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2011年度第二学期五年级英语毕业模拟考(2012.6) Class__________Name___________No.____________



I. Listen and choose听录音,选出听到的单词、词组和句子:10% 1. ( ) A. tomorrow B. tomato C. potato 2. ( ) A. walk B. wake C. work 3. ( ) A. present B. parent C. pleased 4. ( ) A. quiet B. quite C. quilt 5. ( ) A. railway B. really C. rainy 6. ( ) A. Easter B. east C. eat

7. ( ) A. late B. later C. lantern 8. ( ) A. 7:15 B. 6:30 C. 6:45

9. ( ) A. The lamp was on the table. Now it’s on the shelf. B. The lamp was on the shelf. Now it’s on the table. C. The lamp was on the table. Now it’s under the table. 10.( ) A. I had some milk and eggs for breakfast. B. I had some milk and bread for breakfast. C. I had some milk and eggs for lunch.

II. Listen and choose听录音,选出意思相近的词或句子:5% 1. ( ) A. well B. sunny C. good 2. ( ) A. much B. some C, many

3. ( ) A. walk to school B. walks to school C. walks school .

4. ( ) A. have a good time B. eat pumpkin pies C. go trick-or-treating 5. ( ) A. What weather do you like? B. How is the weather today? C. What’s the temperature?

III. Listen and choose听录音,选出正确的应答句(用A---E表示):10% 1.( ) A. It's on the 31st of October. 2.( ) B. It's Wednesday. 3.( ) C. It's sunny. 4.( ) D. I like sunny weather. 5.( ) E. It's the 25th of November. 6.( ) A. That's all right. 7.( ) B. Yes, I did. 8.( ) C. That's a good idea. 9.( ) D. No, we don’t. 10.( ) E. I'm sorry. IV. Listen and number听录音,用1——5为下列句子编号:5% ( )There are different kinds of mooncakes.

( )At night, some people often stay in their gardens. There they watch the

biggest moon in a year and eat the cakes.

( )Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Festival. It usually comes in September

or October.

( )Some people often watch the festival evening party on TV. ( )On that day every family eats mooncakes at home.

V. Listen and judge听录音判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,用T或F表示:5% 1. ( ) Here is the weather for today. 2.( ) It's the third of June today.

3.( ) In Shanghai, it's wet and cloudy.

4.( ) In Beijing, there will be rain and wind tomorrow. 5.( ) In Xi'an, the high temperature will be 25 degrees. VI. Listen and complete听录音,填入所缺单词:5%

Dad is coming home next week. Mum and I want to give him a ___________. Now we are moving the _____________. The sofa was under the shelf. Now it's __________ the window. The _______ was on the sofa. Now it's on the bed. The __________ was on the shelf. Now it's next to the window. 笔试部分: 59%

I. Read and write正确抄写下列句子, 注意大小写和标点: 5% how does little justin grow

II. Read and choose 选出下列单词划线部分的音标: 5% ( ) 1. really A. / e? / B. / ?? / ( ) 2. castle A. / ɑ: / B. / ? / ( ) 3. yes A. / ? / B. / j / ( ) 4. weather A. / θ / B. / e / ( ) 5. cushion A. / u / B. / ? /

III. Read and write 根据所给的音标写出英语单词: 4%

1. / dI'gri: / _________________2. / st?:m / _________________ 3. /'d?aI?nt / _________________4. /ei:z / _________________ IV. Read and choose 选择最佳答案填空: 18% ( ) 1. This is my crayon. It’ s_________. A. my B. mine C. me ( ) 2. Let’s _________ the bookshelf now. A. move B. moving C. to move ( ) 3. I have some biscuits _____ break.. A. in B. on C. at

( ) 4. These robots are dancing _________. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully ( ) 5. You shouldn’t _______ your rubbish here. A. throw B. throwing C. to throw ( ) 6. Would you like ______ apple pie? A. some B. an C. a

( ) 7. Where are my friends? They ______ here two minutes ago. A. was B. were C. are

( ) 8. From then ____, Miss Spring never comes late again. A. on B. up C. in

( ) 9. Please buy some ice creams _____ the children. A. to B. for C. of

( ) 10. My mother can play _____ violin very well, but my father can play _____

basketball very well.

A. a...a B. /…the C. the …/

( ) 11. This is my timetable ______ tomorrow. A. for B. to C in

( ) 12. Peter and Eddie are ______ my friends. We _____ live in China. A. all…all B. both…both C. both…all ( ) 13. I like the rain. It helps the plants _______. A. to grow B. grows C. grow ( ) 14. Who liked to play football? Mr Li _____. A. liked B. dies C. did ( ) 15. His _______ birthday is on Jun.1st.

A. the twelveth B. the twelfth C. twelfth ( ) 16. Which apples do you want? The _________ ones. A. red big B. big red C. green small ( ) 17. It’s _______. I don’t like the ______.

A. wind…windy B. windy…wind C. wind…wind ( ) 18. There are five _______ children in this school.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of V. Read and write 按要求改变句子, 每个空格限填一词: 5% 1. George built a new house last winter. (一般疑问句) _________George________ a new house last winter? 2. Were there any insects in the museum? ( 单数句) _______ there ______ insect in the museum? 3. Tom has seven lessons every day. (否定句)

Tom ______ ________ seven lessons every day.

4. Kitty visited the Car Museum last Sunday.(划线部分提问) _________ ________ did Kitty visit last Sunday? 5. Put some candles inside the oranges.(否定句) _______ put______ candles inside the oranges. VI. Reading comprehension 阅读理解: 10% A. Read and judge阅读并判断: 5%

One afternoon Mrs Wang is preparing supper. She asks her husband Mr Wang to look after their son, Mingming. Mingming is only 3 years old. He is playing on the floor. There are some toys around him. Suddenly he puts a one-yuan coin into his mouth. Mr and Mr Wang are afraid. They take their son to the hospital. The doctor takes the coin out of the boy’s mouth. But he puts the coin into his pocket.

“40 yuan, please.” Says the doctor. Mr Wang gives the doctor 39yuan. “ Why?”

“ You put the coin into your pocket. It is a one-yuan coin,” says Mr Wang. T or F:

( ) 1. The story happens in the morning. ( ) 2. Mingming is playing some toys. ( ) 3. Mingming likes to eat coins.

( ) 4. The doctor puts the coin into Mr Wang’s pocket. ( ) 5. Mr Wang gives the doctor 40 yuan.

B. Read and choose阅读短文, 选出最佳答案, 用A----F 表示: 5%

Hens live on a farm. They live in a special house. This house is called a coop. The hens make nests from straw(稻草).The nests are small, strong, and warm. The nests keep their eggs safe.

Each morning, each hen lays one egg. The eggshells can be white or brown. Each day, the farmer picks up the eggs. She puts the eggs into a basket. The farmer sells the eggs at the farmers’ market. Mmmmmm! Farm fresh eggs are delicious! A. eggs B. straw C. eggshells D. coop E. sells 1. A _______ a cage where a hen lives. 2. We get _______ from hens.

3. Hens’ nests are made from _________. 4. The farmer usually _____ the eggs. 5. The _______ could be white or brown. VII. Read and choose 根据对话内容,选择适当的句子补全对话,将编号A-D写在横线上:4% A. I visited many interesting places there. B. Why didn’t you go by plane? C. Did you have a nice holiday? D. How did you go there ? A: Hello, Helen. B: Hello, John. (1) A: Yes, I went to Guangzhou. (2) B: (3) A: By train.

B: (4) It’s faster.

A: I don’t like planes. I’m afraid of flying.

VIII. Write 根据所给题目写一段不少于50字的短文,要求: 内容正确, 语句通顺, 无语法错误, 每格一词: 8%

My favourite holiday


I.听录音,选出听到的单词、词组和句子: 1. My favourite vegetable is tomatoes.

2. Wake up, Ben. It’s time to have breakfast.

3. At Christmas, people give presents to each other. 4. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

5. Which museum do you want to visit? The railway museum? 6. The sun rises in the east in the morning. 7. Later, Shanghai became a town.

8. I get up at a quarter to seven every day.

9. The lamp was on the table. Now it’s on the shelf. 10. I had some milk and bread for breakfast. II.听录音,选出意思相近的词或句子: 1.It’s a fine day.

2.here are a lot of people in Shanghai. 3. Peter goes to school on foot. 4.We enjoy ourselves at Halloween. 5.What's the weather like today? III.听录音,选出正确的应答句: 1. What’s the date today?

2. What weather do you like? 3. When’s Halloween? 4. What day is it today?

5. What’s the weather like today? 6.Shall we go to see a film tonight? 7.Don’t walk on the grass. 8.Thank you for your help. 9.Do you have lunch at home ?

10.Did you have lunch at home yesterday? IV.听录音,用1——5为下列句子编号:

Everyone in China likes Mid-autumn Festival. It usually comes in September or October. On that day every family eats mooncakes at home. There are different kinds of mooncakes. Some have nuts in them. And some have meat or eggs or fruits. At night, some people often stay in their gardens. There they watch the biggest moon in a year and eat the cakes. Some people often watch the festival evening party on TV. How happy they are!


Here’s the weather report for tomorrow, the fourth of June. In Shanghai, it will

be dry and clear. The wind will be gentle. The high temperature will be twenty-eight degrees. The low temperature will be twenty-four degrees. In Beijing, it will be rainy and windy. The high temperature will be twenty-two degrees. The low temperature will be eighteen degrees. In Xi’an, it will be wet and cloudy. The high temperature will be thirty degrees. The low temperature will be twenty-five degrees. That’s all for today’s program. Thank you for listening. VI.听录音,填入所缺单词:

Dad is coming home next week. Mum and I want to give him a surprise. Now we are moving the furniture. The sofa was under the shelf. Now it's beside the window. The cushion was on the sofa. Now it's on the bed. The mirror was on the shelf. Now it's next to the window.

