(中英对照版) 综英一下册课后翻译答案(1-16)

更新时间:2023-11-08 10:30:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Lesson 1

2. Translation:

(1) I don’t know how to break the news to him. 我不知道如何告诉他这个消息。

(2)There was a fire in a hospital last night. No one was killed./ A fire broke out in a hospital.


(3) The cinema is not so far to reach as you have imagined. 电影院离这儿并没有你想象的那么远。

(4) After he explained to me in detail/at length, I began to recognize/realize that I was wrong.


(5)This house has belonged to the family of Gates for more than a hundred years. 这栋房子归盖茨(Gates)家族所有已经有一百多年了。

6) This football star broke away from the previous/former club and planned to join another one.


7) Anyone without a ticket will not be let in./ be allowed to enter. 无票者一律不得入内。

8) The president hoped that in (many long) years to come/in the future years, the relationship between the two countries would be improved. 总统希望在未来的岁月里两国关系将得到改善。

9)We should look into the future,and not always live in the past. 我们应该向前看,不要总是生活中过去。

10) The news that he died of heart disease made us startled/surprised/astonished. 他死于心脏病的消息使得大家非常吃惊。

11)When I was reading the text, the teacher asked me to stop to interpret two sentences. 我正读着课文,老师让我停下来翻译两个句子。 Lesson 2

2. 1) The little dog seems to understand the master’s will. 这小狗似乎懂得主人的愿望。

2) He gazed at the photo for a long time, recalling the past years. 他久久凝视着这张照片,回顾着过去的岁月。

3) Though /Although the general manager knew he would meet a lot of difficulties, he started his work with a will.


4) Suddenly an idea struck me—why not beep him now?

突然我有了一个主意—为什么不现在就给他打传呼(beep sb.)呢?

5) This newspaper gave a two-page account of the princess’s funeral. 这家报纸用了两个版面叙述了王妃的葬礼。

6) The Chinese government urged the United Nations to solve this problem in this area peacefully/in a peaceful way.


7) Since she was not content with her present English level, she enrolled her name in the evening classes.

她不满足于目前的英语水平,就报名参加了夜校(evening classes)

8)We should put away our disagreements and work hard for our common goal. 我们应该把分歧放在一边,为共同的目标而努力。

9)Boys in the middle school are forbidden to wear long hair in this country. 在这个国家,中学男生不得留长发(用forbid)。

10) The doctor was convinced that it was unnecessary for her to lose weight. 医生确信她没有必要减肥(lose weight)

Lesson 3

2. 1) This policy doesn’t mean to infringe the interests/benefit of the common people. 这一政策的本意并不是要损害老百姓的利益(Interest).

2)Everyone knows what rose stands for. 人人都知道玫瑰花代表什么。

3)Leave him a message in case he forgets to return the files to the secretary. 给他留个条子以防他忘记把卷宗还给秘书。

4)The reporter wanted to trip the president up by some clever questions. 记者想用些巧妙的问题让总统无意间透露秘密。

5)I’ve come upon/across this word several times. 这个单词我已经碰到过好几次了。

(6) The fire sent people escaping from the building in turn. 大火使得人们纷纷逃出大楼。

7)It’s already 4 o’clock, but still nobody turns up. 都4点了,还是没有人来。

8) I hate to see young people hang/wander around the street. 我真不喜欢看到年轻人在马路上闲逛。

(9) The president wanted to know who was in charge of / responsible for this department. 总裁(president)想知道谁负责这个部门的工作。

10) He stood up/ rose to his feet and made his way to the gate. rise-rose-risen vi. 他站了起来,朝门口走去。

(11) Learning (that) her son had an accident, Bill’s mother rushed to the hospital at flying speed.


Lesson 4

2. Translation:

1)He always cleans up his office before leaves. 他总是在离开之前把办公室收拾干净。

2)Three weeks passed by before I received his first letter.


3)He walked back and forth in the room,thinking about the problem. 他在屋里来回地走动,思考着这个问题。

4)I wouldn't have time to explain to you at length/in detail,but for the sake of your safety,please leave this city as soon as possible.


5)He is hard of hearing now,and no longer goes to the theater. 他现在听觉不好,不再去剧院看戏了。

6)How can you yell at an old like that? 你怎么能对一位老人那样大喊大叫?

7)You should be ashamed of what you've just done. 你应该对你刚才的所作所为感到惭愧。

8)He told his children to stay away from dangerous electronical things.

他叫他的孩子们不要接近危险的电器(electronical things)。

9)He made up his mind to prove that Mary's point doesn't hold water. 他决心要证明玛丽的观点是站不住脚的。

10)No matter how hard I tried,I couldn't persuade him. 无论我如何努力,也说服不了他。

11)We should not look down upon a person for what his parents have done. 我们不应该因为一个人的父母所做的事而看不起他本人。

12)That sum of money brought the family nothing but disaster. 那笔钱只给这个家庭带来了灾难。

Lesson 5

? 2.1) 1.It is understandable/comprehensible that girls all want to be in good shape. 女孩子们都想有个好身材是可以理解的。

2.He decided to settle down in his hometown after returning from abroad/after he returned from abroad.


3.I remembered locking the door last night, but it was strange that I found it open this morning.


4.If you go/keep on eating like this, losing weight is out of the question/impossible. 如果你照这样吃下去,减肥是根本不可能的。

5.They showed deep concern for the future of the country at that time. 那时他们对国家的前途深表担忧。

6.She didn’t have the heart to break the bad news to her daughter. 她不忍心把这个坏消息告诉她的女儿。

7. From then on, he gave me great help in many aspects/respects/ ways. 打那以后,他在许多方面都给了我很大的帮助。

8.I got bigger/ put on ( gain) weight by the day,so he suggested/advised that I go jogging for half an hour every morning.


9.The government is committed to devoting major efforts to developing educational undertaking.


10.I think we had better have the house repaired before the rainy season arrives. 我想我们最好在雨季到来之前请人把房顶修好。

Lesson 6

2. Translation:

(1) They had thought of / used to think of themselves as the best parents in the world. 他们以前自以为是天下最好的父母。

(2) Could you say/put it in another way? The children did not quite understand you. 你能不能换个方式说?孩子们不太明白你的意思。

(3) It will take you two hours, more or less, to get there by bike. You need about two hours to go there by bike. 骑自行车去那儿大约要用两小时。

(4) Please see to it that the children go to bed before 9 o’clock. 请务必使孩子们在9点之前上床睡觉。

(5) Do you know how much our company paid as a result of /due to/ because of/ owing to your incompetence?


(6) The two countries maintained close contact with each other in times of crisis. 两国在危机(crisis)期间保持着密切的联系。

(7) What would you do with these books? 你打算怎么处置这些书?

(8) Our explanation will only make him angrier. 我们的解释只能使他更加生气。

(9)He has gone through many difficulties before his success. 他在成功之前经历了许许多多的困难。

10) The young man finally succeeded in flying across the Atlantic after he had tried several times/trying several times.

经过几次尝试,那位年轻人终于成功地飞越了大西洋。 Lesson 7

2.1) Translation:

(1) This accident resulted in/ led to the death of 150 people. 这次事故导致了150丧生。

