
更新时间:2024-03-13 02:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




关键词: GPS测量;卫星信号

Abstract: with the rapid development of GPS positioning technology, because the GPS have highly automated localization and search function, can provide the accurate information and user reference information, so GPS have in the military, the folk started to use up. The main function is to use the GPS receiver receive satellite broadcast signal to locate the position of the designated target 3 d coordinate, through 3 d coordinate calculation out the location of the users. Directly affect the measurement error of the results mainly from GPS satellite, satellite signal, the earth rotation in the propagation of the factors and the ground equipment receiving equipment has had a huge error. Especially in the city of GPS, buildings block satellite signal, and various signal (mobile phones, SMS) influence, will directly affect the GPS receiving equipment. This paper mainly analyzes the city of GPS appeared in the main error for the error and presents the author solutions.

Keywords: GPS measurement; Satellite signal 一、GPS概述

GPS 是英文Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称。GPS全球定位系统在现代科技领域得到了广泛的应用,它主要是通过地面接收设备接收卫星传送的信号来测定地面点的三维坐标。它拥有良好的定位精度,定位精度可达毫米级, 授时精度可达ns级, 从而达到全球广泛应用。但其在使用过程中也会产生误差,为了达到高要求,应对误差进行处理。对于GPS相对定位而言, 在采集GPS定位数据时, 关键在于如何消除和减弱GPS信号的传播误差。它主要是电离层和对流层的时延误差以及多路径误差。其中卫星星历误差,,对流层、电离层延迟误差, 接收机误差等都可以通过模型改正或双差进行消除或者削弱。,但对多路径这样的随机性误差无法利用长期观测数据来建模彻底,因此消除多路径误差即比较困难。多路径误差已成为卫星导航定位中最难以克服和修正的误差之一。


