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最新中考英语书面表达(作文)春节范文汇总 范文1(如何过春节): 第一段:整体介绍春节情况 1. I am glad to hear that you will come to China during the Spring Festival. 很高兴听说春节期间你要来中国 2. I am glad to hear that you want to know something about the Spring Festival.很高兴听说你想了解关于春节的事。 3. Chinese people think that Spring Festival is the most important festival.中国人认为春节时最重要的节日。 4. It usually comes in January or February and lasts 15 days.


第二段:介绍春节期间的活动(春节前,除夕夜,新年第一天) 5. Before the Spring Festival People usually clean house and do some shopping 春节前人们通常打扫房子和购物。 6.In order to celebrate the Spring Festival, people like pasting Spring Festival couplets on the doors.春节前,人们喜欢在门上贴春联。

7. On New Year’s Eve, all the family members usually get together to have a big meal and give best wishes to each other. 新年前夕,所有的家庭成员通常聚在一起吃一顿大餐并彼此给予最好的祝福。 8. Jiaozi is the traditional food .We all like it.饺子是传统食物。我们都很喜欢它。 9. At about 12 o’clock,people like going outdoors to play fireworks。 Children like it best 在大约12点,人们喜欢到户外放鞭炮。孩子们最喜欢它了。

10. On the first day of the new year,we usually wear new clothes and go to visit our relatives and friends with some presents. 在新年的第一天,我们通常穿上新衣服去拜访我们的亲戚和朋友并带着一些礼物。 11. And children can also get hongbao from their grandparents. 孩子们也可以从祖父母那得到红包。

12. In that case, We must accept the present with both hands and open it later. 在那种情况下,我们必须用双手接受它,而且要过后打开它。 第三段:谈感想,发邀请 13.The Spring Festival is very interesting,why not come to China and have the Spring Festival with us?


14. Welcome to China. I hope you will have a good time with us. 欢迎来中国,我希望你能和我们一起过的很开心。 阅读理解 China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪). Chinese people are among the mosthospitable people in the world. If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests.

When you visit a Chinese family, the host usually makes tea for you. Then he will serve you snacks(小吃) like biscuits

or candy. Someone in the family will also chat with you, never letting you feel lonely.

At the same time, other family members will prepare a meal for you. Chinese people treat (款待) their guests with a big meal. They always present more food than the guest can eat. On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. Perhaps one of the things that surprises a western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors, which won’t happen at western tables. The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home. As you are done eating, the host usually says,”It seems that you didn’t eat much. Please have more.” Although you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.

Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius (孔子) said thousands of years ago: To meet friends from after; How happy we are! 46. What does the underline word “hospitable” mean in this passage. A.好客的 B. 勤劳的 C.朴实的 47. As a guest in a Chinese family, you are usually offered_____ by the host. A. coffee and snacks B. juice and snacks C. tea and snacks 48. Why does a western visitor feel surprised when the host picks food for him? A. Because he thinks it’s not polite. B. Because he thinks it’s not necessary. C. Because it won’t happen in western countries. 49. What the Chinese family do for the guests is to_____.

A. make them feel at home B. show their wealth C. make them feel uncomfortable. 50. What’s the meaning of the words by Confucius at the end of the passage? A.学而时习之,不亦悦乎? B.有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? C.人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?

范文1(如何过春节): 1. 很高兴听说春节期间你要来中国

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 很高兴听说你想了解关于春节的事。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 中国人认为春节时最重要的节日。


4. 它通常在一月或二月来临并持续15天。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 春节前人们通常打扫房子和购物。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 春节前,人们喜欢在门上贴春联。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 新年前夕,所有的家庭成员通常聚在一起吃一顿大餐并彼此给予最好的祝福。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 饺子是传统食物。我们都很喜欢它。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. 在大约12点,人们喜欢到户外放鞭炮。孩子们最喜欢它了。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. 在新年的第一天,我们通常穿上新衣服去拜访我们的亲戚和朋友并带着一些礼物。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. 孩子们也可以从祖父母那得到红包。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. 在那种情况下,我们必须用双手接受它,而且要过后打开它。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. 春节非常有趣,为什么不来中国和我们一起过春节呢?

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. 欢迎来中国,我希望你能和我们一起过的很开心。


范文2:如何拜访中国家庭的礼仪:(穿什么?带什么?说什么?做什么?什么时间到?什么时间离开?) 1. Different countries and different people have different manners. 不同国家不同的人有着不同的礼仪。

2. If you visit a Chinese family, you’d better make sure when to visit and arrive on time. 如果你拜访一个中国家庭,你最好确定什么时间拜访并准时到达。

3. It’s polite to bring some presents and wear formal clothes when you visit a Chinese family. Such as fruits, flowers ,wine and so on.

当你拜访一个中国家庭时, 带些礼物和穿正式服装是很有礼貌的。例如:水果、鲜花、酒等等。 4. When you arrive at their home, you should knock at the door first. 当你到达他家时,你首先应该敲门。

5. When the door is opened, you can't move before the host says \ 当门打开时,在主人说请进之前你不能进入。

6. After you enter the room,you shouldn't sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. 进屋之后,直到主人让你坐下,你才能坐下。

7. After that ,the host usually makes tea for you or serve you some candies. 那之后,主人通常会给你沏茶或给你糖果。

8. At this time ,you must accept it with both hands and say “thank you” 这个时候,你必须用双手接受并说谢谢。

9. The host will also chat with you and never let you feel lonely.主人也会和你聊天,从不让你感到孤独。 10. You can talk about your work or your hobby with them.你可以和他们聊聊你的工作或你的爱好 11. What’s more,don’t make any noise when you are eating . 还有当你吃饭的时候,不要制造任何噪音。 12. Of course, you’d better say goodbye when you leave.当然了,当你离开的时候,你最好说再见。

范文2:(如何拜访中国家庭的礼仪)检测板: 1. 不同国家不同的人有着不同的礼仪。

2. 如果你拜访一个中国家庭,你最好确定什么时间拜访并准时到达。

3. 当你拜访一个中国家庭时, 带些礼物和穿正式服装是很有礼貌的。例如:水果、鲜花、酒等等。 4. 当你到达他家时,你首先应该敲门。 5.当门打开时,在主人说请进之前你不能进入。 6. 进屋之后,直到主人让你坐下,你才能坐下。

7. 那之后,主人通常会给你沏茶或给你糖果。 8. 这个时候,你必须用双手接受并说谢谢。 9. 主人也会和你聊天,从不让你感到孤独。 10.你可以和他们聊聊你的工作或你的爱好 11. 还有,当你吃饭的时候,不要制造出任何噪音。 12. 当然了,当你离开的时候,你最好说再见。

范文:3:中国春节规矩:背诵版: 向外国人介绍中国过年要遵守的习俗

1. I'm very glad to know that you're coming to China for a short holiday.我很高兴知道你要来中国度过一个短暂假期。 2. I'd be happy to give you some advice.很高兴给你一些建议。

3. When you visit a Chinese family, it's a good idea to bring a small gift. Such as fruits, tea, flowers, or something special

from your country.当你拜访一个中国家庭时,带一份小礼物是个好主意。例如水果,茶,花或者某种来自您的国家的特殊东西。

4. But don’t forget to package it with red or colorful paper instead of white or black paper. It’s not lucky. 但是不要忘记用红纸或彩色纸包装它,而不是白色或黑色的纸。那是不吉利的。 5. Usually Chinese people will give you a present (in return. ) 通常中国人会回赠给你一份礼物。/ 中国人通常会送你一份礼物。

6. In that case, you must accept it with both hands.在那种情况下,你一定要用双手接受它。 7. Remember not to open it immediately but later.记住不要立刻打开它。

8. Of all the festivals in China. the Spring Festival is the most important. 在中国所有的节日中,春节是最重要的。 9. There are some special traditions for you to follow. 有一些特别的传统你要遵循。

10. Try not to break anything. If you do, say \尽量不要打破东西。 如果打破了,要说岁岁平安。 11. You'd better not say the words \你最好不要说“死、破、坏”这些字。

12. Besides, don't clean the room on the first day of Chinese New Year, it will sweep away good luck。 除此之外,不要在中国新年的第一天打扫屋子,那样会扫走好运气的。 13. I hope what I said can help you 我希望我说的话能帮助你。

14. I’m sure you will have a wonderful holiday in China.我相信在中国你会度过一个很棒的假期。 15. and if you have any questions, just write to me again.如果你还有问题,就再给我写信。

范文3:中国春节规矩:背诵版: 1) 我很高兴知道你要来中国度过一个短暂的假期。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) 很高兴给你一些建议。____________________________________________________________________

3) 当你拜访一个中国家庭时,带一份小礼物是个好主意。例如水果,茶,花或某种来自你的国家的特殊东西。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) 但是不要忘记用红纸或彩色纸包装它,而不是白色或黑色的纸。那是不吉利的。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) 通常中国人会回赠给你一份礼物。/ 中国人通常会送你一份礼物。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) 在那种情况下,你一定要用双手接受它。__________________________________________________________ 7) 记住不要立刻打开它。_______________________________________________________________________ 8) 在中国所有的节日中,春节是最重要的。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 9) 有一些特别的传统你要遵循。___________________________________________________________________ 10) 尽量不要打破东西。 如果打破了,要说岁岁平安。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) 你最好不要说“死、破、坏”这些字。_________________________________________________________________ 12) 除此之外,不要在中国新年的第一天打扫屋子,那样会扫走好运气的。

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 13) 我希望我说的话能帮助你。__________________________________________________________________ 14) 我相信在中国你会度过一个很棒的假期。


15)如果你还有问题,就再给我写信。 _______________________________________________________________

