5B unit5 helping our parents 教案

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总计第____课时 主备人__叶秀_____ 课 题 Unit 5 helping our parents 课型 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:parent, clean, cook, sweep, busy, 教 学 目 标 wash . 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:what are you doing? What is he/she doing? 及回答 3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。 教学重点 难点 教具 准备 师 生 活 动 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Pre-reading 1.Let’s watch 看一则公益视频关于孩子为父母做家务的 After reading , please answer what’ he /she doing?出示中文 生试答Ss: He /She is …. T(将以上提及的短语综合在一起) Yes, they are helping their parents . Step 3 While-reading 1.Do you help your parents at weekends? Ss: Yes, I often/sometimes/usually/always….. Teach : clean the car, sweep the floor, wash clothes, wash the dishes. T: Great! We can do a lot of things. What about them?出示课文人物。 Can you try to guess what are they doing? 2.Watch the cartoon 3.Are mike and Helen helping their parents? Read the story and underline some difficult words and sentences. 教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。 PPT 个性化设计 (1)Listen and repeat (2)Do a judge. My father is cooking in the kitchen. Helen is sweeping the floor. Tim and dog are in the living room. Jim is in cleaning the table in the afternoon. Tim and Jim are watching TV in the living room. Step 4 Post-reading 1. Have a talk What do you think of them? Ss have a talk in class. 2. Retell the story. Retell the story and put the pictures on the right place. Step 4 Consolidation T: We know our parents will become older and older, Look!展示另一个关于父母老去的视频或图片。So now please help your parents with housework and love each other! Because many hands make light work. Homework 1. Read the story 3 times 2. Retell the story according to the pictures. Unit 5 helping our parents 板 书 设 计 clean the car, sweep the floor, wash clothes, wash the dishes. 教 学 反 思


总计第____课时 主备人__叶秀_____ 课 题 Unit 5 helping our parents 课型 教 学 目 标 1.能熟练运用句型what are you doing? I’m… what is he/she doing? He/She is…进行对话。 2.能理解并掌握现在进行时态句型的用法及规则。 3.能完成Fun time 中的任务。 教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型询问别人正在做什么。 教学重点 难点 教具 准备 PPT 师 生 活 动 个性化设计 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Review T: Watch the story again and review. Now let’s do some exercise. 1.Review the new words 出示课文图片,学生回答并拼写。 2. Retell the story. 3. 出示课文表示现在进行时态的一个句子,让生将剩余的全部找出来。 Step 3 Grammar time 1. 出示grammar 中的句子 T: Who can try to read? (Ss read) 2. T: Just now, you made a lot of sentences with V-ing, try to find the rules. 学生根据例句,寻找规律。 3. 学生试说规律,教师总结。 Step 4 Fun time 1. Sing a song. T: well done! Boys and girls, let’s relax, sing a song< what are you doing?>. You can follow it if you want.(学生跟唱,可自由发挥加上动作等。) 3. Work in pairs. 4. 出示fun time 图片。 T : What is he/she doing? S4 : He is…. 5. Now you can ask and answer in groups. 3 minutes. (学生操练给句型) 6. Let’s share.学生上前表述该句型。 Step5 Practice What are you _____(do)? What ____(be) he doing? She is________ (clean) the windows. What are mike’s parents______ (do)? They are _____(wash) clothes. Homework 1. 用现在进行时态造句,(5个)。 2. 课后完成fun time 的练习。 Unit 5 helping our parents 板 书 设 计 What are you _____(do)? What ____(be) he doing? She is________ (clean) the windows. What are mike’s parents______ (do)? They are _____(wash) clothes. 教 学 反 思


总计第____课时 主备人__叶秀_____ 课 题 Unit 5 helping our parents pest, ladybird, go away. 2. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。 3. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话 课型 教 学 目 标 1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:grow, garden, sweet, 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事 教学重点 难点 教具 准备 PPT 师 生 活 动 个性化设计 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song Ss :Yes, we do. T :Let’ s sing together, I think you can sing well. 师生齐唱学过歌曲Do you like purple grapes? Step 2 Presentation 1.T : Do you like purple grapes? S 1 :Yes T : Why? S 1 : Because...... T : Do you like eating grapes? S 2 : .... T : Are they sweet? S 2 :... 可询问3、4名学生 2.T: Bobby likes eating grapes too. What happens? Please read by yourself. 3.学习课文 出示课文第一幅图 T: What is bobby doing? Ss: He is eating grapes. T: That’s right. How does he feel? Ss : He feels happy.

T: If he meets some difficulties, What will be? Ss discuss in groups. 出示第二幅图 T: Look, some pests are coming. 教读pests, 理解词义。 T : What are the pests doing? Ss : They are eating the grapes. 出示第三幅图 T: What happens now? Ss : Birds are coming. T: What are the birds doing? Ss :.... 出示第四幅图 T :Do the birds go away? What are they doing now? Ss :.... 在学习课文的过程中,教师教读生词和短语。 4.小组分角色朗读课文。 5.学生模仿表演 Step 3 Consolidation 1.T: Bobby is angry, right? But the story is unfinished. Now you can discuss and give an ending you like. 3 minutes 学生讨论 2.学生展示各组的发展结果。 3.选出最有趣的最有想象力的一个结局。 Homework 熟读表演课文 Unit 5 helping our parents 板 书 设 计 What is bobby doing? He is eating grapes. That’s right. How does he feel? He feels happy. 教 学 反 思 课堂教学设计方案

总计第____课时 主备人__叶秀_____ 课 题 教 学 目 标 Unit 5 helping our parents 1. 能正朗读字母组合/ing/在单词中的发音。 2. 能流利正确的学唱歌曲。 2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。 课型 教学重点 难点 教具 准备 1. 能正确朗读字母/ing/在单词中的发音。 2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。 PPT 师 生 活 动 个性化设计 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Sound time 1.Free talk T: Do you remember the title of this unit? Ss : Helping our parents T: How to pronounce “ ing ”? First, you read the word “helping” again. 教师再示范读。 2.给出动词让学生变成动名词后大声朗读。 Do, clean, cook, eat, help, wash, watch….. 学生回答。 3.出示sound time图片。 T: What can you get? Ss talk about the picture. 4.教师出示单词 bring, morning, sing, spring. 学生试读并带读。 5. Listen to the tape 6.Read after it. Step3 Checkout time 1.Look and write T: What are the children doing? (1)直接出示图片,同桌一问一答。 (2)教师指名回答。 (3)男生问女生答。 (4)将答案写在书上,同桌互查。 2. Listen, number and say. (1)Show the pictures. ss discuss what are they doing. (2)Listen to the tape. (3)Listen again and number. (4)Have a check (5) Read after the tape. (6)Say in group. Helen is in…., she’s….. (7) 小组展示 Step 4 Song time <;Polly, put the cattle on> Homework Unit 5 helping our parents 板 书 设 计 clean the car, sweep the floor, wash clothes, wash the dishes. Do, clean, cook, eat, help, wash, watch….. 教 学 反 思

