, I went to the police station. I was 1. to look at a line of men
through a window to recognize the man who stole my wallet. The men stood so stiff against
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhoweverthe wall and looked so serious. The officer asked me if I could 2. the one
who robbed me. I 3.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhowevertheir faces for a moment trying to remember
details. Then, I 4.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhowevera man that I really thought looked like the robber. He
was a bit slighter than the rest and hadn't shaved his face. I wanted to be very careful, 5.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhowever, so I studied all of their faces for a minute longer. Then I told the officer
which man I thought it was. I watched the men leave and then listened to their footsteps as they went down the hall.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhowever\6. .
The officer smiled and said, \neighborhood.\
I was so 7.
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhoweverto have made such a mistake.
There is so much 9. that they have a hard time remembering.\
embarrassedinstructedspottedguidedreflectedconfusedscannedpressureidentifyburdenconnectalbumsthoughcautiouslyhowevercould look through some photo 10. confidence to do so.
if I wanted. I did not have the
Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.
Yesterday, I robbed the bank just around the corner. I don't really think of myself as a(n) 11.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminal, but I guess that is what I have become.
It all started last year when I lost my job. I had been a(n) 12.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalin a big
company, with a decent income. Without warning, I was tossed out and 13.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalappliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalby a younger manager. I 14. myself to finding a
new job. Unfortunately, every company I 15.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalat turned me down. After
that, my wife left me and I had to sell all of my stocks and my house.
I started hanging out with an old 16.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalfrom high school. I had always
admired him. I was very surprised to find out what kind of life he had begun to lead. He introduced me to an old man he said could help me get a lot of money. When they told me about their plan to take money from a bank, I Immediately knew that it was something against
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalthe law. But, I ignored my 17.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminaland said I would help. I just had no other
18. left.
At the bank, I held a pistol and 19.
appliedexecutiveenquiredoptionschallengedinsightsbarkedinstinctsgrabbedreplacedacquaintancerepresentedoffenderdevotedcriminalat the woman to give me the money.
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