Unit 4 Making the Headlines
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UNIT 4 making the headlines
2013-2014 Academic Year II
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao KaiEmail: kerryliuxk@
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Discuss with your partner about what is news?
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
News is the selected information on current events. It is shared in various ways: among inpiduals and small groups (such as by word of mouth or newsletters); with wider audiences (such as by publishing, either in print or online, or broadcasting, such as on television or radio)
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
How to make the headlines?
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Fast reading: Go through the text and try to match the summary of each paragraph with the following sentences.
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
A. News will be never ending
Para. 10
B. The immediacy of the newsC. Echoes of the story/news D. Bad news travel fast
Para. 7Para. 6
Para. 2
E. Reporting big thingsF. The power of the news
Para. 1Para. 8
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Detailed reading:
Read Para.1 - 3 in detail and answer the following questions.
When will all the media report the same story? What is the “newsworthy” according to your own words?
Do you know something about President K?
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Dimension NOUN 1. a measurement in space, for example the height, width or length of sth E.G. We measured the dimensions of the kitchen. E.G. Computer design tools that work in three dimensions 2.[usupl] the size and extent of a situation E.G. a problem of considerable dimensions 3. an aspect, or way of looking at or thinking about sth
维(构成空间的因素);尺寸 规模;程度;范围
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Bad news travels fastGood news never goes Beyond the gate, while Bad news spreads far and wide.A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终。 A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如 水。 A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,谬以千里。
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
John F. Kennedy On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John F. Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die.
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Detailed reading:
Read para.4 and tell me what can be caused news?
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
enormous adjHuge/massive/enormous, extremely big Great, very big Vast, extremely big, used about areas, distances, numbers,
Gigantic, extremely big an
d much bigger than other things of the same typeColossal, extremely big---used about amounts or objects.
Tremendous, having an extremely big effect
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
A dramatic changeA dramatic increase/rise A dramatic fall/drop/decline A dramatic effect/impact A dramatic improvement A dramatic shift
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Please read Para. 5 and try to report it as a news reporter.
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Spot noun
a nice quite spot on beachI chose a spot well away from the road.
Verb, to notice someone or somethingI spotted a police car behind us.
spot somebody doing something
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Please read Para. 7 and try to talk about the immediacy of the news by using your own words.
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Please read Para. 8
What is the power of the media?
UNIT 4 Making the Headlines
Instructed by: Mr. LIU Xiao Kai
Unique adj Unique to somebody/something The issues being discussed here are not unique to the US. Syn: different, unique, very, distinctive,
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