
更新时间:2023-08-05 19:24:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





1. A hot shower, a cup of milk, a bag of potato chips, and then a good sleep

the luxury that he needed after the examination.【】 A. are

B. was C. were D. is


2. Check out the weather at your destination

something important with you.【】

A. so B. or C. that D. when 答案:B

you might forget to take

3. I had to get up early

A. so that B. in order C. because D. for


I might catch the first bus.【】

4. John is going to marry Susan once

gets consent from his parents.【

A. it B. he C. she D.

they 答案:B

5. A:Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School?

B:No, I

A. nothing

believe he is. He hates lawyers.【】

B. does C. dont D. do



6. The family

asked to come to the decision that the child must be

operated on as quickly as possible.【】

A. were

B. is C. are D.

was 答案:A

7. There

A. is B. are C. stand D. appears


a tall man wanting to play tennis with you.【】

8. We covered the sick old man

A. by B. for C. with D. through


a blanket.【】

9. She had no sympathy

A. in B. for C. into D. on


the old lady.【】

10. His fondness

A. in B. of C. for D. with


playing tabletennis is beyond our imagination.【】

11. Before we discuss the major topic today, lets start with a


A. less


B. lesser


C. few D. fewer


12. There are than the mayor of the town.【】

A. more intelligent monkeys B. monkeys more intelligent C. intelligent monkeys more D. more monkeys intelligent


13. I dont think he can fool her into

A. believe B. believed C. to believe D. believing


his promises.【】

14. It is very dangerous to bribe a police officer

A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. told



15. I would rather take a taxi every day than

A. bought

B. have bought C. buy D. to buy


my own car.【】

16. Theres nothing to do today, so you may as well

A. go B. going C. to go D. gone



17. I want you to cut the paper

A. the same way like B. like the way

I do.【】


C. in the same way that D. in the same way as




A. If B. Be C. Were D. Had 答案:C

they found cheating at the exam, they would be expelled from the

19. They had

A. such…as B. so…that C. so…as D. such…that


a fierce dog no one dare to go near their house.【】

20. Take an umbrella

A. so that B. in case C. because D. if


it should rain.【】


1. was completed, is completed, is equipped, was equipped

The hotel, which only last year, with a solarium and sauna. 答案:was completed, is equipped

2. eat, ate, enjoy, enjoyed, would enjoy

Medical evidence suggests that most people refined sugar. 答案:would enjoy, ate

better health if they


3. How, How a, What, What a, What the

a. strange idea you have! b. strange your idea is! 答案:What a, How

4. such, such a, so, so a, a so

a.Hes nice boy.


b.Theyre kind people. 答案:such a, such

5. had she, hadnt she, did she, didnt she, was she

a.She had finished her homework by the time her father returned home, b.She had her hair cut the day before yesterday, ? 答案:hadnt she, didnt she


6. which, that,(),it,he

That was the proposal he put forward at the meeting but the other members. 答案:which/that, which/that

was rejected by all

7. that, which, who, whom,()

Can you mention anyone 答案:that, who

we know is as talented as he?

三、填空题(本大题共20小题,每空1分,共20分)Fill in the blanks with an item as required.

1. With an appropriate coordinator or subordinator:

now he is teaching

(1). Mr. Wang was a high school teacher for twenty years,

at the university. 答案:and

2. With a proform:

(1). He found annoying that his neighbour kept calling him by the wrong

name. 答案:it

3. With a helping verb:


(1). Every man and woman, old or young, required to take the inoculation. 4. With a verb:

to come with me to the police station.

(1). Either you or your friend


5. With an appropriate form of the adjective given:

(1). This is (useful)book Ive ever found for my research.


答案:the most useful

6. With an appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given:

(1). I dont feel like (work)in this company.


(2). It is high time he (think) about fulfilling his early promises in this

reelection year. 答案:thought

(3). How long have you been with the company?

I (work)there for two years by January. 答案:will have worked

(4). Sorry about the mess! The workmen


答案:have been fitting

(fit)a new boiler in the bathroom all

(5). Since I broke my leg, I (depend) on my daughter to see to the shopping

and housework.

答案:have been depending

(6). Our only request is that this

答案:(should)be settled

(settle)as soon as possible.

(7). They talked as though they

答案:had been

(be) friends for years.

(8). Without the assistance of those giant machines, no bridge

(can build)on

the river last year.

答案:could have been built

(9). Id rather you (not interfere)with her. Leave her alone.

答案:didn't interfere

7. With an appropriate conjunct:

答案:In a word/In short

(1). John is smart, and wellbehaved. , he is admirable. (2). Do it now. , it will be too late.


(3). I'm leaving tomorrow. can I use your bike this afternoon?

答案:By the way/Incidentally


8. With an appropriate relative pronoun:

her friends had never heard.

(1). She traveled with a young man of


(2). This is not the type of modern house


my own is.

(3). All the teachers are applying for the position must possess special

qualifications. 答案:who/that


1. She is the sole girl in my class who can play the guitar. 答

案:She is the only girl in my class who can play the guitar.

2. Bill is more junior to Mike. 答案:改:

Bill is junior to Mike.(去掉more)

3. The ancient relics ought to be taken great care. 答案:

The ancient relics ought to be taken great care of.

4. He became, as it was, a hero from a strange land. 答

案:He became, as it were, a hero from a strange land.

5. I have been waiting for you all evening. You must have phoned me! 答

案:I have been waiting for you all evening. You could have phoned me!

6. In a Chinese restaurant she works in a small town in England. 答

案:She works in a Chinese restaurant in a small town in England.

7. Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow will occur. 答案:

Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.

8. I have never taken anything which didn't belong to me. 答

案:I have never taken anything that didn't belong to me.

五、改写句子题(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.

1. Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate in Bs answer:

(1). A:Can I have these apples, Mum?

B:You just had a big apple.


答案:B:You just had a big one.

2. Using inversion:

(1). The plane roared over and the bombs came down which killed almost all the

people in the village.

答案:…down came the bombs which…

3. Using “none” as part of the subject:

(1). They havent come back yet. 答案:

None of them has/have come back yet.

4. Using “The President, as well as his advisors” as the subject:

(1). They are aware of the risk of the mission.

答案:The President, as well as his advisors, is aware of the risk of the mission.

5. Replacing the adverbial clause in italics by a prepositional phrase:

(1). She met her ex-husband while she was on her way to the supermarket


答案:She met her ex-husband on her way to the supermarket yesterday.

6. Combining the two sentences:

(1). I have never been there. This is the first time.

答案:This is the first time I have been there.

7. Combining the sentences using superlative degree:

(1). John is 1.70m tall. Bill is 1.73m in height. Mike is 2cm taller than Bill. 答

案:Mike is the tallest of (among) the three.

8. Combining the sentences using coordination and/or subordination:

(1). The men will be compensated. Their houses were damaged. 答

案:The men whose houses were damaged will be compensated.

9. Turning the singular nouns or noun phrases into plural forms wherever possible with

other necessary changes:

(1). She is a woman pilot.

答案:They are women pilots.

10. Turning the singular nouns or noun phrases into plural forms wherever possible with

other necessary changes:


(1). Tell the kid to bring a raincoat with him tomorrow. 答

案:Tell the kids to bring raincoats with them tomorrow.

11. Using a genitive or a double genitive wherever possible:

(1). Professor Smith is one of my teacher's old friends.

答案:Professor Smith is an old friend of my teacher's.

12. Using a genitive or a double genitive wherever possible:

(1). I believe the reputation of our university is as good as that of any other


答案:I believe our university's reputation is as good as any other universitys.

13. Using a genitive or a double genitive wherever possible:

(1). I found some of your old hats.

答案:I found some old hats of yours.


1. determiners

答案:Determiners refer to words which are used in the premodification of a noun phrase and which typically precede any adjectives that premodify the head word, eg, the,many,his. 评分标准:



(3)定义与举例正确,但有语言问题,不严重并不影响意思表达的可不扣分;较严重的可酌情 扣0.5分或1分。

2. the major function of prepositions

答案:The major function of prepositions is to connect nouns, verbs and adjectives to other parts of the sentence. 评分标准:



(3)定义与举例正确,但有语言问题,不严重并不影响意思表达的可不扣分;较严重的可酌情 扣0.5分或1分。


1. Why unit nouns are especially useful when they are used to modify a mass noun?


答案:Unit nouns are especially useful when they are used to modify a mass noun because we can indicate the plural notion of a mass noun. For example, in two pieces of paper the unit noun piece is used to indicate that there are more than one piece of paper. 评分标准:



(3)定义与举例正确,但有语言问题,不严重并不影响意思表达的可不扣分;较严重的可酌情 扣0.5分或1分。

2. Give at least two grammatical functions of the-ing participle.

答案:The subject in a clause; the modifier of a noun; the object to a verb; or the adverbial of a clause. 每答出其中一项得1分,共2分。

3. Explain the conditions in which we need or do not need to use and between

premodifying adjectives.

答案:With gradable adjectives in the attributive position, which denote qualities, we often use commas between them, without using and, e.g. a small, clean, cozy room. But when we put several nongradable classifying adjectives in front of a noun, we have to decide whether the adjectives relate to the same system of classification or to different systems. We use and to link those that relate to the same system, e.g. the countrys social, economic and political crisis. If not, we do not use and or punctuation because adjectives of different classifying systems usually form a hierarchical modification, e.g. a pink Indian cotton dress.

