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专题九 智力测试
Gary has only forty-eight dollars, but he can buy a bicycle that costs one hundred and
twenty dollars, (disregarding tax ) if he borrows fifty-seven dollars from Jane and __________ dollars from Jill. 【解析】
Gary有48美元,如果他向Jane借57美元,再向Jill借15美元就可以买一辆120 美元的自行车了。 【答案】15
例2 (2010第十二届全国中小学生素质教育英语知识能力竞赛初三组预赛)
This sequence of four words, “triangle, glove, clock, bicycle”, corresponds to this sequence of numbers “3, 5, 12, 2”. A. True. B. False. 【解析】triangle(三角形)→3,glove(手套)→5个指头,clock(钟表)→12小时,
bicycle (自行车)→2个轮。 【答案】A
is to as is to _________ .
A. B. C. D.
【解析】 实线正方形对实线竖线---虚线正方形对虚线竖线 【答案】 B
_________ is the largest city in the USA and is often called “The Big Apple”. A. New York City B. Washington D.C. C. Chicago D. San Francisco
【解析】根据常识,纽约被称为the big apple。 【答案】A 【原题训练】
1.____________ (1899—1961) wrote the Old Man and the Sea which earned him a Nobel Prize. A. Ernest Hemingway B. Mark Twain C. O ? Henry D. Dickens
2. A pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making four diameter cuts. A. True. B. False.
3. If written backwards, the number, “one thousand, one hundred twenty-five,” would be
written “five thousand, two hundred eleven.” A. True. B. False.
4. Which number should be filled in the blank (空白处)?
8 5 13 7
3 ?
5. Which number should come next? 21, 20, 18, 15, 11, ____ 6. When people are in danger, they would cry out _______! A. Help! Help B. Save me! Save me C. Come on! Come on D. Save life! Save life 7.Which one is correct?
When a piece of wood burns,_____. A.it sends off light,heat and smoke. B.it sends off light and heat. C.it sends off heat and somke. D.it sends off somke and light.
8.How can you make 6 out of three 5's?
A.5 minus(减) 5 divided by(除) 5 B.5 plus(加) 5 times(乘) 5. C.5 plus 5 divided by 5 D.5 plus 5 and then minus 5. 9.Turn the year 1961 upside down(上、下颠倒)and it looks the same,when was the last similar(类似的)year before 1961?
A.1691 B.1881 C.1661 D.1991
10.It will take four seconds(秒)for a clock to strike(钟点工)five.How many seconds will it take for a clock to strike ten?
11.The following is a group of letters,but two are missing.Can you work then out? J F M A M J J A ____ ____ N D
12.The neighbours called the tall man “cold fish”,because he never helped others.What’s the
meaning of “cold fish”here?
A.冻鱼 B.冷酷无情的人 C.忙人 D.杀手 E.间谍
13.This is a map of Granta River and Cam River.On the map, “~20~”means height above sea
level(海平面); “__________”mean river.Which way do the two rivers flow(流)?
14.It was three o’clock ten minutes ago(以前).What will it be in an hour’s
A.2:10 B.3:10 C.4:10 D.5:10
A. English Coaching Paper B.English coaching paper C.english coaching paper D.English Coaching paper
16.I’m round(圆的),but I’m not a basketball.I’m your good friend and you can kick(踢) me
with your foot.Do you know my name?______.
A.Ball B.Football C.Egg D.Apple 17.Those boys and girls are the teacher’s__________.
18.Which letter is the difference between here and there?______
19.Why is the letter T like an island?______
20.It is now four twenty.Miss Jackson finished her book a quarter of(四分之一)an hour ago(一
小时前)。A t what time did she finish it?______
21.It has five letters.It has six left(剩下)if you take two letters away.What is it?______
22.What is that we never borrow but often give back?______
23.She is my sister.But I am not her sister.I’m her ______
A.younger sister B.elder sister C.daughter D.borther 24.下式中的A、B、C、D、E分别代表什么数字?
1 A B C D E ___*_______________3___ A B C D E 1
25.What letter is a body of water?______ A.t B.c C.a D.e
26.All hens lay egg,therefore(因此)______
A.more hens lay more eggs B.white hens lay more eggs. C.black hens don’t lay eggs D.white hens lay bigger eggs
27.Fifteen children are playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)。
If only five of then are found ,how many children haven’t been found? A.Eight B.Nine C.Ten D.Elevem
28.What animals are always with you?______
29.What tree comes in two?______
30.How many months have twenty-eight days?______
31.If three cats can kill rats in three days.How many cats can kill one hundred rats in one
hundred days?______
32.Which one of your parents is your nearer relative(亲属)
33.Can 11 and 2 make 1?Why?
34.Which letter is very useful to a deaf woman?
35.Li Ping is twelve years old,but he has had only three birthday.Why?
36.What’s the Chinese for “You are the last person I want to see”? A.你是我见到的最后一个人 B.你是我最不想见的人 C.你是最后一个我想见的人 D.你是我最晚想见的一个人
37.The job is _child’s play_
A.太容易了 B.游戏 C.保姆工作 D.小学教师
38.As soon sa my last exam is over _I’m hitting the road for home_.
A.我就回家修路 B.我就打道回府 C.我就自杀 D.我就远走他乡
39.From what number can you take half and leave nothing?_____________________________
40.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?___________________________
42.Sam:Hi,everybody,I am in trouble now,could you help me,please?Look at the picture,I have to put 6,5,4into the different circles,so thta all rows add up to 12.Do you know how to do that?
43.Look at this picture.Please find out how many triangles it has.
44.Look at the numbers given,and try to guess the other two.
1:A 《老人与海》为海明威的作品。
2:A解析: 四条直径可以把一个pie切成8块。
3:A解析: one thousand, one hundred twenty-five(1125)从后倒着写应为5211。 4:6 解析: 8-5=3, 13-7=6.
5:6. 解析: 从前往后相邻两数之差依次为1,2,3,4,所以最后一个数为11-5=6。 6:A 解析: Help! Help! 意为‘救命’ 7:A
解析:木块燃烧时,产生光热和烟 8:5+5/5=6
9:B 解析:1881上下颠倒后仍是1881
10:B 解析:隔一秒敲一次,钟打十点需要9秒。
11:S and O 解析:这是一组字母且全是大写。仔细读读是十二个月的首字母。这下
12:B 解析:句中because he never helped others解释了人们为什么称高个男士为cold
13:w---u,v---u. 14:C 15: A 16: B
17. :students. 解析:坐在老师前面的孩子是学生 18. T
19. Because it’s in the middle of water. 20. 4:05
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