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True / False Questions:

1. T / F – An operating system controls the execution of applications and acts as an interface between applications and the computer hardware.

2. T / F – The operating system maintains information that can be used for billing purposes on multi-user systems.

3. T / F – The principal responsibility of the operating system is to control the execution of processes.

4. T / F – When one process spawns another, the spawning process is referred to as the child process and the spawned process is referred to as the parent process.

5. T / F – The less-privileged processor execution mode is often referred to as kernel mode.

6. T / F – One kind of system interrupt, the trap, relates to an error or exception condition in the currently running process.

7. T / F – The Process Image refers to the binary form of the program code.

8. T / F – A typical UNIX system employs two Running states, to indicate whether the process is executing in user mode or kernel mode.

9. T / F – The short-term scheduler may limit the degree of multiprogramming to provide satisfactory service to the current set of processes.

10. T / F – The long-term scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs that may lead to the suspension or preemption of the currently running process.

11. T / F – In a multiprogramming system, main memory is divided into multiple sections: one for the operating system (resident monitor, kernel) and one for the set of processes currently being executed.

12. T / F – In the Dynamic Partitioning technique of

memory management, compaction refers to shifting the processes into a contiguous block, resulting in all the free memory aggregated into in a single block. 13. T / F – In a memory system employing paging, the chunks of a process (called frames) can be assigned to available chunks of memory (called pages).

14. T / F – A memory system employing segmentation consists of a number of user program segments that must be of the same length and have a maximum segment length.

15. T / F – The condition known as thrashing occurs when the majority of the processes in main memory require repetitive blocking on a single shared I/O device in the system.

16. T / F – A Page Fault occurs when the desired page table entry is not found in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB).

17. T / F – Double buffering refers to the concept of using two buffers to alternatively fill and empty in order to facilitate the buffering of an I/O request. 18. T / F – A pile file refers to the least complicated form of file organization, where data are collected in sorted order and each record consists of one burst of data.

19. T / F – In the general indexed file structure, there are no key fields and variable-length records are allowed.

20. T / F – Typically, an interactive user or a process has associated with it a current directory, often referred to as the working directory.

21. T / F – In a uniprocessor machine, concurrent processes cannot be overlapped; they can only be interleaved.

22. T / F – In indirect addressing, as applied to message passing, messages are sent to a temporary shared data structure typically known as a mailbox.

23. T / F – Deadlock can be defined as the periodic blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other.

24. T / F – A reusable resource is one that can be safely used by only one process at a time and is not depleted by that use.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. A primary objective of an operating system is:

a. Convenience b. Efficiency

c. Ability to evolve d. All of the above

2. The operating system provides many types of services to end-users, programmers and system designers, including:

a. Built-in user applications b. Error detection and response

c. Relational database capabilities with the internal file system

d. All of the above

3. The behavior of a processor can be characterized by examining:

a. A single process trace b. Multiple process traces

c. The interleaving of the process traces d. All of the above

4. There are a number of conditions that can lead to process termination, including: a. Normal completion b. Bounds violation c. Parent termination d. All of the above

5. A Memory Table is an O/S control structure that is used by the O/S to:

a. Manage I/O devices b. Manage processes

c. Provide information about system files d. None of the above

6. The type of scheduling that involves the decision to add a process to those that are at least partially in main memory and therefore available for execution is referred to as:

a. Long-term scheduling b. Medium-term scheduling c. I/O scheduling d. None of the above

7. In terms of frequency of execution, the short-term scheduler is usually the one that executes:

a. Most frequently b. Least frequently

c. About the same as the other schedulers d. None of the above

8. A problem with the largely obsolete Fixed Partitioning memory management technique is that of:

a. Allowing only a fixed number of Processes b. Inefficient use of memory c. Internal fragmentation d. All of the above

9. An actual location in main memory is called a(n):

a. Relative address b. Logical address c. Absolute address d. None of the above

10. The situation that occurs when the desired page table entry is not found in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is called a: a. TLB miss b. TLB hit c. Page fault

d. None of the above

11. In a combined paging/segmentation system, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of: a. Segments or pages, at the discretion of the programmer

b. Fixed-size pages, which are in turn broken down into variable-sized segments

c. Variable-sized Segments, which are in turn broken down into fixed-size pages d. All of the above

12. An example of a block-oriented I/O device is:

a. CD-ROM b. Printer c. Modem

d. All of the above

13. Sequential files are optimal in scenarios involving:

a. Applications that require frequent queries b. Applications that require the processing of all records in the file

c. Applications that require infrequent updates d. All of the above

14. In a tree-structured directory, the series of

directory names that culminates in a file name is referred to as the: a. Pathname

b. Working directory c. Symbolic name d. None of the above

15. In order to implement mutual exclusion on a critical resource for competing processes, only one program at a time should be allowed:

a. In the critical section of the program

b. To perform message passing c. To Exhibit cooperation d. None of the above

16. A resource that can be created and destroyed is called a:

a. Reusable resource b. Producible resource c. Consumable resource d. All of the above

17. A condition of policy that must be present for a deadlock to be possible is: a. Mutual exclusion b. Hold and wait c. No preemption d. All of the above

18. In deadlocked process recovery, selection criteria for choosing a particular process to abort or rollback includes designating the process with the: a. Most estimated time remaining b. Lowest priority

c. Least total resources allocated so far d. All of the above

Fill-In-The-Blank Questions:

1. The portion of the operating system that selects the next process to run is called the _______________.

2. When the O/S creates a process at the explicit request of an existing process, the action is referred to as _______________________.

3. A process that cannot execute until some event occurs is said to be in the _______________ state. 4. In a system that implements two suspend states, a process that has been swapped out of main memory and into secondary memory and that is also awaiting an event is in the ________/________ state.

5. The task of assigning processes to the processor or processors over time, in a way that meets system objectives is called _______________. 6. _______________-term scheduling is part of the system swapping function.

7. _______________ is a scheduling policy in which the process with the shortest expected

processing time is selected next, but there is no preemption.

8. The task of subdividing memory between the O/S and processes is performed automatically by the O/S and is called ___________________.

9. The phenomenon, in which there is wasted space internal to a partition due to the fact that the block of

data loaded is smaller than the partition, is referred to as ___________________.

10. In the Dynamic Partitioning technique of memory management, the process of shifting processes so they occupy a single contiguous block in memory is called ___________________.

11. In a system that employs a paging memory

management scheme, the ___________________ shows the frame location for each page of the process. 12. The situation where the processor spends most of its time swapping process pieces rather than executing instructions is called _______________.

13. Most virtual memory schemes make use of a special high-speed cache for page table entries, called a _______________.

14. The term _______________ refers to the speed with which data moves to and from the individual I/O device.

15. A hard drive is an example of a

_______________-oriented I/O device.

16. The disk scheduling algorithm that implements exactly 2 subqueues in a measure to avoid the problem of “arm stickiness” is the _________________ policy.

17. The file directory information element that holds information such as the permitted actions on the file (e.g., reading, writing, executing, etc.) is the ______________ information element.

18. Typically, an interactive user or a process has associated with it a current directory, often referred to as the ______________.

19. The data structure or table that is used to keep track of the portions assigned to a file is referred to as a ______________.

20. UNIX employs ______________, which is a control structure that contains the key

information needed by the operating system for a particular file.

21. The situation where Process 1 (P1) holds Resource 1 (R1), while P2 holds R2, and P1 needs R2 to complete and P2 needs R1 to complete is referred to as _______________.

22. When only one process is allowed in its critical code section at a time, then _______________ is enforced.

23. A monitor supports _____________ by the use of condition variables that are contained within the monitor and accessible only within the monitor.

24. All deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by _________ or more processes.

22. When only one process is allowed in its critical code section at a time, then _______________ is enforced.

23. A monitor supports _____________ by the use of condition variables that are contained within the monitor and accessible only within the monitor.

24. All deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by _________ or more processes.

