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高一英语Unit3 单元检测



普遍的;通用的;宇宙的-16.如此..以致于…… __________________

__________________ 17.网络;网状物__________________ 简化__________________ 18.网__________________ 总数;算术题;金额__________________ 19.应用;用途;申请 __________________ 操作员;接线员__________________ 20.金融;财经__________________ 合逻辑的;合情理的__________________, 21.可移动的;机动的__________________ 副词__________________ 22.探索;探测;探究__________________ 科技的__________________, 23.无论如何;即使如此__________________ 名词__________________ 24.目标;目的;球门__________________ 革命__________________ 25.幸福;快乐__________________ 人造的;假的__________________ 26.人类(短语)__________________ 智力;聪明;智能__________________,形27.下载__________________ 容词__________________ 28.发信号;信号__________________ 10.解决;解答__________________ 29.类型;打字__________________ 12.真实;事实,现实__________________ 30.教练__________________ 13.就个人而言;亲自__________________, 32.出现;发生__________________ 形容词__________________ 33..电子的__________________ 14.结果(短语)__________________ 35.外观;外貌;出现__________________ 15.总的;整个的__________________, 36.性格;特点__________________ 副词__________________ 38.看守;监视_______________二.重要短语

1.与…有共同之处__________________ 2. 总而言之__________________ 3. 人工智能__________________ 4. 作为…开始__________________ 5.锻炼,计算__________________ 6.向某人申请某事__________________ 7. 结果,因此__________________ 8. 被完全改变了__________________ 9. 好好利用__________________ 10. 为人类服务__________________ 11. 事实上,实际上 _______________ 12. 处理…__________________ 13. 在我看来__________________ 14. 属于自己的__________________ 15. 对…研究__________________ 16.以及,和__________________

17. 高质量的生活 __________________ 18. (从…旁)走过__________________


19. 从…时起 __________________ 20. 老百姓__________________ 21. 聚集__________________ 22. 毕竟__________________

23. 在…的帮助下__________________ 24. 编造,化妆__________________ 25. 私人信件__________________ 26. 看守,监视__________________ 27.、玩得愉快__________________ 28、一年一度__________________ 29. 做出决定__________________

30. 允许某人干某事__________________ 31. 包含,包括__________________ 32. 获得第二__________________ 33. 给…提供__________________ 34. 在某种程度上__________________

三. 重点句型:

1. 你能按照他们现世的时间顺序把他们排列成序么?

2. 随着年龄的增长,我意识到我的生活和我对无线电的兴趣联系地有多密切。 3. 过了几乎两百年查尔斯.巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 4. 那时这被当作是一次技术革命,也是我“人工智能”的开始。

5. 到20世纪40年代,我已经长到一个大房间那么大,我不知道我会不会继续长大。

6. 随着时间的推移,我被弄得越来越小。自二十世纪七十年代以来,我一直被用在办公室和家庭里,先是用作个人电脑,后来又做成便携式。 7. 从那时起,我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。

8. 随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,从来不会忘记告诉我的任何事情!

9. 从二十世纪七十年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。

10. 我还被放在机器人里面,被用来制作移动手机,并且用来帮助作医疗手术。 11. 不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量得生活。 12. 他过去经常从因特网上下载资料,并好好利用。 13. 到我十六岁时,我的梦想已经成为了现实。 14. 我个人认为得冠军的那个队作弊了。

15. 她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我的程序。

16. 不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切! 四.词性转换

1. simplify vt. __________ adj __________ adv 2.operator n. ____________v. ________ n. 3. solve vt. ____________n. 4. explore v._______________ n. _________________ n. 5. reality n. ____________ vt. ________________ adj. ____________adv. 6. application n. _____________ v. _____________ adj.

7. finance n. _______________ adj. 8. appearance n. _________________ v. 9. logical adj. _________________ adv. __________________ n. 10. happiness n. ________________ adj. _______________ adv. 五.单项选择

1. Yesterday morning he got up earlier than ________, for it was not a(n)____ day.

A. common; usual B. usual, ordinary C. usual, normal D. common, ordinary 2. How do you ____ it and what should you ____ it?

A. deal with, deal with B. deal with, do with C. do with, deal with D. do with, do with 3. I can’t tell you the exact time I’ll get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. ____, I’ll be there as early as I can.

A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore 4. The new dictionaries are very useful. They _______ well and ________ already. A. sell, have been sold out B. sold, had sold out

C. sell, sell out D. are sold, have been sold out 5. -- John failed his final exam.

-- I’m not surprised at the news _______. ________, he is never seen busy with his lessons. A. at all, After all B. in all, After all C. above all, In all D. at all, In all 6. There used to _________ a truck ____________ and I can’t get through.

A. be, in the way B. be, in a way C. being, on the way D. being, by the way 7. _____ you grow older, you’ll know better and better about yourself.


A. Since B. As C. Before D. So 8. Tom is ___________ that he can’t go to school.

A. so a young boy B. a so young boy C. a such young boy D. such a young boy 9. _______will be years ______ we meet again. A. There;since B. There;after C. It;that D. It;before 10.________ I could get in a word he had left. A. Until B. Before C. After D. As 11. Do you know the thief ______ by the police?

A. has caught B. has been catching C. will catch D. has been caught 12.-How many times______ not to play with fire? -I’m sorry. I’ll never do that again.

A. do you tell B. had you told C. are you told D. have you been told 13. --What’s happening in the new area?

--New houses_______ recently over there.

A. are built B. built C. have built D. have been built

14. There is a police car in front of our neighbor’s house. What do you suppose _______? A. did happen B. has happened C. is happen D. has been happened 15. All the preparations for the project _______, and we’re ready to start.

A. completed B. had been completed C. complete D. have been completed 16. Great changes ________ in the city , and a lot of factories ________.

A. have been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have set up D. were taken place; were set up 17. --How long _____ at this job? -- Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D. will you be employed 18. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ___________yet.

A. are not decided B. have not been decided C. is not being decided D. has not been decided 19. This is a photo of the power station that __________ in my hometown . A. has set up B. has been set up C. will set up D. is set up 20. --Did you move into the new house? -- No. The rooms ___________ yet.

A. were being painted B. are painting C. have not painted D. have not been painted 21. It is _________ that I’d like to go for a picnic.

A. very lovely a day B. good lovely a day C. such lovely a day D. so lovely a day 22. _______ the money shortage, many small companies closed down.

A. As a result of B. As a result from C. Resulted in D. As a result

23. I’m not sure what will happen during the trip, _____, I will try all possible means to get there. A. Even though B. If so C. Anyway D. Instead 24. She had to _______ our young children after her husband died.

A. turn over B. go over C. watch over D. take over 25. These flowers should not be watered too ______, once _____.

A. long; every other day B. often; every fourth day C. soon; every two days D. frequently; each five days


26. — ________ the only house Mr. Smith has got completely burnt out last night? 一That’s right. A. Had B. Has C. Was D. Is 27. ---Sorry, I got a bad cold yesterday.

---Every time you are absent, you ________ an excuse.

A. take up B. give up C. send up D. make up 28. He spent very little time at school, perhaps a year ______________. A. at all B. at least C. in this way D. in total 29. How do you ________ a car accident when it happens? A. do about B. do with C. deal with D. deal about 30. _________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through

31. I’m fond of music while my sister likes reading novels. It seems that we have nothing ___. A. in like B. in common C. in same D. in similar

32. So badly ________ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks A. did he injure B. he injured C. was he injured D. he was injured 33. ---Is a new modern gym being built in our city now? ---Yes, and it ___________next year.

A. has been finished B. finishes C. will be finished D. will finish 34. A modern city has been set up in _______ was a wasteland ten years ago. A. which B. what C. that D. where 35. Only ___________ hope to make improvement in the operating system. A. by the way can you B. on the way you can C. in a way you can D. in this way can you

36. The manager as well as his whole team _______ determined to do the work as_____ as they can and promises to get it completed in time .

A. are; well B. is; well C. are; good D. is; good 37. ---What can I do for you, sir?

---I’d like to see the manager ______ of sales department.

A. in the charge B. under charge C. is in charge D. in charge

38. If city noises _____ from increasing, people _____ shout to be heard even at dinner table 20 years from now on.

A. are not kept ; will have to B. are not kept; have to C. don’t keep; will have to D. don’t keep; have to

39.I was told that there was about 50 foreign studnets _____ Chinese in the school, most _____ were from Germany..

A. study; of whom B. study; of them

C. studying; of them D. studying; of whom

40.They came to the corner _____ had _____ many car accidents.

A. where; watched B. where; seen C. which; watched D. which; seen 41. He often speaks the role he played in the play, _______ made others upset. A. which B. that C. where D. when 42. Pisa is a city, ____ has a leaning tower. Pisa is a city, ____ there is a leaning tower.

A. which B. that C. where D. there


Unit 3 Computers 词汇练习二

一 英译汉


logical______________sum________________technology_______________ revolution____________operator____________mop_______________



virus________________mobile_____________rocket___________________explore_____________goal_______________anyhow___________________happiness_________ download ____________niece ____________

arise _____________ coach _____________ nephew _____________ 二 译成英语

1.complete change in ways of thinking, working, etc _____________________ 2 connected computer system _____________________ 3 to make things easier _____________________ 4 to find the answer using mumbers _____________________

5 can be moved easily from place to place _____________________ 6 to work out the answer to a problem _____________________ 7 to travel atound an area to find out about it _____________________ 8 completely _____________________ 9 anyway _____________________

10 activity of managing money _____________________

三 请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。

technology, universally, artificial, totally, mop, calculate, coach, revolution, intelligence, anyhow, arise, simplify

1 We often talk of IT, which is short for information __________.

2 It is _________ accepted that English is an international language in the world. 3 Those ___________ flowers look like real ones. 4 You are __________ wrong on that point.

5 An abacus is the oldest type of __________ tool in China.

6 It was between 1966 and 1976 that the Cultural __________ took place in China. 7 This child is clever and quick-minded, and he is of high _________.

8 _________, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks. 9 You’d better find a _________ for one-to-one training to better your skills. 10 Peter, please _________ the floor. It is very dirty.

11. There is not much time ,but ______________ we must get there in time .

12 The students couldn’t understand you. Would you ____________ the explanation. 13 The sudden _____________ of a policeman caused the thief to run away.


四、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): in common go by deal with in a way make up with the help of after all watch over 1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out?

2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________.

3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _________ for the missed lessons. 4 __________, he has been very successful.

5 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door. 6 I made great progress in English _______________ Mr. Lin.

7 Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of six. 8 Three months _________ before I knew about it. 五 单词填空。

1. We must ___________ 探索 all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.

2. ____________ 从个人看来, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks. 3. Money doesn’t always bring _______________. 幸福快乐 4. His dream has become a r_________.

5. Robert often d___________ programs from the Internet. 6. A red light is a s________ of danger.

7. The dictionary is available in e____________ form. You can look up the words in the computer. 8. How fast can you t________? 100 a minute. 9. Difficulties will a as we do the work.

10.Do you know that football c who is standing there? 

练习一答案 四.词性转换

1. simple; simply 2. operate; operation 3. solution 4. exploration; explorer 5. realize; real; really 6. apply; applied 7. financial 8. appear 9. logically; logic 10. happy; happily 五.单项选择

1-5. BBAAA 6-10. ABDDB 11-15 DDDBD 16-20. BBDBD

21. DACCB 2 6. CDDCC 31. BCCBD 36.BDADD 41.A A/C 词汇练习二答案

二 1. revolution 2 network 3 simplify 4 calculate 5 mobile 6 solve 7 explore 8 totally 9 anyhow 10 finance

三 1 technology 2 universally 3 artificial 4 totally 5 calculating 6 Revolution 7 intelligence 8 Personally 9 coach 10 mop 11 anyhow 12 simplify 13 arising

四 1 watch over 2 in common 3 make up 4 In a way 5 deal with 6 with the help of 7 After all 8 went by 五

1 explore 2 Personally 3 happiness 4 reality 5 download 6 signal 7 electronic 8 type 9 arise 10 coach


四、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): in common go by deal with in a way make up with the help of after all watch over 1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out?

2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________.

3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _________ for the missed lessons. 4 __________, he has been very successful.

5 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door. 6 I made great progress in English _______________ Mr. Lin.

7 Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of six. 8 Three months _________ before I knew about it. 五 单词填空。

1. We must ___________ 探索 all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.

2. ____________ 从个人看来, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks. 3. Money doesn’t always bring _______________. 幸福快乐 4. His dream has become a r_________.

5. Robert often d___________ programs from the Internet. 6. A red light is a s________ of danger.

7. The dictionary is available in e____________ form. You can look up the words in the computer. 8. How fast can you t________? 100 a minute. 9. Difficulties will a as we do the work.

10.Do you know that football c who is standing there? 

练习一答案 四.词性转换

1. simple; simply 2. operate; operation 3. solution 4. exploration; explorer 5. realize; real; really 6. apply; applied 7. financial 8. appear 9. logically; logic 10. happy; happily 五.单项选择

1-5. BBAAA 6-10. ABDDB 11-15 DDDBD 16-20. BBDBD

21. DACCB 2 6. CDDCC 31. BCCBD 36.BDADD 41.A A/C 词汇练习二答案

二 1. revolution 2 network 3 simplify 4 calculate 5 mobile 6 solve 7 explore 8 totally 9 anyhow 10 finance

三 1 technology 2 universally 3 artificial 4 totally 5 calculating 6 Revolution 7 intelligence 8 Personally 9 coach 10 mop 11 anyhow 12 simplify 13 arising

四 1 watch over 2 in common 3 make up 4 In a way 5 deal with 6 with the help of 7 After all 8 went by 五

1 explore 2 Personally 3 happiness 4 reality 5 download 6 signal 7 electronic 8 type 9 arise 10 coach


