2010年高考试题 - 自选模块(浙江卷)精校word版

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本试题卷共18题,全卷12页。满分60分,考试时间90分钟。 请考生按规定用笔将所选试题的答案写在答题纸上。 注意事项:

1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证用黑色自己的签字笔活钢笔填写在答题纸上规定的位置


2. 将选定的试题题号用2B铅笔填写在答题纸上的“题号”栏内,在科目标记栏内,将该题所属科目标记涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后在填写和填涂。 3. 考生在18道试题中任选6道题作答,多选无效。

题号:01 科目:语文


阅读下面的散文,然后回答问题。 识周生《清秘图》后 [明]袁宏道



(1) 用自己的话概括“拙士”形象的特点。(4分) (2) 探析本文的结构特征。(6分)

题号:02 科目:语文



归 乡 邹旭

野花像铃铛挤满回家的路 今夜,所有的路都在回家 所有的路都是绝路 是你,是故乡这杯毒酒

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黎明和家还有一水之隔 忧怨的月亮前来摆渡

母亲,你从一堆待捣的衣服中直起身 迎向我,就像



(2) 结合全诗,赏析画线诗句。(6分)

题号:03 科目:数学 “数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)




题号:04科目:数学 “矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)





(1) 求由曲线C1,C2,C3围成的区域的面积;(5分) (2) 设M(4,?2),射线???(??0,N(2,0),



题号:05 科目:英语

阅读理解 (共分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)


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Almost all Americans are involved with sports in some way. They may play basketball or volleyball or go swimming or skiing. They may watch football or basketball games on the high school, college, or professional level. In reality, sports have reached a point where they play too large a part in daily life. They take up too much media time, play too large a role in the raising of children, and give too much power and prestige(声望) to athletes.

The overemphasis(过度强调) on sports can be seen most obviously in the vast media coverage of athletic events. It seems as if every race, meet, or match is shown on one television channel or another. 1 Radio offers a complete list of games and a variety of talk shows. Furthermore, many daily ○papers such as USA Today are devoting more and more space to sports coverage, often in an attempt to attract more readers. The paper with the biggest sports section is the one people will buy.

The way we raise and educate our children also illustrates our sports craziness. As early as six or seven, kids are placed in little leagues, often to play under screaming coaches and pressuring parents. Later, in high school, students who are selected by the school and by the community are not those who

2 The United States may be the are best academically(学业上) but those who are best athletically. ○only country in the world where people often think of their colleges as teams first and schools second.

The names Penn State, Notre Dame and Southern Cal mean “sports” to the public.

3 For one thing, we reward them with huge salaries. In 1990, for example, baseball ○players averaged $350,000 a year; the average annual salary in the United States is $18,000. Besides their huge salaries, athletes receive the admiration, and sometimes the votes of the public.

Why are Americans so mad about sports? Perhaps we like to see the competitiveness we experience in our daily lives acted out on playing fields. Perhaps we need heroes who can achieve clear-cut

4 victories in the space of only an hour or two. ○第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Our sports craziness is especially evident in the prestige given to athletes in the United States. B. Kids look up to a Michael Jordan or a Roger Clemens as a true hero. C. Whatever the reason, the sports scene in the country is more popular than ever.

D. And college sometimes seems to be more about sports than about learning. E. In addition, sports news makes up about 30 percent of local news at six and eleven. 第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。

5 What is the main idea of the passage? ○

题号:06 科目:英语



Bridgette was going into the sixth grade in September.___①___in April we had bought her two newborn lambs. Bridgette’s plan was______②____(raise) them during the summer and then sell them for school clothes. When the little lambs came, Bridgette had to feed them several times a day. She even slept for a few nights with the lambs so they wouldn’t cry. Soon the lambs became attached to Bridgette and followed her___③___she went. When the day to sell the lambs came, however we found that the price was disappointing. A man at Woody’s market offered only $100 for the lambs. Bridgette cried ,”Dad, I won’t have

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enough___④____for the school clothes I picked out..” I explained to the buyer why she was sad. He didn’t answer, except to ask me to have my daughter talk to him.

Bridgette sat beside this kindly, gray-haired gentleman. They talked for a while and she calmed

down. Then the man came over to ___⑤___and explained what he had told her. ”I knew she probably____⑥___ (grow) attached to the lambs like my daughters ____⑦____ to do at her age. So I asked her if it would make her feel better to know that I was not going to butcher the lambs, but____⑧____ I just needed them to keep down the blackberries on my farm. Then everything___⑨___.She was satisfied with the sale.”

Bridgette was not able to purchase all the clothes she had picked out for school that year.

___⑩___I’m sure when she occasionally thought of her lambs living a happy life just a few miles away, she would no doubt whisper to herself. ”Some things are better than money.” 题号:07 科目: 思想政治

“经济学常识”模块 (10分)

在讨论“德国市场经济模式与我国社会保障制度”时,某同学认为,在德国市场经济模式下,政府不直接干预企业的经营活动,但通过制定和执行必要的政策法规维护了自由竞争。另外,德国早就建立了完整的高福利社会保障制度,一定程度上缓解了社会矛盾。改革开放以来,我国的国内生产总值快速增长,现已超过德国,我国也应该建立德国那样的高福利社会保障制度。 (1) 该同学看到了德国市场经济模式的哪些主要特点?(4分) (2) 评析该同学关于德国社会保障制度及其适用于中国的看法。(6分) 题号:08 科目: 思想政治

“生活中的法律常识”模块 (10分)


(1) Y公司的行为侵害了陶女士的什么权利?(4分)

(2) 诉讼是本案当事人可以选择的解决纠纷的唯一方式吗?请结合所学知识简要说明理由。(6


题号:09 科目:历史




——《魏书?咸阳王禧传》 材料二:陆法言著《切韵》,时俗??皆以法言为吴人而为吴音也??论音韵者二十余家,皆以法言为首出??法言本代北人,世为部落大人,号步陆孤氏,后魏孝文帝改为陆氏。

——《苏氏演义》卷上 (提示:陆法言是隋代语言学家,《切韵》是一部关于汉字读音的专门书。)

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(2)根据材料二,联系材料一及所学知识,试分析“陆法言现象”。(6 分)

题号:10 科目:历史





(2)图2所示建筑和图1所示建筑相比,在建筑风格方面主要有怎样的继承和创新?(4) 题号:11 科目:地理 “旅游地理”模块(10分)


(1)图中的河流,其上游属于“三江并流”自然遗产地的是 。(3分)

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