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Unit 1 Passage A

Ex.5 1. obligation 2. applauded 3. fulfilled 4. mirror 5. flexibility 6. devalue 7. striving 8. entailed 9. supposedly 10. Consequently

Ex6. 1. refer to as 2. at best 3. by the same token 4. at large 5. help up …as

1. 随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。

With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2. 他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。

He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more. 3. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露西却喜欢呆在家里看书。 Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading.

4. 说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心或没有资格的 权力追求者。

At best he’s ambitious,and at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.

5. 我们已经尽全力想说服他,但是却毫无进展。

Ex14. 1. equality 2. sustained 3. clue 4. expansiveness 5. was sacked 6. defined 7. sphere 8. sour 9. depressing 10. division Ex15. 1. in the way 2. falling apart 3. have ruled out 4. at this rate 5. took up Passage B Ex. 17 Translate the following sentences into English.


The popularity of Internet provides people with quick and convenient access to information.


Since he doesn’t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more.


I haven't seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film. 4.如果你不努力,将一事无成

If you don't work hard, you'll end up nowhere. 5.美国有义务首先采取行动禁止核武器

It's up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons。

Unit 2

Ex5. 1.awaited, 2.have overtaken, 3.pose, 4.cues, 5.has undermined,

6.soptted, 7.judged, 8.distracted, 9.offend, 10.mask

Ex6. 1.brought out, 2.with the exception of, 3.thanks to, 4.taken in, 5.capable of

Ex8. 1. 要是他适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。

He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 2. 至于她的父亲,她不敢肯定他是否会接收她和她的小孩。

As for her father ,she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 3. 晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。

Staying up late will undermine one’s health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it. 4. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候。

The ambassador personally conveyed the president’s message to the premier.

5. 这个女孩决定敞开心扉,把她看到的一切都告诉警方。

Ex14. 1.embarrassed, 2.tutor, 3.potential, 4.hence, 5.yield, 6.affection, 7.appropriate, 8.presentation, 9.romantic, 10.recommendation

Ex15. 1.in terms of, 2.participating in, 3.get down to, 4.base...on, 5.acts on

1. Ex17. 过量的运动对身体健康弊多利少,所以我们必须控制运动量

Excessive exercises does more harm than good to one’s health. Therefore we must control the amount of exercise we do.

2. 他几次试图加入他们的谈话,但都由于胆小而放弃了

He made a few attempts to join in their conversation, but he gave up out of timidness.

3. 就方便快捷而言,火车无法和飞机竞争

Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.

4. 就中美文化做一对比,或有助于你尽快明白和适应在美国的学习环境

Making a comparison between Chinese and American cultures will help you to better understand and adapt to your study environment in the USA. 5. 在公共汽车上年轻人给老弱病残让座时中国人的传统美德

It is a traditional Chinese virtue for the young on buses to yield their seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled

Key to Exercises

5. 1. violated 2. derive 3. blocked 4. default 5. rationalized 6. quoted 7. exclusive 8. contacted 9. anonymous 10. charge 6 1. is up to 2.resulted in 3.was charged with 4.was unlikely 5. handing out 8. 1. 理个发他就要收 500 元,简直不可思议。

It is simply incredible for him to charge $500 for a haircut. 2. 人民赋予你权力,你就应该全心全意为人民服务。

You are granted the privilege by people,so you should serve the people wholeheartedly.

3. 天气预报很重要,依据它我们才能决定什么时候出航。

The weather forecast is important so that we can decide when to launch out.

4. 炮声打破了往常周日早晨的宁静,人们强烈预感到战争就要来临。 The sound of guns violated the usual calmness of Sunday morning, so people had a strong feeling that the war was coming.

5. 即使你没分钟看 3 页,到本周末你无论如何也看不完这本书。

Even though you read three pages per minute ,you will by no means finish the book by the end of this weekend.

Key to Exercises

14. 1.have witnessed 2. trample 3. abusing 4.manual 5. duplicated 6. knowingly 7. tactic 8. patrolling 9. budget 10. enforce 15. 1. end up 2. give...short shrift 3. step up ...to 4. infringed on 5. doesn’t fit into

16. 1 a fine 2. rights/law 3. to violate law/rights 4. money 5.deadlines 6.a presentation 7. rehearsals 8. a copy/money 9. permission 10.an interview 17. 1. 他无需认真考虑就可轻易击败对手

He can beat his opponent easily without giving a second thought.

2. 在根本不懂驾驶的情况下,他居然把车开上了路

With little or no knowledge of driving, he drove the car onto the road. 3. 对这座桥梁的施工未经许可更改是违法的

It is illegal to make an unauthorized change in the construction of the bridge.

4. 我会平静的接受这个事实,因为我知道如果我玩不成这个任务全队就有可能面对失败

I could accept this fact calmly because I knew if I were not able to finish the mission, chances were that the team would be defeated. 5. 偏远山区的孩子们严重缺乏科学文化知识

Children in remote mountain areas are lacking in scientific and cultural knowledge. Unit 4 Key to Ex.

5. 1. sensitive 2. classification 3. sufficiently 4. steer 5. familiarity 6. consequently 7. reward 8. qualifications 9. fundamentals 10. evaluate

6. 1. As for 2. focus…on 3. benefit…from 4. failed to 5. relevant to 8. 1. 我爷爷虽然 70 岁了,但他的爱好广泛,从下国际象棋到爬山,多种多样。

My grandfather’s interests range from playing chess to climbing mountains although he is 70 years old.

2. 真奇怪,汤姆的奶奶都 80 岁了还玩玩具娃娃。

Surprisingly,Tom’s grandmother plays with dolls at the age of 80. 3. 他大公无私的精神和天赋是他适合担当大多数学生梦想得到的那项工作。 His selflessness and talent qualify him for the job most students dream to get.

4. 你如何解释他的那个怪梦?

What interpretation would you put on his odd/strange dream? 5. 我们老板刚买的新轿车一小时能行驶 200 公里。

The brand-new car our boss has just brought is capable of making 200 kilometers an hour.

Key to EX.

14. 1. beyond 2. champions 3. ignored 4. obliged 5. sheer 6. lagged 7. prospects 8. proficiency 9. prejudice 10. claim

15. 1. in a way 2. drawing up 3. calls for 4. signed up for 5. set…back

17. 1. 在董事会以上他建议把这项轻松的工作留给身体不好的玛丽来做

He suggested at the board meeting that the easy task should be left to Mary whose health is poor.

2. 目前正在香港的布朗先生很有教学经验,他将在春天来我校给学生上课

Mr Brown, who is in Hong Kong now, has a lot of teaching experience and will come to teach our students in the spring.

3. 这家旅馆是全市最好的旅馆,吃的东西很好,服务质量也不错

This is the best hotel in our city: the food is good and the same is true of the service.

4. 为了吸引更多的乘客做船,船长向乘客保证旅行十分安全

In order to attract more passengers, the caption assured all the passengers of the safety of traveling by ship.

5. 他花十五万元买的那辆新车再一次事故中严重损坏,已经无法修理了

His new car, for which he had paid ¥150 000, was seriously damaged in an accident and was beyond repair. Unit 5

Key to Exercises

5. 1. morality 2. quest 3. downright 4. advocated 5. contemporaries 6. deceiving 7.exclusive 8. obstructing 9. captured 10. conscience 6. 1. took to 2. goes back 3. carry… out 4. pointed to 5. in opposition to 8. 1. 他们乘坐的飞机起飞后立刻就消失了。

The airplane they boarded soared out of sight right after it took off. 2. 在会上,双方展开了激烈的争论。改革派提出许多改革措施,而保守派则反对提出 的改革建议。

At the meeting , the two sides had a hot debate . The reformers put forward many 6

reforming measures, but the conservatives were in opposition to the proposed changes.

3. 从长远看,我们必须学习更多的科技知识,除了掌握主修的专业之外,懂得计算机、 英语和驾驶是我们工作中必不可少的。

In the long run , we should learn more about science and technology. Besides our major subjects, knowledge of computers ,English and driving is necessary for our work.

4. 为练成完美的体形,她每周做四次健身操。

She dose gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest to achieve the perfect body.

5. 每天早晨,一些老人在公园里一边锻炼身体一边聊天。

Every morning in the park , some old people are doing physical exercises there , chatting with each other at the same time .

Key to Exercises

14. 1. compelled 2. compassion 3. disclosure 4. exploring 5. malnourished 6. plaguing 7. pledge 8. breach 9. span 10. transaction

15. 1. sitting idle 2. broke down 3. in all respects 4. gave… credit 5. by the conduct of

17. 1. 难道我们采取措施改变现在的局面不是更好吗?

Won’t it be better if we take measures to change the present situation? 2 . 我没想到你有这样的本领

I didn’t give him credit for such a skill. (I didn’t give credit to him for such a skill.)

3. 虽然年纪已经老了,他们到现在都还一直学习英语

They have been learning English up to now, though in their advanced age. 4. 他因为生病已经七天没去学校了

He has not been to school for seven days because of illness. 5. 孩子们又唱又跳的冲出教室

The children ran out of the classroom, jumping and singing. Unit 6

Key to Exercises

5. 1. achievement 2. self-esteem 3. primitive 4. aroused 5. identified 6. confrontation 7. conflict 8. soaring 9. abandoned 10. professional 6. 1. through thick and thin 2. root for 3. backed up 4. belonged to 5. stave off

8.1. 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时代。

She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery. 2. 试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人在工作中犯的错误要少。

Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers. 3. 球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们自身的成功,而是因为他们支持的

球队获 得了胜利。

Ball game fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement , but through their connection to a tean that wins.

4. 尽管演员的演技高超,这部长达 3 小时的电影还是未能吸引住我们。

Despite the actors’ wonderful acting , the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.

5. 王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫。

Professor Wang is the only doctor whom I can rely on to save my son. 14. 1. victim 2. depress 3. devote 4. concluded 5. beneficial 6. recreational 7. propelled 8. financial 9. nothing 10 regardless 15. 1. along with 2. agree with 3. in terms of 4. go back to 5. be responsible for

17. 1. 我认为你的建议不恰当,应该放弃

We don’t think your proposal is quite in place, so you should give it up.

2. 他到家时发现家里只有一些破烂的家具

When he arrived home, he found nothing but some broken furniture there. 3. 就这台发动机的状态而言,他能发动已经是奇迹了

Given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts 4. 从就业来说,酒店业是这个国家的第二大产业

In terms of employment, the hotel industry is the second largest industry in this country.

5. 在这个国家里,不管肤色如何,每一个人都有权住住在他想住的地方

Everyone in this country had the right to live where he wants to, regardless of the color of his skin. Unit 7 Key to exercises

5. 1. succession 2. prevalent 3 fragile 4. generated 5. accomplish 6. graceful 7. imposed 8. insecurity 9. indispensable 10. acclaim 6. 1. at stake 2. clings to 3. hang on 4. turned…over 5. referred to…as 8. 1. 虽说他为此事作了努力,但他的成功至少是由于他运气好。Although he said he had done a lot for the case, his success was at least in part due to luck.

2. 将要讨论的议题非常关键,因为他决定很多人的未来。The issue to be discussed is critical, because it will determine the future of many people.

3.我将尽量避免将我的观点强加于别人。 I’ll try my best to avoid imposing my ideas on others.

4. 在那种情况下,很少有人能正视自己性格上的缺点。Rarely can people face up to the defects in their own characters in such a situation. 5. 大学生活被称为人的一生中最美丽的阶段。College life is referred to as the most beautiful period of one’s life. Key to Exercises

14. 1. certify 2. consulted 3. monthly 4. maintained 5. benefits 6. survey 7. restless 8. aggressive 9. evaporated 10. maximum 15. 1. scrape together 2. sunk in 3. count on 4. account for 5. laid off

17. 总的来讲,他是一个很有学问的人,尤其是在数学领域。担当涉及到政治是时他就什么也不知道了1. Generally speaking he is quite learned, especially in the field of mathematics. However, when it comes to politics, he knows nothing.

2. 从他们对1000名没机会上大学的工人进行的调查结果来看,高考失利对特们的生活有着很深远的影响。According to the survey they made of the 1000 workers who missed out on the chance to go to university, their failure in the college entrance examinations had a profound effect on their later life.

3. 由于成本的提高,雇主们拒绝为雇员支付退休金。另一方面,雇员们也不愿意一辈子呆在一家公司里。Owing to cost rise, employers refuse to pay the retirement pension for their employees. On the flip side, employees are unwilling to stay in the same company for their whole lives.

4.既然你已经告诉我谁应该对此事负责,我就不再作进一步调查了。 Since you’ve told me who should take responsibility for the matter, I will not pursue it any further. 5. 即使是在最忙的季节,我也要尽量每天腾出半小时时间锻炼身体。I will try to set aside half an hour each day to do some exercise even in the busiest season.

