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The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) one 46 ’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 It Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: hat /color/ yellow /box Sentences:What’s in it? What color is it? Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of taking care of each other. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.To take care of each other. 2.To express feeling in English. It‖s yellow./It’s a yellow hat. What color is it? Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) What color is it? It‖s yellow. It’s a yellow hat. TPR recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)

Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:…) T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me? (S:…) 2.Have a revision(复习): T: What’s your name?(S:…) T writes ―I’m…‖ on the blackboard. 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:Now,look at me.(T touchs her cloth.) T: What color is it? Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now open your books to page 46 and listen. 2.T shows a picture of ―YELLOW‖. T:Can you tell me what color is it?(T points the picture.) S:… 3.To study‖ yellow‖ and the pronounciation of the letter‖y‖ /j/. 4.And to study‖color‖ .(the pronounciation of the letter‖o‖/a:/ Write the three words. 5.To study the last two words‖box‖ and ―hat‖(Expand: thirsty) 6.TPR: It’s a box./a yellow box . a hat./a yellow hat. 7.T: Now, I want to ask you some questions.Could you answer them? S:… T: Are you ready?(S:…) T: What color is it? T may give S some seconds to think of the question. S:Yes.(No.) T writes ― It’s yellow.‖ And ―It’s a yellow hat.‖ on the blackboard. 8. To show a small blackboard: It’s yellow. red. To practice answers. 9.T: Wonderful! I need one student. Who can come to the front? Role- play: T acts Mom./ S1 acts Jack 10. To practice in pairs,(about page 46) 11.To show their practices.

T may visit two or three groups to the front . 12. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now it’s time to listen to tape.Please turn to page 46and read after the tape. Listen together. 13. T: You’re flying. Next, let’s do the listening exercises.(page50:Cirle the Correct Response 1) 14. T:Take out your workbooks. Let’s do the writing exercises. (page46 –one :3 ,4/ two:1,2) Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:…. 2.Homework:a. To write ―hat color yellow box‖ three times. b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 It’s Red. What’s in it? It’s a hat./ It’s a yellow hat. What color is it? It’s red./It’s yellow. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 教材为我们提供了很好的听、说、读、写训练内容,通过听听、说说、唱唱、做做,先培养语感,培养兴趣,然后进入开课以前,我就上节课所说内容,采用师师问答、生生问答、小组问答等多种形式进行复习,这一方法不仅有效的复习了上节课或以前所学的内容,而且为新授内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。字母教学。让学生在快乐中学习英语,在知识中获得成功感。

The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) Two 47 It’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words:red/nose/blue/put Sentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of introduce snack. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Ask S to know the snack and the harm of snack. Words: sandwich,hot dog,pizza,bread Sentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) 1. put…on‖ 2.Here are +可数名词复数. The method of pictures 情境教学 recorder, Teaching Steps(教学步骤)

Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1. Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello,boys and girls. Are you OK? S:… T:Good job! Now ,please chant after me.‖What color is it ? What color is it ?‖ 2.Have a revision(复习): To show word cards: box/hat yellow/color 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: What color is it?(S:…..) T:OK,let’s continue to study other colors. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Open your books to page 47 and listen to the tape. Please find out some colors. OK? S:….. 2.T: You’re very careful.Now let’s study them. To study‖red‖ and ―blue‖ 3.T: Who can say their plural?(S:….) 4.T: Do you know another color?(S:…) To show the pictures of red and blue‖ To study them together. 5.T: Do you know their plural?(S:…..) 6.To show these snack, and say,‖ What color is it?‖ S:…. T:You’re smart! To write‖ It’s ……‖ on the blackboard. To read the sentence one by one.(教师注意纠正读音。) 7.To practice the style: It’s……( yellow/red/blue) 8.T: We can use the color to describe everything.Now who can tell me what color is this apple.(Teach students how to use the English isn their lives) S:…..(启发学生用“like‖来回答。) 9.To write the table.(每人发一张。) color Hat nose yellow red blue

