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语法与听说读写的关系 阅读—长难句

Leaving aside the philosophical question of whether anyone should have to breathe someone else’s cigarette smoke, the report suggests that the smoke experienced by many people in their daily lives is enough to produce substantial adverse effects on a person’s heart and lungs. (剑3,T1,R)

撇开是否任何人都应该有呼吸别人的香烟烟雾中的哲学问题,报告建议,许多人在日常生活中所遇到的烟雾是对一个人的心脏和肺足以产生重大不利影响。 雅思写作评分标准 Task Response 回答问题

Coherence and Cohesion 连贯性及一致性 Lexical Resource 词汇量

Grammatical Range and Accuracy 语法范围及准确性 QUESTION 2 What

(雅思)(核心)语法 语法模块

(一)非谓语动词 动名词 不定式

分词(现在分词+过去分词) (二)从句 定语从句 状语从句

名词性从句:主语从句、宾语从句 表语从句、同位语从句 (三)英语的语言特点及结构: 强调 倒装 虚拟语气

句子结构-----长难句分析 Review

The structure of grammar (一)非谓语动词( 3) (二)从句(2)

(三)英语语言的特点(2) Warming up-----前言


IELTS test belongs to English language ability test. It focuses on four skills, including listening, speaking, reading and writing.

IELTS is a test of English language proficiency, highlighting the four linguistic skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

? 句 子 结 构 一:基本句型

二:简单句到复杂句的扩展方法 三:其他句型(存在)


陈述对象+陈述内容 主语+谓语

谓语动词决定了一个句子的骨架结构 启示:(1)分析复杂句时,先找谓语。


? 句型一:主系表 ? 句型二:主谓 ? 句型三:主谓宾 ? 句型四:主谓宾宾 ? 句型五:主谓宾补 句型一:主语+系动词+表语

? 谓语动词特点:

? 系动词的构成:(1)be动词

? (2)感官动词(seem,look,taste,sound`)

? (3)其他系动词 “变得” (appear,come,go,become,get``) ? 【练1/5】梦想已经实现。 ? The dream has come true.

? 【练2/5】互联网是当今世界所有知识和信息的关键。(剑6,G,TB,W) ? Internet is the key.

? 【练3/5】传统的方法也许可以在未来被证明有经济价值。(剑3,T2,W) ? Methods prove valuable.

? Traditional methods may prove economically valuable in the future. ? 【练4/5】区域外的必需品进入当地市场变得更加容易。(剑7,T2,R) ? It is easier for goods to enter market.

? The teacher's task is to assist the students to apply what they learned

paraconsciously, and in doing so to make it easily accessible to consciouseness.

? 【练5/5】老师的任务是协助学生应用这些于不自觉中所学到的知识,使它更便捷


? The purpose of this paper is to share some of the lessons street kids international and our

partners have learned.(剑4,T3,R)





The view that robots will replace humans is ridiculous. 表面上这个建议似乎很有说服力和建设性。

In appearance, the proposal seems quite convincing and constructive. 众所周知的是,能源危机对社会构成威胁。

Well-known is that energy crisis poses a threat to the society. 离婚后 他每周只能看女儿两次,这让他感到孤独。

Lonely was seeing his daughter only twice a week since the divorce。


? 谓语动词特特点:

? 不及物动词(本身意思完整,后面不需要宾语)

? 【练1/4】第一印象很重要。

? The First impression counts/matters.

? 【练2/4】近年来政府对报纸的控制已经放松了。 ? The control has loosened.

? Role ambiguity results when there is some uncertainty in the minds, either of the

focal person or of the members of his role set, as to precisely what his role is at any given time.

? 【练3/4】当焦点人物或其角色成员对他在某特定时段所担任角色的确切定义在思


? This attitude altered with the realization that marginal communities can survive and

adapt in spite of partial integration into a notoriously fickly world economy.

? 【练4/4】这种态度已随着以下的认识而有所改变,即边缘社区尽管已部分地融入了一个名声在外,变幻莫测的全球经济体系中,但仍具有其生存能力和适应性。(剑3,T3,R)



Views on the issue in question vary from person to person 移民人数在50年代上下波动

The number of immigrants fluctuated during the 1950s. 人们对安乐死的观点不一

Notions about euthanasia differ widely. 随着全球化,产生很多问题。

With globalization have come many problems.

? 句型三:主语+谓语+宾语 ? 谓语动词特点:

? 及物动词(后面带有宾语,表示作用的对象。) ? 【练1/5】教育满足需要。

? Education meets/satisfies the demand/need.

? 【练2/5】美国的一项研究已表明气温和街头骚乱之间存在联系。(剑3,T3,R) ? Research shows a relationship.

? Research in the united states has shown a relationship between temperature and

street riots.

? 【练3/5】每一个坚实的物体都能反射声音,其声音各不相同,视物体的大小和性质而定。

? Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of

the object.

? 【练4/5】所有这些因素或许可以证明巨大的收入是合理的。(剑6,T2,W) ? Factors can justify earnings.

? All of these factors can justify huge earnings.

? 【练5/5】缺乏睡眠会危及免疫系统,干扰思考能力,导致沮丧,助长焦虑情绪,


? Lack of sleep can compromise the immune system, muddle thinking, cause

depression, promote anxiety and encourage irritability. 句型四:主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 ? 谓语动词特点: ? 双宾动词:人+物 ? 短语搭配

? He showed the guard his passport. ? I am going to buy her a gift.

? = I am going to buy a gift for her. 口语,写作练习

? 【练1/3】大学授予了我奖学金。

? The university gave/granted me a scholarship. ? 【练2/3】迈克尔向经理递交了一份申请书。

? Michael gave/presented the manager his application. ? 【练3/3】他还不让你有获取某些信息的机会。 ? He has also denied you access to some information. 主语+及物谓语动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(事物)。 He brings me cookies every day. She made me a beautiful dress. 但若要先说出直接宾语(事物),后说间接宾语(人),则要借助于介词to或for: 主语+及物谓语动词+直接宾语(事物)+ to/ for+间接宾语(人)。如, He brings cookies to me every day. She made a beautiful dress for me.

用to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。 用for 侧重指动作的受益者,表示为了某人,替某人。 常跟双宾语的动词有: (需借助to的):bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, read, return, send, show, teach, tell, ask,leave,mail, throw, take, write,等。(需借助for 的):build, buy, call, change, cook, choose, do, draw, envy, fetch,find, forgive,gain, get, make, order,play(演奏) sing, save, spare, win等。 巧记带双宾语的动词

带双宾语的及物动词,如果把直接宾语置于间接宾语之前,必须在变换时加“to”或“for”。这11个及物动词可以概括为下边两句话,读起来妙趣横生,效果很好。 “七给”一“带”to

不少,“买”“画”“制作”for来了。 说明:

①“七给”(give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand)和“带”(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to”。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb.” 如:He lent some money to me. ②“buy”(买);“draw”(画);“make”(制作)三个动词,在直接宾语前置时,则必须在后边加“for”,构成“vt. + sth. + for + sb.”。如:Mother bought a new dress for me. DEAR MISS W——巧记可跟双宾语的一组动词

有些及物动词如tell,show等,其后跟双宾语时,既可以用“及物动词+间宾+直宾”,也可以用“及物动词+直宾+to+间宾”结构。但有些及物动词如explain,introduce等,其后跟双宾语时,只能用“及物动词+直宾+to+间宾”结构而不能用“及物动词+间宾+直宾”结构。那么如何将这类动词与其它及物动词区别开呢?瞧!可以先记住这句话:“Dear Miss W.(亲爱的W小姐。)”这9个字母分别是9个符合上述用法动词的开头字母。

你能看着Dear Miss W,逐个将这9个动词写出来吗?它们是declare,explain,announce,report,murmur,introduce,say,suggest和 whisper。


He explained the long difficult sentence to us.= He explained to us the long difficult sentence.


W小姐真可爱, 待人接物很特别, 不论人前或人后, 总是不忘把to带。 易错的动词

抢劫/偷某人某物:Rob/steal sb. sth (错误) 正确的说法:rob sb of sth steal sb from sth. 类似的还有:cure sb of illness 治愈某人疾病 rid sb of sth 从----中除去(不好的东西) supply sb with sth 供给某人某物 provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物 accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事 cheat sb of sth 骗取某人某物

inform / advise sb of sth 通知某人某事 remind sb of sth 是某人想起某事 warn sb of sth 警告某人某情况 charge sb with sth 指责某人某事



He has also denied you access to some information. 2 做兼职给学生理论联系实际的机会。

Taking a part-time offers students an opportunity to combine theory and practice. 3 博物馆给人们民族自豪感和归属感。

Museums give people a sense of national price and belonging.

句型五:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 谓语动词特点:

宾补动词:appoint, find, keep, make, prove, believe, think) They appointed John chairman. 主 谓 宾 宾补(名词做宾补) A hedge between keeps friendship green. 主 谓 宾 宾补(adj.) 保持距离,友谊常青。(君子之交淡如水。) ? 【练1/3】许多人觉得他们的回报不公平。(剑6,T2,W) ? Many people think their reward unfair.

? 【练2/3】技术时代的到来使知识更加重要.

? The advent/coming of technology makes knowledge more important/ crucial. ? 【练3/3】这些技巧会帮助他们在未来成为更有价值的员工。(剑3,T3,W) ? These skills will make them more valuable employees in the future. 雅思写作、口语练习

这些技巧会帮助他们在未来成为更有价值的员工。(剑3,T3,W) These skills will make them more valuable employees in the future. 我们认为义务兵役制是对人权的侵犯。

We consider compulsory military service a violation of human rights. 您可否让我跟您面谈我的资历呢?

Would you allow me to have an interview with you to discuss my qualification?

二,其他句型 ? There be 句型

? There be +名词 定语从句 ★ ★ ★ ? 分词 ? 介词 ? 【扩展】:

? There come, emerge, exist, lie, live, occur, stand, ? 【练1/4】越来越多的人反对这一看法.

? ---(雅思写作) ? More and more people disagree it. ? (there be) ? There are more and more people who disagree/are against/object to this point.

? 【练2/4】每个孩子都想赚些零花钱来帮助交付高额的大学费用。


? Every child wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost. ? (there be) ? There is every child who wants to ``` ? (高分作文句子)

? There is hardly a child who doesn’t want to earn a little money to help cover higher

? ? ? ? ? ?

college cost. (常见句型)

there is nothing we cannot do ```. 【练3/4】在20世纪50年代和60年代,西方社会开始意识到提供矿物质燃料能量的资源是有限的且有可能枯竭。(剑4,T4,R)

In the 1950s and 1960s, there emerged an awareness in Western societies that resources for the provision of fossil fuel energy were finite and exhaustible. 【练4/4】预计将会在2030年轻微下降至18%。(剑5,T1,W) There is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030.

