译林版新版五年级上学期英语 Unit5 Story time名师教案

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Unit 5 What do they do?

Story time


一、Teaching contents教学内容:

Story time

二、Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker

2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词writer, at home, sick, people, factory

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写关于职业的第三人称句型的问与答What does he/she do?

He’s/She’s a ...

4. 能掌握动词teach,write,work,help,make的第三人称单数形式,并能初步运用句

型What does ... do? He’s/She’s a ... He/She... 来讨论Story time中涉及的职业并进行相关描述。


1. 学生能够使用重点句型来讨论职业名称和工作内容。

2. 学生能阅读并理解故事。



三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点:


1. 在故事情景中阅读和理解句型What does he/she do? 及其回答He’s/She’s a teacher/

writer/ factory/ worker/ …

2. 能整体到局部再到整体的理解故事内容。

3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读故事。

4. 能尝试运用句型W hat does Mike’s/Su Hai’s father/mother do? He’s/She’s a ..来讨论Story



1. 单词sick, factory, writer, people单词的读音

2. 在故事情景中正确朗读和理解What does he/she do? 及其回答He’s/She’s a teacher/

writer/ factory/ worker/…

3. 通过教学活动初步了解主语是第三人称单数动词的变化形式。

四、Teaching procedures 教学过程

Step 1 Greeting & warm up

1. A song: My father is a doctor

2. Show the learning aims

a. I can read Story time very well.

b. I can ask and answer “What does…do?”


Step 2 Introduction

1. Show the picture in Story time

T: Who are they?

S: They are Mike’s father and mother. They are Su Hai’s father and mother.

T: I can also say, they are Mike’s parents and they are Su Hai’s parents.

(Teach: father+mother=parents)

2. Look and guess

T: Please look at this picture. What are Su Hai and Mike talking about? A or B?


S1: I think they’re talking about their parents’ jobs.

T: Yes, you’re right. So, if you want to know their parents’ jobs, you can ask “What do they do?”.

Today we’ll learn Unit 5 What do they do?

【设计意图:通过对Story time的图片展示,学习单词parents,并引导学生通过观察对本课学习主题进行合理猜测,自然揭题。】

Step2 New teaching

1. Watch and find

T: How to ask questions about their parents’ jobs? Please watch the flash and underline the questions in Story time. (播放卡通)

S: What does your father do? What does your mother do? What about your mother?

2. Listen and match

T: Listen to the tape and do the match.

3. Learn to say

T: What does Mike’s father do?He’s a teacher. (新授teacher)

T:What does Mike’s mother do?She’s a writer. (新授writer)

T: What does Su Hai’s father do?He’s a doctor. (新授doctor)

T: What does Su Hai’s mother do?She’s a factory worker. (新授worker)


4. Read and find

Read the dialogue and find the description of their jobs.

a. T: What does Mike’s father do?

S: Mike’s father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students.

(教teach- teaches, teach-teacher)

b. T: What does Mike’s mother do?

S: She’s a writer. She writes stories. She works at home.

(教right-write-writes, write-writer, work-works, work-worker)

c. T: What does Su Hai’s father do?

S: He’s a doctor. He helps sick people.

(教six-duck-sick, people, help-helps)

d. T: What does Su Hai’s mother do?

S: She’s a factory worker. She makes sweets.



5. Reading time

a. Read after the computer.

b. Read by themselves.

c. read in pairs. (Choose one of the three reading methods)

d. Read together.


Step3 Consolidation

1. Read and judge

T: Now, can you tell whether these sentences are true or false?

S: Yes, we can.

2. Ask and answer.

T: Yang Ling is asking Liu Tao about Mike’s and Su Hai’s parents’ job s. Please act them and make a short dialogue in pairs.

3. Fill in the blankets.

a. Fill and say.

b. Think and write. (Page 50)

4. Retell the story

Retell the text with the key words.


Step 4 Homework

1. Copy the new words

2. Read and recite the story.

3. Try to introduce your family.

Teaching aids教学准备:



Unit 5 What do they do?

Mike’s father teacher teach es English

Mike’s mother writer write s stories

Su Hai’s father doctor help s sick people

Su Hai’s mother factory work er make s sweets


本节课为Unit 5的第一课时,教学内容是Story time。歌曲的铺垫以及利用课文图片

