阅读教程3蒋静怡Unit6 man and nature-2

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Unit 6 Man and Environmentby Helen


Unit 6-2

Teaching stepsStep Step Step Step 1 2 3 4 Lead-in Reading Activities Exercises Homework

英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

How much do you know about tropical


英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

英语阅读(三)Step One Lead-in

Unit 6-2

Reading Three

Tropical Forests and You

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Skim and Scan: Text StructurePartsPart One Part Two Part Three

Paras1-2 3-11 12

Main IdeaOur way of lives is tied to tropical forests in many ways. How our lives are tied to tropical forests. It is in small portion but provides abundance of wondrous products.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Detailed reading: Para. 1-2 According to the author, what does deforestation have to do with us? A. how we live B. where we live C. what we do

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Para. 3 Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Tropical forests are the richest part in world. B. Tropical forests are vanishing every minute. C. Nearly half of the living species can be found in tropical forests. D. A piece of tropical forests equals to ten city blocks.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Para. 3 Their loss is incalculable. How many factors does the author mention to illustrate “incalculable”? Four. Medicine, rubber, industrial-used material and green house effect.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Their loss is incalculable----medicine Para. 4-6 Match the information. Calabar bean leukemia Sankerfoot plant heart medicine West African vine hypertension Bark of Cinchona malaria Species eye diseases Periwinkle

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Para. 6 In fact, of the 3,000 plant species in the world known to contain anticancer properties, 2,100 are from tropical rain forests.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Their loss is incalculable----rubber Para. 7 Where rubber is produced? Malaysia, Indonesia and Amazon What can rubber be used for? Ammonia + rubber latex (surgical gloves, balloons, adhesives and foam rubber) Latex+acid sheet rubber (footwear and sporting goods)

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Their loss is incalculable----industrial use Para. 8-9 Literally thousands of other tropical plants are valuable for their industrial use.Tropical plants Fiber and cane The sap from copaiba trees (苦配 巴树) Industrial uses Furniture, soundproofing, insulation Car fuel

Palm oilPalm nut oil

Kitchen useSoap, candies, and mayonnaise

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Their loss is incalculable-greenho

use effect Para. 10-11 What is greenhouse effect? Heating of the earth from increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere How can deforestation contribute to greenhouse effect? We lose the ability to convert carbon dioxides into oxygen.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Para. 11 How can deforestation finally influence our environment? Melt down the ice cap, raise the sea level and threaten anyone living within 35 miles of the coast.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Para. 12 What is the author’s attitude towards deforestation? A. Worried. B. Indifferent. C. Neutral. D. Doubtful.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Which of the following is the macro influence of deforestation? A. Influence on medicine. B. Influence on rubber use. C. Influence on industry. D. Influence on climate change.

英语阅读(三)Step Two Reading Activities

Unit 6-2

Tropical Forest and You What is the relation?

英语阅读(三)Step Three Homework

Unit 6-2

Quiz for Holes

