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本册教材的知识要求是掌握一定量的词汇,二十多个基本句子结构和一定量的日常交际用语.,包括:“位置关系”、“介绍地点”、“赠送物品”、“课堂实录”、“寻找人物”、“电话用语”、“询问去向”、“物品形状”,等等。其中一部分与前几册课文有间接或直接的联系。 新授单元由七个板块组成:

第一部分是Read and say情景对话板块。该板块通过情景会话,着重训练学生的听说技能,提高会话能力。

第二部分是Look read and learn,主要呈现词汇。 第三、四板块中的句型是每个单元的教学重点。

第五板块Read and act的任务是培养学生初步的语感、阅读能力和良好的朗读习惯。

第六板块Listen and repeat 是语音训练板块。

第七板块Fun house是一个活动板块,可利用它来提高学生对于英语的兴趣。 二、教学目标 1、\双基\目标

1 掌握每个单元的词汇和句型。 2 能在实际生活中运用达到学以致用的目的。 2、情意目标

1 培养浓厚的学习兴趣。 2 培养良好的学习习惯。 3 培养同学间的协作精神和爱国主义精神。 三、班级学生情况分析

经过两年的学习,学生已有一定的英语基础,渴望通过新学期的学习获得更多的知识,以丰富自己的交际内容,提高交际能力。本册教材所涉及的话题内容更丰富,涉及的词汇和日常交际用语、句型也有所增加。教学时应注意教材前后编排的连续性,以便教学时做到有的放矢,把新旧知识结合起来。 四、改进教学方法,提高教学质量的措施

1 重视书写教学,使学生能够正确地书写单词、句型,并养成良好的书写习惯。 2 重视语音教学,使学生能够准确流利朗读会话。

3 注重语言环境的创设,使学生能够灵活地运用所学单词、句子及会话。 4 注意教学的开放性,重视培养学生的创新能力。

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5 结合教学内容,对学生进行思想品德教育。 五、教学进度安排 单元 教学内容 一 The first day at school 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十




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课时安排 5课时 5课时 5课时 5课时 4课时 5课时 5课时 5课时 5课时 4课时 备注 A new house At a Music lesson Halloween Review and check Doing housework After school A camping trip Shapes Review and check 3eud教育网 http://www.3edu.net 百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!

1. 复习巩固四年级所学知识。

2. 能掌握词汇first, second, third... building, day, all, happy, glad, again 3. 能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语。 4. 初步理解和掌握课文第一段:

It is the first day of the new term. All the students are back at school.

They are happy to see each other again.

教具准备:l 录音机和磁带l 课文挂图l 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程:

1.Listen and sing a song “Two jackets” 2.Free talk A. Revision.

B. Greetings.

Welcome back to school. Nice to meet you.

(According to the real situation, the students practise ) Then moving to the sentence Glad to see you. (students practise) 2.Presentation and practice T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday.

T: What’s the date today?

It’s September 1st.It’s the first day of the new term. (new words: first, day, term)

(amplify the structure of “the first ... of the?” ) I’m happy. Today all the students are back at school. Glad to see you. We are happy to see each other again. (new words: all, back, back at school, glad, again, each other) (Read and practice them, eg: read, make phrases, etc.) (According to the situation, let the students understand the meaning of the key sentences.)

3.Look at the picture of the text and answer the questions. (making clear the background)

4.A. Read and say (Paragraph 1) 1) Listen to the tape 2) Read after the tape 3) Read by together

5.Look at Picture 2 , review “There is...” T: There is a new building in the picture.

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(new word: building)

T: How many floors are there in this building? S: Four.

(new word: floor)

Learn the name of “the ground floor/the first floor/ the second floor...” T: What’s the name of the rooms in this building? We will learn them next class. 6.Homework

1) Talk about our school 2) Copy the new words 3) Some translations



1. 复习四年级相关知识 a computer room, a music room, a tape recorder, a desk, a chair等。

2. 能掌握词汇any, a reading room, sure, a sports hall, garden, toilet, a table tennis room等。

3. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读对话。 4. 能运用日常用语I'm not sure. Let's go and see. 等。

5. 初步掌握句型How many ... are there? There are(is) ... .以及Is there a ... in the ...?Yes, there is./No, there isn't.及其复数形式。

教具准备:l 磁带和录音机l 新大楼挂图l 一张校园平面图l 部分B look read and learn 单词图片l 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程:

1.Sing a song \2.Free talk and revision It's the second/third day of the new term. Today we see each other again. Greetings.

3.Presentation and practice T: Look at the picture of our school. How many buildings are there in our school? S: Three.

T: How many floors are there in Building 3? S: Four.

T: Where are we now? We are on the second floor.

Grade 4 is on the ___ floor. (first) Grade 3 is on the ___ floor. (ground) (Review the name of each floor)

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2.Practise the sentence\There is (are) .... .\review: a computer room, a music room ...)

Gradually, teacher moves to the sentence\(new word: any)

3.Use the above sentence to bring in the new words\a sports hall, a table tennis room, a garden, a toilet, a reading room\

Read and practise the new words.

When practising the sentences and new words, teacher presents \\

4.Showing the picture of our school and talk about it in groups, then talk about it in class.

5.Learn the dialogue

1) Listen & think with questions (according to the dialogue) 2) Answer some questions 3) Read after the tape 4) Role play 5.Homework

1) Copy the new words 2) Act the dialogue

第三教时 教学目标:

1. 进一步掌握句型Is /Are there ... ? There is/ are... . & How many ... are there?


2. 能正确掌握词汇 a swing, a slide , a see-saw。 3. 熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。

教具准备:l 磁带和录音机l 一张楼层示意图,上面有学过的专用室的名字l 单词图片l 课文挂图C&Dl 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程:

1.Sing “Two jackets” 2.Free talk and revision 1) Greetings.

2) Look at the picture 2 of the text and answer the questions. What's on the first floor? ... ... 3) Read the text together. 4) Act the dialogue

3.Presentation and practice

T: Is there a swing in our school? (showing the word picture) S: Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.

T: How many swings are there in our school?

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S: There are two.

(the same method to bring in new words: a slide, a see-saw) 板书:Is there a ...in ...? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there any ... in ...? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. How many ... are there ...? There is (are)... .

( practise those sentences using the things in the classroom) 4. Learn C & D

1) Summarize the usage of the sentences Is there a ...? Are there any...?

How many ... are there ...? There is (are)....

2) Students look at the sketch map of the floors and ask questions. 3) Work in pairs to finish the pictures of Part C&D. 5.Have a dictation of the words 6.Homework

1) Act out the text and recite it

2) Make a new dialogue (talk about our school) 3) Do some written work

第四教时 教学目标:

1. 复习本单元所学词汇。

2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。

3. 能复习掌握词汇flower, tree, near, house等。

教具准备:l E Read and act 挂图l 几张已学过的表示地点的图l 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程:

1.Sing “Two jackets” 2.Free talk and revision 1) Greetings 2) Practise their new dialogue in groups, then act it out in class 2. Practise F

1) Is there a building in the picture? Are there any flowers? (new word: flower) How many flowers are there?

How many cars are there in the street? .. ...

2) What' near the building? (new word: near) .. ...

3) Read and practise the new words.

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4) Ask and answer the questions in pairs according to the picture. 3. E Read and act

1) Listen and answer:

What's near your house?

Is it a big one or a small one? How many flowers are there? ... ...

(new word: house) 2) Read the dialogue. 3) Make a new dialogue. T: It's a sunny day today. Shall we go to the Hongmei Park? S: OK. / Good idea!

T: Shall we go and play there? S: Yes./Good idea.

4) Make new dialogues in groups, then act it out in class. 4.Do exercises

Workbook A-D (listening) 5. Homework

1) Recite and act E

2) Continue to make a new dialogue imitating E 3) Review the words and expressions, prepare for the dictation 第五教时


1 了解元音字母a在开音节单词中的读音。 2复习本单元所学的词汇。 3 熟练掌握句型Is there a ... in the ...?Yes, there is. /No, there isn't.及其复数形式。

4 进一步掌握句型How many ... are there...?及其回答。 教具准备:l 磁带和录音机l G插图l 歌曲“Two jackets” 教学过程:

1.Sing “Two jackets” 2.Free talk and greetings 3.Act out their new dialogues 4.Revision

1) Words and expressions 2) Sentences

3) Read A & E

4) Dictations of Unit 1

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3.Listen and repeat

Teacher shows the picture of Part G, students answer what's in the pictures. Teacher puts the words on the blackboard, giving prominence to \a [ei] a□e cake plate plane grape 1) Think about other similar words

2) Listen to the tape and read after it. 4.Do exercises: Workbook E&F 教后记:




1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话

2、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large, beside, a wall, a bed, between. 3、 正确地听、说、读、写句型:What’s in /on/beside/between?? There’s /There isn’

t a /an?There are some /aren’t any? 4、 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:I live in a new house now. They like the ?very much. Here is a/an?for you. Here are some ?for you.

教学重点:1 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2 词汇: live, a study, a bedroom, large, beside, a wall, between, a bed?3 句型: What’s in /on /under /behind /beside /between??

There’s a /an?in /on /under /behind /beside ?? There are some? There isn’t a /an? There aren’t any?.

四、教学难点:1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并进一步表演对话。2 能正确地听、说、读、写句型What’s in/ on/ beside/ between??及其答语。3 能正确地使用否定句There isn’t?.There aren’t ?.及正确使用any

五、 课前准备:1、教具准备:a 准备录音机、磁带b 准备电脑课件

2、教学准备:a 把Read and say的图片扫描到课件中b 把Read and say的对话及录音内容设置到课件中。 六、教学过程:

Step(一)Revision and Presentation 1、 Free talk (约2分钟)

师生之间相互问候:Glad to see you . Are you all here ? (Yes.) What’s the date today ? (It’s september 9th ) 等。

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2、 设计情景,有外宾参观我们学校,选几名学生做小导游,用There be句型介绍学校的情况。

如:There are two buildings in our school.

There are twenty classrooms in our school. 选出优秀的小导游并奖励。

3、 引出新课,今天我们去参观Yang Ling的新家,老师来当解说员,电脑屏幕显示书中第一幅图,介绍背景。

Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house.

It is near the school. They like the new house very much. 电脑屏幕显示新单词“live”、“house”,让学生明白其意思并跟读,组词造句。 Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house now.

用同样的方法让学生明白They like the new house very much.后,让学生争做小解说员,优秀者有奖励。

Step(二) Presentation and practice 1、 电脑屏幕显示放大的Yang Ling家的新居,复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room等,这些词在3B中就已学过,相信在老师的帮助下,学生能较顺利地说出这些单词。 2、 借助电脑屏幕,让学生上来指着屏幕上的图并描述新居的情况,如:Yang Ling’s house is big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room.让学生试着说这句话,或分句描述。(注意:当There be后面紧跟单数名词时,be动词常用单数形式。)

3、 老师就屏幕上的居室分布图与学生展开讨论,如:Is there a study/a kitchen/a dining-room in Yang Ling’s house? Yes, there is./No,there isn’t. Are there any bedrooms/reading rooms in it? Yes, there are./No,there aren’t. How many bedrooms are there? There are ? 4、 出示下一张扫描图——Yang Ling卧室的图,借助画中的地图,教单词world及词组a map of the world, 顺便教学生a map of China。教师教句子The map is on the wall. 学生跟读。

5、 教师提问Where’s the desk/telephone? 引出介词beside, between的教学。 Step(三) Read and say 1、 电脑屏幕显示整篇课文文字稿及插图、并配有录音,学生听整段对话,并模仿跟读两遍。

2、 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。 3、 学生分角色朗读对话。 Step(四) Consolidation


Step(五) Assign homework

1、 Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

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2、 Copy the new sentences. 3、 Make new dialogues. Step(六) After class





1 进一步掌握句型 What’s ?? There’s/ There’re?. There isn’t ?/There aren’t?.

2 能听懂、会说、会读、会写:beside, behind, under, between 教学重点:正确使用六个介词。in, on, under, behind, beside, between 教学难点:用所学的新的介词描述不同的场景。

课前准备:1 教具准备 a 录音机、磁带 b 实物(道具),2个大箱子、1个球 c 电脑课件(或图片)2 教学准备 a 学生课前画好自己卧室的图片、家中居室的图片或照片。B学生准备各类家具、室内物品的小图片。C 教师画一张有窗的空的房间图。(尽量大一些) 教学过程:

Step (一) Revision and Presentation 1 Free talk. (约2分钟) 2 就学生手中的图片展开对话: T: What’s in your hand ? S1: There’s a picture . T: What’s in your picture ? / Is there a?? / Are there any?? S1: There’s a house. ?

3 学生用手中的图片介绍自家居室的情况。(教师可用实物投影仪放大学生的图片,让全班都看见)

S2\\3?:My parents and I live in this house .We like it very much . There are ?.in it. ?

4 用同样的方法,学生介绍自己的卧室。

5 教师根据学生的卧室图提问:

Where is your ?? 引出新的介词 behind ,between .under 并四会学习新单词 Step (二) Practice

1 教师利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如:The ball is in the box ./on the box /under the box/ beside the box/ behind the box? 2 师生互问答:Where’s the ball ? It’s ?..

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3 游戏: 教师随意摆放球的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测球的位置,Is it in the box ?/

Is it between the boxes??.让全班学生回答:Yes /No Step(三)Consolidation:

1教师出示一幅房间图(有窗户的空的房间图) T There’s a fridge beside the window . S1 将冰箱的图片贴在图中响应的位置。

T There are two chairs near the fridge. Etc.


2学生二或三人一组用自己准备的图片说说、摆摆 布置房间,并且编成对话练习。 3 教师巡视全班,帮助有困难的学生。

4 教师请几组上台表演。(教师帮助用实物投影仪放大学生的图片) 如:S1: Hello,is this your new bedroom ? Do you like it ? S2: Yes, I like it very much. S1: Where’s your bed? S2: It’s beside the window. S1: Where’s your ??..? ??

Step(四)Assign homework: 1 抄写新单词

2. 用自己的居室图编新对话。 Step(五)After class: (教后记)

本教时有十幅图,前面四幅图的四个名词,a bed a sofa a telephone a lamp前几册已学过,教师的重点应放在六个介词上。为了让学生较好地掌握所学内容,教师可采用新颖、恰当的方法,努力创设逼真的语言环境,使学生能在逼真的语言环境中获得语言、运用语言。同时,采用让学生动手画一画、摆一摆、再说一说、问一问的方法练习,既形象又生动,而且能调动学生的多种感官。比较符合小学生的年龄特点。



1. 进一步掌握句型 What’ s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between??及其回

答There is a? in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?./ There are some ?in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?。

2. 能正确掌握词汇 a door 以及介词的用法.


教具准备:l 磁带和录音机l 实物:玩具狗,文具用品等l 单词图片l 课文挂图Cl 歌曲“Do you like my house?” 教学过程:

1.Sing “Do you like my house?”

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2.Free talk and revision

1) Greetings.

2) Look at the picture of the text and answer the questions. How many rooms are there in my house? What are they? 3) Read the text together. 3.Presentation and practice

1) Review the words:

T: What’s in the picture? (showing the word picture) S: There is a ? in the picture. 2) Practice:

T: What’s in the box?

S: There is a toy dog in the box. (the same method to practise it) T: What’s under the book?

S: There are some pens under the book.

板书: What’ s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?? There is a? in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?。 There are some ?in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?。 ( practise those sentences using the things in the classroom) 4. Learn C & E

1) Summarize the usage of the sentences(pay attention to the word ‘some’) What’ s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?? There is a? in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?。

There are some ?in/ on/ under/ behind/ between?。

2) Students look at the picture of Part C and ask questions. 3) Work in pairs to finish the pictures of Part C 4) Read Part E by yourselves and try to understand. 5) Explain the dialogue and try to act it. 5.Have a dictation of the words 6.Homework

1) Make a new dialogue (talk about your bedroom) 2) Do some written work



1. 复习本单元所学词汇。

2. 能听懂会说、会读、会写句型:There isn’t a/an? There aren’t any?

3. 能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。 4. 了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。

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教具准备:l Part D&F 挂图l 几张已学过的表示地点的图l 歌曲“Do you like my house?” 教学过程:

1.Sing “Do you like my house?” 2.Free talk and revision 1) Greetings 2) Act part E

3. Practise F&D

1) T: Look, there is a book on the desk.

There isn’t a pen on the desk.

板书句型:There isn’t a? in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between? T: Who can make some sentences?

S: There isn’t an eraser in my pencil box. T: Here’s an eraser for you.

(Practise with the stationeries.)

2) T: Look, there are some pencils on the desk.

tere aren’t any rulers on the desk.

板书句型:There aren’t any? in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between? T: Who can make some sentences?

S: There aren’t any pens in my pencil box. T: Here are some pens for you.

(Practise with the stationeries.) 3) Ask and answer in pairs according to the picture of part D. 4) Look at the picture of part F and make some sentences. 4.Listen and repeat

Teacher shows the picture of Part G, students answer what's in the pictures. Teacher puts the words on the blackboard, giving prominence to \a [ ?] black happy hat rabbit 1) Think about other similar words 2) Listen to the tape and read after it. 5. Do exercises: Finish the exercises in the workbook . 6. Homework

1) Recite and act E

2) Continue to make a new dialogue imitating E

3) Review the words and expressions, prepare for the dictation



教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:lesson, sing, song, dance, play.

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2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: Can you??Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) can’t.

3. 能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:OK. Let’s start.

教具准备:1.磁带和录音机2.单词图片3.课文挂图A部分挂图1.4.歌曲“In the classroom”, “Hot cross buns”. 教学过程:

1. Free talk and revision 1) Greetings.

2) Try to say something about your own house. (Draw a picture before class.) 2.Presentation 1)

T: Boys and girls, can you sing some English songs? S: Yes.

T: You can say “ Yes, we can.” S: Yes, we can.

T: Can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”? S: No, we can not. 出示单词: sing song S: 跟读。

T: What can you sing?

S: “ABC song” , “ In the classroom”? T: I can sing “Ten little Indians”, what can you sing? S: I can sing “ How are you?”

T: Good. Let’s sing “ How are you?” first. S: All right. / OK. 2)

T: Boys and girls, can you sing? S: Yes, we can. T: Can you dance? (教师以动作示意) S: Yes, we can. T: Can you swim?

S: Yes, we can.

T: (问单个学生) Can you swim? S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 出示句型: Can you?? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 3)

T: Can you ski?

S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

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T: Can you skate?

S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

T: I can play the violin. What can you do?

S: I can play the piano. / I can play the guitar.

出示单词:ski, swim, skate, play the violin, play the guitar 出示句型: What can you do? I can ? 3.Practice

1) Show the picture of Part C. The students look at the picture of Part C and ask an d answer in pairs: I can ? What can you do? I can ?

2) Show the picture of part A and answer the questions: Who can you see in the picture?

What are they doing? (They are having a music lesson) 出示: a music lesson 4. Consolidation

1) Listen to the tape of Part A and try to understand it. Read the text of Part A on page 22 after the tape.( Considering Part A is too long for the students.We can divide into two parts and use two classes to teach them) 2) Try to act the text. 5. Homework

1) Copy the words: lesson, sing, song, dance, play Do some written work (Part C ) 第二教时

教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词:learn, listen, make, ride, put, can.2. 比较熟练的掌握句型: Can you??

Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) can’t. 3. 能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:Listen to ? , please. Now , follow me, please. Yes. / OK. / All right. OK. Let’s sing it together.

教具准备:1.磁带和录音机2.模型飞机3.课文挂图A部分挂图2.4.歌曲“We can sing and dance”. 教学过程:

1. Free talk and revision 1) Greetings

2) Act part A on page 22. 2.Presentation and practice


T: Can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”?

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s: No, we can’t.

T: Shall we learn the song “we can sing and dance” now? S: Yes.

T: Listen to the song, please. S: OK.

T: ( Play the song.) S: Enjoy the song.

T: Can you sing it now?

S: Yes, we can.

T: Good. Let’s sing it together. 出示单词: listen 2)

T: (出示模型飞机的组件)

I can make a model plane, what can you do?

出示单词 make

S: I can make a model car.

出示词组 make a model plane, make a puppet S: 跟读

反复练习句型: What can you do? I can? 3.Practice 1) Chant:

A: What can you do? What can you do? B: I can swim, I can run. B: What can you do? What can you do? C: I can sing, I can dance. ......


2)Show the picture of Part A. The students look at the picture and answer the questions:

Who can you see in the picture? What are they doing? Who can play the violin?

3) Listen to the tape of Part A 4)Read the text. 4. Consolidation

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5. Homework

1)Copy the phrase: make a puppet, make a model plane, play the guitar, play the violin

2)Read the text. 第三教时

教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:ride, put.2. 进一步掌握句型 What can you do? I can ? Can you?? Yes, I/ we can. No, I/ we can’t.3. 能正确掌握情态动词can的正确用法。4. 熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。 教具准备:1.磁带和录音机2.单词图片3.课文挂图E4.歌曲“We can sing and dance” 教学过程:

1.Sing “We can sing and dance”

2.Free talk and revision 1) Greetings.

2) Look at the word pictures and say the words quickly. 3) Read the text together. 3.Presentation and practice 1) Review the words:

T: I can swim. What can you do? S: I can?

T: I can sing. What can you do? S: I can?


2) Practice:

T: I can play the violin. Can you play the violin? S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. (the same method to practice the sentences) T: I can ride a bike. Can you ride a bike? (身体语言表示) S: Yes, I/ we can. No, I / we can’t.

T: I can put a book on my head. Can you put a book on you head? S: Yes, I can.

板书: 词组: ride a bike, 单词: put 句型:I can ?

Can you ??

Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

practise those sentences using the verbs we’ve learned before.) 4. Learn D & E

1) The students look at the picture of Part D and fill in the blanks. 2) Look at the pictures of part C and try to make some sentences.

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3) Read Part E by yourselves and try to understand. 4) Explain the dialogue and try to act it. 5.Have a dictation of the words


Copy the words: listen, learn, ride, put


教学目标:1.复习本单元所学词汇。2.能听懂会说、会读、会写句型: Can you?? Yes, I(we) can. / No, I (we) can’t. What can you do? I can?能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语Listen to ? , please. Now, follow me, please. Yes. / OK. / All right. OK. Let’s sing it together.。4.解元音字母a在单词里的读音。5.能有表情地演唱 ‘ We can sing and dance’

教具准备:1.Part A 挂图2.单词图片3.歌曲“We can sing and dance ” 教学过程:

1.Sing “We can sing and dance” 2.Free talk and revision 1) Greetings

2) Act part A

3. Learn part A ( the first paragraph)

1) T: Listen to the tape please, and try to answer my questuion: a.What time is it now? b.Where are the students? c.What are they doing?

S: 听本课课文第一段介绍性录音磁带。 T: Let’s say it by ourselves. S: 复述本段。

3)T: Can you act Part A now? S: Yes, we can. 邀请同学上讲台表演,可分旁白、老师、高山等角色 4.Learn F&G

1)T: Boys and girls, let’s play a game ‘ hide and seek’. (介绍游戏规则:捉迷藏)

Where’s Li Hong? Who can find him? S: I can. He’s behind the door, I think. T: Oh, no.

S: He’s beside the window, I think. T:Oh, no.

S: ?(继续猜测)

T: Yes, you’re right.

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(此游戏也可以扩展为找东西,一学生藏,其他学生找) 2)T: Show the words on the blackboard: after, basketball, class, dance

引导学生总结元音字母a在这些单词里的发音。并请学生举其他同类例子。 5.Consolidation and do exercises 1)Ask and answer using the drills: Can you??

Yes, I (we) can. / No, I (we) can’t. What can you do? I can?

2) Finish the exercises on the workbook. 6. Homework

1) Review the words and expressions, prepare for the dictation 2) Written work: Part C. Make sentences and transla 教后记:


一、 教学内容:

《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语》5A Unit 4 Halloween (活动课)

二、 教学目标:

1、 让学生通过收集资料和本课活动,了解万圣节的有关情况。

2、 通过介绍风俗,学习单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if,能听懂、会读、会说这些单词。 三、 教学重点: 让学生通过这节课的活动了解有关万圣节的传说、风俗,为下节课的教授对话作铺垫。 四、 教学难点: 能听、说、读单词pumpkin lantern,candle,mask,pig,if。

五、 课前准备:

1、 教学准备:让学生课前收集万圣节的资料,每人做一个面 具。 2、 教具准备:录音机、磁带、准备几个面具(**、老虎、狗) 3、 板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题Halloween 六、 教学过程: Step 1 Free talk

1. T:Let’s sing a song. We can sing and dance ”together. Ss:Sing the song

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2. T:(Greeting)Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. 3. T:Do you know what day is April 1st?(Fool’s Day) What day is June 1st?(Children’s Day) What about October 31st?(Halloween) (Teach “Halloween”) Step 2 Presentation

1.T:Halloween falls on the night of Oct. 31st and it gives us a perfect opportunity to have great fun!

Do you know the origin of Halloween? Ss:(自由发言)

关于万圣节的由来,传说最多的版本认为,那是源自于基督诞生前的古西欧国家,主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士。这几处的古西欧人叫德鲁依特人。德鲁依特的新年在十一月一日,新年前夜,德鲁依特人让年轻人集合,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯(南瓜灯系后期习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜),他们游走于村落间。这在当时实则为一种秋收的庆典,也有说是“鬼节”,传说是当年死去的人,灵魂会在万圣节的前夜造访人世,据说人们应该让造访的灵魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现出丰盛的款待。所以篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走灵魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。 T:(总结)So it celebrates autumn harvest and it’s also a ceremony of the dead. 2.T:Now, let’s enjoy a performance. Welcome! Ss:(Give a performance)

T:Oh, it’s wonderful.

(Ask one student)Excuse me. What’s this in English? S:It’s a pumpkin lantern.

T:(show a picture)Look, it’s a pumpkin. (Teach “pumpkin”)

What’s in the pumpkin? There’s a candle. (Teach “candle”) We can use them to make a pumpkin lantern. (Teach “lantern”) T:(Introduce) 至于南瓜灯也至少有两种说法。一种说是人挖空了南瓜又刻上鬼脸,点上烛火以驱散鬼魂的;另一种说是鬼魂点上烛火,试图骗取人们上当而跟着鬼魂走,所以人们就在南瓜表面上刻上一个嘲讽的脸面,用以嘲笑鬼魂:哼!傻瓜才会上你的当!传说因为首先用南瓜的是一位爱尔兰人Jack,所以人们又将鬼脸南瓜灯叫做Jack-O-Lantern. Ss:(Repeat “Jack-O-Lantern” several times)

T:(Ask one student)Can you tell me what’s this in English? S:It’s a mask.

T:Look, here are some masks.(teach “mask”) (show the masks)It’s a dog /tiger mask.

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It’s a pig mask.

3.T:If tomorrow we’ll have a Halloween party. What do you need? Please discuss in groups.

S:Sweets/Pumpkin/? Step 3 Say a rhyme

T: Please listen to a rhyme. Ss:(listen)

T:(Teach “if”)

This time, follow the tape please. Ss:(Read after the tape) (Read by themselves) (Read together)

T:(Divide the Ss into two groups and then read.) Now, let’s try to recite it.

(Ask some Ss to recite,use the masks try to act, and T gives sweets) Ss:Read together again. Step 4 Play a game.

T:See, I put the apple in the water, you only can use your mouth to get the apple. If you can, it’s yours. I give you only one minute. Step 5 Introduce other informations about Halloween. (1) If you were born on Halloween you’ll enjoy lifelong protection against evil spirits.

(2) Your future husband will appear in the mirror on Halloween. The children in America also have the colouring picture. You can have a look.(分发图片) Step 6 Homework

After class, please design a tabloid about the Halloween。(请大家课后四人一组制作一份关于万圣节的专题小报)英语写,中文注释。 七、 板书设计: Halloween

pumpkin lantern candle mask pig

(周围点缀一些图片) if 八、 教学后记:

第五单元 Review and check

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1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第一单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第一单元日常交际用语。 3.完成本单元A部分内容。 三、教学重、难点:

1. 通过复习,学生进一步掌握第一单元的四会单词和句型。 2. 通过复习,学生能灵活使用第一单元日常交际用语。 四、课前准备:

1.第一单元图片和挂图。 2.磁带和录音机。

3.本部分内容的投影片。 五、教师过程:

Step 1 Warm up

1.师生齐唱歌曲Two jackets。

2.Free talk。 Step 2 Revision

1. 教师出示第一单元会话挂图,创设情景,学生表演对话。鼓励学生自由创作。 2.教师出示词汇卡片,师生问答复习第一单元词汇和句型: T:What can you see in the picture? S:I can see a building.

T:Is there a reading room in the building? S:Yes,there is.(No,there isn’t.) T:Are there any computer rooms? S:Yes,there are.(No,there aren’t.) T:How many sports halls are there?

S:There are four. (a toilet,a garden,a table tennis,a swing,a slide, a see-saw的方法同上) 3.教师引导学生运用所学词汇和句型,根据实际情况自由交际。 Step 3 Look,read and learn



3.让学生看图朗读相关的句子,读熟为止。 4.鼓励学生模仿句型,进行口头练习。 Step 4 Consolidation 1.开火车游戏:

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教师出示图片,提问Is there a swing in the garden?A学生快速回答Yes,there is.或 No,there isn’t.如回答正确,则由A学生提问B学生,看哪个组的同学提问得多并正确率高。

Step 5 Assign homework

1.课后运用所学进行自由交际。 2.抄写第一单元四会单词和句型。 六、板书设计:

Unit 5 Review and check A Look,read and write (第一单元单词卡片) Is there/Are there?in the?? How many?are there?





1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第二单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第二单元日常交际用语。 3.完成本单元B部分内容,掌握介词的用法。 三、教学重、难点:

1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第二单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第二单元日常交际用语。 3.复习并掌握介词的用法。 四、课前准备:

1.第二单元对话挂图和词汇卡片。 2.本单元B部分内容的投影片。 3.磁带和录音机。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up 1.按节奏背诵歌谣Do you like my house? 2.Free talk

Step 2 Revision

1.教师出示第二单元对话挂图,学生根据情景表演对话。 2.教师出示词汇卡片,师生问答复习所学词汇和句型: T:What’s this? S: It’s a bed.

T:What’s under the bed?

S:There is a football.

(a desk—beside the sofa,some umbrellas—behind the door some trees—between

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the buildings,some cups-on the table) 3.教师出示挂图,引导学生看图说话。

There isn’t a pen in my pencil case.

There aren’t any chairs in our classroom.

教师鼓励学生运用所学句型,自己创设情景进行操练。 Step 3 Look and answer

1.教师出示本部分内容的投影片,用Where is/are??句型提问,引导学生用介词短语来回答。

2.学生根据教师的示范结合图片同桌讨论。 3.上台表演。

Step 4 Consolidation 1.猜谜游戏(magic eyes)

教师快速闪动一组图片或动画片,让学生记住图里的每件物品所在的位置,然后提问Where is/are ??让学生说出他(他们)的位置。说对者称他为“magic eyes”。 Step 5 Assign homework

1.根据复习内容,自己创设情景进行交谈。 2.抄写第二单元四会单词和句型四遍。 六、板书设计:

Unit 5 Review and check B Look and answer

(图片1)(图片2) Where is the fish? (图片3)(图片4) It’s in the river. (图片5)(图片6) 第三课时



二、教学目标: 1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第三单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第三单元日常交际用语。 3.完成本单元C部分内容。 三、教学重、难点:

1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第三单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用第三单元日常交际用语。 四、课前准备:

1.第三单元图片和挂图。 2.本单元C部分内容的投影片。 3.磁带和录音机。 五、教师过程: Step 1 Warm up

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1.师生齐唱英文歌曲We can sing and dance 2.Free talk。 Step 2 Revision

1.教师出示词汇图片,师生问答复习所学的动词和动词词组。 2.接龙游戏复习四会句型:

教师示范:I can dance.接着问A同学:What can you do?

A同学回答:I can sing.后再问C同学,以此类推,达到复习巩固的目的。 Step 3 Look,read and complete

1.教师引导学生仔细看图读句,整体把握对话内容。 2.引导学生根据图意填入所缺的单词. 3.学生两人一组根据图片内容句型交谈。

4.学生在熟练交谈的基础上进行对话表演,并鼓励学生就 对话内容进行扩展练习。 Step 4 Consolidation

1.游戏“listen ,act and say”

一学生说一动词或动词词组,其他学生做出这一动作,并 说:I can ?

Step 5 Assign homework

1.同桌之间做“Listen and act”游戏。 2.抄写第三单元四会单词和句型四遍。 3.课后自由交际。 六、板书设计:

Unit 5 Review and check

C Look ,read and complete (第三单元动作类单词和词组) I can?

What can you do? 第四课时 一、教学内容: 复习第四单元,完成D部分内容。 二、教学目标:

1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用所学单元的日常交际用语。 3.完成本单元D部分内容。 三、教学重、难点 :

1.通过复习,学生进一步掌握第四单元的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用所学单元的日常交际用语。 四、课前准备:


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2.本单元D部分内容的投影片。 3.磁带和录音机。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up

1.齐说歌谣 Halloween 2.Free talk

Step 2 Revision


2.教师出示卡片,师生问答复习所学词汇和句型。 T:What do you like?

S:I like the mask.(vase,candle,pumpkin) T:Do you like ducks? S:Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 3.小组回答,互相问答。 Step 3 Look and talk

1.出示本部分内容的投影片,教师指导学生观察图片。 2.让学生仔细看图后,教师示范问答。 3.小组活动,相互问答练习。 4.上台问答练习。

Step 4 Consolidation

小组竞赛的形式,检查学生掌握句型情况 1、教师提问,小组抢答,要求正确并且不能重复。 2、小组连锁问答,比比哪组速度快并且正确率高。 Step 5:Assign homework 1.看本单元D部分图,自由交际。 2.看本单元D部分图,练习写四会句子。 六、板书设计: Unit 5 Review and check D Look and talk (投影片) Can you see?in the picture? Yes,I can.

How many?are there? There is/are?

Where is it/are they? It’s/They are? 第五课时 一、教学内容:

综合复习所学内容,完成部分练习。 二、教学目标:

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1.通过复习,学生掌握所学的四会单词和句型。 2.通过复习,学生能灵活使用所学的日常交际用语。 三、教学重、难点:


2.学生能灵活使用所学的日常交际用语。 四、课前准备: 1.四会单词图片。 2.录音机和磁带。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up

1.齐唱所学的英文歌曲Two jackets,We can sing and dance. 2.Free talk

Step 2 Revision


2.学生根据图片内容,运用所学句型自由交谈。 What can you see in the picture? I can see?

How many ?are there in the picture There is/are?

Is there/Are there?in the picture? Yes,there is/are. (No,there isn’t/aren’t.) Step 3 Practice


2.看图说句子接龙比赛。 A:There is a reading room in the building. How many sports halls are there? B:There are two. How many ?are there?以此类推

3.听听画画游戏。 学生在准备好的图片上,根据教师的指示画画: P1:There is a fish in the river.

P2:There is a candle on the cake.

P3:There are some umbrellas behind the door. P4:There are some bikes between the trees. 4.听音乐传卡片游戏。

教师将单词和单词词组卡片,随着音乐声传发下去,一拿到卡片的同学说:I like? 随后再问另一同学:What do you like?这一同学根据自己卡片内容答到:I like? Step 4 Assign homework 1.听录音,表演各课对话。

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2.抄写四会单词和句型四遍。 六、板书设计: 教后记:

第五单元Review and check (单词图片) 一、教学内容: 复习及完成练习册 二、教学目标:

1.复习并掌握一至四单元所学的四会词汇和句型。 2.能够运用所学的日常交际用语进行交流。 3.完成学习手册内容。 三、教学重、难点:

1.复习并掌握所学单元的四会词汇和句型。 2.完成练习册内容



2.手册上的练习题答案的投影片。 3.磁带和录音机。 五、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up

1.歌舞表演Two jackets. We can sing and dance. 2.Free talk Step 2 Revision

1.教师创设情景,学生表演各课会话 2.听写单词: day,a reading room,floor,a garden,a house,a flower,

beside,between,large,live,learn,make,put,a horse, a candle,need 3.检查订正。

Step 3 Presentation and practice (完成学习手册上的练习) 听力部分


先让学生看图,再听录音,按照听的顺序标号。 二、听对话,选出每组谈论的话题。

先听录音,讨论话题,再在话题前标上序号。 书面部分


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学生逐一朗读单词,区别并找出发音不同的词,在把他们抄写在横线上。 二、根据图意,找出合适的短语写在横线上。

学生同桌讨论图上内容,在找出合适的短语写在横线上。 三、看图完成对话。

引导学生先看图,同桌讨论图的内容,然后根据图意完成对话。 四、看图填充并判断正误。

要求学生仔细看图,了解图意,填入所缺的词,再根据图意判断正误。 Step 4 Consolidation

出示练习题答案,逐题集体校对,订正错误。 Step 5 Assign homework


2.口语小组活动,根据学习手册上图片的内容表演对话。 六、板书设计:

第六单元Doing housework 第一课时

教学内容:牛津小学英语5A第六单元,第一课时(A and B)教学目标: (一)知识目标:


2、在听说练过程中,四会学习do housework sweep the floor stand、sit、ring、run等动词。

3、通过听说回答等练习,学会对背景语言的描述。(二)功能目标: 1、学会在实际生活中用英语打电话和接电话。 2、学会运用所学的知识独立创新地编英语韵律歌谣。

Teaching Procedures: Step1:Revision 1.Free talk.

T:Good afternoon,×× Glad to see you.

S1:Glad to see you, Miss Xue.

T: I like singing. What do you like? S1: I likenning. T: What day is to day?

S2:Today is Tuesday.

T: How are you? T:How about your father?

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S2:I’m fine. S2:He’s fine. T:Are you free now?

S2:Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. T:Where are you now, class?

Ss:We’re at the English lesson. /We’re in the classroom. 2.Say a chant. What can you do? Step2 Presentation

1.Make a call.提示课题。

T: Hello, ××What day is today? S1:Today is Tuesday.

T: It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

S2:Yes, it is .

T: Hello, ××It’s a nice day. Do you like this morning? S3:Yes.

T:Are you free now?

Shall we go to Hongmei Zoo?

S4:All right / Great!

T: This class we’ll learn to make a call. 揭示课题:

T:Look at this. Say after me. Make a call. Ss:Make a call .

T:Now here is a telephone. Let’s make a call. 2、创设情境,学习打电话方式。 T: Hello, this is Miss Xue. S1:Hello, this is S1. S2:Hello, this is S2. S3:Hello, this is S3. T: Hello, this is Miss Xue. Is that ××? S4:Yes, this is S4. T:Are you free now?

S4:No, I’m not.

T:Are you free this afternoon? S4:Yes, I’m free.

T:Shall we go to Hongmei zoo?

S4:Great!(教师引应答语,That Sounds good.)

教师作示范Model两次,学生学习打电话,随后黑板上出示,对话句型( chant)

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Ss:workin pairs. S1:Hello.

S2:Hello, Is that ××?

S1:Yes, this is ××.

S2:Are you free this afternoon? S1:Yes, I am.

S2:Shall we go to Hongmei Z00? S1:That sounds good.

3.Say a chant ( Make a call ) T:Now, Let’s have a rest. Do you like rhymes? Now say after me.

(出示小诗,见易捷书) Ss:学生跟读和跟唱

4、在唱chant 情境中,引出现在分词句型。 T:Hello, ××. Can you sing this song? S1:Yes, Ican. T:Excuse me××。 What are you doing? S: I’m?.

引出I am singing.

板书:What are you doing?(贴小黑板) T:教师提问几个学生,利用复习旧句型What can you do? I canm.(学生边说边动作)而后引出动词的现在进行时态。首先教师提问,学生回答和做动作。接着教师展示自己的才能,启发学生提问。 T:Look at me ,class. I canm. Look! (教师游泳动作) S1:Excuse me. Miss Xue. What are you doing? T:I ammming.

And I am cleaning the window. S2:Excuse me / Hello, Miss Xue. What are you doing?

T:I am cleaning the window. 板书:clean clean the window T: Now follow me, clean the window. Ss: Clean the window.

T:Hello, ××. Can you clean the window?

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S1:Yes, I can Look!

T:What are you doing?

S1:I’m cleaning the window.

T:Me too. And I can sweep the floor.

Look!(教师作扫地动作)引:sweep the floor Ss:Sweep the floor.

T:What are you doing?

S2:I’m sweeping the floor. T:Me too.(教师也做扫地动作) 5、游戏引stand 和 sit. T o you like games, class? Ss:Yes, I do.

T:Stand up boys. Sb:All right.

T:What are you doing, boys? Sb:We’re standing. 引:stand.

T:Stand, follow me. Ss:Stand.

T:What are you doing? Sb:We’re standing. T:Sit down, please. T:What are you doing?

Sb:We’re standing.

T:Sit down, please.(教师分批提问站立男孩,而后示意其坐下) (待全体男孩坐下,提问集体) T:What are you dong, ××? 引:sit. I’m sitting. We’re sitting.

6、电脑呈现学生课外活动的照片。教师提问:What is ××doing? / What are ××and ××dong?引出动词或动词词组run, have an English class

Ss:学生看图互相提问、互动练习What is ×× doing? He’s /She’s ? 7、引出chant

Autumn is coming. The sun is shining. The cat is running. The mouse is sleeping. Boys are singing. Girls are dancing. Our life is very interesting. 8、出示教学挂图,引doing housework.

补充出示telephone图引出The telephone is ringing。 Ask and answer :

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①What day is today?

②Where are SuHai and Su Yang? ③What are they doing?

④What’s the matter?Step 31、听录音跟读课文。 2、全体读课文。


Step 4、Homework:熟读课文P44及抄写生词:do, housework, ring, sweep, run,stand, sit.

Unit 6 Doing housework 第二课时

[Teaching Objectives]

1、通过创设情境,学生在语言氛围中,熟练掌握What are you doing ?What is he/she doing ?What are they doing ?以及相应的答语。

2、学会用How about ??征求他人意见。How about ?(人)?How about ?(时间)? 3、学会用 Can you help me with my Maths ?请求他人帮助。 4、学会单词:help , Maths

5、学会词组: do my homework , come and help me with my Maths

[Teaching Properties]

Tape recorder , Pictures (教科书插图1, 2)

[Teaching Procedures]

Ⅰ.Greetings:1.以唱歌“What are you doing ?”引入。 2.Free Talk : (1)日常交际用语: ---What day is it today ? --What’s the weather like today ? ---What’s the date today ? ---How are you ? ---How about you ?

(在谈话的过程中渗透“How about ??”) (2)由问气候引导问:

---It’s a fine day today , isn’t it ? ---Yes , it is .

---Now , let’s play a game . OK? “Follow me ”. ---Look!


What are you doing ?

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学生重复教师的动作及话语。在游戏的过程中,教师随便指定学生,训练学生听的能力, 以及反应的速度。


---What are you doing ?

---I’m singing .(listening , cleaning , sweeping? 学生做动作并回答问题。)

---What are SuYang and Su Hai doing ? Let’s make a telephone call . OK?

(4)Some students act the dialogue of Section 1.

Ⅱ.Presentation and practice :1.通过学生表演的对话,引出: ---What is Su Yang doing ? ---She’s ?

---What is Su Hai doing ? ---She’s ?

---What are they doing ?

---They’re doing their homework . 2.---Do you like to play a game now ? ---Great !

Listen and act :教师说口令,学生做动作,教师提问,其他同学回答: ---Can youm ? ---Yes ,I can . --m ,please .

---All right .(学生做游泳的动作)教师提问: ---What is he doing ? ---He’smming . 板书:

---What is he /she doing ?He’s /She’s ? ---What are they doing ?They’re ?. Work in groups. 3.出示教科书挂图1 2、Wtite the new words and the sentences. Ⅵ.Summary:

Unit 6 Doing housework 第三课时


《九年义务教育六年制教科书?牛津小学英语》5A第六单元第三教时(Ask and answer&Look and say)


1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇wash, clothes, sleep,jump

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2、进一步掌握句型What are you doing? I’m / We’re?? 3、进一步掌握句型What are they doing? They’re?? 4、熟练运用现在进行时态进行日常交际。 三、教学重点及难点:

能正确地运用现在进行时态进行日常交际。 四、教学难点: 单词clothes的发音 五、教学准备:

教学挂图及习题纸 六、教学过程:(通过师生交流,创设英语学习的氛围) Step1:Free talk: a.T:Hello, how are you? S:Fine, thank you. T:Are you free now? S:No, I’m not.

T:What are you doing?

S:I’m having an English lesson. T:How about your mother?What is she doing? S:She’s doing housework. b.T:Who’s your friend? S:He’s ××.

T:What is he doing? S:He’s listening.

c.T:Hello, do you likemming? S1:Yes, I do. T:Let’sm.

T:(指着S1)What is she doing? S:She’smming. Step2.Read the book(请2组学生分角色朗读)

Step3. Say a chant(通过chant,使学生能熟练地表达动名词) T:Singing, singing. What are you doing?

S: Singing, singing. We are singing.(边说边做动作) (依次说dancing , listening, skiing,standing, watching,sweeping,drawingmming) (由chant引出 jumping, 新授jump)

Step 4.Play a game(老师悄声命令S1做动作,然后让学生猜一猜,激发学生学习的兴趣。)

T:(悄声告诉S1)Draw a picture. S1(学生做动作)

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T: What is she / he doing Guess?

S:Guess, She’s /He’s drawing a picture. T:What are you doing?

S1:I’m drawing a picturre.

T:Yes, you’re right / No,you’re wrong.

分别让学生read the book, sweep the floor, clean the desk?? Step5.通过Play a game (让学生wash clothes)自然引入 新授wash clothes(注意 clothes 的发音)

Step6. Ask and answer(利用多媒体出示C部分的图片) 1.通过师生对话,示范图1。 T:What are you doing? S:I’m reading the book.

2.看图2 学生合作work in pairs.

3.利用图3中的两个人物,师生对话,然后再加入两个人物,创设复数情景。 T:What are you doing?

S:We’re drawing picture. Step7. Look and say

1.通过师生对话,示范图1 T:Where’s Liu Tao?

S:He’s in the play ground. T:What is he doing? S:He’s sleeping. 新授sleep

2.同桌合作讨论图3、图4 work in pairs编小对话。

Step8.Do exercise and check.(运用C部分图4, D部分图2)培养学生写的能力。 (1)A:Hello, is Ben? B:Yes, is Ben. A:Are you free now? B:No. A:What are you ? B: are the toys. A:See you.

(2)A:Hi, is Nancy? B:Yes.

A: David?

B:He’s the . A:What doing? B:He the book. A:Let’s go and find.

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Step9. Homework.


2、创设情景用What are you doing? 和What is she/he doing?自编对话。

Unit 7 of 5 A (第七单元)After school 一、教学内容

牛津版5A Unit 7 After school 二、教学要求

1、 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语class, over, say, a newspaper, chess, laugh, after school, look for, a picture book, play with。


3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Perhaps they are. I’ll go and join them. Where are you going?

4、了解字母元音I在单词中的读音。 5、 会诵读歌谣In the evening。 三、教学重难点

1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语class, over, say, a newspaper, chess, laugh, after school, look for, a picture book, play with。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 四、教学进度 四课时 第一课时 一、教学内容 5A Unit 7 A & B 二、教学要求

1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a newspaper, a picture book, I’ll=I will, join。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 3、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Perhaps they are. I’ll go and join them. 三、教学重难点

1、 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语a newspaper, a picture book, I’ll=I will, join。

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 四、教学准备 录音机、磁带、图片 五、 教学过程

Step 1: Free talk

The students talk about they like , then practice in pairs.

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Step 2: Presentation and practice

1. T: (事先让两位学生在办公室)Where are A and B? S1: Are they in your office?

T: Perhaps they are. Please go and get them.

T: After school, what do you often do ? Such as reading books, playing football, making things and so on. Do you have any hobbies? (适当中文解释)

S: Yes, I do. I like?.

T: Somebody likes reading a newspaper. Learn: newspaper

Use the same way to teach other two words: magazine, picture book. 2. T: (假装在找东西) Where’s my picture? I’m looking for the pictures. Learn: look for

T: Who can come here and help me? S2: I can.

T: Look, S2 is helping me.

S: (The student finds the pictures.) T: (Show them the pictures) This is a study. This is Nancy. Let’s guess what she is doing in the study? Let me guess first. Is she reading some books? S3: Is she looking for something? T: Perhaps she is.

S4: Is she reading a magazine? ? T: Look, she is reading a story book in the study. I’ll go and join her. 同法练习单数,复数的一般现在时的一般疑问句。其中教授:Perhaps they are. I’ll go and join her/him/them. I’ll=I will

3. T: Let’s look at the picture of the text. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Classes are over. Learn: class over T: The students are saying goodbye to the teachers. Learn: say goodbye to?

T: Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing. He is in Miss li’s office. What are they talking about? Let’s listen to the tape. 4. listen to the tape.(只听52页上的内容) Read after the tape. Read the text. Act it out.

Step 3: Do some exercises

Do the exercises in the workbook.

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Step 4: Homework

1. Copy the new words.

2. Listen to the text and recite it. 六、 教学板书 Unit 7 After school

Read a newspaper look for

Read a magazine Perhaps they are.

Read a picture book I’ll go and join them. Class say goodbye to? Over

七、教学后记 第二课时 一、 教学内容 5A Unit 7 A & B 二、 教学要求

1、 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语chess, card, yo-yo, marble, play with, study。 2、 听懂、会说、会读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。

3、 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Let’s go and join them. Where are you going?

三、 教学重难点

1、 听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词及短语chess, card, yo-yo, marble, play with, study。 2、 听懂、会说、会读、会写现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答 四、 教学准备 录音机、磁带、图片 五、 教学过程 Step 1: Free talk The students talk about they learned last lesson, then practice in pairs. Step 2: Presentation and practice 1. T: Let’s talk about our hobbies. Do you like playing chess?(Show them a chess) S: Yes.

同法教授:chess, card, yo-yo, marble, play with

2. T: Look, here’s some pictures of places. I’m going

there. Please guess: Where are you going? Are you going to the study? Are you going to the bedroom??

Learn: Where are you going? Are you going to ??

T: (choose a picture)Please guess

S1: Where are you going? Are you going to the kitchen?

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3eud教育网 http://www.3edu.net 百万教学资源,完全免费,无须注册,天天更新!

T: No, I’m not.

S2: Where are you going? Are you going to the study? T: Yes, I am.


3. T: I’m in the study. Guess: What are you doing ? Are you cleaning the study??

T: (Show them a picture of the bedroom) Please guess. S3: Are you sleeping in the bedroom? T: No I’m not.

S4: Are you cleaning the bedroom? T: No, I’m not. S:?

T: I’m studying in the bedroom. Learn: study

师生,生生互相练习 4. 将人物和地点自由组合 T: Where is he going?

S5: Is he going to the park?

T: No, he is going to the classroom. Liu Tao is there. S6: What is Liu Tao doing? T: He is reading a magazine. 师生,生生互相练习

5. Show the picture of the text to the students. Look, Gao Shan meets Helen. They are talking about something. Let’s listen to the tape. 6. Listen to the tape. Read after the tape. Read the text. Act it out. Step 3: Do some exercises Do the exercises in the workbook. Step 4: Homework

1. Copy the new words.

2. Listen to the text and recite it.

六、 教学板书 Unit 7 After school

chess Where are you going ? card Are you going to?? yo-yo

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