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Unit1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Section A

一 .学习目标

1.学习字母 Aa~Gg 的读音和写法 2. 学习一些简单的英语交际语言:

二. 学习重点:字母 Aa~Gg 三 . 学习难点:单词和问候语 四. 学习过程:

(一)导入 (时间:10分钟)

(1. 学习英语的重要性。2. 学习英语的正确方法。目的:激发学

生学英语的兴趣,提高学习效率。) (二)自学指导

一 1.学习字母Aa~Gg。


3. 看课文会跟读课文中出现的交际用语

二. 告诉学生单词是由字母组成的,而句子是由单词组成的。你们知道在英语中问候别人时应该如何去说吗?

(三) 问题导学

( )1.英语字母共有 个 A. 28 B. 26 ( )2.在英语书写中应用________ A 手写体 B 印刷体 ( )3 .大写字母D 的第一笔是________ A 竖 B 半圆

( )4 .大写字母E的第一笔是_________ A 横 B 竖横- ( )5 .大写字母F 的第一笔是_________ A 横 B 竖 一. 听并选出你所听到的字母

A a B b C c D d E e F f G g 二.(两人一组上讲台表演,进行小组竞赛,学习1a和3a。)

S1: Good morning! S2: ________________ S1: I’m... Are you...? S2: ___________________ S1: Nice to meet you.

S2: _____________________________ S1: Welcome to China!

S2: __________________________

(四) 典题训练  一 按顺序默写所学字母。


二 写出下面字母相应的大小写形式。

A____ b_____ C____ d_____ E______ F____ g____ AC______ HD______ ABC______ HE______ EFG______ dbe______ bf______ BC______ AD______ DBC_____ BE______ Fe ______ ge _______ bd_______ ag______

三 用大小写形式写出下面字母的左邻右舍。

1. C 2. d 3. g 4. B 5. D

6. F 7. G 8. e

9. G 10._____f _____ 11 _____ Bb ______ 12 ______ Dd _______ 13 ______ Cc ______ 14 _______ Ff ______ 四 根据字母的顺序写出所缺字母的大小写。

Bb______ _______ Ee Dd________ _______ Aa Gg______ _______Dd 五 选择填空。

( )1.英语字母共有 个。

A. 14 B. 26 C. 48

( )2.英语句子开头第一个单词的 个字母 。

A. 第一;大写 B. 第二;大写 C. 第一;小写

( )3. —Good morning, I’m Kangkang. — !

A. Hello B. Good morning. C. Hello!

( )4 —Nice to meet you .—

A. Good morning ! B. Hello ! C.Nice to meet you, too!

( )5. you Maria? A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Be

Unit1 Making New Friends

Topic 1 Section B

一 学习目标

1.(1)学字母H h -----–N n (2)学P3-4单词和日常用语 mom, this, my, teacher, Mr. Miss Nice to see you Nice to see you ,too (3)Mom, this is my teacher, Mr.Brown (4)How do you do? How do you do?

二 学习重点 : 字母 Hh~Nn.

三 . 学习难点 :单词和日常用语的表达 四. 学习过程

(一) 复习导入 (时间:10分钟)


( ).英语句子开头第一个单词的 个字母 。

A. 第一;大写 B. 第二;大写 C. 第一;小写

( )大写字母D 的第一笔是------ A 竖 B 半圆 ( ) 大写字母E的第一笔是----------- A 横 B 竖横 ( )大写字母F 的第一笔是-------- A 横 B 竖 2.(复习口语交际:说出下列用语的答语)

1、 Good morning !

2、 Hello!Are you Maria? 3、 Welcome to China ! 4、 Nice to meet you !

5、 Are you Li Ming ? (做出肯定回答)-____________________ 3.(复习上节课的生词: 板书下列内容,让学生完成单词。)

(1)—W _ lcome to ___hin __ ! —Th __nks.

(2)—Nice to m __ __ t you. —Ni__ __ to meet you, too. (3)--H__llo (2)(板书字母Hh~Nn,教学字母的写法。)

(三 ) 问题导学

( ) 1.在英语字母中大写字母H 的第二笔是____ A 横 B 竖 ( )2.在英语字母中大写字母I用______笔写完 A 一笔 B 三笔 ( )3. 在英语字母中小写字母 i 的第一笔是_______ A 点 B 横竖提 (四) 典题训练


1. C 2. j 3. g 4. m 5. D 6. I 7. G 8. e 9. F 10. k 11. b 12. N 13. h 14. E 15. L

(五) 精讲点拨 : 此类型的题目的是让学生们熟练掌握住26个字母的顺序以及相应的大小字母的相互转换,可以先把所学字母按照顺序写好,然后对照所写字母,可以快速准确的写出答案。

五 归纳小结 :本节课我们先复习了上一节课所学内容,然后又学习了字母从H到N 的书写笔顺和格式,还有介绍别人的表达方法,和陌生人初次见面的问候语言,大家要熟练掌握并灵活运用于日常生活。 六 当堂检测( 5分钟)

(一 )按照顺序默写字母从Aa -------N n

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 二 )选择

( )1 . F的第一笔是 。A. — B. │ C. ┌ ( )2. E 的第一笔是 。A.∟ B. │ C. — ( ) 3. j 的第二笔是 A. J B. · C. 、

( )4 . H的第三笔是 。A - B │ C ·

( )5 .在书写英语句子时,应使单词与单词之间的距离相隔 个字母的距离。

A. 一 B. 二 C. 三 七 作业布置

完成下列对话。1.A: Good morning, Miss zhang !. B: ______-______ , Michael

2 A: ___________________________

B : I?m fine ,too. 3. A: Nice to see you .

B:______________________ 4 A: Are you Jane ?

B: _____________________(否定回答)

5 A: How do you do? B:

Unit1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Section C

一 学习目标 (1) 学习字母 Oo~Zz.

(2) 学习一些问候语

二 . 学习重点 : letters Oo~Zz.

三 . 学习难点: 字母的书写和问候语的表达 四 . 学习过程 ( 一 ) 复习导入

1.(复习字母Aa~Nn, 掌握英语字母,训练学生快速反应能力。) 2. 按正确的笔顺和书写规则默写字母Aa ----N n( 大小写 )


3.学生表演Section B 第三页 1a第四页3a中的对话。 ( 二 ) 自学指导 跟读下面这些字母

(三) 问题导学

仔细观察上面的字母大小写格式及笔顺然后回答下列问题 ①大写字母U是用 ________笔写完的 ②大写字母X的第一笔是 _________

③大写字母Y 是用__________笔写完的 ,第一笔是 __________ ④小写字母 y 占 ________________ 格 ⑤小写字母p占四线三格中的__________格 ⑥ 小写字母 q 占四线三格中的__________格 ⑦ 小写字母 t 的第一笔是______ (四) 典题训练 补全下列对话

A: Hello, Mr. Lee ! B: , John.

A: Mum, this is teacher, . Mr. Lee , this is my mother.

B: How do you do? C: ?

(五) 精讲点拨: 1.Hello 应答Hello.


(2)Are you from American? No, I’m not.

(3)Is she Jane? Yes, she is. (4)Is he Li Ming? No, he isn’t. 学习重点:Excuse me , Where are you from? 学习难点:be from (be 的变化) 学习过程:

Step 1 复习导入 Step2 问题导学

A 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.他来自哪里?Where _______ he _______?

2.打扰了,你叫什么名字?Excuse me, _______ _______ _______? 3.你来自哪里?_______ _______ you _______ ? 4.你来自江西吗?_______ you _______ Jiangxi? 5.看到你很高兴。_______ _______ see you.

B 将国旗与其所属国家连线。

6. the U.S.A. 7. Canada

8. China 9. Japan 10. England

Step 3 呈现

安排两名同学扮演外国人,假设互不相识,在对话中导出新的句型。 S2: Where are you from? S3: I’m from Japan

S4: Oh. Are you from Canada?

S5: No, I’m not. I’m from the U.S.A. Step 4. 巩固

1.(看黑板上的关键词,两人一组表演1a,可换成自己的真实姓名。) 2.(让学生把准备好的照片拿出来,两人一组进行对话。) Step5 典题训练 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( ) 1. — _________ are you from? — I’m from Shanghai.

A. Who B. Where C. How

( ) 2. — Are you from Cuba? — _________

A. Yes, they are. B. No, I’m not. C. No, they aren’t.

( )3. — _________ he from the U.S.A.? — No, he’s from China.

A. Are B. Is C. Am

( ) 4. — _________ Are you Mr. Wang? — Yes, I am. A. Fine. B. OK. C. Excuse me.

( )5. — _________ your name? — My name is Kate.

A. What’s B. What C. Where

2.(利用学过的be from词组造句子,看谁说得准确。) (1)Is he from China? (2)Where is she from?


3.(要学生听5 Listen, read and say,跟读并猜测其含义。)

ABC BBC CBA IBM CD ID Kg km ml mm 归纳小结:重点句型: Excuse me. Are you from ...? No, I’m not. Where are you from? I’m from ...

Is she Jane? Yes, she is. Is he Li Ming? No, he isn’t. 当堂检测 1.情景交际。(从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。) A: Excuse me. Are you Sam? B: Yes, I am. 1 A: My name is Bob. B: 2 A: Nice to meet you, too. 3

B: No, I’m not. 4 Where are you from? A: I’m from Shanghai. B: 5 A: Thank you. Bye! B: Bye-bye!

A. Nice to meet you. B. Welcome to Beijing. C. I’m from the U.S.A. D. Are you from England? E. What’s your name? Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from? Section B


1.学习who 问句.Who’s she/he?

2.继续学习主格人称代词I, you, he, she.they,及物主代词my ,your 3.继续学习如何询问他人姓名,籍贯及应答语

(1)---What’s her name? ---Her name is Deng Yaping.

(2)---Where’s she from? --She’s from China. (3)---Are they from England? ---No, they aren’t. 学习重点: Who’s she/he?

学习难点: Are they from??Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t 学习过程 Step 1 复习导入

(把全班同学分成四组,让组长来调查该组成员来自哪里。) S1: Li Yang, where are you from? S2: I’m from Beijing. Step2 问题导学


1)My name is Kangkang. I am from_______.(中国) 2) That is Jane. She is from _______.(英国) 3)---Is he from ______? ---Yes, he is .(加拿大) 4) ---Hello , are you from ______? Yes, I am.(日本) 5) My English teacher is from __________.(美国) Step 3 呈现

1.(让学生听本课1a的录音并跟读。)Look! Who’s she?

S1:she is Jane......

2. (1) (听2a的录音,让学生跟读,然后进行朗读比赛,看谁读得准确。) (2)(替换为人称代词he/she/they?进行操练) S1: Are they from the U.S.A.?

S2: No, they aren’t. S1: Where are they from?

S2: Kangkang is from China and Jane is from Canada. Step4 精讲点拨


1)— W_______ is she from? — She’s from China.

2)W___ is he? He is YaoMing 3)His n________ is Michael. 4)— Are you Li Hua?— No, I’m n_____ Li Hua. I’m Li Tong. 5) They aren’t from J_______. They are from Cuba. 2.用方框里所给词的适当形式填空。 I, you , my , your , she, he , they 1.—What’s ____ name ? --- ____name is Lin Feng.. 2.—Are _____ from Japan ? Yes, I am. 3.____is my mom.

4. This is Zhai Zhigang.____is from China. 5.---Are Lin Feng and LiMing from China? ---Yes, ____ are. Step 5.归纳小结:

Where are you from?I’m from the U.S.A.

Is she from Shanghai?No, she isn’t.

特殊疑问句用降调,一般疑问句用升调,一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答用降调。 当堂检测A选择最佳答案

( ) 1 — Welcome to our school. — _________

A. OK.

B. Thanks.

C. Excuse me.

D. Hello.

( ) 2. — Thank you. — _________

A. You’re welcome.

B. That’s OK.

C.. A and B.

( ) 3.— _________ he from the U.S.A.?

— No, he’s from China. A. Are

B. Is

C. Am

Homework 综合填空。

A: Excuse me, are you Li Lei?

B: Yes, I am. 1__________________________________ A: My name is Jim.

B: 2__________________________________ A: Nice to meet you, too. B: 3

A: I’m from Canada. Are you from Beijing?

B: No. I’m from Shanghai.A: Is that boy from Shanghai, too? B: Yes, 4

Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from?

Section C


1.学习数字0-10 及短语 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ,telephone, number 2. 学习如何询问别人的电话号码及应答 What’s his telephone number?

His telephone number is (010)8267-6790. 3.了解单词音节和重音。做到语音正确。

学习重点:数字的灵活运用 学习难点:听音辨词 学习过程:

Step 1 复习导入

1. (复习上节课的重要知识点。) 2. (朗读句子,并标出语调,巩固be from在不同人称的应用,复习国家名称。) Step2 问题导学 A.选择最佳答案

( )1 —Are they from Canada? —No, they ____.

A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t ( )2. —What’s ____ telephone number?

—It’s 8265-3412.

A. you B. your C. my ( )3. —____ are they? —They are XiaoLi and Jane.

A. Who B. What C. Where ( )4.. Mary ____ from Cuba.

A. is B. am C. are ( )5. “One one zero” 表示 ____。

A. 火警 B. 匪警 C. 急救中心 ( )6.. —Is he Li Ping? —Yes, ____.

A. I’m B. he’s C. he is B.根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)

1. —W____ are you from? 2. —What’s y____ name? —I’m from Shanghai. —My name is David. 3. —Are you f____ Zhengzhou? —No, we aren’t.

4. —What’s your telephone n ?—It’s (010)8659-7981. 5. —E me, are you Frank? —Yes, I am. Step 3 呈现

1. (示范每个数字的读音,要求学生先静听,再模仿。)

2. (师连续读出这11个数字,强调前10个数字用升调,最后一个用降调,并要求学生跟读,培养学生语感。)

3.(做出打电话的动作,理解telephone number的意思。) T:What’s your telephone number? S1:My telephone number is ? Step 4. 精讲点拨

1— W____ is he? —He i____ Xiao Ming. 2. —Is she ____ Japan? —No, she ____.

3. —W ____ are they from? —They are from C____. 4. —What’s y____ QQ number? —____ QQ number is 158141028. 5. —____ she Jane? —____, she is. 归纳小结: 重点句型:

What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is ? What’s his telephone number?His telephone number is ? 当堂检测



( ) 6. How old are you? ( ) 7. Where are you from?

( ) 8. What’s your telephone number? ( ) 9. Is Miss Yang your English teacher? ( ) 10. Glad to meet you. B.用适当的词填空。

A. I?m from England. B. Thank you. The same to you. C. I?m 12. D. It?s 895-4376. Hello! My 1 is Kangkang. 2 am from China. This 3 my friend. 4 is his name? His name is Mike. 5 is from the U.S.A. His phone 6 is (010)6534-8719. Miss Zhao 7 my teacher. 8 is she from? She is from China, 9 . She is fine. 10 telephone number is (010)6534-8897. 1. ___________

2. ___________

3. ___________

4. ___________

5. ___________ 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 9. ___________

10. ___________

8. ___________

Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from?

Section D


1复习数字0~10及其在日常生活中的运用. 2. 总结主格人称代词的用法。

3.复习 am/is/are.的一般疑问句和简单的问句 学习重点:数字的灵活运用 学习难点:am/is/are 的用法. 学习过程:Step 1 复习导入

1.(让全班同学齐唱“Where are you from?”活跃课堂气氛,导入新课。) 2. (让学生找的一些电话号码,手机号码,门牌号码,车牌号码,邮编等展示出来,两人一组互相提问,巩固旧知识。)

3. (数字接龙游戏从0到10,目的是检查学生的掌握程度及反应能力。) Step2 问题导学


1 E_________ me, what’s your name, please?

2. Look! 13912596888 i________ his telephone number. 3. — W_________ to Shanghai!— Thank you! 4. Lily is from England. She is E_________.

5. Maria’s t_________ number is (010)9214-6953. B 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。

1.他来自哪里? Where _______ he _______?

2.打扰了,你叫什么名字?Excuse me, _______ _______ _______? 3.他的电话号码是(020)5567-8235。

_______ _______ _______ is (020)5567-8235.

4.你的新同学来自江西吗?_______ your new classmate _______ Jiangxi? 5.看到你很高兴。 _______ _______ see you. Step 3 呈现

1. (教师播放录音1a,示范让学生跟读,培养学生正确的语音语调。) 2. (再听一遍,用铅笔标出语调,使学生集中注意力,效率更高。) 3. (播放2的录音,并让学生重复,培养学生的听力。) 5. (打开课本,让学生完成2 Work alone。) Step 4. 巩固 (1)(展示下列内容,完成3a Grammar focus。) 单数 主格 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 I you he she it be动词 am are is is is they are 复数 主格 we you be动词 are are 归纳小结 Be的用法口诀:我(I)用am ,你( you)用are ,is 跟着他(he)她(she)它(it),所有的复数(we , you , they )都用are

(2) What’s=What is Who’s= who is Where’s = Where is name’s = name is isn’t = is not aren’t =are not I’m = I am you’re = you are he’s = he is

she’s = she is it’s = it is they’re = they are Step5 精讲点拨


1.---What’s _ __ name? ---- My name is Sally. 2.--- Where _____ you from? ---I’m from Canada. 3.---Where is ____ from? ---- She’s from Japan. 4.---Where_____ they from?---- They ___from Shanghai. 5.---Are Amy? ---- No, Amy. I’m Kitty. 6.---Is Maria? ---- No, she .

7.-- his telephone number?--- His telephone number is 54678931. 8.--- is he ?He is David.


This is Fangfang. She is from China. Her(她的) telephone number is (010)8257-6644. She is in Beijing No.1 High School(北京一中). She is a good student. Miss Gao is her English teacher.


Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

Section A

一: 学习目标

知识目标:复习数字0—10 并学习数字11—20

能力目标:学会如何询问他人的年龄、班级和年级 情感目标:学会和同学简单的交谈 二:学习重点

1、数字11—20 2、How old ??.? 3、What class /grade ??in ?

三: 学习难点:人称的转换及班级、年级的问答 四: 学习过程 1、导入:


看课本P17 Part 1 ,预习新单词并找出其共同点 3、问题导学 再看一遍课文,完成下列问题

(1)数字11—20中,有哪几个数字是以teen 结尾的?请写下来。

______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______

(2)询问“你多大了”?用句子______ ______ ______ ________? 如果询

问他/她多大了要把be 动词are 改为be动词________?



________ __________ , _________ ___________ 4、典题训练

<1> 在横线上写出正确答案

(1)___________+ twelve =nineteen (2)seventeen — four = ___________

(3)ten + four = __________ (4) twelve — eleven = ____________ <2> 根据句意和首字母补全单词 (1)—What c________ are you in ?

—I’m in _______ ________ _________ __________. (八五班)

(2 )---- _________ _________ is she ? ---She’s four years old .

(3) Li Ming is _______ ________ _________.(2 年级)

(4)----How ________ ________ you ? ----I am 13.

(5) ---- What _______ is she in ?-----She is in Grade Three . 5、精讲点拨

(1)---How old are you ? ----I’m twelve . 解析:how old 常用来询问年龄,意思为“多大”“几岁”,答语常用主+ be+

年龄,也可在后面加上year old ,如果年龄超过1岁,year 要加 s ,如:2岁,two years old .

eg : ---________ _______ is she ?

---She is ________ ________ ________ . (3 岁

(2)---What class are you in ?

---I’m in Class Four ,Grade Seven .

解析:What class ??.in ?用来询问班级,答语常包含班级和年级。What

grade ??..in ?用来询问年级,答语只包含年级。在答语中,数字前的名词连同这个数字一起 大写,并且注意班级在前,年级在后。但作为普通名词时不要大写。如:Class One , Grade Two

eg : ---What _______ is she in ?

--- She is in ______ ______ _______ ________ (三五班)


本节课主要学习数字11---20 和年龄、班级、年级的询问方法及答语,

要学会第三人称的转变,特别要注意的是描述班级时,数字前的班级、年级和数字首字母都要大写,并按照班级在前年级在后的顺序。 六、当堂检测 选择填空

1、----How _________ are you ? ----I’m eleven . A、class B、 grade C、old

2、 -----What class are you in ? ----_________________

A、I am from Lan Zhou . B、Class Two . C、I am OK .

3、---Are you in Class 3 ? ----_______________.

A、Thanks B、That’s all right . C、No , I’m not .

4、---Who is that ? ----______ is Steve .

A、that B、She C、That

5、---What grade is she in ? ----She is in _____________.

A、grade two B、Grade Two C、Class One , Grade Two 七、作业 根据句意和首字母补全单词

1、---What c__________ are you in ? ----I am in Class Four . 2、---How o_______ are you ? ----I am 12.

3、---What’s your E_________ name ? ---It’s Mary . 4、---W_________ is that ? ---- That’s my father . 5、---What’s your p________ number ? ---It’s 13658794526.

Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

Section B

一 :学习目标

知识目标 : 1、学习识别单数物体 2、掌握不定冠词a 、an 的用法 能力目标 :学会单词拼写的表达

情感目标 : 学会如何表达感谢及应答语 二: 学习重点

1、掌握不定冠词a 、an 的用法

2、句型What’s this /that in English ?

How do you spell it ? / Can you spell it , please ? 三 :学习难点 不定冠词a 、an 的用法 四 :学习过程 (一)、导入

A. I know her B. I don’t know her C. I see her D. I’m not know her

( ) 4.—Lucy, do you _________ your sister, Lily? —No, we have different looks.

A. look B. look at C. look the same D. look like ( ) 5.This T-shirt is Maria’s. Please _________. A. give it to her B. give her to it C. give to her it D. give to it her 八.作业布置

Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is this?

Section A


Whose his hers ours theirs yours mine then (2)掌握句型:

— Whose ?is it/are these/those??

—It’s (not) mine/hers/yours/these/those are (not)?? 学习重点:

1 .学习物主代词,初步了解名词所有格 2 .学习谈论物品的所属 3. 复习名词的复数形式 学习难点:

1 如何使用名词性物主代词替换掉形容词性物主代词+名词的组合 2 then的用法

3 如何回答Whose引导的特殊疑问句 4 名词单复数形式的变化 学习过程:

Step1. 导入:(创设情景,导入新课) Step2. 自学指导:

1.先给学生展示出关键词:mine,whose,hers,ours,theirs,yours,baby,bag,shirt,banana.并提出问题Whose cap is it?


Step3.问题导学: 1.英汉互译:

It's mine___________ They're theirs___________ 这是他的自行车______________ 那些是我们的____________ 2.展示词:bike,cat,shoes,bananas,toys,

3.师生问答,导入新句型,Whose .... is this?Whose ... is that? Whose ...are these?Whose ...are those?及答语. 4.生分别扮演Maria,Jane,表演问答对话2a.然后完成2b. Step4.典题训练

( )1. —____ apples are those? —They are mine. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. These ( )2. —Is this coat yours?

—No, my coat is white and blue. This ____ is blue. It’s Lily’s. A. coat B. one C. color D. clothes

( )3. —Are the black shoes ____? —No. It’s ____. A. Tom; her B. Tom’s; her C. Tom; hers D. Tom’s; hers Step5. 精讲点拨

Whose bike is it/this/that? It's his bike./It's his. 2.Whose shoes are these/those?

They're our shoes./They're ours. 五.归纳小结

1 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。

2 名词所有格形式。如Tom—Tom’s Kate—Kate’s 六.当堂检测

( )1. —Is the girl in red Jim’s sister?—____ A. Yes, she is. B. Lucy’s.

C. No, Jim’s sister. D. Yes, Lucy’s. ( )2. These are my pants. His ____ yellow. A. is B. am C. are D. /

( )3. —Does Mary know ____? —Yes, she knows ____. A. yours; me B. your; us C. you; us D. yours; us

( )4. —Whose cap is this? —I ____ it’s Li Ming’s.

A. think B. help C. find D. welcome


从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏句子的最佳答语。 Ⅰ

A. It’s yellow. B. Yes, they are. C. He has white hair. D. Sorry, I don’t know. E. It’s mine.

( ) 1. What does he look like? ( )2. Is the bike new?

( )3. Whose book is this?

( )4. Are these your apples? ( )5. What color is your coat?

Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is this?

Section B


1.掌握物主代词的用法,名词所有格, 2.含有what和whose的特殊疑问句,

3.谈论人的外貌特征以及物品、服饰的颜色的表达方法。 学习重点:

-- Whose ... is this?---I think it's... --Whose ...are these?---They are...

学习难点: 难点为重点句型的实际运用及名词的复数形式。 学习过程:

Step1. 导入:


Whose pen is this? Is it yours? Yes,it's mine./ No,it's not mine. Step2. 自学指导:阅读1a 划出生词 Step3.问题导学: 1.英汉互译:

It's not mine___________ 我认为它是康康的___________ 我的茄克是蓝白相间的_________ This one is blue______________ Step4.典题训练

( )1. My dress ____ blue ____ yours.

I like (喜欢) its (它的) color, but it is too short.

A. are; like B. is; looks

C. is; like D. am; looks like

( )2. —I’ll help you find him, Mary. —____

A. Not, it doesn’t. B. That’s right. C. Thank you. D. You’re welcome.

( )3. Please help Jack ____ his bike. It’s missing(不见了).

A. finds B. gives C. find D. give

( ) 4. Pu Cunxin is a good film star(电影明星). _________ is tall and he _________ small eyes. A. His; has

B. He; has

C. He; is

D. His; is

( ) 5. These are my pants. His _________ yellow.

A. is B. am C. are D. /

Step5. 精讲点拨

名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词。 根据句意,用所给单词的正确形式填空。

It's a blue jacket .It's not________(I).It's not_______(Michael).And it isn't_______(Kangkang).______(he)is blue and white. Then ______(who)jacket is it?It's______(Li Ming). 五.归纳小结

1.引导学生总结有关人称物主代词的词语。 2.学习掌握有关对物体问答的简单用语。

Whose ... is this/ are these? It's .../They are... Is this...? Yes,it is./ No,it is... 六.当堂检测


1. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____ (I).

2. This bike isn’t Mary’s. ____ (she) is over there (在那边). 3. Are those ____ (you) apples?

4. These are our oranges. Those are ____ (their). 5. Mr. Gao is ____ (he) teacher. 七.作业布置:

从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。 A: Hello. 1

B: Nice to meet you, Ann. I’m Jenny Carter. A: Hi, Jenny. 2

B: What’s your name?

a. No, I’m not. C: Raman.

b. Can you read it? B: 3

c. I’m Ann. C: R-A-M-A-N.

d. Can you spell it? B: Are you a new student?

e. I’m in Class Four. C: 4

f. Nice to meet you, too. B: Are you in Class Five? A: No, 5

Unit2 Topic3 Whose cap is this? Section C


a)复习物主代词的用法 Is this your book? Yes, it’s mine. b)描述人的籍贯、外貌、着装等个人信息

I have a small nose.I come from China.My eyes are black. 二.学习重点:

1.对物主代词的学习,对人物的描述, 2.学会This is mine.句型。 三.学习难点:


2.对 Whose?is this?/What color is??句型的学习。 四.学习过程:

Step1. 导入:(创设情景,导入新课)

老师假设自己是康康进行自我介绍,以便学生对短文的理解。 Step2. 自学指导:

1.先给学生展示出关键词:new classmate clothes 2.读1a,完成1b。

