职业英语Unit8 Life Online Listening and Speaking

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Unit 8 Life Online Listening and Speaking Part A Touch the WebBy 瞿祎




online [ n] adj. n la在线的,联网的

web [web]

n. 网,网状物

online bank online games online services online shopping

the Web 互联网 website [‘websa t] n. 网站


iPad 苹果平板电脑 Apple 苹果公司


design [di'zain]

vt. 1.设计;构思:绘制 Architects design buildings. 建筑师设计房屋。 2. 打算将...用作 The experiment is designed to test the new drug. 实验的目的是试验新药。 vi. 1. 设计,画图样;当设计师 He designs for our dress department. 他在我们的服装部当设计师。 2. 计划,谋划 I design to do the work yesterday. 我计划明天做这项工作。

n. 1. 图样,图纸 2. 设计术;制图术[U] She attended a school of dress design. 她就读于一所服装设计学校 3. 图案;花纹[C] I like the design of that rug. 我喜欢那地毯的图案。 4. 意图;计划;目的[C] The design was to build a new library. 计划是建造一个新图书馆。 5. 设计,构思[C][U] 6. 图谋 The greedy man had designs on her fortune. 那个贪婪的人企图得到她的 财产。


latest [‘leitist] adj. 最新的,最近的;最 迟的 n. 最新的事物 adj. 1. 最新的;最近的 dressed in the latest Paris fashion 身穿巴黎最新款式的时装 2. 最迟的 He was the latest person to come. 他是最晚来的人。 adv. 最迟地;最近地 n. 最新的事物 最新的事物(或发展、消息等) This case is the latest in a series of British spy scandals. 这是英国一连串间谍丑闻中最新的案子。


ton [t n, tu ] n. 吨;很多,大量

1. 吨[C] They extract ten million tons of coal each year from underwater mines. 他们每年从水下煤矿中采掘一千万吨煤。 2. 【口】大量,许多 tons of The movie star received tons of fan mail. 那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信。 She wears tons of jewelry. 她身上戴着许多首饰。 【俚】很重的分量 The dictionary weights a ton. 这本词典重得很。


Listening strategy1

Listen to get the general meaning.Do not listen word by word. Listen to get the information you need.



4 Do not stop if you come to some difficulties.



Listening Exercise A


Billy: What is that called again? Sue: It’s an iPad, a small computer designed by Apple. Billy: Is it heavy? Sue: No. It’s no heavier than a book! Billy: What do you use it for? Sue: Everything! You can visit your favorite website, watch online movies, or download thousands of songs. Billy: That’s it?

Sue: And in this part here, you can buy things online. See, here? I ordered the latest CD of Jay Chou.Billy: Can you play games on it?

Sue: Sure thing! Tons of games!


no heavier than

no +比较级:

不再;再没有。 We could walk no farther. 我们再也走不动了。 no +比较级+than (介词):仅仅,只不过。 They went no farther than the bridge. 他们只到桥 边,不再前往。 no +比较级+than (连词):同….一样不。 She runs no faster than her brother (does ). 他和 他的兄弟一样跑得不快。 另外,no 与sooner 连用,并与than 一起构成no sooner ….than….,表示动作和事件几乎同时发生。 No sooner had I finished my work than he came. 我刚做完事他就来了。


Useful ExpressionsAsking about a Product What do you use it for? Can you play games on it? Possible Responses Everything! Sure thing!

What can you do with it?

I use it to send e-mails.

Anything special about it? Yes, it has a touch screen!



A: What can you do with your mobile phone? B: Well, I use it to_____________. What about yours?

A: I _____________________.



Your room-mate has just bought a new mobile phone. You are asking about its features.


Homework Remember the words and phrases that we learned in this class.


Thanks for listening!~

