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毕 业 论 文

论文题目: 阿里巴巴公司人才流失的成因分析与对策研究

学 生: 指导教师:

专 业: 人力资源管理 班 级:


哈尔滨剑桥学院 毕 业 论 文 审 阅 评 语

一、指导教师评语 建议成绩: 是否同意答辩:同意答辩 □ 不同意答辩 □ 指导教师(签名) 职 称 年 月 日

二、评阅人评语 建议成绩: 是否同意答辩:同意答辩 □ 不同意答辩 □ 评阅教师(签名) 职 称 年 月 日


毕 业 论 文 答 辩 评 语 及 成 绩

三、答辩委员会评语 答 辩 成 绩: 四、毕业论文成绩 综合以上指导教师成绩: 评阅人成绩: 答辩成绩: 总成绩评定为: 签 字(盖章): 年 月 日 五、答辩委员会主任单位: 答辩委员会主任职称: 答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日


摘 要






Causes and Countermeasures based Alibaba Brain Drain


With the continuous development of social economy, enterprise management personnel has gradually transformed from a labor management personnel become importance of talent and training, as well as people-oriented resource management phase, which shows the development trend of strategic talent management phase. With the rapid development of information technology, China's Internet companies have appeared in large numbers, the rapid development of Internet business allows companies to increase the demand for talent. But because the Internet behind human resource management, human resources make the situation appear huge loss.

Through quantitative surveys, qualitative analysis and other methods of Alibaba's staff recruitment, training, performance appraisal, compensation management, incentives and other human resource management issues for research analysis, that Alibaba is in the traditional personnel management stage in human resource management the goal of human resource management is unclear, a variety of management tools to poor effect, making the brain drain phenomenon is growing, to solve this problem, not only to raise awareness, but also to continue to improve human resource management system, employee motivation and corporate culture aspects of construction and other improvements to make the appropriate.

This paper gives the topic of domestic and foreign research status and significance of the paper itself, as well as an overview of relevant theories. And discussed about Alibaba's management system and corporate culture, to understand Alibaba workforce management mode of operation, which identify problems and propose solutions programs. Research papers to some extent, to promote the combination of human resources management and business management, and explore an effective combination of both modes.

Keywords: Internet; brain drain; performance management; salary managemen


