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高考英语务型阅读—— 任选五解七

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) ●了解七“五”的选点、掌特握这类题的解技巧。



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题解读型 试题式模:出一篇给缺少个5句子文的,对章有应个选 7项,求要同们根据学文结构、内章,容出选确正的句子 ,入填相应空的处白 。考查点重主要考:查考生文章对的体内整容和结以构及 下文逻上辑义的理解和意掌。(考试握说) 明项选点: 特主旨括概句(文章体整容)内过 性句渡子(文结章)构注释性 子句(下文逻辑上意义)


1)词汇复法现复现是证保文章后前接而经常衔使用 一种的写作手段,即者作在章文下文不上同 的置位同对个概念一行重进描述,复而使从得 样同的意在文章中不思同地方重复的现。 出复的现形式主要是主指是要指词同(源同)词复现、 (近)同义词现、反义词复现等复。

复汇现(同词现)(2复10全国课标0卷)…Driun my fgrsi mteeitgn,I pr seetedna ndt hn eoenepd het lofor toq eusitno.s 71 My. firts rectaoinwas t oasner wedefnsiely. v…B. Retsae tth eqeutiosn wit hrspeet. c. SoCem deis aan bc qeuit concreeet .. DThreew reem ny daififuclt uqstienos.

汇复现(词反词义复现()201辽2卷)宁Thre eae trime isn oru lviess uh acswh newe ahv ercenteylmo ed invota ne wt wno,or c hagen our djbso o scrohlos S.uchch ngea sfoetnleav esus wi hout atfr eid n1 . B7u fortm any o usf htep roecs is disffiuct andlreq uires couare….gD. Tyrn ot o tfin fauld withtyour fiends. Er .Maikng en wfirndsec moe sase yfo sorm eeoplpe F. For a .rfenisdhp iotdeve lop ou yeendt o saty nito uch.

)词汇同2现词汇同现法指属于同是词汇搭配一畴范或者某 领一的词汇在文域章中时同出现,到达语义 接衔的的。你目以在选可中项到找此 与汇最接近的词词,而从达到而快。准般一来 ,上下说中词文汇范畴的小越上,下文衔的接关系 紧密。

词汇同现(同越一汇词范畴(201)课标全1卷)P国raenst shuodlh el phteri hildrce undenrstadn mnoe. y71s oyou ma ysatr talkitn gaoutb omeyn hwneyo urch li showd sn inaetres intbu iygn tinhs,g cnady r ooys,t fr oeaxmlpe D.. Tlak oyrseuf wlat thhnig tsathco st onmyeare most im optrat nt yoo. E. uAksy urosefl hwatt ihng tsat hcost omey ane rmot ispmotartn t you. o.GThe bst teme itoteach a hilcd nyatihg anobt muoney si weh nh sehosw n ainteestr.


索法英表语中,达词出代的现频极高率,代词的作用是 来指用前面面代提及的词或句名子。

词线代索 (2120国全课标)卷Tr ytkinga thseef uo rtesp. thsene t ximt yoeuar es resstd:e 1( G)te spporu. thWen you nede hlp, erecha uot t tho peeopl weho are caobut ou.y Tlak to“ trsuted auldt ,uch ass“ parnteo ro teh relartiev. 72 Tseh migyht ahe hvda imslar pribolms, seuhca deaslni wgth a tiset ,ro thed eahto fab lovee petd.D. hA it,fe less og odowh e ntehstr es issg neo. E. oY uned te oigfur oet wuhtathe rpoblem i.s .F nA don'd fortget aobt yuuro firedns


)逻4辑系线关索并法列递进关系:与nd, alsao,f rutehr,m orevoer what,’ sorme,e thei…rro,…n ither…enr…o,no tnlyob…ut alos, ifstlyr s,cendol,yt irhdl…y 等; 因果.系关:o, shterefore, tuhs hen,ec ,accodringl,yco sneuentql, yas ar sule等t ;转与折步让系关howev:re, evnertehles, shotghu yet,, i nsipe ot, fn oht eocnrtry,a tohewisre, wileh r,ahtr then, evena i,fdesp ie, tfotruanety等。l

辑关系逻线 (并列索或递关进)(系0221辽卷宁)Te bhets awyto enjyoyo urfrie dshnipi st oa lol ywur orifnds eo be thtemelsve.s 57 rT nyto o cthnaeg temh romfw h ohey atret whatoy uo awt nhet mo teb.Bec oe the kimd nfo freni dyu woillw atn yoru fienrdto eb toyou .B D.o tihgn stgoehtre .C.Do n towai to tbes pken too .. DryT on tt foidnfaul t wti yhoru firedn.


辑关线索 系(果关因)(系0221宁卷辽)t Ii s gaod tohin tgosta y nito cuh.H weoerv,t yr ot to prens syorune wrfein wdithcalls, m essaesgo rivits as this wosud lilklyew era ih mro he rut onda finalyl oyuma y osley ur foiredn .47. he beTt srfiendshps aiert e hnoset aht gow ratunralyl

E. M.aink gnwef irndesc oemse aysfo rso e pmeple.oF . Froa frie dsnihp ot deelov yopu end eo ttsya in otuch .G. So youw il nlee td oivg your erfien time dt oraect otyou


辑逻关线索 系转(关折)系(2011宁辽卷)Eevryoeni forsgetufl, ubt s ae awge,we s art tt foeell ie kor buairsna ersl wiog nodnwa bi —tadn hat tcna be av eyrann oyng thiin. g71R adeon f ros mo eectnhiues woqtr thriny.g . Do tSke a fewamin uts eeahcd y ato o sdmeo eadrin.gF . Lcuikyl ,esearrch hossw hete ris a olt oyu an codto av oi dthos meoentm. G.sIn othe rwords w,he nyo tukea cra of yeuor boy, ydou tak care oe yfou brainr


据空根所在位格确定不置的解同策题略)如1果格在段首空为或段标题落通 是段落常主句题。真阅读后文认容内,据根段落致一原则, 查找同性义词其他相或关词的推断出主,题句关。注段首尾每,句 了大意知主解题。 2 )果如格空在尾 通常段结论、概是性括语。句注在意选项中查找示表果结、论、 结总结的信等号词如,terhefoe, asra r eult,s tuh,sh nce, einsh ot,rto usmup, t oconcldue,i na wor等d语词选项中,也 可发前文现同义词句。的 )3果空格如一整个自是段 通然是承上启常的句子下要。特别关注后段前内在的联和逻辑系关 系

空格为段落。题标(2 010标课国卷)●全 73 hWn e aeprsno si askin a guqstieo,n sohwi netrste nada d sere iot unedsratn dhe question byt iltseing and anskni fgo crlriaifcaiot.

nA .howSyou rrut eniteest.rB .

Retsteat h quesetoinw ih rtesecpt. . SCoemidea s acnbe quti eocnrecte.

解题骤步: 1 .标题看副标、预题文测大意章 2看选项.找,和出章文相应的关键对 词3.通全读,查看文主题句分析,结 构.看4空前后空内,分容析之的逻辑间性 .5灵活掌答握题序(顺易后先难) .6代 入案,重点核答逻辑查系。关Sum

