
更新时间:2024-05-28 21:08:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)



1. What does the man suggest they do?

A. Take both of the cars. B. Buy a bigger car. C. Use his car. 2. What does the man say about the woman?

A. She’s always busy. B. She needs a cleaner. C. She should have a job. 3. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. 4. What is the weather like?

A. Fine. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 5. Whom should the note have been given to?

A. Joe. B. Frank. C. Danny.




6. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In the office. B. In a restaurant. C. In the bank. 7. What does the woman invite the man to do?

A. See a film. B. Have dinner. C. Go shopping. 8. What did the man forget?

A. His cell phone. B. His wallet. C. His keys.

听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题。 9. What were in Rita’s handbag?

A. Some papers. B. Some cards. C. Some letters. 10. Where did Rita go in the morning?

A. The shopping mall. B. Her friend’s office. C. The police station. 11. What is Rita going to do?

A. Make a call. B. Go to the restaurant. C. Go back to the office. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15四个小题。 12. Which floor did the fire destroy?

A. The first floor. B. The second floor. C. The third floor. 13. When was the building built?

A. In 1718. B. In 1782. C. In 1930. 14. What was the building used as at the time of the fire?

A. A hotel. B. A history museum. C. The old people’s home. 15. What most probably caused the fire?

A. The lightning. B. A burning cigarette. C. Old electric wires.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



Nowadays there are more and more good movies. We can get to know more things of different aspects by watching English movies. Below, I share with you some of recent movies. Dangal The movie depends on the true story of Mahavir Singh Phogat, an amateur wrestler (业余摔跤选手) from India who lived for his dream of winning a gold medal for his country. Without government support, Mahavir wasn’t able

to compete in an international competition, instead he became an office worker. But he turns his two eldest daughters, Geeta and Babita, into competitive wrestlers. Pirates of the Caribbean Pirates of the Caribbean 5 is an adventure film about the fight between captain jack and captain Salazar, the strongest necromancer. The fierce battle between captain Salazar, blinded by his eyes, and the fleet of captain Jack's(Johnny Depp), on the front and left and right sides of the screen-x, presenting a sense of tension at sea. Doraemon Summer was on the way. Doraemon agreed to take the little partners to the South Pole and built their own Antarctic paradise. This journey was stopped by accidentally discovered the gold ring. This time, Doraemon faces the test of life and death and the earth also faces the danger of a comprehensive freezing. No Doraemon, little partners can only unite to save the earth! 16. Who will be more willing to see the film Doraemon? A. Kids B. youth C. adults D. The old 17. Which of the following is NOT true in Pirates of the Caribbean? A.The story mainly happened at sea.

B.This is an adventure film about the fight. C.Captain Salazar was a blind man. D.The scene of the fight was very fierce. 18. The film of Dangal shows that ______. A. everyone can become champions

B. it always takes great effort to succeed C. it is never too late to realize your dream

D. we should not feel any regret in our live


How do you decide if someone is smart? One way is to find out the person’s intelligence quotient (智商), or IQ. A 12-year-old girl recently took an IQ test. People found that her IQ is higher than Albert Einstein’s and Stephen

Hawking’s! Rajgauri Pawar, an Indian girl studying in England, scored 162 in the famous Mensa IQ test, reported the Independent.

Mensa, founded in England in 1946, is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQ that falls in the top 2 percent of the population that take the tests. Hawking got a score of 160. Although Einstein never took the test, experts said his score would be the same as Hawking’s.

However, what does having a high IQ mean? Will those with a high IQ definitely become the next Einstein or Hawking?

Not necessarily. Most IQ tests, including the Mensa one, test one’s ability in math, language and memory. However, these tests don’t test abilities like knowing how to make things work, according to Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, US. It doesn’t test your creativity or curiosity (好奇心), either.

Also, a lot of things can affect one’s IQ score, including being poor, food, stress and how familiar you are with the tests.

Lisa Van Gemert, a Mensa expert, said that good habits, perseverance and a strong work spirit are just as important as intelligence.

“If you don’t develop those other qualities, you can waste a smart IQ,” she said. 19. What abilities won’t be tested in the Mensa IQ test?

A. math, language and memory B. language, memory and creativity C. work, creativity and curiosity D. work, language and curiosity 20.The underlined word “affect” means “ __________ ” in Chinese. A. 反映 B. 组成 C.产生 D.影响 21. What can we infer from the passage?

A. To become a Mensa member, your IQ must exceed (超过) 98 % of the total population

that take the tests.

B. According to the tests, Albert Einstein is as smart as Stephen Hawking. C. The only way to tell whether the person is smart is IQ.

D. Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ association in the world. 22. What is the best title?

A. IQ not all that counts B. High IQ, definite success C. A girl of high IQ `D.A test of IQ


Sophie Chen is a 14-year-old girl from Taiwan. When she was 6 years old, she did something amazing! She finished a 2,100-kilometer bike journey from Xi’an, the capital city of Shaanxi, to Turpan (吐鲁番), a city in Xinjiang, with her parents. It

took them two and a half months. Sophie became the youngest child in the world to have biked along the Silk Road. Chinese novel Journey to the West inspired her to do so.

That is not all. Sophie wrote a book about the long journey with her father Jack Chen, a professional outdoor explorer. On April 26, the book’s English version Biking the Silk Road: 6-year-old Sophie’s Fantasy Tour came out in Beijing. New World Press published it.

Now Sophie studies at Ta Hwa High School. She sees the journey as a special experience in her life. She became more hardworking and learned history and geography better because of it.

On the way, she met many friendly local people and saw amazing things. She even picked some grapes! “The grapes in Xinjiang were so big and sweet. I have never seen them in Taiwan,” she said.

Still, it was not easy. “The biggest challenge was the bad weather and road conditions,” she said. She wrote in the book, “It was terribly hot in the Gobi Desert. I almost got sunstroke (中暑) and could never have enough to drink.”

Sophie has biked in other countries, such as the United States and Turkey. This summer

holiday, she plans to ride a bike from Greece to Portugal in Europe. 23. What did she do when she was 6 years old? A. She finished a Silk Road biking journey B. She biked in United States and Turkey. C. She almost got sunstroke.

D. She biked journey from Greece to Portugal in Europe. 24. Sophie biked along the Silk Road because ______________. A. she read Journey to the West B. Her parents asked her to do so C. she likes eating grapes D. she read Biking the Silk Road

25. The underlined word “amazing” means”_______” in Chinese. A. 冒险的 B.令人困惑的 C.不可思议的 D.煞费苦心的 26. The advantages about traveling are as follows except___________.

A. become more hardworking `B. learn history and geography better C. met many kind local people D. buy many amazing things


Mobile payment going global

In addition to sightseeing, shopping is a popular activity for many Chinese tourists when they go abroad. Their huge buying power has made them become known as “walking wallets”. However, thanks to mobile payment services such as We-Chat Pay and Ali-pay, perhaps

“walking e-wallets” would be a better nickname .

According to Xinhua News Agency, We-Chat Pay’s overseas service is available for Chinese tourists in 12 countries and regions, including Thailand, South Korea, Japan and Canada. Thailand’s Songkran Festival (宋干节) in every April is the most popular time for Chinese tourists to visit the country. During this year’s festival, many Chinese visitors used We-Chat Pay in convenience stores, duty-free shops and restaurants. And the service is not only available in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok. Many places in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand and Phuket in southern Thailand also accept We-Chat Pay.

