雅思口语范文Part 3 Topic 35 和朋友相处的快乐时光
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Topic 35 和朋友相处的快乐时光
1. Who do people usually like to spend more time with? Family or friends?
I think people usually like spending more time with their friends. In general, friends are just easier to spend time with. For one, you usually have a lot of shared interests304 with your friends. For another, it’s easier to act more natural with them305. They aren’t really expecting anything from you306.
2. What’s the difference between staying with friends and staying with family?
When you’re staying with friends, things are more relaxed. You don’t have to follow all the rules your family might have. But your friends might not take care of you as well as your family would. When you stay with family, you know they’ll give you whatever you need. But you might feel like you have to act differently around them307.
3. Do people prefer being with a large group of people or with a few friends?
It seems to me that most people like being with a few friends instead of a large group. It’s very easy to feel crowded with a large group. And it’s awkward308 and lonely when you’re with a lot of people but can’t find a person you can really talk with. In general, it’s nicer to just hang out with a few friends.That way, you don’t get overwhelmed309.
4. Some researchers say people naturally like socializing, what do you think about it?
I definitely agree. I know lots of people who love to socialize. They can easily start a conversation with310 just about anyone. They can always find something to talk about with others. So I think there are people who are naturally good at311 socialising and love it too. I’m definitely not like that. But I really admire those who can make friends so easily.
5. What kinds of socialising skills can be improved from being with friends?
The first one I can think of is communication. When you’re around friends, you always talk about what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. That skill helps you in all parts of life. You can also learn how to be a better listener. You should be able to give attention as well as receive it. Everyone likes a listening ear312.
6. Do science and technology improve the relationship between people?
I suppose that in some cases313, science and technology can help strengthen people’s relationships. For example, with video-chat314, people who are really far apart can talk to each other. They can see each other’s faces and hear each other in real time315. It’s really amazing when you think about it. Plus, it definitely helps improve long-distance relationships316.
304 shared interests: 可以共同分享的兴趣爱好
305 act more natural with them:和他们在一起可以更自然
306 expecting anything from you:(朋友)不会(像父母一样)对你有要求和期望(所以不会让你感到有压力)
307 act differently around them:在父母面前会表现不一样
308 awkward: 变扭的,尴尬的
309 don’t get overwhelmed:不会觉得不知所措
310 start a conversation with:和…开始攀谈
311 naturally good at:天生擅长…
312 a listening ear:善于倾听的人,忠实听众
313 in some cases:在某些情况下
314 video-chat:视频聊天
315 in real time:及时,马上
316 long-distance relationships:异地恋
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