7B Unit1 Dream Homes教案

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7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

主备人 ____ 执教者


1.谈论学生自己理想的居所,引导学生思考不同的居住环境。 2.谈论不同国家的标志性建筑。

3.认识不同国家及其首都的英语表达方式。 【教学重点、难点】

1.重点:谈论学生自己理想的居所。 2.难点:关于国家和其对应的形容词。 【教学过程】 一、课前预习: 见导学案 二、课堂探究:

Step 1. Greetings Free talk Step 2.Check out the preview Step 3. Presentation 1、PPT呈现世界地图


There are about 200 countries in the world. Which countries do you know of ? 3、介绍课本六个国家中的标志性景点。

These countries are very famous and quite beautiful. I have some pictures of them. Do you know of them? Step 4. Practice

1、完成书本P7 A部分的练习

2、用英语描述不同的国家,让学生猜并说出国家的名称。 3、展示课本中六个国家的景点与学生进行交流。 T:What place is this? Which country is it in? What do you think of this place? Do you want to visit it?

4、学生听P7的B部分录音,回答问题。 1).What country are they talking about? 2).What is in the photo? 3). Is Mount Fuji in Tokyo? 5、学生集体朗读对话 Step 5. Presentation

展示Eddie和Hobo的对话图片(PPT呈现) 听录音回答问题

1).Which is Eddie?s favorite restaurant? 2).Why does he like the biggest one? 1、学生集体朗读对话 2、分角色朗读对话 三、语言点点拨

1、Would you like…?==Do you want…?你想要什么?

Would you like sth?其回答为 Yes, please. No, tkanks/thank you. Would you like to do sth?其回答为Yes, I?d like/love to. I?d like to, but… ΔWould you like to go to the park with me? Yes, I?d like/love to. 否定回答I?d like to, but I have to look after my sister. 2、next to 紧靠着, 紧挨着==beside

Δ Lily sits next to Amy.== Lily sits beside Amy. 3、capital 名词,意为“首都” the capital of ……的首都 ΔThe capital of Japan is Tokyo. 【课堂巩固 】


1. My __________ (梦想中的) home is a wooden house with many green trees around it . 2. — Which is the c __________ of China ? —Beijing .

3. If you go to Beijing one day , I?d like you to visit the Summer P __________ (place that the

king lives in)

4. The Green family like living in China , and Shanghai is their f __________ city .

5. Now many young people like to go out and eat with their friends at __________ (餐馆) or

hotels .

6.We all know Beijing is the c________ of China. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. Would you like __________ (study) in our school ?

2. There are many __________ (country) in the world , Russia is the __________ (big) one . 3. Millie was born in Beijing . She is a __________ (China) . 4. Sam is from England , so he is an __________ (England)boy . 5. Coke and ice-cream are my __________ (favourite) . 6. I?d like _________ (go) to visit your parents tomorrow. 7. England and Austria are my favourite __________ (country). 8. The ______ (big) cake is Eddie?s favourite.

9. ---Where do you live ? --- I live in __________ (five) Street. 【教学反思】

7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案


主备人 ______ 执教者 【教学目标】


2.获取有关不同国家人民的生活方式的信息。 【教学重点、难点】

学习描述家及描述他人的生活方式。 【教学过程】 二、课前预习: 见导学案 二、课堂探究:

Step 1 Greetings & Revision 1、Free talk

Which country is this building/place in? Do you know the capital of this country? Which country would you like to live in? Step 2 Checkout the preview Step 3 Presentation


1). Where does Neil live? 2). What is Neil?s favourite room? 3). What do the family often do?

2、PPT呈现Anna的公寓房,学生边听录音边看课文回答问题。 1). Where does Anna live? 2). Which floor is Anna?s flat on? 3). Who shares the bedroom with Anna?

3、PPT呈现Stephen的海滨别墅,学生边听录音边看课文回答问题。 1). Where does Stephen live? 2). How many rooms does it have? 3). Why does Stephen like balcony best? 4、朗读课文,熟悉课文内容 Step 4 Practice


2、学生再次详细阅读三篇文章,判断B3部分中句子的正误。 3、全班校对答案并朗读正确句子。 Step 5 Presention


The names of the three foreign students are ________, __________and________. All of them live in a house except __________. They are from _________,___________and_________. Step 6. Practice

1、学生朗读课文,完成B4部分的练习。 2、根据课文内容填空 Neil?s house:

Neil lives in a house near London. There is a ______ outside the house. His favourite room is the ______ . His family often sit in the kitchen and _______a cup of tea. Anna?s house:

Anna is from Russia. She lives in a _____in the _____of Moscow. t is not very big but it has a nice _______ room in it. She doesn?t have her own bedroom. She _______ her bedroom with her _______. They often listen to the ______ in bed. Stephen?s house:

Stephen lives in a large ______ in Long _______, ________. Of all the eight rooms, he likes the

______ best because he can see the _____ and the _______ there. 【课堂巩固 】 一、翻译短语

1. 在…中心________________2. 与某人用…__________ 3. 客厅__________________ 4. 餐厅______________ 5. 喝杯茶______________ 6. 在八层______________

7. 在床上听音乐____________8. 我自己的卧室_________________ 9. 向外看沙滩和大海____________________ 10.离伦敦15英里的一个小镇_____________________ 二.词汇填空

1. I live in a town 10 m_________________ from Donghai.

2. Qingdao is a city near the sea .It has many beautiful b______________________. 3. My father wants to sell our old h_____________ and buy a new one.

4. My family and I often sit in the ________________________ and watch TV after dinner. 5. Anna s____________________ the bedroom with her sister. She doesn?t have her own bedroom.

6. The balcony is the ___________________(最好的)place to grow flowers. 7. There is a swimming pool ________________________ the school.(在…中心) 8.My students often s_______ good things with their classmates.

9.I live in the c_______ of Nanjing, and my flat is only 2 m_______ from Xinjiekou.


7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案


主备人 ______ 执教者



2.通过文章的学习,学会运用文中的重点词组和句型描述家及描述他人的生活方式。 【教学重点、难点】

重点词组:homes around/ all over the world look out at the beach and the sea

live in the centre of Moscow listen to music in bed share a bedroom with her

I live with my family …

My family and I often sit in the kitchen and enjoy a cup of tea. The living room is the best place to chat and watch TV. In most homes, people have dinner in the dining room.. 【教学过程】 三、课前预习: 见导学案 三、课堂探究: Step1 Revision

1、教师以第一人称描述Neil、Anna和Stephen住宅情况的句子,让学生判断句子描述的是文中的哪个人,见教参第九页。 2、学生朗读课文,完成B2 部分的表格。 Step2 Presentation 语言点点拨

1、balcony n 阳台. on the balcony在阳台上 2、wooden adj 木制的 wood是它的名词。 a wooden house 一个木制的房屋

3、 the best place to grow flowers种花最好的地方.类似的词组还有:

a good place to meet friends 一个会见朋友的好地方 the great room to live in 是居住的好房间 4、own


own构成的常用短语有:on one?s own 意为靠自己。和 by oneself 或alone意思相当。 of one?s own 意为“某人自己的” 5、share…with

share意为“合用、分享某物”。 Share sth with sb 意为“和某人分享某物”。 【课堂巩固 】


重点句型:I live in a large house./ /in a town./in a flat.

1)There are many ___________ (海滩) in the city of Qingdao. 2).Our classroom is a good place __________( study) . 3). The children often have fun _______(play) on the playground. 4). My father enjoys ___________(watch) football matches on TV. 5). I?d like ________ ( have ) a good rest again. 6). I live on the ___________(nine) floor.

7).Tom with his family _______ (live) in a flat. 8).Our neighbors are often _________(friend) to each other. 二、根据所给中文或句意,完成单词

1. I have many friends. Everyone is to me. 2. Sue a room with five other students in the school. 3 .I?m reading English my brother is listening to music. 4 .Do you often watch TV in the (起居室). 5. Don?t play football in the (街道). 6. Look, Stephen is (睡) in bed. 7 .My mother is making dinner in the . 8 .A garden is the best place to flowers.

9 .In (大多数) homes, people eat meals in the (餐厅). 10 .Which ___________(国家) is this photo from? It?s from Japan. 三 、用适当的介词填空

1.He lives his father Beijing. 2. dinner, we like to play games. 3. They like chatting each other. 4. Sam lives in the centre Moscow. 5. the evening, we like watching TV. 6. We share a kitchen my uncle.


7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案


主备人 ______ 执教者 【教学目标】


2.正确使用基数词谈论号码、数量、尺寸、面积等话题。 【教学重点、难点】

重点词汇: zero sixteen seventeen nineteen seventy ninety thousand million third fourth ninth eleventh twelfth twentieth feet square meters square miles over

重点词组: on the seventh floor learn about different countries

collect some information have an area of

重点句型:Women?s Day is on the eighth of March.

He is always the first to come to school in our class.

How do you write it? 【教学过程】


1、自主学习书本P11的单词及基数词。 2、复习100以内的基数词。

3、T:What is 46 and 54?我们怎么表示100以及大于100的数呢?


(1)表示不定数目:e.g.hundreds of millions of (2)表示“几十”的数词,其复数形式可以表示年龄或年代。 如:in his twenties in the 1980s 四、课堂探究:

Step1 Check the preparation. Step2 Presentation

1、复习Reading并回答问题: How far is Neil?s town from London?

How many rooms does Stephen have in his house? 2、向学生介绍基数词及用途。

3、向学生呈现各种图片和表格,通过介绍年级、学校的人数,家里房间的面积,两地之间的距离,建筑物的高度等,向学生呈现从一百到一百万之间数字的表达。 Step3 Practice

1、指导学生朗读A 部分表格中的数字以及表格下方的四位数和四位以上的句子。 2、小组合作:思考?When do we use cardinal numbers? Do you know how to use ?hundred, thousand and million?

3、小组合作:Read the 6 sentences of learning about different countries to your team leaders and write down your points 三、语言点点拨

1. 2 hundred /thousand/million 2百/千/百万 注意:在hundred ,thousand和million前面有基数词的时候其后不能加s

但是我们可以说:hundreds of 数百millions of 数千millions of数百万 在百和十之间要加and 例:202 读:two hundred and two

2. 基数词的读法:首先从个位数开始每3个数之间加一个逗号。在第一个逗号前读thousand在第二个逗号前读million

例:123,456,789 读: one hundred and twenty-three million four hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine

in Ninth Street在第九街道 Room 605 605房间

She is an eighteen-year-old girl= The girl is eighteen years old. 她是一个18岁的女孩.(有了连字符,year后就不能加s) 【课堂巩固 】

一、用英文表示下列数字 。

4,589 24,752 84,675 123,456 2,374,09 1 4534,589,1 35 二、翻译句子 。


There are in our school. 2.这个广场有440平方米的面积。

This has 440 . 3.这个公寓有30英尺高。

This is . 4.今天是她12岁生日。

Today is .


7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案

Grammar 2

主备人 ______ 执教者





重点词汇: zero sixteen seventeen nineteen seventy ninety thousand million third fourth ninth eleventh twelfth twentieth feet square meters square miles over

重点词组: on the seventh floor learn about different countries

collect some information have an area of

重点句型:Women?s Day is on the eighth of March.

He is always the first to come to school in our class.

How do you write it? 【教学过程】 五、课前预习:




(1)大部分基数词在词尾加th。如:fourth(第四)thirteenth(第十三)hundredth(第一百) (2)表示整十的基数词,变y为ie,再加th。7如:twentieth(第二十)eightieth(第八十) (3)特殊的序数词有:first(第一)second(第二)third(第三) fifth (第五)eighth(第八)ninth(第


(4)要把一个“几十几”,“几百几”的基数词变成序数词,只需把个位数变成序数词。如: thirty-second(第三十二) two hundred and fifty一sixth(第256)

3.完成教材P12B2部分的练习 五、课堂探究:

Step1 Check preparation Step2 Presentation

1、教师利用日历向学生呈现序数词 2、向学生介绍序数词及用途。 Step3 Practice

1、Read page 12 完成B1的序数词的书写并且总结规律: 2、完成B2关于楼层的表达方法的练习。 【课堂巩固 】


1.two _____________ 2. ninety _____________ 3.four _____________ 4.twelve _____________ 5.ninety-nine __________6.one hundred _____________ 二、根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。

1. My cousin lives on the __________(第九) floor.

2.There are _____________(九十)rooms on the second floor. 3.If I have two __________(百万)dollars,I want to travel. 4.December is the t__________ month of a year.

5.In our school ,there are more than three t__________ students. 6.Is Sunday the __________day of a week? 7.There are __________minutes in an hour.

8.We have __________(四十)English students in our school. 9. November is the month of the year. 10. Thursday is the day of the week.' 11. Mother's Day is the Sunday in May. 12. Women's Day is on the of March.

13. People always celebrate Christmas on December the . 14. T of students in our school like sports.


7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案

Integrated skills

主备人:______ 执教人:____________


1. 听懂描述家的布局介绍。学会识别相对陌生的语境中的具体信息。 2. 识别有关家和家里各种物件的单词。 3. 熟练运用打电话的常用表达方式。 【教学重点、难点】

熟练运用打电话的常用表达方式。 【教学过程】 一、课前预习: 见导学案。 二、课堂探究:


2.看各个房间布局的图片,并学习生词:fork,fridge,lamp,shower, sofa. 3.听录音,完成P13 A1部分。集体核对答案。 4.再听录音,完成A2部分。

5.根据A1和A2部分及听力内容,完成课本A3部分。集体核对答案。 6.听Speak up部分录音,并回答问题。 (1) Is Daniel at home now? (2) Where is Simon at the moment? (3) What is Simon's new telephone number? 【课堂巩固 】


1.Nick always has meals in the _______ room( 餐厅). 2.The ________ (首都) of the USA is Washington D.C.

3.Lucy?s room is on the _________ (第十二)floor in the building . 4.Lily?s favourite place is the __________ (厨房)in her house. 5.Madee?s __________(邻居) live in a small wooden house. 6.His father is going to take a bath in the _________(浴室). 7.Be _________ (安静),please . The teacher is coming .

8.Look, there are a lot of comics books on the __________(书架). 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. They live on the _________(nine) floor in the building. 2. His grandfather always watches TV in the _______(sit) room. 3. The ________ (five) month of a year is May. 4. There are lots of _________(shelf) in the supermarket. 5. Neil ________ (real) want to visit the Great Wall.

6. There are at _______(little) thirty-two classroom in our school. 7. Where does he come from? —He comes from (French).

8.—There are many kinds of cakes here. Which do you want?—I want the (big) one. 9.—Who's that? —This is Neil (speak). 10. can you tell him __________ (call) me back? 三、根据中文意思,完成下面的句子 1.Daniel 不在家,所以他的爸爸接的电话。

_________________________ because_____________________________________.. 2.我弟弟乐意住在电影院的附近。

My brother ______ ______ to ______ ______ ________the cinema. 3.玄武酒店25楼有30间卧室。

There are ________ ________ on the ________ ________ in Xuanwu Hotel. 4.我的梦想家园和他的相当不同。

My_________________________________________________. 5. 我希望有一天你能带我参观你的新家。



7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案

Study skills

主备人:______ 执教人:_____________

【教学目标】 1.了解什么是重音。


3.能正确读出单词中的重音 【教学重点、难点】 单词的重音。 【教学过程】 二、课前预习: 见导学案 二、课堂探究:

1.四人一组,其中一人读下列单词,其他三人根据读音标出单词的重音位置。 比一比,看谁对的多。

centre bathroom hundred October message include favourite wonderful design 2.两人一组,从我们已经学过的单词中找出符合要求的单词,看谁找的多。 (1)重音在第一个音节上的单词: (2)重音在第二个音节上的单词: (3)重音在第三个音节上的单词: (4)重音在最后一个音节上的单词: 【课堂巩固 】


speak home from visit wonderful listen enough which restaurant there great large

二、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1.There are a lot of ______(海滩)in Hong Kong. 2.My father often reads newspapers on the_____(阳台). 3.She lives in a town 30 m_______ from Beijing. 4.I live in the c__________ of Nanjing. 5.Would you like to s____ your book with me.

6.My friends and I often watch TV in the s_______room. 7.Mum is cooking in the __________,let?s go and help her. 8.Put the k__________away,or they can hurt(伤害) you.

9.People often put their food in the f________to keep it fresh . 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1.Thank you for __________(give) me the presents.

2.Can he __________(chat) with his friends in the sitting room? 3.He would like __________ (share) the room with his brother. 4.He spends two hours every day______ (practice)_____ (speak) English. 5.The teachers here are all__________(friend)to us. 6.Sunshine Town is a good place __________(live)in. 7.My grandpa likes ________ (read) newspapers on the balcony. 8.Look!The boys ________ (play) basketball on the playground. 9.Do you enjoy __________ (sing)?

10. Each of them __________(have)a new watch.

【教学反思 】

7B Unit1 Dream Homes教学案


主备人:______ 执教人:_____________


1.学会在写作前先理清思路。 2.在写作中选择需要的语言和结构。 3.学会描写自己理想的家园。 【教学重点、难点】 描写自己理想的家园。 【教学过程】 三、课前预习: 见导学案 二、课堂探究:

1.学习生词和词组:study, machine,field,invite,stay; 词组:at the foot of 2.In this unit,we have learnt much about homes in different countries.

Are your homes in China like the homes in other countries? 可以参考以下问题进行实际回答: (1) What kind of home do you live in? (2) Do you live in a house or a flat?

(3) How many rooms do you have in your home? (4) What do you have at home? (5) Do you have....?

3.两人一组,相互提问,完成教材P16A部分的调查问卷。 4.每组选一名学生向大家汇报填写的内容。


(1) Does Simon live in a flat or a house? (2) Where is Simon's dream home?

(3) How many floors are there in Simon's dream home? (4) How many rooms are there in Simon's dream home? (5) What's on the ground floor? (6) What's on the first floor? (7) What's on the second floor?

(8) What does he have in his dream bedroom? (9) What can he do on the second floor?

7.通过Simon的文章,学习P16.描写dream home的重要语句。 【课堂巩固 】

一: 根据短文内容及首字母,填写所缺单词,短文意思完整,每空一词。

I think everyone has a dream. My d_______ is to have a home. I don?t like l______ in the city. So the home is in the country, but not far from the city of Nanjing. O the g_____ floor, there is a training room and a swimming pool. I can play t_____ tennis, basketball and badminton there. And I can a______ swim there. After training, I can have a s_________ and a bath with my friends. So there must be a b_______. On the s______ floor, there is a computer room and a reading-room. And there is a b_____. Then I can go to bed there.

Now, what?s on the first floor? We will have meals. So there is a k____ and a dining-room there. And we can watch TV, play cards, listen to the music and so on. Welcome to my home to be the guests.

二、书面表达: 根据提示写一篇短文。 80词左右(使用课本16页的句型和模仿17页的Simon的文章)

我和我的父母住在南京市中心。 我有一个漂亮的家,两层,五个房间,一个卫生间。 我的父母住在二楼。


我最喜欢的地方是客厅。我经常和朋友在那儿聊天。 My dream home

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

【教学反思 】

