2012广东省高职英语口语大赛 公外组话题

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2012广东省高职英语口语大赛----公共英语组话题 话题一:作为酒店总经理向一个代表团介绍酒店的历史和设备以及如何管理

评委问题:1.What is important for choosing a business hotel? 2. Can you name 3 5-star hotels in Guangzhou? 3.Twenty-five 5-star hotels will be built in the coming five years in Guangzhou, what is your comment?

话题二:作为酒店总经理向大家介绍公司新开发的软饮料,目标群体是运动的年轻人。 评委的问题是:1.As sales manager, how would you launch the new product? 2. What would you if the customers are not satisfied with the new product?

三号题: 你作为新就任的足球俱乐部队长,要招聘新球员,请你发表一篇演讲

评委问题:1. What makes a good team leader? 2. How would you solve conflict between team members?


评委问题:1. What kind of qualities personal assistant need? 2. Do you think PA is important for a company? Why?

五号题:你作为售后服务部长,在会议上与员工讨论如何提高customer loyalty.(客户忠诚度)

评委问题:1. What is customer loyalty?

2. What is important is serving customer? 3. How do you explain "customer is God"?


评委问题:1.What do you need to prepare for a business trip? 2. Is it necessary to know the other country's culture when travel abroad? 3. How would you maintain good image when go to different country?


评委问题:1. What should prepare before start online business? 2. How does the internet change the way people do business?

8号题: 你作为后勤部长,retrospect last seaon's work and porspect next season's work.

评委问题:1. What's the main duty of after-sales department? 2. Why do retrospect adn propect important?

