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1、Eyes play an important role in baly balance and it is important to A(absorb) as much information .from the envioronment as possible.

A(absorb) B:in volve C:invent D:conguer 2、At clama school ,there is D:constant atlentio to a stndend’s control of both voile and movement ,and the different departments work at develping a stndent’t overall acting technique.

A:current B:worldwide C:primary D:constant

3、Whatever one has planed to do is D:bound to be altered in the pvocess.

A:prohibited B:eager C:embarrassed D:bound

4、You C:complain about your friends never coming to see you ,but when they do come ,you give them such a hard time it’s hardly surprising they stay away .

A:waken B:distnrb C:complain D:publish

5、If your child is spending too much time on computer games ,think curefully about how you are going to C:hndle the sitnation .

A:accomplish B:arrange C:hndle D:decrease

6、Music for both of us,is a part of life we treasure and Micheal has found his records and tapes constant B :illustration of happiness during the long hours of inact ivity forced upon him. A:Source B :illustration C:addition D:packge

7、She fell asleep at last ,but in no time at all the pain in her back B :wakened her again sharp and


A:conquered B : wakened C:absorbed D:retired

8、The only way to C:communicatea fear is to face it,and to do so as frequently as possible .

A:commit B:enlarge C:communicate D:conquer 9、Eavly in the morning ,I was B :dragged out of bed to repair a minor faclt on the car. A:distracted B :dragged C:wakened D:assigned.

10、It can be argued ,for example, that teaching can be C:accomplished more ,effective ifteacher and sudente take this .

A:disciplined B:handle C:accomplished D:proposed

11、You should make .sure you know .where the parents can be D:contracted and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child .

A:connected B:communicated C:committed D:contracted

12、The “unsinkable”passenger liner Titanic Sank on her maiden C:voyage when she strack an iceburg in the Atlantic .

A:trip B:tour C:voyage D:journey 13、On one A(occasion) they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing.

A(occasion) B:compus C:voyage D:basis

14、The result of every accident ,however D:minor I’s a rise in the cost of insurance.

A:radic B:rare C:reluctant D:minor

15、If you wish ,we can C:arrange for your luggage to be sewt on aheacl . to each of the over night stops.

A:memorize B:contract C:arrange D:commit

16、Doing your home work is a sure Way to improve your lest scores,and this is especially tyue A(when) it comes to classroom teses.

A:when B:since C:before D:after

17、I had just came back to chage my clothes B:when I heard voices in my bedroom. A:as B :when C:after D:while

18、 The archedogist Khew, B:the instand he sawit ,that We had found the actual place where the ruins of Trog were buried .

A:instant B: the instand C:on the instand D:for an insistnt 19、Most People Pay Little attention to their heodth C:until they are seriously ill . A:when B:if C:until D:since

20、When hearing ―Frese‖ in a military zone , you’d better Stand C:where you are.

A:when B:that C:where D:before

21、Scientists Predict that it may be five years , B:before it is possible to test this medicine on human Putines .

A:Since B:before C:after D:when

22、He moved around Like a her to give her a hint about the case D:in which he had hidden the gold bars. A:from which B:whererer C:that D:in which 23、scarcely that I jumped on the traiu D:when it started off.

A:for B:as C:while D:when

24、when A:asked why he came to the exhibition; he said that he had been interested in oil panting for years.

A:asked B:asking C:being D:to be asked 25、Civilizattiom Seems to exist A:wherever there is a big river.

A:wherever B:as C:Since D:while

26、 D:So offensive were his words that his girlfriend left with out saying goodbye.

A:Very B:too C:Quite D:So

27、 D:Not knowing how to deal with the trouble of the comouter Martin had to ask his brother for help .

A:Not know B:Not known C:Not to know D:Not knowing 28、Hitler turned his war from England to Russia , B:only to he totally defeated. A:Simply to B:only to C:asto D:to

29、So loudly , B:did he speak that the audience in the back heard him clearly.

A:does he speak B:did he speak C:he speaks D: he speak

30、 B:Given his ankle injuary ,his coach decided that he stop training for the time being .

A:Giving B:Given C:Having giren D: Being given 31、 D:Being looked down on by his class ,he left miserable in school .

A:looking doun on B:Having looked down on C:To be looked down on D:Not knowing 32、The Golden Touch was C:powerful enough to turn his daughter into gold as well.

A:So powerful B: enough powerful C:powerful enough D: Such powerful 33、 B:Seeing that we were all bored with what he was Saying ,he changed his topic.

A:To see B:Seeing C:Seen D: Being seen

34、More volun teers A:being needed for the 2010 Shanghai Expo ,many college teachers have sighed up for it

A:being needed B:are needed C:are being needed D:needed 35、There A:being no electricity, we had to put off the experiment till the next day.

A:being B:Was C:be D:is

36、John shut everybody out of the kitchen B:so that he could prepave his grand surprise for the party.

A:while B:so that C:as if D: lest

37、The young animal Soon learned how to Surrvive by doing everything C:the way its parebts did.. A:how B: when C:the way D: just

38、He fixed his eyes on her A:as if expecting her to recogwize him with out being remined. A:as if B:when C:like D:be fore

39、 A:Just as we sweep our rooms .We should sweep back ward ideas from our minds.

A:Just as B:Because C:Since D:when

40、She smiled from ear to ear D:as though her Son loved her more than his wife.

A:if only B:only if C:so that D:as though



1、positive effect 积极的影响 2、charitable work慈善工作 3、养育儿女 raise children 4、A special occasion 特殊的日子或场合 5、Admire the view 欣赏风景 6、价格标签 a price tag 7、 Valued friends 受尊重的朋友8、创造奇迹 work miracles 9、改善他与别人的关系 improve his relationships with others 10、culture shock 文化冲击11、给予帮助,提供帮助 lend a hand 12、随机事件random events 13、a visiting scholar访问学者14、Official state dinner 国宴 15、 显著的差异 Striking difference 16、Special moments特别时刻

16、 日常生活节奏Pace of everyday life 18、通讯设备Communications devices 2)句子翻译


The truth is that some high-scoring students in CET-4 cannot. Many college students eguate passing CET-4 with being good at English.


The moment she completed her studies in the junior college, she began ,to take undergraduate courses in a university.

3. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain. 但是事实恰恰相反:很多时候, 能够带来幸福的事情往往都伴随着一定的痛苦。 4、我认为如果我能一天不抽烟,我就能每天都不抽烟而不觉得难受。

My theory is if I can get through one day without smoking ,Ican get through every day without feeling awful.

5、我也说不准如果我的邻居当时要是知道是我打破了他的窗玻璃的话,他会干出些什么事来。 I’m not sure what my neighbor would have done had he known that I had broken his window. 6、除非我们现在就开始在银行存钱,不然我们怎么能确保年老时仍能过上好日子呢?

Unless we start to save money in the bank now, how can we ensure that we will live a happy life when we are old ?


Anyone who likes to book a table at a restaurant need only make a phone call.

8、There is truth is in the saying ,‖Flowers leave part of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them.‖ 这条谚语是有道理的:“送人鲜花,手有余香。”


They in turn kept an eye on the vase that is the most valuable antique of the display.

10、最糟糕的是,我开始相信,仅仅因为我没有考上英国的大学,我将再也见不到大卫了。 But worst off all, I began to believe that I had no chance to see David again just because I was not accepted by the college in Britain.

11、soon enough, the sheen rubs off the new , exciting ,and fascinating experiences and you have to come back down from the clouds and actually live and work in this place.

很快, 新环境让人兴奋, 着迷的光彩开始减退。你不得不从梦境中醒来,真正开始在国外工作和生活。


In England she had bought some chinaware ,but she cowld not have imagined how elegant and beautiful the real chinaware could be.


There remains a growing tendency on the part of those estate agents to price the houses higher than the ordinary people could possibly accept.

14、He was a great talker, and often our lessons would turn into lengthy digressions on various aspects of Chinese culture.

他是位健谈的人, 我们的中文课经常离题, 长时间去谈论中国文化的方方面面。 15、人们曾经相信随着CT等先进医疗设备的采用,许多病人治愈的机会会更大。

It was once believed that many patients would have a better chance of recovery with the introduction of advanced medical appliances such as the CT scanner. 16、这就能说明晚会上她为什么突然生气了。

This explains why she got angry all of a sudden at the party.

17、Over the years, I have noticed that it has become more and more difficult to set aside those special moments of the day when we can remove ourselves from the hectic and frenetic pace of everyday life. 近几年, 我发现我们越来越难留出一点特别的时间, 好让自己从繁杂忙乱的日常生活中脱开身来。


Unit 1

1. Which of the following is true about the relationship between fun and happiness?(C) A. There are some similarities between fun and happiness B. Unlike happiness, fun activities cannot bring positive effects C. People who live a fun-filled life are not necessarily happy. D. People must experience fun before they can live a happy life. 2. Fun activities include all the following except_D_ A. Playing basketball B. Attending parties C. Traveling D. Helping the poor

3. The author mentions a bachelor who resists marriage and couples who choose not to have children in

order to_D_ A. Tell us that they have much more freedom in their lives

B. Prove that people who live a single life enjoy doing fun things

C. Explain what is the most distinguishing feature of marriage

D. Illustrate the fact that many people have a mistaken belief about happiness 4. What is this passage mainly about?(A) A. Fun does not bring true happiness B. Wealth doesn’t mean real happiness

C. Pain is the only source of true happiness

D. Real happiness lies in getting married and raising children 5. A. B. C.

Which of the following statements is true of the author of the passage?(D) He used to have some wrong ideas about the nature of happiness.

He is not happy although he lives in such a fun-filled place as Disneyland His life is not happy because he has too many hobbies

D. He understands why some people are happy while others are not.

Unit 2

6.In the sentence ‖this,‖ he said, ‖is not a slip. This is lingerie.‖ The word ―slip‖ means_D_ A. small piece of paper B. slight mistake C. falling

D. piece of clothing

7. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(C) A. The author returned to California right after her sister’s funeral

B. The author and her sister’s family live in the same state

C. Now the author puts on her good perfume when she goes to a hardware store or a bank. D. The author wears her good blazer to the market so that she will not be looked down upon. 8. Before her unexpected death the author’s sister_A_ A. Had saved her exquisite slip for a special occasion B. had gone out for a Chinese dinner

