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新人教高中英语必修一短语 Unit 1 Friendship

1. 把…加起来 ____________ 总计共达 ______________ 把…加到…里__________ 2. 平静/镇静下________________ 3. 关心/挂念(某人/某事)_______ 4. 不得不做某事___________ 做某事的最好方式 ________ 坚持做某事 ___________ 坚持要某人做某事 ____________ 改变主意 _____________ 在…的高度 _____________

下定决心做某事 ____________ 向某人屈服 ______________ 穿过深谷 ____________ 6. 无偿的_______________ 7. 失去信心_____________ 8. 在--活跃______________ 9. 乐意做某事___________ 10. 失业___________________ 11. 被阻止做某事___________ 12. 以暴制暴_______________ 13. 领某人参观某地________ 11.make use of 12.a large number of 13.the number of 14.such as 15.believe it or not 16.have fun 17.make a request 18.give commands 12.too---to--- 13.give out

14.be trapped under the ruins 15.instead of 16.in honor of

17.tens of thousands of 18.more than 19.fall down 5. 经历;浏览________ 6. 躲/藏起来__________ 7. 一连串/一系列的___________ 8. 写下/记下_________________ 9. 受痛苦/受损失/受折磨_________ 10. 和某人(很好地)相处__________ 11. 爱上某人/某物_______________ 12. 对…着迷 _____________ 13. 渴望某物/迷恋某人___________ 14. 按照,根据…_________________ 15. 参加(游戏/活动)等__________ 16. 如此…以至于…____________ 17. 面对面 ____________________ 18. 故意__________

Unit 2 English Around The World

1. 起着重要的作用 _______ 2. 因为,由于 _______ 3. 在某些方面 _______ 4. 母语 _____________ 5. 即使 _______________ 6. 与某人交流 _____________ 7. 以…为基础 ___________ 8. 出席 ________________ 9. 走近,上来_______________ 10. 接近于 ______________ 11. 利用 ________________ 12. 大量的 __________________ 13. …的数目__________________ 14. 例如 _________________ 15. 信不信由你 ______________ 16. 玩得开心 ________________ 17. 请求 _____________ 18. 命令 _____________ 19. 解决问题 ____________ 20.一个讲英语的国家 ___________ Unit 3 Travel Journal

梦想做某事 ______________ 毕业于(某大学) ___________ 说服某人做某事 ____________ 说服别人不要做某事 __________ 使某人对某事感兴趣 ____________

像往常一样 ____________ 鼓励某人做某事 _____________ 扎营 ______________

搭帐篷 _____________ 迫不及待做某事 _____________ 首先其次 ____________ 对熟悉 ______________ 为某人所熟悉 _______________ 创纪录 _______________ 破纪录 _______________ 把记录下来 ____________ 向某人问候 ______________ 从别人眼中看世界 _________ Unit 4 Earthquakes 1.握手_________________

2. 照常 __________________ 3.爆发__________________ 4.立刻,马上_____________ 5. 大量的,许多的 _________ 6. 在 ---的北边______________ 7.搭起,建造______________ 8.为---而自豪__________________ 9.由---来判断____________________ 10. 作为 ---而闻名_________________ 11.从---出来_____________________

12. 太 ---而不能-__________________ 13. 分发,发出(气味等) ____________ 14.被困在废墟中_________________ 15.代替,而不是__________________

16. 纪念 ---,向---表示敬意__________ 17. 数以万计的 _________________ 18.超过,不仅__________________ 19. 掉下,倒塌 __________________

20.结束,终结_______________ 21.挖掘,发现________________ Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 1. 把…送进监狱_______ 2. 事实上_________________ 3. 同……作斗争__________ 4. 上台__________________ 5. 犯法__________________

14. 健康状况良好___________ 15. 爆炸___________________ 16. 要求得到_______________ 17. 处于不幸中____________ 18. 为什么而死_____________ 19. 建议某人做某事_________ 20. 作为什么的报酬_________ 21. 设立,建立______

22. 被判处……徒刑___________ Unit One Friendship 1. add up add up to add sth. to sth. 2. calm down 3. be concerned about 4. have got to (do sth.) 5. go through 6. hide away 7. a series of 8. set down 9. suffer from 10. get along (well) with 11. fall in love 12. be crazy about / on 13. be crazy for 14. according to 15. join in 16. so … that… 17. face to face 18. on purpose

Unit 2 English Around The World 1. play an important part/ role in 2. because of 3. in some ways 4. native language 5. even if/though 6. communicate with sb 7. be based on 8. be present at 9. come up 10.get/be close to


19.solve problems

21. an English- speaking country Unit 3 Travel Journal 1. dream of/about doing sth 2. graduate from… 3. persuade sb to do sth 4. persuade sb not to do sth 5. arise one’s interest in sth 6. the best way to do sth 7. insist on doing sth

8. insist (that) sb (should) do sth 9. change one’s mind 10. at an altitude of…

11. make up one’s mind to do sth 12.give in to sb

13. pass through deep valleys 14. as usual

15.encourage sb to do sth 16.make camp 17.put up a tent

18.can hardly wait to do sth 19.For one thing,…..For another,…. 20.be familiar with … 21.be familiar to sb 22.set a record 23.break a record 24.record sth 25.say “Hello” to sb

26.see the world through somebody else’s eyesUnit 4 Earthquakes 1. shake hands 2. as usual 3. break out 4. right away 5. a number of 6. to the north of 7. put up 8. be proud of 9. judging from 10.be known as e out of

20.at an end 22. dig out

Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero 1. put …into prison

2. in fact, as a matter of fact, 3. fight against 4. come to power 5. break the law 6. without pay 7. lose heart 8. be active in

9. be willing to do something 10. be out of work

11. be stopped from doing something 12. answer violence with violence 13. show somebody over some place 14. be in good health 15. blow up 16. ask for 17. be in trouble 18. die for

19. advise somebody to do something 20. in reward for 21. set up 22. be sentenced to

必修2各单元单词(短语)检测 Unit 1 Cultural relics


第一组:wonder, state, remove, remain, furniture,

1 Matter has three ______: solid, gas and liquid. 2 All the passengers should ________ seated until the plane touches down.

3 It was a miracle that three persons ______ that big fire. 4 There are some _________ differences between the east and the west.

5 It was my father who _________the bridge. 6 Those few foreigners show great interest in this Chinese ________, dating back to 800 years ago.

7 Li Bai, a great ancient Chinese poet, lived in the Tang ______.

8 Our government has passed laws to protect the ________ wildlife that are dying out.

9 If you want to buy a house, you may come into the 第一组:advertise, physical, compete, athlete, slave,

1 Do you know anyone with a mental or _______ disability?

2 More ________ than ever before will take part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.

3 To be ________ with you, I don’t like the way he talks. 4 Much of the crime in this area is _______ to drug abuse.

5 Little Tom ______ having broken the window last night.

6 In _______ times, people used abacuses to calculate, which was slow.

7 What is written on that _________? Let’s go and have a look.

8 ______ were often forced to do heavy physical labor without any pay.

9 They are _________ against each other for the new contract.

10 We’ll __________ for new pupils. Our class starts at the beginning of the summer holiday.

第二组:host, stadium, silver, medal, interview, promise, replace, gymnasium, golden, magical

11 There is to be a football match at the City _______ this coming weekend.

12 To some players their goals is not only for a gold ______.

13 They arrived at 7.30 as they had ________. 14 After work I usually go to the ________ for exercise. 15 Her words had a ________ effect on us all. 16 My ______watch is not really made of gold. 17 Can you find an appropriate word to ______ this one? 18 More than 30 people were _________ for this job but only four were accepted.

19 They didn’t win a gold medal though they did their best. But luckily they got a _____ medal and a bronze one.

20 Five cities bid to _____ the 2011 World Cup. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短

1 The students present at the lecture asked the professor questions _________.

2 I bought _________ china, which cost me a great deal. 3 He is a famous scientist _______ a well known writer. 4 I will _________ the other 10 boys in the 10,000-meter race.

5 Only five students were chosen to __________the national math competition.

Unit 3 Computers

第一组wander, notebook, brain, technology, move,

1 A __________ computer, or a laptop computer usually costs more than a desktop computer.

2 We often talk of IT, which is short for information _______.

3 It is _________ accepted that English is an international language in the world.

4 Those _________ flowers look like real ones. 5 You are ________ wrong on that point. 6 He was blind from _____ and couldn’t be cured. 7 What he said sounded unreasonable, so I _______ with him.

8 Why not try to find more reading ________ to improve your comprehension ability? 9 The Bible said God ________ men. 10 It’s getting late; we have to make a ____. 11 Teachers spotted that he had a good _______ at an early age.

12 Lots of girls like _________ through the streets without buying anything.

第二组:mop, calculate, arise, common, coach, 13 An abacus is the oldest type of ______ tool in China. 14 Mary is a very _________ English name for girls. 15 It was between 1966 and 1976 that the Cultural ________ took place in China.

16 This maths test, including 30 problems, can assess children’s __________ ability.

17 This child is clever and quick-minded, and he is of high _________.

18 The office _________ allows users to share files and software and to use a central printer.

19 Living in the country has also some ________, compared to living in the city.

20 It seemed that we had no ________ but to wait for the rain to stop.

21 _________, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks.

22 You’d better find a ________ for one-to-one training

to better your skills.

23 We keep them informed of any changes as they _________.

24 Peter, please _________ the floor. It is very dirty. 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短

1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out? 2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________.

3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will ________ for the missed lessons.

4 _________, he has been very successful.

5 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door.

6 I made great progress in English _________ Mr. Lin. 7 Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of six.

8 Three months _________ before I knew about it.

Unit 4 Wildlife protection

1 Everyone should realize the importance of _________ protection, because some animals are endangered. 2 Sunglasses can be a _________ to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days.

3 We should be kind to friends, but never show mercy to _________.

4 Wolong Nature ________ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas.

5China has an _______ of 9.6 million square kilometers. 6Shenzhen Special Economic _________ was founded in 1980.

7 Oxen have four ________ while we human beings have only one.

8 Many college students _______ to work in the western China after graduation.

9 Her pale face ________ that she was sick, so I advised her to go to a doctor.

10 _______ are small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts.

11Fresh fruit and vegetables ______ plentiful Vitamin C. 12China is getting more and more ________ in the world.

13Sex and violence in TV plays _________ the development of a child.

14 A _________ is the largest animal in the sea.


15 People say that barking dogs don’t ________ . 第二组:rub, butterfly, effect, recently, lazy, fierce, peace, loss, mosquito, drug

16 The idiom “ to have _________ in one’s stomach” means “ to have a nervous feeling before doing something”.

17I have seen little of Mary _________.

18 A tiger is a very _________ kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don’t.

19 Living near an airport may cause the ________ of hearing some day.

20 You can buy kinds of medicine at a ________ store. 21 Why not hang a ________ net over a bed to keep them away from you?

22 Although we had several quarrels, yet we made ________ later.

23 She is so ________; she seldom tidies up and cleans her house.

24 Proper ways of educating kids will have a good ________ on their character building.

25 Pupils are asked to ________ out the mistake if they find it wrong.

二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短1 The new country _______ only two years ago. 2 He fell far behind other students ________ laziness. 3 The government is doing its best to _______ those rare animals _______ being hunted.

4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t _______ it.

5 Elephants would _________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

6 Children’s lives are _________ every time they cross the road.

7 The two communities live together _________. Unit 5 Music

第一组:saying, perform, form, advertisement, fan, folk,

1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man.

2 Jones would move to another city so she put an _________ in the newspaper to sell her house. 3 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature. 4 What bad luck! My car got _________ in the mud on my way to the meeting.

5 She is an __________ woman and lots of men chase

after her.

6 When he was singing the sweet song everyone _________ in time to the music.

7 I will try to do the job to the best of my ________. 8 Jay Chou has lots of ________ among young high school students.

9 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing.

10 As the __________ goes, “Practice makes perfect.” 第二组:musician, instrument, loosely, passer-by, extra,

11 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________.

12 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________.

13 As soon as his first novel was published, he earned a ________.

14 ______ have very long back legs for jumping. 15 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles.

16 X is often used to represent an _______ number. 17 After the lunch we parted, so I didn’t know what happened to him _________.

18 I get a low salary so sometimes I work ________ to earn more.

19 He fastened the belt ______ around his waist. 20 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827.


1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________. 2 It was ______ that I found the jewel. 3 ________, make sure you keep in touch.

4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________. 5 If you _________ others, they will help you a lot. 6 If you _________ the truth, you have nothing to fear. 7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them.

8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words.

9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.

