IST8310 datasheet

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IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

1 IST8310

3D Magnetometer Datasheet

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

2 Table of Contents



2.1 Block diagram (5)

2.2 Package Dimensions and Pin Description (5)

2.3 Application Circuit (7)


3.1 Operation modes (8)

3.1.1 Stand-By Mode (8)

3.1.2 Single Measurement Mode (8)

3.1.3 Self-Test Mode (8)

3.2 Interrupt Function (9)

3.3 DRDY Function (9)

3.4 IST8310 Read Process (9)


4.1 Extreme Rating (10)

4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions (10)

4.3 Electrical Specifications (10)

4.4 Magnetic Sensor Specifications (11)

4.5 Power On Reset (POR) Specifications (12)


5.1 AMR Technology (13)

5.2 High Reliability Planarized Design (13)

5.3 Ultra-low Hysteresis Design (13)

5.4 Magnetic Setting Mechanism (13)


IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.1 I2C Interface (14)

6.2 I2C Read Operation (14)

6.3 I2C Write Operation (15)

6.4 Registers (15)


IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


1 General Description

iSentek IST8310 is a 3-axis digital magnetometer with 3.0x3.0x1.0mm3, 16-pin LGA package. It is an integrated chip with 3-axis magnetic sensors, digital control logic, built-in temperature compensation circuit and self-test function. IST8310 provides an I2C digital output with fast mode up to 400kHz. The high output data rate, ultra-low hysteresis, excellent temperature drift and low noise performance feathers make it a perfect candidate for high accuracy applications.


●Single chip 3-axis magnetic sensor

● 3.0x3.0x1.0mm3, 16-pin LGA package

●I2C slave, Fast Mode up to 400kHz

●14 bits data output

●Wide dynamic range of ±1600uT (x, y-axis) and ±2500uT (z-axis)

●High output data rate of maximum 200Hz

●Ultra-low hysteresis (<0.1%FS)

●Ultra-low sensitivity temperature drift (±0.016 %/ o K)

●Ultra-low offset temperature drift (0.024uT/ o K)

●Wide operating temperature range

●High precision temperature compensation

●Built-in self-test function

●Software and algorithm support available (For tilt compensation, cross-axis compensation and

noise suppression)


Quadcopter/Drone Applications

Augmented Reality Applications

Virtual Reality Applications

Location Based Services

Navigation Applications

Industrial Applications


IOT devices



IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


2 Block Diagram, Package Dimension and Application Circuit

2.1 Block diagram

Figure 1. Block Diagram

2.2 Package Dimensions and Pin Description

Unit: mm

Tolerance: ±0.1mm









IST8310 LGA Top View (Looking Through)

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


Unit: mm

Tolerance: ±0.1mm

*please refer to Figure 2.IST8310 LGA Side View

IST8310 3D Top View

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

7 2.3 Application Circuit

Figure 2. Application Circuit


IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


3 Operational Modes and Functional Descriptions

3.1 Operation modes

IST8310 has following operation modes:

(1) Stand-By Mode

(2) Single Measurement Mode

(3) Self-Test Mode

3.1.1 Stand-By Mode

The initial mode (after power on) of IST8310 is Stand-By Mode. In Stand-By Mode, all internal circuits are off (except oscillator and regulator). All registers can be accessed in Stand-By Mode. Data stored in Read/Write registers remains as last state. Registers can be reset by soft reset or hard reset (through RSTN pin).

As initial setting, please set Pulse Duration Control Register, PDCTNL(0x42) = 11000000b (C0H) for performance optimization. For low noise performance, please set Average Control Register, AVGCNTL(0x41) = 00100100b (24H) for more internal average times. The minimum waiting time between two measurements under low noise performance setup is 6ms (166Hz).

3.1.2 Single Measurement Mode

In Single Measurement Mode, the measured data is stored in data registers then IST8310 transits to Stand-By Mode automatically. On transition to Stand-By Mode, Control register 1(CNTL1[3:0]) turns to “0000”. At the same time, DRDY bit in STA T1 register turns to “1”. This is called “data ready”. When any of the measurement data registers or STA T2 register is read, DRDY bit turns to “0”. For the next measurement, user needs to set Control register 1(CNTL1[3:0]) to “0001” again. The minimum waiting time between two measurements in default setup is 5ms (200Hz).

Please noted in IST8310, ultra-low noise performance is obtained through soft-averaging in driver. Please contact iSentek for technical details.

3.1.3 Self-Test Mode

Self-Test mode is used to check if the 3-axis outputs read in Single Measurement Mode are correct. It is activated by setting Self-Test Register (0x0C) to 40h; then all 3-axis outputs will change their polarity. User can check the 3-axis output values before and after activating Self-Test Mode; if the absolute values are the same, then the IC is working correctly. It can be turned off by setting Self-Test Register (0x0C) to 00h.

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


3.2 Interrupt Function

Interrupt function is used when there is a huge external magnetic field in the surrounding. When the absolute sum of measured 3-axis output value exceeds 1600 uT, the INT flag is activated. The INT flag can be found in STA T2 register.

3.3 DRDY Function

DRDY function is used when the output data is updated. The DRDY pin is used to monitor the data ready output. DRDY is changed to low after reading data from the output register.

3.4 IST8310 Read Process

(1) Read STAT1 register:

‐Polling STAT1 register bit 0

‐DRDY: shows if the data is ready or not

0: no data ready

1: data ready

‐DOR: shows if any data has been skipped before the current data

0: no skipped data

1: data skipped.

(2) Read Measurement Data:

Read Register 0x03h~0x08h for X, Y and Z axis data. When data reading starts, DRDY bit and DOR bit turn t o “0”.

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


4 Electrical Specifications

4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

2. Machine Model (MM)

4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions

4.3 Electrical Specifications

(Operating conditions: TA=+25℃; A VDD=2.8V; DVDD=1.8V; 0.1µF ceramic capacitors tied closely to AVDD/DVDD and GND respectively.)

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2 11

4.4 Magnetic Sensor Specifications

(Operating conditions: Ta=+25℃; A VDD=2.8V; DVDD=1.8V; 4.7µF ceramic capacitors tied closely to C1 and GND respectively. )

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

12 4.5 Power On Reset (POR) Specifications

When POR circuit detects the rise of A VDD voltage, it resets all internal circuits and initializes all registers. After reset, IST8310 transits to Stand-By mode.

PSTO: Power Supply Turn Off voltage

PSOI: Power Supply Turn Off Interval

POR: Power On Reset POR PSTO: max=0.1volt PSOI: min=10ms POR: max:50ms

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


5 Technology Overview

5.1 AMR Technology

IST8310, an iSentek patented magnetometer is designed based on Anisotropy Magneto-Resistance (AMR) technology. The output is generated from the resistance change of the AMR resistors while external magnetic field changes. The sensitivity is about 50 to 200 times larger than traditional Hall element. The high sensitivity allows higher output data rate (ODR), lower noise and lower power consumption.

5.2 High Reliability Planarized Structure Design

IST8310 consists of three full Whetstone Bridge of AMR resistors. The three bridges detecting magnetic component in three directions orthogonal to each other are located on one chip, wire-bonded to a control ASIC. This planarized structure design enables outstanding stability to thermal shock, making our device highly reliable, immune from thermal reflow-induced failure. While other known AMR magnetometers placing z-axis sensor vertical to the substrate using 90-degree flip-chip packaging suffers from reliability issues

5.3 Ultra-low Hysteresis Design

iSentek has developed a specialized high permeability (μ) material for magnetic field detection. This high-μ material has ultra-low residual magnetization below 0.1 %FS in the field range as large as +/- 500 G. The ultra-low hysteresis design prevents the magnetometer from dynamic offset after encountering a strong external magnetic field impact; that is, the angular accuracy restores automatically without calibration after the removal of interference field. This feature fulfills the requirements for applications when real time calibration is not available. No calibration is required in general conditions.

5.4 Magnetic Setting Mechanism

AMR sensing resistors consist of Permalloy thin film and metallization. Permalloy is soft magnetic, irreversible magnetic rotation may occur after the strength of external magnetic field exceeds half of the anisotropy field of the sensing resistor, resulting in angular error induced by offset. To solve this issue, a magnetic setting mechanism is introduced in IST8310. A magnetic field is generated within IST8310 to align the magnetization of AMR sensing resistors before every measurement. This auto-zeroing mechanism ensures the stability of angular accuracy of IST8310 during whole operation.

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

14 6 Digital Interface and Registers

6.1 I 2C Interface

The interface of IST8310 follows the standard I 2C definition guidelines with some additional protocol definitions. IST8310 supports standard speed (100kHz) and fast speed (400kHz). Pull-up resistors of

4.7kohm for both SDA and SCL lines should be used.

Figure 3. I 2C Operation

6.1.1 Slave Address MSB LSB

(CAD1), the corresponding 7-bit and 8-bit defined I 2C slave addresses are listed below:

6.2 I

2C Read Operation

Figure 4. I C Single Byte Read Operation

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2

15 ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master

Figure 5. I C Multiple Byte Read Operation

ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master

6.3 I 2C Write Operation

Figure 6. I C Single Byte Write Operation

ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master

Figure 7. I C Multiple Byte Write Operation

ACK: Acknowledge, NA: Not Acknowledge, SA: START Condition, SP: Repeat Start Condition, ST: STOP Condition ■: Slave to Master

6.4 Registers

6.4.1 Customer Defined Registers

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.4.2 Who Am I Register

This Register provides device ID information

6.4.3 Status Register 1

This Register provides status information of IST8310

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.4.4 Output Data Registers

The Output Registers (from 0x03h~0x08h) contain X, Y and Z axis measurement data. Measurement data are stored in 2’s complement format.

6.4.5 Status Register 2

In this register, there is an INT flag for customer use.

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.4.6 Control Setting Register 1

This Register controls and adjusts the main parameters.

6.4.7 Control Setting Register 2

This Register controls and adjusts the main parameters.

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IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.4.8 Self-Test Register

6.4.9 Temperature Sensor Output Registers

The Output Data Registers use 2’s complement format .

6.4.10 Average Control Register

This register controls the times of average done in the circuit to lower the noise. Higher average times leads to lower noise.

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


6.4.11 Pulse Duration Control Register

This register controls the pulse duration for set/reset function of AMR sensors.

IST 8310 datasheet 完整版


IST8310 Datasheet, Version 1.2


7 Ordering Information

For more information on iSentek’s Magnetic Sensors, please contact us by phone at +86-132-6706-8686 (China), +86-755-3337-0168 (China) or +886-2-2698-3306 ext:110 (Taiwan); via e-mail: sales@ or visit us online at .

The application circuits herein constitute typical usage and interface of iSentek’s product. iSentek does not warranty or assume liability of customer-designed circuits derived from this description or depiction.

iSentek reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability, function or design. iSentek does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.

US Patent 9,297,863, Taiwanese Patents I437249, I420128 and I463160 apply to our magnetic sensor technology described.

