21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程网络学习(课后答案)Unit 2

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Unit 2.

Ⅰ.Comprehension of the text A.

1.Everyone’s first love always begins with butterflies in their stomach, nervous laughs, being passionate about everything and thinking that he or she is “the one”. 2.Because it is the first time you open your life, heart and soul to another person and trust him/her not to hurt you.

3.My first love taught me the good, the bad and the ugly

4.Yes, it is. When I am least expecting it, I will see my old “soul mate”

5.Helen Keller best sums up love for us by believing that”the best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.”

B.1.Para.4 2.P10 3.P2 4.P8 5. P1

C.1.Old things or certain songs will always remaind me of my first love, let alone running into him/her some day. He or she was the one and only person who made or broke my world, so that person will always hold a special place in my heart.

2.I learned lessons and experiences through mistakes,

confrontations and heartache. I could also learn something new about myself. This might be the opportunity to change myself for the better. So I grew up through these changes and became stronger.

3.Recalling the past might make us feel frustrated, but generally speaking, when we do something for the first time, we can’t do it very well. Ⅱ.Language focus

A1. butterfly 2.captured 3.endure 4. spark 5. promotion 6. keen 7.stuffed 8.innocent

1.I don’t like this young woman;she seems a social butterfly. 2.The novel capture the imagination of thousands of readers.

3.God knows.How can I endure six exams a week? 4.A tiny star can spark in the darkness. 5.There are good chances of promotion in this firm. 6.Mrs.Hill is keen on Tom’s marrying Susan.

7.Some professions are stuff with people who have not grown up.

8.How should this innocent girl see the coldness of the letter? C.

1.The place which interested me most was the

Children’s Palace.

2.The girl student whose father is a senior engineer used to study abroad.

3.During the Spring Festival I went back to the town where I was brought up.

1.It’s likely that our firm reap a big profit this year. 2. It’s likely that we will work overtime today 3.It’s likely that they will Ask for a pay increase. Ⅲ.Reading in depth I O J C L N E F D K ⅣTranslation







1.The girls began to look though the photo albums(翻阅照相簿).

2.Spring in East China usually sets in about March(约在3月开始).

3.But if things don’t improve, her family will fall apart(就会破裂).

4.A good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge(总结知识).

5.Let go of my arms(松开我的胳膊),you are hurting me.

Ⅴ. Interaction 略. Part B

Ⅰ.Comprehension of the text A.FTFTF

B.1.A-C-E-F-H 2.B G 3.D Ⅱ.language focus A. BCDAEF

B.1.flourished 2.engage 3.intimate 4.unique 5. proceed Ⅲ.CBABC ADCAB DCABA BDCAB Ⅳ.Translation


The company has flourished since we moved the factory. 2.我们有权搜查这幢建筑。

We have the right/outhority to search the building. 3.这个计划执行时需要极度小心。

Thisplan should be carried out with caution. 4.现在学生面临着太多的压力。

Students are faced with too much pressure now. 5.由于资金不足,该项目未能如期完成。

Due to the shortage of funds,the project couldn’t be finished on time.

Phonetics and grammar review

I.A1.vetter 2.this 3.thief 4.race 5.eyes 6.pressure Ⅱ.Grammar

Task1 DCDAD DAC Task2 1. I shall have been sleeping for nine hours 2. She’d only been reviewing her lessons for a short while 3. 3.I had been looking for it for days 4. they have been contributing articles to our magazine 5. It has been raining every day 6. She had been suffering from a bad cold

