盐城中学2016高三期中考试 - 图文

更新时间:2023-09-18 07:06:01 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载



1.He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads, __________that had the best color.

A. those

B. ones

C. it

D. one

2.The driver told the policeman clearly how the accident happened,with nothing __________.

A. given away A. when

B. held back

B. if

C. kept away D. paid back

needed to turn their lives around.

C. as

D. while

3. Many homeless people, ___not mentally ill, simply lack the everyday survival skills

4.Always read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions

5.The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.

A. by accident B. on occasion

C. at random

D. on average

6. — Jerry, where did you guys go for the summer vacation?

— We ______ busy with our work, or we would have gone to Brazil to watch the games. A. were

in the house. A. which

B. when

C. where

D. whom

8. Recently, a video ______ “tiger attack in the zoo” became widespread on the Internet and aroused a heated discussion

about who was actually responsible. A. being titled

B. titled

C. titling

D. have titled

9. — Do you know ______ that prevents so many citizens from being happy?

— I am sure low income is the main reason. A. why is it

B. what is it

C. why it is

D. what it is

10. He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair, so he had to ______ it.

A. accelerate or not.

A. ambiguous

B. ambitious

C. apparent

D. automatic

12. .--- Tom came to work last Friday, but no one has seen him since. --- ________ he have had an accident ?

A. Should B. Must

C. Might D. Could

13.One reason for her preference for city life is _____ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A. that B. how C. what D. why

14.Shakespeare played a vital role in ________ modern English and helping to make it the world’s language.

A. writing

B. acquiring

C. shaping

D. recording

15. —How much do you know about the latest development of Brexit? —__ __. Honestly, I’m not interested at all.

A.You got me there B. You make it. C. You got me wrong. D. You name it.

16.All of you _______ at the school gate! We’ll soon start.

A. will gather B. will be gathering C. gather D. are gathering

17.The teacher couldn’t make himself _________ attention to because the students were so noisy.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to be paid

18. Through patient, ________ dialogue on an area of disagreement, partners frequently discover common threads to build



B. accumulate C. abolish D. abandon

11.When asked if she was coming to the party,Dorothy gave an_________ answer,so no one knew whether she was coming

B. have been

C. had been

D. would be

7. I’m very lucky to have a comfortable life, ______ there’s always food on the table, heat in the winter, and, above all, love

A. considerate B. conventional C. confidential D. critical

19. Nowadays a strange, new dilemma faces Chinese pedestrians: should you help an elderly person who ________ into the

street? A. is falling B. has fallen C. had fallen D. was falling

20. I’m not making ________ near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much


A. anything B. everything C. anywhere D. everywhere 21. —I ________ imagine it will take about two hours to have your pictures developed. —All right. I’ll come to get them by then.

A. should B. must C. can D. would

22. A grandmother in Chengdu, Sichuan province, who has ________ pole-dancing is living proof that life doesn’t have to

gradually stop when you’re old. A. taken to B. taken on C. taken in D. taken up

23. Singer Zhang Lei won “The Voice of China” 2015 season at the Bird Nest in Beijing on Oct 7, 2015, with years of

experience ________ him. A. against B. for C. of D. behind

24. Using traditional Chinese medical records, Youyou Tu rediscovered an ancient plant-based treatment for malaria that

worked ________ modern therapies failed. A. until B. unless C. although D. where

25. If you _______ yourself to doing everything in the order given, you would miss an opportunity to be a unique individual.

A. commit B. committed C. have committed D. had committed

26. China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, ________ its military power on an

unprecedented scale. A. displayed B. displaying C. to display D. having displayed

27. Your senses become alert and you suddenly find the answer to a problem ________ solution has long escaped you as a

brilliant thought crosses your mind. A. which B. that C. whose D. when

28. A great part of the information I have was ________ by looking up something and finding something else on the way.

A. requested B. acquired C. exchanged D. presented

29. A competent teacher is perfectly aware that it’s not what is poured into a student that counts, but ________ is planted.

A. what B. that C. why D. how

30. Difficult as part of the passage was ________, I managed to catch hold of its meaning in the end.

A. understanding B. to be understood C. to understand D. being understood 31. —I’d like to have one more look round. By myself this time.

—Of course. ________. A. Be my guest B. Drop me a line C. Count me out D. Allow me

32. College graduates are caught in an annoying situation between a lack of jobs if they leave and a ________ on higher

education if they stay. A. compromise B. squeeze C. burden D. passion


When I was a kid, most of my friends could stay home from school due to a stomachache or a fever but not me. I had to be lying in order to 36 home. My parents used to say that they were teaching me how to have a 37 work ethic (职业道德). I didn’t see the 38 until last week.

I was on the train and sat behind a young man who was 39 to his friend about his life. His dream in life was to make movies but he wouldn’t 40 it because he had no clue if he could make enough money and he didn’t want to 41 time because it probably would take months or years to make it 42 . He then admitted to thinking about becoming a(n) 43 because he thought he could easily make six figures within one year. His 44 agreed because as he put it, “I have no 45 to work long hours and not make much money. Besides, defending cases in court is good because you can make a lot of money and only work short hours.”

Many people these days don’t 46 that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of


47 , determination and time have 48 into it. It wasn’t due to some unbelievable 49 . Someone once told me that you may know 50 someone is an expert in his given field or not by how easy he makes it look. The 51 it looks, the more hours go into it.

There is no excuse for 52 . In the television show Fame, the dancer teacher told her students, “If you want fame, fame 53 and here’s how you start paying for it, in sweat.” Every time I watch that show, my dad would state how 54 she was because in order to 55 you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy. 36. A. leave

B. stay

C. get

D. call D. new D. connection

37. A. reliable 38. A. answer 39. A. explaining 40. A. read

B. different C. good C. result C. writing

B. evidence B. complaining B. follow B. get

D. lying

D. change D. waste D. proper D. lawyer D. brother D. chance D. realize D. intelligence

D. reached

C. appreciate C. save C. strong C. editor C. parent C. desire C. show C. effort C. broken C. story

41. A. share 42. A. big

B. important B. artist

43. A. expert

44. A. companion 45. A. choice 46. A. convey 47. A. potential 48. A. put

B. teacher B. time

B. ensure B. pressure B. gone B. accident

B. why

49. A. event 50. A. because 51. A. easier 52. A. sorrow 53. A. splits

D. speed

D. when

C. whether

B. lighter B. laziness B. arises B. beautiful

C. better C. despair C. works C. right

D. harder D. envy D. costs D. kind

D. rest

54. A. natural 55. A. succeed


B. develop C. finish

A The following are the sculptures in the Underwater Museum, which are accessible in person by glass boat, or scuba diving. 3

The Archive of Lost Dreams The Visual: It describes an underwater archive of messages in bottles. The Meaning: The bottles contain messages of dreams for future generations. The Hope: The statue is placed with the purpose of helping draw visitors away from the healthy parts of the reef. The Location: The Archive of Lost Dreams was placed 8 meters deep at Manchones Reef, close to Isla Mujeres. Behind the Scenes: The collection of bottled messages were provided by various communities who wrote about today’s values and their dreams for the future generations. The Gardener of Hope The Visual: Here a young Mexican girl lies in a garden surrounded by pots which will be grown with live coral. The Meaning: The young girl in the sculpture represents a model for hopeful future generations. The Hope: The base of the Gardener of Hope was built to attract various marine creatures. The coral in the pots is also expected to grow. The Location: The Gardener of Hope was placed 4 meters deep at Punta Nizuc near the coast of Cancun. Behind the Scenes: The pots here are filled with live coral cuttings that were saved from areas of the local reef system. Man on Fire The Visual: Man on Fire describes a lone male figure covered in live fire coral to resemble fire. over use of limited natural resources. The Hope: Man on Fire has 75 holes planted with small live cuttings of fire coral which are expected to grow like fire. The Location: Man on Fire was installed 8 meters deep at the Manchones Reef nearby to Isla Mujeres. Behind the Scenes: The sculpture was cast from a local Mexican fisherman and it weighs over 1 ton. The Meaning: The sculpture symbolizes the unawareness of the “fire” our generation has started with the The Silent Evolution The Visual: Here more than 400 sculptures depict the timeline of human nature. us of how we are connected to nature. The Hope: The installation is designed for forming a complex reef structure that marine life will claim as its own and inhabit. The Location: The Silent Evolution will be installed 8 meters deep behind the Manchones Reef. Behind the Scenes: The total installation will expand over 150 square meters and will weigh over 120 tons. The Meaning: It is a documentation of how society and people have changed over time. It is also to remind


Attention: Guided tours are a must. You can catch a tour from Aquaworld, which leaves every hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. 1:Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.You can tour individually without a tourist guide by glass boat. B.The Gardener of Hope will remind us of the relationship with nature. C.Bottled messages are filled with live coral cuttings for future generations. D.Man on Fire can educate us to protect the limited natural resources. 2:Which sculptures are installed in the same area? A.Man on Fire & The Silent Evolution B.The Archive of Lost Dreams & Man on Fire C.The Gardener of Hope & The Silent Evolution D.The Archive of Lost Dreams & The Gardener of Hope 3:The writer introduces the sculptures to _______. A.defend Mexican Tourism Industry B.call on us to go on a tour to Aquaworld C.appeal to readers to protect Marine Life D.attract tourists to the Underwater Museum


Hartley got to Central Station nearly an hour before his train was due to leave. A lifetime in the theatre had given him a healthy—indeed excessive (过分的)—sense of punctuality; a lifetime of unwanted cups of coffee, constant checking of the time, yet another turn around the block before that all too often pointless, tiresome audition (试镜).

Hartley was 75—pretty fit for his age, legs holding lip, memory still ticking over nicely——though the occasions for punctuality were now rather fewer. But he was a creature of habit and couldn’t change now.

Hartley was a good actor, although the calls on his talents were now infrequent. But really, he thought he’d had a reasonably good career. Something to be proud of. But he’d never had that break-through part.

He headed for his platform. Just as the train was about to pull out a man ran down the platform, jumped aboard as the door slammed shut and sank into the seat next to Hartley. “Cutting it a bit fine”, he said.

“Indeed”, Hartley replied. “A close run thing”.

The man—forty-ish, amiable looking—gave him an amused glance.

This brief exchange served as an adequate ice-breaker and they chatted their way through the outer suburbs and into the countryside. Having satisfactorily disposed of the sad state of the railways, country versus city living, his neighbour asked Hartley what he did—or had done—for a living.

Hartley hated telling people he was an actor. He was not ashamed of his job. Not in the least, but he had long tired of reactions ranging from “what have I seen you in” to “how do you learn all those lines”.

So in situations like this he simply selected an occupation from a former role. Bit risky, of course. You say you’re a doctor and find yourself meeting the quizzical(疑问的)gaze of a heart surgeon. But he’d never been caught out and it was harmless enough game, Hartley felt. It amused him, and he’d given some damn good performances too. “I’m a lawyer”, he replied. “Retired several years ago. Property law. Bit of criminal stuff”. The train was slowing down. The man glanced out of the window. “My station. I had you quite wrong then”.

He stood and took down his briefcase from the overhead rack.


