高压变频器使用手册 - 中英文版-第3章

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第3章 系统原理Chapter 3 System Theory

第3章 ChapterⅡ

系统原理 System Principle


The chapter mainly introduces the principle of PowerSmartTM Variable

Frequency Speed-Regulating Device

3.1 系统的单线原理图

3.1 Single-line Schematic Diagram of the System


The high-voltage Variable Frequency Speed-Regulating Device is mainly composed of PowerSmartTM series drive, remote-control operation box, machine-side operation box, bypass switch cabinet and so on, among which remote-control operation box, machine-side operation box and bypass switch cabinet are matching equipments, bypass switch cabinet may be adopted manual or automatic bypass form, which is designed according to concrete requirements of users. The single-line schematic diagram of power frequency automatic bypass system follows as below:


第3章 系统原理 Chapter 3 System Theory

图3-1 系统的单线原理图

Fig3-1 Single-line Schematic Diagram of the System

注:旁路开关柜中KM2、KM3采用高压真空接触器,QF1采用高压真空断路器。 Note: KM2 and KW3 in bypass switch cabinet adopt high-voltage vacuum contactor

and QF1 adopts high-voltage vacuum circuit breaker.

3.1.1 旁路系统的运行原理

3.1.1 Operation Theory of Bypass System



第3章 系统原理Chapter 3 System Theory

As above figure, when the system operates with drive mode, QF1 opens , KM2 and KM3 close ; when the system operates with power frequency mode, KM2 and KM3 open, QF1 closes .

旁路开关的作用是实现变频/工频运行方式的切换,以方便变频器的维护和检修。当变频器故障时,合上旁路高压真空断路器,使电机进入工频状态运行,此时可检修变频器。但是,检修过程中应注意柜内尚有直流剩余电压,应待其放掉后进行。当电机需要变频运行时,应先将电机停掉,再将旁路开关柜投向变频状态,然后启动变频器。 The function of bypass switch is to realize the switch of drive/power frequency mode. When malfunction of drive, close up bypass high-voltage vacuum circuit breaker and make motor to operate with power frequency mode, at this point drive may be checked. However, DC residual voltage may exist in the process of examining and repairing, which should be paid attention to and let out. When motor needs frequency-changing operation, firstly, close up motor, switch bypass switch cabinet to frequency-changing status and then start up drive.

3.1.2 远控操作箱或机旁操作箱的运行原理

3.1.2 Operation principle of Remote-control Operation Box and Bypass Operation Box.


Generally, remote-control operation box is installed in the operation room of motor, which can instruct the operation status of drive, such as output frequency, output current and so on. Drive may be started, stopped, raised and reduced speed by remote-control operation box.


Machine-side operation box is installed on side of motor, which is also used to monitor operation status of drive; it is customized by particular user and has little application at present.




第3章 系统原理 Chapter 3 System Theory

3.2 Basic Principle of PowerSmartTM Series Drive


PowerSmartTM Series High-voltage Drive is unit series connection and multiple overlay high-high model drive, which is mainly composed of segmentation transformers, power unit cabinet and control unit cabinet.


The inner connecting graph of the high-voltage drive follows as below:

图3-2 内部连线图


第3章 系统原理Chapter 3 System Theory

Fig3-2 Inner Connecting Graph


Three-phase high-voltage electricity enters into the drive via high-voltage switch cabinet of user.


Firstly, input transformer performs voltage reducing and phase shift for three-phase high-voltage electricity, and then supplies it to power unit of power unit cabinet. All secondary windings that supply power for power unit are independent and isolated with each other; each unit is three-level single-phase output. These units are divided into three parts, each part forms a phase. The input ends of adjacent power units in each phase are connected from beginning to end. Y connection mode is finally formed among the three-phase, which supplies high-voltage AC current with variable frequency and variable voltage for high-voltage motor.

3.3 额定电压为6KV的变频器基本原理


