
更新时间:2023-06-05 17:43:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





17. It’s hard for the little boy to imagine that one day he will become ______ his father.

A. as high as B. as tall as

C. so high as D. so tall as

18. The boss planned to ______ his employee after ______ the complaints (抱怨) from the customers.

A. talk face to face; to receive B. have words with; to accept

C. have a word with; receiving D. talk to; accept

19. -It’s a pity that the manager didn’t agree to your proposal (提议).

-It doesn’t matter. At least, he ______ give me another chance.

A. agreed that B. agreed with

C. agrees on D. agreed to

20. Mandy said sorry to her teacher because of ______ the homework at home, but the truth was that she simply ______ it.

A. forgetting; forgot doing B. forgot; forgot to do

C. leaving; forgot to do D. left; forgot doing

21. The old lady asked her grandson to fill the blue box ______ all his toys, but the trouble was, it had already been full ______ her old clothes.

A. with, of B. of, with C. with, with D. of, of

22. The captain should ______ his health. Any activity that does great harm ______ his body should be stopped.

A. take care, on B. take care, to

C. care about, on D. care about, to

23. -How many sheep ______ before you fell asleep last night?

-About 300. But the more I count, the harder for me to fall asleep.

A. has been counted B. were counted

C. will be counted D. did count

24. -Are you familiar ______ the music that Vincent is playing?

-It sounds familiar ______ me, but I can’t remember the name right now.

A. with, to B. with, with C. to, to D. to, with

25. Most of the great scientists are the people ______ enjoy ______ new ideas.

A. that; having a try B. who; to try on

C. that; trying out D. who; to try

26. Great changes ______ in this small town since the last time I visited it.

A. have been taken place B. took place

C. has happened D. have taken place

27. Why not go straight on to university for further education ______ a job?

A. instead of looking for B. rather look for

C. instead look for D. rather than looking for

28. Although Dave decided not to ______ his parents ______, he still calls home when he meets difficulties.

A. depend, any longer B. be depended, any more


C. be depended on, no more D. depend on, any more

29. -Mandy is always ______ to notice the spelling mistakes she has made in the test.

-That’s why she always gets ______ grades.

A. too careful; satisfying B. too careless; unsatisfying

C. so careful; satisfactory D. so careless; dissatisfactory

30. -He seems terribly ill. Is there anything serious?

-No, he’ll be all right soon. ______.

A. I’ll have a look at it B. I’m sure of that

C. I’ve done that D. I have no idea

31. -Have you received an e-mail message from Helen?


-Really? No news is good news.

A. Yes, I have B. I don’t mind

C. No, I haven’t D. No problem

三、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)

It all started a year before when my daughter Suzanne and I were shopping in Sydney. In the window of a sports shop I noticed a photo of a group of young people climbing the rock ______

(32) in a canyon. “That’s what I’m going to do next ______ (33),” I said. Suzanne laughed. “Sure, Mum! Don’t forget you’re 65 years old!”

I didn’t feel I was that age! I ______ (34) a club and trained weekly. Each day I felt my physical energy ______ (35) and, along with it, my confidence (信心). Then Suzanne pointed out,”It’s good, but how can you clear away the ______ (36) of height?” “I’ve got it all worked out,” I replied bravely. “We’re going to the indoor climbing centre.”

While I was going up the high wall, I was afraid to look down as if a terrible animal was after me. Some time later, as I reached the ground, I sat down ______ (37) on the floor. Later that night, as I lay in bed, I encouraged myself, “You had climbed the wall! You will certainly make it!”

We set off with our packages to the Grand Canyon. When we reached it, I found the canyon was a huge black hole-far ______ (38) than I had imagined. As the guide clipped (夹住) me on to the rope, my heart ______ (39) double-time and I wondered why I had got myself into this. Time lost all meaning ______ (40) I pushed my body forward. Only the strong rope kept me from ______ (41) hope. I began to think It would never end when everyone had stopped. ”This is as far as we go, and we can climb out after a few steps,” the guide said finally. Two and a half hours later, we returned to the car park at last. I began to shake, one hard step after another.

Getting onto the bus, I ______ (42) into the seat. I had left so confidently a lifetime before. Then, while I was in the seat catching my breath, a feeling of great happiness spread ______ (43) me. I had done it, at 66 years of age.

32. A. side B. top C. face D. back

33. A. week B. month C. season D. year

34. A. joined B. found C. got D. visited

35. A. appear B. change C. rise D. increase

36. A. sense B. idea C. fear D. worry

37. A. quickly B. quietly C. suddenly D. heavily


38. A. higher B. deeper C. longer D. lower

39. A. hit B. beat C. jumped D. knocked

40. A. as B. since C. before D. after

41. A. dropping B. forgetting C. losing D. missing

42. A. climbed B. fell C. stepped D. sat

43. A. through B. around C. from D. along

四、阅读理解 (共26分,每小题2分)

44. what’s the name of the cat?

A. Danny. B. Puss. C. Dreamland. D. little star

45. How many pictures are there in The Secret Key

A. Sixty. B. Forty-eight. C. Forty-five. D. Twenty-eight.

46. If you want to read about dinosaurs, you should buy______.

A. Puss the Cat B. A Monkey’s Adventure

C. The Lost World D. The Secret Key


London is planning to host the 2012 Olympic Games. They will need to plan carefully. Local people are worried that plans were made carelessly and too Londoners are excited about what will happen, others are more worried. The Prime Minister, Tony Blair is convinced(使确信)the country will host a magnificent Games. Here are just a few things some ordinary people said in the week following the bid.

--It is really good news for the businesses in the area. London gets a lot of tourists anyway, but this will bring more. Local people are thinking of things to do that will make the area more fun over the Olympics and also make them some money.

--London is busy anyway. I’m not sure that the government will get the transport right. The underground and the buses are too full now. The underground is so full at rush hour that it is dangerous. It will be ten times worse in 2012. I’m going to rent out my flat and go on holiday when the Games are happening!

--It’s great! I love sports –it’s exciting! I like to watch it and I like to play it. We will see all these great athletes at the Games. It will be good afterwards, because the stadiums and swimming


pools and so on will all still be there, so they will let us use them.

47. The 2012 Olympic Games will be held in ______?

A. Australia B. China C. France D. England

48. Why are some people in London worried?

A. Because the plans aren’t made quickly.

B. Because the plans aren’t made carefully.

C. Because London is a busy city.

D. Because London gets a lot of tourists.

49. What are some people planning to do when the Games are happening?

A. They are going to take part in the Games.

B. They are going to swim in the swimming pools.

C. They are going on holidays.

D. They are staying at home and doing nothing.


Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better scholar if he or she wants to. Here’s how.

1. Plan your time carefully. When you plan your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making the list, you should make a schedule(日程表) of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. Don’t for get to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will make you realize what is happening to your time.

2. Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

3. Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

4. Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

5. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly-worried.

There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover may others after you have tried these.

50. A schedule will help you ______.

A. finish your work quickly

B. solve all your problems

C. find more time for your habits

D. know what is happening to your time


51. If you listen carefully in class, you______.

A. can do less work after class

B. don’t have to take any notes

C. don’t have to do any work after class

D. can remember everything the teacher says

52. Which of the following is true?

A. Tests are the most important parts in your study.

B. You should review everything your teacher mentioned in class.

C. If you have a good place to study, you’ll become a top student.

D. Planning work will make you clear about what to do and when to do it.

53. The best title for this passage is______.

A. How to make a plan

B. How to improve your study

C. How to pass a test

D. How to review your lessons


Have you seen Avatar? It’s a popular movie this year. It is three-dimensional(3D), so you may have to wear a special pair of glasses to see it .The 3D glasses make the images(图像) from the movie look like they are coming straight at you.

More and more 3D movies are TV sets will come into our homes in the near future. Three-dimensional technology can make TV and movies more exciting. But people with eye problems my get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies. Why?

When we look at an object, each eye sees it at a different angle(角度). Our eyes send the two images to our brain, and the bran puts them together. That’s how we see depth.

Three-dimensional technology uses two film projectors(投影机). One projects a left eye image and the other projects a right eye image. 3D glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye.

There are a lot of people walking around with very small eye problems, for example an eye muscle imbalance. Under normal situations, the brain can get used to their eyes so they can see things normally.

But when they are watching a 3D movie, the images projected to their eyes can’t be put together by their brain.

So the brain needs to work harder at “reading” the images. That makes it easier for these people to get dizzy or develop headaches.

Dr John Hagan, an eye doctor in Kansas City, said some people who do not see depth normally cannot see in 3D at all.

He said people whose eyes can’t focus on the same object at once will have trouble seeing 3D images.

54. When we wear a pair of 3D glasses,______.

A. Our brain will get a different image from each eye

B. Our brain will put the different images together

C. Our eyes will focus on the same object easily

D. Our eyes will see an object at the same angle


55. What does the underlined words ”normal situations” mean?

A. When people see things normally.

B. When people have no eye problems.

C. When people don’t have a headache.

D. When people aren’t seeing a 3D movie.

56. What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?

A. Seeing 3D movies can bring us eye problems.

B. Not all the people can watch 3D images.

C. The 3D glasses make the movie seem alive.

D. The 3D movies will be very popular soon.




Be Careful about Energy Drinks

Be careful what you drink: something that looks cool may not be good for your health.

The weather is getting hotter and you’ll be getting thirstier playing basketball or riding home from school. __1__ But be careful what you pour down your throat; something that looks cool may not be good for your health.

There are plenty of so-called energy drinks on the market. __2__ But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have high levels of caffeine. These drinks are specially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Markers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much. __3__ Because of this, the International Olympic Committee has limited their use. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as high as in a strong cup of coffee or strong tea.

Research by Australian scientists has found that many teenagers are affected by caffeine. The results of their study show that 27 percent of boys aged 8-12 take in more caffeine than their parents. __4__ Just one can of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart attacks. ”teenagers should not be encouraged to have drinks with high level caffeine in them,” a scientist from the Australia Nutrition Foundation said.

Caffeine raises your heartbeat.

But remember to drink less energy drinks.

There are hidden health problems connected to energy drinks.

Most of them have an attractive color and cool name.

A cold drink may be just the thing.



1. 如果你不注意老师之前所讲的,之后你就会全搞错。

____________ what the teacher is saying now, you’ll get it all wrong later.

2. 和另一家旅馆比起来,这个干净多了。

____________, this is much cleaner.

3. 有一家日本玩偶公司制造的卡通形象蒙奇奇已经赢得了全世界年轻人的心。

Monchhichi that is an animated character created by a Japanese doll maker ____________.

4. 尽管我们对这次书法比赛十分满意,但我们却不能给每个人颁奖。

____________ this handwriting competition, we can’t give prizes to everyone.

5. 当妈妈听说孩子安全时太激动了一句话也说不出来。

Mom ____________ when she heard that her child was safe.


Last summer Annabelle Jones and Claire Hipper, two 17-year-old English schoolgirls, decided to climb the Matter-horn, the famous snow-covered mountain in Switzerland. The Matterhorn is popular to mountain climbers because it is so difficult to climb.

The girls first got the idea for a climbing expedition (探险) a few years ago, when a well-known disabled climber, Norman Croucher, gave a talk at their school. Norman lost both his legs in a train accident when he was nineteen, but he has climbed some of the world’s highest mountains on his artificial legs. “He inspired (激发)us, ” said Claire.

Then the girls met a well –known mountaineer called Turbo Thomas and he became their trainer. For the next two years he took them climbing in Swiss Alps during the summer holidays and they trained very hard. “It wasn’t very easy,” said Annabelle. “The weather was often a problem. Sometimes it was so cold that we didn’t want to get out of bed, but Turbo dragged(拉) us to the foot of the mountain and made us climb”

The girls kept going and finally they were ready to try the Matterhorn. They made a date for the last week in August and travelled to Zermatt. They started to climb, but unluckily the weather beat them. “It trained everyday so it was impossible to climb very far,” said Claire.

Are they disappointed? “Of course not, ” said Annabelle. “I know we didn’t get to the top, but we’ll be back next summer to try again! Climbing is our life.”

Who inspired the girls to start mountain climbing?


Where and how did they train?


What does “disabled” mean in Chinese?


Was the weather a problem or not?


Why are they going to return to Zermatt next summer?





主页上。今年的环保周(Environment Protection Week)你和同学们都做了些什么?有什么感受?以后有什么打算?







【解析】对形容词的原级的考察。形容人的高,应该使用tall。肯定的形容词的原级表达形式是“as as ”,否定的为“not so/as as ”.所以答案选B。






【解析】对动词词组的考察。Agree to do的意思是同意去做某事。本句的意思是:至少,他答应再给我一个机会。



【解析】对动词辨析和非谓语动词的考察。Because of后面应该加名词或动名词形式,因此把B、D排除。把某物落在家里,应该使用动词leave,忘记去做某事,应该使用forget to do. 21.


【解析】对动词词组的考察。“充满 ”的表达方式:fill with,be full of.意思是老妇让她的孙子把蓝色的箱子装满他的玩具。但是问题是,这个箱子已经装满了她的旧衣服。 22.


【解析】对动词词组的考察。Take care 后面有名词的时候,应该加of。Do harm to是对 有危害的意思。因此选D。 意思是:船长应该注意一下他的健康,任何一个有害于他身体的行为都应该停止。



【解析】对时态和语态的考察。句中有last night,应该使用过去时,因此排除A、C。由于sheep和count存在被动关系,应该使用被动语态。所以选B。意思是:在你昨晚睡觉之前数了多少只羊啊?




【解析】对动词词组的考察。Be familiar with 是指某人对 熟悉,be familiar to 是指 对于我来说,是熟悉的。所以选A。



【解析】对非谓语动词和动词词组的考察。Enjoy后面要加doing,所以排除B、D。have a try 后面不能直接加名词。所以选C。 意思是很多科学家是喜欢尝试新想法、新思想的人。 26.


【解析】对时态和语态的考察。Happen和take place没有被动语态,所以排除A。句中有since,所以应该使用现在完成时,排除B。主语是名词复数,所以选D。意思是自从我上次游览后,这个小镇发生了很大变化。



【解析】固定搭配的考察。Rather than后面应该使用动词原形,因此排除B、D。instead of后面加doing。所以答案选A。



【解析】对动词词组的考察。Depend on 是依靠的意思,句意是:虽然Dave决定再也不依靠父母了,但是他仍然在他遇到困难的时候给家里打电话。



【解析】对形容词的考察。通过前后句逻辑关系,可以得出Mandy是粗心的。意思是她总是注意不到在考试中出现的拼写错误,这就是她为什么总是考的不尽人意的原因。 30.





【解析】对情景对话的考察。通过后句的“No news is good news”,可以看出,他没有收到Helen的来信。因此选C。


32. 【正确答案】C



【解题思路】考察名词,要关注名词和动词的搭配、以及和相关修饰词的搭配,也要关注前后名词的提示。考察具体的时间名词,则要关注文中出现的数字,在空格后出现了一个数字是“65 years old”,此后出现的一个数字是在整篇文章的最后一句“I had done it, at 66 years of age.”,所以选D。

34. 【正确答案】A


【解题思路】考察动词,要关注动词与名词的搭配和前后动词的顺承关系。首先,本题中动词的宾语是a club,排除C;其次,与此动词处于并列关系的是and以后的动词trained“训练”,由此两点,found以为“建立”,排除。所以答案是A. joined,意为参加了一个俱乐部。

35. 【正确答案】D


36. 【正确答案】C


37. 【正确答案】D

【解题思路】察副词,要关注情感态度和动词的搭配以及句中前后的关系。首先判断此处的情感态度,本段在空格前出现的afraid、terrible都是负面情感的词,到空格也没有转折,所以空格处是负面情感的词,所以排除A、B;此外,空格的副词修饰sat down,D搭配更合理,意思是“重重的坐在地上”。

38. 【正确答案】B


39. 【正确答案】B


40. 【正确答案】A

【解题思路】考察连词,要关注前后内容的关系。as是“当 时候”,since意为“自从 、既然”,before意为“在 之前”,after意为“在 之后”。此处没有前后时间的延续,而且空格前后时态一致且表达两个动作同事进行。所以选A。

41. 【正确答案】C

【解题思路】考察动词,要关注动词与名词的搭配和前后动词的顺承关系。首先关注此处的情感态度,本段当中提到的huge / black/ time lost all meaning等提示此处是负面的态度;此外,表达希望的丧失用lose,drop指的是具体物体的掉落和数字的下降,forget指的是遗忘具体的物或者事情,miss指的是错过(已经错过)。所以选C。

42. 【正确答案】B

【解题思路】考察动词,要关注动词与名词的搭配和前后动词的顺承关系。本题中和动词搭配的宾语是the seat,指的是“上了公交车,然后坐到座位上”,B和D都是可以搭配的,此处还有考虑到情感态度,上文当中“Two and a half hours later, we returned to the car park at last. I began to shake, one hard step after another.”所以,fell更合适。

43. 【正确答案】A


【解题思路】考察介词,要关注和动词的词组搭配、和名词的关系。介词连接的是a feeling of great happiness 和 me,搭配的动词是spread,through侧重于自己内心的感受,在此处指的是“我的内心充盈着喜悦”,而around侧重于别人带给我的感受。所以选A。



44. 【正确答案】B


由题干中关键词cat,迅速定位至表格一。在表格一的第一句话中便含有我们所需要的信息a lazy cat called Puss.“ 一只名叫Puss的小懒猫”。故选择B。


45. 【正确答案】D


分析题干,根据关键词The Secret Key我们可以迅速定位之表格四。表格四中清晰地提供了我们所需要的信息No. of pictures 28“图片的数量:28”故选D


46. 【正确答案】C


从题干关键词dinosaurs,我们可以定位至表格二。从表格二中可以获取我们所需要的信息,即关于恐龙的书名叫做The Lost World“迷失的世界”,故选C。

【错因分析】对细节辨析题的做题方法掌握不扎实,应加强对细节辨析题做题方法的掌握。 B

47. 【正确答案】D




48. 【正确答案】B


从题干中关键词worried,我们可以定位至文章第一段第二句话Local people are worried that plans were made carelessly “当地人担忧是因为有些计划制定得不够仔细”。对应到选项,我们不难发现选项B“Because the plans aren’t made carefully”“因为计划制定得不够仔细”与之对应,故选B。


49. 【正确答案】C















根据关键词listen 和 class定位到原文第四段。这一段的第三句提到认真听讲意味着之后的工作会更少。A是可以在课后做更少的工作,正确,符合文意;B是不必做任何笔记,错误,与文意相反;C是不用再课后做任何工作,错误,文意是课后要做任务,只是任务量会更少;D是可以记住老师说的每一个事情,错误,everything这个词太绝对,而且文中也没提到这一点。





题目问一下哪个选项是对的。A是考试时你学习中最重要的部分;错误,根据关键词test定位到文中第五点,其中没有这个意思;B是你应该复习老师在课上说的每个事情,错误,everything这个词太绝对,而且根据review定位到文中第四点,这里说的是复习老师在课上提到的重要点;C是如果你有一个好的学习环境,你就会成为班上的尖子生,错误,根据situation定位到文中第二点,这里没有提到相关意思;D是计划好工作会让你清楚要做什么和什么时候去做,正确,这一点在原文第一点中提到了,而且也是第50题的答案。 所以答案选D。



【解题思路】主旨大意题,根据题干中的The best title for this passage is。








根据关键词3D glasses定位回文章,发现有很对相应的内容,这时需要向选项中多看一下,选项中有两个提到了brain,另两个提到了our eyes,所以我们再以这两个关键词定位,就能找到文章中的第三段,这里说我们的两只眼睛从不同的角度看东西,我们的眼睛把两个图像传递给我们的大脑,然后大脑再把它们整合到一起。A是我们的大脑从每只眼睛中获取不同的图像,错误,原文说的是每只眼睛把图像传递给大脑,而不是大脑去获取;B时我们的大脑把不同的图像放到一起,正确,与原文相符;C是我们的眼睛会很容易地注意同一个事物,错误,文中没有提到;D是我们的眼睛会在同一角度看同一事物,错误,应该是不同角度。 所以答案选B。




猜词题需要对所猜词汇的前后句进行分析。此词前句说的是有的人会有小的眼睛问题,然后文章说在normal situations之下,大脑能够适应它们的眼睛以至于能正常地看到东西。第一句说的是有的人眼睛有问题,后一句又说正常,可见前后句成转折关系,normal situations跟前一句也是成转折关系的。A是当人们正常地看东西的时候,B是当人们没有眼睛问题的时候,C是当人们不头疼的时候,错误,这里没有提到头疼;D是当人们不看3D电影的时候,错误,这里没有说3D电影的问题。这里AB选项看似意思相同,但是作为前后句的连接句,under normal situation要起到承上启下的作用。选A,这段话的大意就是:有的人有眼睛问题,在人们正常看东西的时候,大脑 ,在这里,under normal situation没有起到承上的作用;而选B,这段话的大意就是:有的人有眼睛问题,在人们没有眼睛问题的时候,大脑 ,这样说就很连贯。所以相比之下,B更好。




【解题思路】主旨大意题,根据题干中的The passage is mainly about。






【解题思路】关注:cold dri·nk, just the thing. 通读全文我们知道本文是关于饮料的,尤其对能量型饮料进行了分析。E句没有提到任何的别的信息,如咖啡因、健康等。the thing提示我们一定前面说到了是某种东西。





【解题思路】本段的主旨句There are plenty of so-called energy drinks on the market.提示我们本段主要说明的是关于能量型饮料的事宜,紧跟着的这句话需要使用别的词汇来代替energy drink,于是用them更合适。现阶段文章发展到了用能量型饮料进行举例,还没有进一步说明它的坏处。





【错因分析】没有分析出该部分是在说明这种饮料的不好之处,对于主要内容把握的不够。 4.





1.【正确答案】If you pay no attention to

【解题思路】表示“(不)注意…”用短语”pay (no) attention to + n. ”

2. 【正确答案】Compare with the other hotel

【解题思路】表示“与…相比”用短语“compare with something”,表示二者期中之一用短语”the other”, 组合在一起就是Compare with the other hotel

3. 【正确答案】has won the heart of the young from all over the world

【解题思路】赢得了somebody的心用won the heart of somebody, 根据句意已经完成的动作“赢得”应当采用完成时态表示某动作已经完成,“全世界”用all over the world来表达,因此组合在一起答案是has won the heart of the young from all over the world.

4. 【正确答案】Although we are very satisfied with

【解题思路】表示“对…满意”用短语“be satisfied with”, 根据句意“尽管…”可知确实的应当是一个让步状语从句,因此用although 引导,合起来就是“Although we are satisfied with ”

5. 【正确答案】was too excited to say a word

【解题思路】表示“太…而不能…”用 “too + adj. /adv. + to do something”句型,表示人情绪激动的用形容词excited,在英文当中“说一句话”可以用 “say/ have a word”来表示,在这里word并不是单词的意思,而是泛指“一句话”,合起来就是 was too excited to say a word。


【正确答案】A well-known disabled climber, Norman Croucher, inspired the girls.

【解题思路】本题是对文中具体细节内容的考察。由关键词“inspired”和“start mountain


climbing”定位到原文第二段末句,主语是he,定位出he具体指代的人即可。第二段中指提到一个男性,即Norman Croucher。

Where and how did they train?

【正确答案】They were climbing in Swiss Alps during the summer holidays.

【解题思路】本题是对文中具体细节内容的考察。由关键词“train”定位到原文的第三段“For the next two years he took them climbing in Swiss Alps during the summer holidays and they trained very hard.”。此外,题干的侧重点在where and how,所以只要答案中体现这两点即可。


【解题思路】本题属于词义猜测题,“disabled”出现在原文第二段。词义猜测题做题是,一可以根据单词本身的词缀进行判断,本题中,able的意思是“能够做某事”,dis-是否定前缀,disable意思则是相反的“无能力做某事”,-ed在此是形容词后缀,所以disabled引申为残疾的、无能力的。另外,可以根据原文的提示猜测单词的意思,“Norman lost both his legs in a train accident when he was nineteen”中提到他失去了双脚,对应“残疾的”的中文意思。


【解题思路】本题是对文中具体细节内容的考察。由关键词“weather”定位到原文的“The weather was often a problem.”,所以答案是肯定的。

【正确答案】They want to try again because they didn’t get to the top and they like climbing very much.

【解题思路】本题是对文中具体细节内容的考察。由关键词“return to Zermatt next summer“定位到原文最后一段,“I know we didn’t get to the top, but we’ll be back next summer to try again! Climbing is our life.”所以,包含了两个要点,一个是没有成功,另一个是因为喜欢。



通过审题得知,题目要求本篇作文的构架不得少于三大块,分别是1、今年的环保周(Environment Protection Week)你和同学们都做了些什么?2、有什么感受?3、以后有什么打算?


常用句型:it is …… that……强调句型,not only……but also……, 动词不定式,宾语从句,定语从句等等。

为使文章过渡自然,适当运用and, so, but, because等连词。

One possible version:

It was the Environment Protection Day on 5th, July that the members in our Environment Protection Union organized an activity on that day. The activity was very meaningful, we went to the destructor plant to learn how to classify the daily garbage. We were all surprised by millions of tons trash there, and it is hard to classify them. I think we should classify those trash before we throw them away. it is not only protect the environment but aslo make the dispose of rubbish much easier. I think I will classify the trash at home from now on and I will also encourage my family and friends to do it for we have only one earth and we should protect it!



本篇作文构思清晰,仅仅围绕题目要求的三个点:1、今年的环保周(Environment Protection Week)你和同学们都做了些什么?2、有什么感受?3、以后有什么打算?三个点缺一不可,但是一定要注意时态。第一个点一般要用过去时,第二个点用一般现在时而最后一个点则用将来时。


It was the Environment Protection Day on 5th, July that the members in our Environment Protection Union organized an activity on that day.强调句型。

We were all surprised by millions of tons trash there. 被动语态。

It is hard to classify them. 动词不定式

It is not only protect the environment but aslo make the dispose of rubbish much easier.

I think we should classify those trash before we throw them away. 宾语从句。




millions of 成千上万的;无数的

垃圾有很多种说法,比如:garbage, trash, rubbish等等

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

