生物化学 讲义

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一. 课程简介






生物化学的发展大体可分为三个阶段:静态生物化学阶段 (static biochemistry stage) 时期:19世纪末到20世纪30年代

特点:发现了生物体主要由糖、脂、蛋白质和核酸四大类有机物质组成,并对生物体各种组成成分进行分离、纯化、结构测定、合成及理化性质的研究。 动态生物化学阶段(dynamic biochemistry stage) 时期:20世纪30~60年代

主要特点:研究生物体内物质的变化,即代谢途径,所以称动态生化阶段。 现代生物化学阶段(modern biochemistry stage) 时期:从20世纪60年代




我国:1966年王应睐和邹承鲁合成结晶牛胰岛素;1972年,X-射线衍射法测定了猪胰岛素的空间结构;1979年合成了41个核苷酸的酵母丙氨酸 tRNA3;1981年完成了该tRNA的全合成(76个核苷酸);唯一一个发展中国家,加入人类基因组计划,并出色完成了1%的任务。







掌握生物化学的主要内容与研究方法;了解生命、细胞和生物分子之间的关系;明确生物化学发展史。 [重点和难点]

生物化学的主要内容与研究方法。 [教学时数]2学时

[内容提要教学方法与手段] What is Biochemistry?


The main features of the living matters

What are the questions for biochemists to answer? The development of biochemistry Cells and their structure Structure of Prokaryotic cells

1.1 life、cell and biomolecule(生命、细胞和生物分子)

1.1.1 character of life(生命的特点)

Biochemistry is a science whose boundaries now encompass all aspects of biology,from moleculs to cells,to organisms,to medicine ,and to ecology.

? Basic questions about its chemical composition,the complexities of its metabolism,its diffrentiation and development,its evolution and behavior.

1.1.2 species and character of biomolecule(生物分子的种类及特点) The elemental composition of living Simple molecules

Biomolecular Recognition Is Mediated by Weak Chemical Forces

1.2 content and method of biochemistry( 生物化学的研究内容


1.2.1 content(研究内容) 1.2.2 method(研究方法)

1.3 development of biochemistry(生物化学的发展)

1.3.1 development in the world(世界发展情况) ? the development of biochemistry ? the front development of biochemistry 1.3.2 development in china(在我国的发展情况) [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002


4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003

[ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

1. Name four classes of small biomolecules. In what larger biomolecules are they found?

2. How do cells obtain energy from chemical bonds?

3. What are the common types of chemical reactions found in living cells? 4.Life on earth arose from nonliving molecules. Life is highly organized, and nonliving materials are disorganized. Is this seemingly spontaneous increase in organization a violation of the second law of thermodynamics? Explain.

第2章 amino and protein(蛋白质化学)


掌握氨基酸的分类与性质,理解蛋白质的一、二级结构,了解三、四级结构,理解蛋白质的结构与功能的相关性,掌握蛋白质的重要性质与生物学功能 [重点难点]

氨基酸与蛋白质的性质,蛋白质的一、二级结构,蛋白质的变性与复性 [教学时数]4学时


2.1 Amino (讲授,启发式,1学时 )

2.1.1 AMINO ACIDS:Building Blocks of Proteins.

All proteins are made up from the same set of 20 standard amino acids. Proline has a secondary amino group. 1.The two enantiomers of an amino acid 2.Enantiomers

3.The 20 standard amino acids 2.1.2

Ionization of amino acids

1.Two acid-base groups:the α-amino and α-carboxyl groups.


2.Isoelectric point(pI):The pH at which a molecule has a net zero charge. For example: Gly

3.The pK of an amino acid is the pH at which it is half dissociated. 2.1.3 Spectroscopic Properties of Amino Acids

Only the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine,tyrosine,and tryptophan exhibit significant ultraviolet absorption above 250 nm.

These strong absorptions can be used for spectroscopic determinations of protien concentration.

2.1.4 Reaction of Amino Acids 1.Ninhydrin reaction 2.sanger reaction 3. Edman reaction

2.2 Protein structure

2.2.1 Peptide bond 1.peptide bond 1 )peptide bond 2)The peptide unit 2.2.2 Primary structure

1. the primary structure of proteins is the linear sequence of amino acids as joined together by peptide bonds.

This sequence is determined by the sequence of nucleotide bases in the gene encording the protein

2.The function of primary struture 2.2.3 Secondary structure

1. Through hydrogen bonding interactions between adjacent amino acid residues,the polypetide chain can arrange itself into characteristic helical or pleated segments.

(1) α-helix (2) β-pleated sheet (3) β-turn


(4) nonregular coil 2.supersecondary structure 2.2.4 Tertiary structure 2.2.5 Quaternary structure 2.2.6 Protein stability 2.2.7 Protein folding

2.2.8 Protein structure determination 实验1: 蛋白质含量测定(2学时,) [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]


提高性预习题1:蛋白质二级结构的主要形式有哪些?各有什么特点? 2: 维系蛋白质空间结构的作用力有哪些?

3:何谓蛋白质的变性与复性,蛋白质变性的实质是什么? 巩固提高性作业:蛋白质结构与功能关系。 预习报告+实验报告

第3章 Enzyme (酶)


明确酶的基本性质、命名与分类,理解酶促反应动力学及作用机理,认识酶活性的调节作用。 [重点和难点]





3.1 Introduction to enzymes(酶概述)(讲练结合,1学时)

3.1.1 Enzymes as catalysts 3.1.2 Active site

3.1.3 Substrate specificity 4.1.4 Enzyme classification

3.2 Enzymes kinetics(酶动力学) (讲授,启发式,1学时)

3.3.1 Enzyme velocity 3.3.2 Substrate concentration 3.2.3 Enzyme concentration 3.2.4 pH

3.2.5 Inhibitor molecules

3.3 Enzyme Specificity and Regulation(酶的影响因素与调控)

3.3.1 Specificity is the result of molecular recognition 3.3.2 Controls over enzymatic activity-general considerations 3.3.3 The allosteric regulation of enzyme activity 3.3.4 Models for the allosteric behavior of proteins 3.3.5 Glycogen phosphorylase [ 实验、实践教学环节]

实验3:酶的特性实验(2学时) [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005


6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题: 酶的特点,分类。


2:何为酶原与酶原激活,酶原激活的生理意义是什么? 巩固提高性作业复习思考题:酶的作用。酶为什么具有高效性和专一性? 预习报告+实验报告

第四章 Membranes


了解生物膜的组成和结构 ,掌握结构与功能之间的关系 . [重点和难点]

生物膜的组成, 生物膜的功能 [教学时数]2学时


Moity of Membranes (讲练结合,1学时)

Membranes lipids (膜脂) Membranes protein(膜蛋白) Carbohydrate(糖类)

Membranes transport

Membranes transport:small molecules Membranes transport: macromolecules

Signal transduction

Cell signaling Hormones

Cell-surface receptors Second messengers

[ 实验实践教学环节]




1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题: 生物膜的组分。 提高性预习题:镶嵌流动式模型特点。

巩固提高性作业复习思考题:1:生物膜结构与功能之间的关系 预习报告+实验报告

第5章 DNA structure and replication


明确核苷酸、DNA、RNA的结构、掌握DNA的复制过程。 [重点和难点]

核酸分子的结构与组成,DNA的双螺旋二级结构,原核生物DNA 的复制。 [教学时数]2学时


5.1 DNA structure(DNA 结构)(讲练结合,1学时)

5.1.1 Bases 5.1.2 Nucleosides 5.1.3Nucleotides 5.1.4 DNA sequence 5.1.5 DNA double helix

5.2 DNA replication(DNA 复制) (讲授,启发式,1学时)

5.2.1 DNA replication in bacteria 5.2.2 DNA replication in eukaryotes


[ 实验实践教学环节]

实验3:酵母RNA的分离及组分鉴定(4学时) [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]



巩固提高性作业复习思考题: 1.mRNA 、tRNA结构各有什么特征?2.举例说明核酸结构与功能特点。


第6章 Respiration and energy生物氧化


了解生物氧化的定义,掌握电子传递链和氧化磷酸化作用. [重点和难点]

电子传递链,底物水平磷酸化,氧化磷酸化. [教学时数]2学时

[教学方法与手段]启发式教学,辅助于多媒体等教学手段 [内容提要]

6.1 Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation (讲练结合 )

6.1.1 Overview 6.1.2 Redox potential


6.1.3 Electron transport from NADH 6.1.4 Formation of an H’ gradient

[实验实践教学环节] 实验5: 氨基酸纸层析 [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003

[ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题: 生物氧化定义及类型。 提高性预习题:呼吸链

巩固提高性作业复习思考题: 比较底物水平磷酸化和氧化磷酸化. 预习报告+实验报告

第7章 Carbohydrate metabolism ( 糖的代谢)


掌握糖酵解、三羧酸循环、磷酸戊糖途径的场所、过程,每个过程产氢与产能计算,掌握生物氧化的两种方式,理解化学渗透学说;了解糖原降解与合成的机制,掌握葡萄糖的异生作用,理解糖原代谢与葡萄糖异生作用的调节机制 [重点和难点]

糖的有氧分解与无氧分解的全过程与产能计算,糖原降解与酶的作用特征,糖原合成的特点,葡萄糖异生作用的途径 [教学时数]4学时


7.1 Glycolysis(糖酵解) (讲授,启发式,1学时)

7.1.1 Overview


7.1.2 The pathway(糖酵解的生化历程) 7.1.3 Fates of pyruvate 7.1.4 Energy yield

7.1.5 Metabolism of fructose 7.1.6 Metabolism of galactose

7.1.7 Regulation of glycolysis(糖酵解的调控)

7.2 Pentose phosphate pathway(磷酸戊糖途

径) (讲练结合,1学时)

7.2.1 Overview

7.2.2 Main reactions of the pathway 7.2.3 Control of the pathway

7.3 Citric acid cycle(TCA) (讲授,启发式,1学时)

7.3.1 Role 7.3.2 Location 7.3.3 The cycle 7.3.4 Energy 7.3.5 Regulation

7.3.6 Biosynthetic pathways

7.4 Photosynthesis光合作用

7.4.1 Overview 7.4.2 Location

7.4.3 Light harvesting in green plants 7.4.4 The dark reactions 7.4.5 The C4 pathway

7.5 Gluconeogenesis(糖异生)


7.5.1 Overview 7.5.2 The pathway


7.5.3 Regulation of Gluconeogenesis

[实验实践教学环节] 实验5:植物中总糖含量的测定 [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题: 糖的功能。


2:催化糖原降解的酶主要有哪些,它们如何协同作用? 3:葡萄糖异生作用是如何克服“膜障”与“能障”的? 巩固提高性作业复习思考题:氧化体系能量代谢。 预习报告+实验报告

第8章 Lipid metabolism( 脂质代谢)


了解脂质的消化吸收转运,了解酮体的途径、意义,掌握掌握脂肪酸分解与合成代谢的途径 [重点和难点]

脂肪酸的B-氧化过程,能量计算,脂肪酸的合成过程 [教学时数]2学时

[教学方法与手段]启发式教学,辅助于多媒体等教学手段 [内容提要]

8.1 Fatty acid breakdown(脂肪酸分解)

8.1.1 Overview 8.1.2 Activation

8.1.3 Transport into mitochondria


8.1.4 β-Oxidation pathway 8.1.5 Regulation

8.2 Fatty acid synthesis(脂肪酸合成)(讲授,讨论式,1学时)

[实验实践教学环节] [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题: 脂类功能?

提高性预习题:1:比较脂肪酸合成与分解代谢, 为什么说合成代谢不是分解代谢的简单


2:为什么生物体中的脂肪酸多是偶数碳? 巩固提高性作业复习思考题:为什么脂类是重要贮能物质?

第9章 Nitrogen metabolism( 氨基酸代谢)


掌握蛋白质的降解与氨基酸的脱氨基作用的,了解氨基酸的分解代谢途径, 清楚氨基酸生物合成的碳源和氮源 [重点和难点]

脱氨基作用,鸟氨酸循环 [教学时数]2学时


9.1 Nitrogen fixation and assimilation(固氮作用和同化作用)

9.1.1 The nitrogen cycle 9.1.2 Nitrogen fixation 9.1.3 Nitrogen assimilation


9.2 Amino acid metabolism(氨基酸代谢) (讲授,启发式,1


9.2.1 Biosynthesis of amino acids 9.2.2 Amino acid degradation 9.2.3 Transamination

9.2.4 Oxidative deamination of glutamate 9.2.5 Amino acid oxidases

9.3 The urea cycle(尿素循环) (讲练结合,1学时)

9.3.1 Ammonia excretion 9.3.2 The ural cycle

9.3.3 Link to the citric acid cycle [实验实践教学环节] 无 [参考书目]

1.Lehninger,Nelson,Cox.Principles of Biochemistry,second eidition.

2.B.D.Hames, N.M.Hoopeer& J.D.Houghton《Instant Notes Biochemistry》Science press ,Beijing ,1999

3. Horton.H.R.Principles of Biochemistry (Third Edition). Prentice-Hall Inc. 2002 4.B.D. Hames & N.M. Hooper.Instant notes in biochemistry . Science press,2003 5. Peter R.Bergethon.The physical basis of biochemistry . Worle press,2005 6.H.Robert Horton. Principles of Biochemistry. Science press,2003 [ 课堂训练、作业思考题]

基础性预习题:蛋白质消化与吸收。 提高性预习题:1:什么是联合脱氨作用?

2:催化脱氨的酶有哪几种?各有哪些作用特征? 巩固提高性作业复习思考题:氨基酸的生物合成。

Nucleic acid metabolism(自学)




