
更新时间:2024-05-13 05:46:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


一、 单选题

1. -----Nancy is not coming tonight. ----- But she_____!

A、 promises B、 promised C、 will promise D、 had promised

2. .Dr. Bethune beganto work the _____ he arrived at the front.

A、 moment B、 place C、 way D、 reason

3. ----- This penisn't yours, is it? ----- _____.

A、 Yes, it's notmine B、 No, yours isbigger C、 No, it's myfriend's D、 Yes, mine's ared one

4. ----- Thanks forthe_____ you did me to move away the stone. ----- That's allright.

A、 favour

B、 good C、 trouble D、 kindness

5. She won't beafraid as _____ as you are here.

A、 long B、 well C、 soon D、 far

6. It isn't quite_____whether she will take the advice.

A、 sure B、 right C、 certain D、 exact

7. He tried to be an_____ man all his life.

A、honesty B、honest C、dishonest D、 honestly

8. They failed toconvinced her of his ______.


B、honest C、dishonest D、 honestly

9. Mary used to _____in plays when she was in college.

A、act B、active C、action D、 activity

10. Bike riding is ahealthy _______.

A、act B、active C、action D、 activity

11. Women are oftensaid to be more _____ than men.

A、emotion B、emotional C、unemotional D、 emotionally

12. I wondered if theywould ______ our proposal.


B、acceptance C、acceptable D、 acceptably

13. Nobody can workwell if he is ______.

A、distract B、distraction C、distracted D、 distracting

14. As time went on,the theory she had stuck ________ correct.

A、 proved B、 to proving C、 to proved D、 to prove

15. I don't think hecould have done such a stupid thing last night, _______ ?

A、 do I B、 could he C、 has he D、 did he

16. Nobody noticed thethief slip into the house because the lights happened to _____.

A、 be put up

B、 give in C、 be turned on D、 go out

17. Why do you want anew job_____ you've got such a good one already?

A、 that B、 where C、 which D、 when

18. Have a cup of tea,_______?

A、 shallwe B、 will you C、 won'tyou D、 do you

19. It is estimatedthat much of a teenager's time is spent______ with friends.

A、 totalk B、 talking C、 beingtalked D、 having talked

20. We had decidedthat our last day would be spent ______ one of the many activities which thehotel offered to arrange.


B、 Sampling C、proceeding D、 selecting

21. “We have monitoredin the area and there is no ______ to health,” she said.

A、 suggestion B、 Hazard C、 compliment D、 recipe

22. She’s beenreported missing and we’re checking her movements for the two weeks before she______

A、 vanished B、 Survived C、 observed D、 revealed

23. However, promotionis not always easy to achieve, as I ______ when I first returned to work in1977 after my degree course.

A、 turned out B、 acted out C、 found out D、 sought out

24. I’d like to ______that students should be allowed more time for independent study.

A、 propose B、 Command C、 arrange D、 steer

25. I remember Chapmanwas ______ when I told him we might make a million dollars a year.

A、 amazed B、 Exclaimed C、 shocked D、 stunned

26. He suggested_______ to tomorrow’s exhibition together.

A、 us to go B、 we went C、 we shall go D、 we go

27. Since you are sobusy, why not to hire an _____ secretary to assist you?

A、 efficient B、 effective C、 affected D、 influent

28. He’s tried manythings with no particular success, but he is _____ an incapable person.

A、 in term of B、 by no means C、 in addition to D、 by means of

29. He went ahead______ all warnings about the danger of his mission.

A、 in case of B、 because of C、 regardless of D、 prior to

30. If you _____harder at school, you would have got a better job.

A、 studied B、 have studied C、 had studied D、 would havestudied


