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八年级(上)Units 1-2 综合单元能力测试题


I. 听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。(共3小题,每小题1分)

( ) 1. A. Though my sister is three years old, she can count numbers. B. My sister is three years old, but she can count numbers. C. Because my sister is three years old, she can’t count numbers. ( ) 2. A. Da Vinci used to live in the countryside. B. Da Vinci liked to live in the countryside. C. Da Vinci was born in the countryside. ( ) 3. A. Her phone number is 7698475. B. Her phone number is 7698457. C. Her phone number is 7498457.

II. 听录音, 在A、B、C选项中选出与你所听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。每小题念两 遍。(共2小题,每小题1分) ( ) 4. A. My mother learnt to cook. B. My mother taught me to cook.

C. My grandmother taught me to cook.

( ) 5. A. The king asked his men to collect a bag of rice. B. The king forgot to collect a bag of rice. C. The king asked his men to collect money.

III. 听句子, 选择最佳答句。每小题念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 6. A. In 1452. C. Mona Lisa. ( ) 7. A. Yes, a little. C. With pleasure. ( ) 8. A. Thank you! C. Sounds great!

B. What a pity!

B. I don’t like that.

B. Italy.

( ) 9. A. So do I. C. Wait a moment.

B. Good idea!

( ) 10. A. Playing chess. C. Never mind.

B. I am a doctor.

IV. 听短文, 根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分) 生词: publish ['pΛblI∫] 出版 mystery ['mIst?ri] 奥秘 ( ) 11. When was the book published?

A. In 1963. B. In 1936. C. In 1996.

( ) 12. How old is Leroy Brown, the main character, in the book?

A. 8 B. 9 C. 10

( ) 13. What does Leroy Brown’s father do? A. He is the chief of the school. B. He is the chief of the office.

C. He is the chief of the police department.

( ) 14. Why is the Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective a good book? A. Because it tells us a funny story. B. Because it is very interesting.

C. Because it helps young readers to think carefully. ( ) 15. How old was Donald J. Sobol when he died?

A. 89. B. 87 C. 78.


I. 词语释义。(每小题1分,共15分)

从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳答案。 ( )1. People don’t know why dinosaurs died out. A. disappeared B. got down C. woke up

( ) 2. We all realized we made a big mistake. A. agreed B. knew

C. identified

( ) 3. My grandparents like to go for a walk after dinner every day. A. take a walk

B. have a good time C. enjoy themselves .

( ) 4. There is nobody in the classroom. Where are all of the students? A. someone B. everyone C. no one

( ) 5. He is wise and always finds the best way to solve the problem. A. clever B. funny C. unusual

( ) 6. He is a great musician and he plays very well. A. person who likes music very much B. person who likes writing music

C. person who plays a musical instrument (乐器) ( ) 7. Perhaps he has forgotten the task. A. Maybe B. Quickly C. Finally

( ) 8. The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. A. contained B. gave

C. took

( ) 9. Yesterday, she took part in an argument (辩论) and she won the argument. A. finished B. started

C. got the first place in

( ) 10. Three years ago, I worked in the countryside. A. in the country B. in the city C. in the company

( ) 11. We found out later that we had been at the same school. A. completed B. knew C. provided

( ) 12. He replied to my question without any difficulty. A. answered B. shouted C. asked

( ) 13. A long time ago, dinosaurs lived on Earth. A. Several years ago B. All the way C. Long long ago

( ) 14. Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings are very famous all over the world. A. artistic

B. well-known C. beautiful

( ) 15. I forgot to copy down the Maths questions on the blackboard. A. work out B. copy out C. write down

II. 语法填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Dear Grace,

I arrived in Shenzhen for (16) ______ trip last week. (17)______ weather is fine now. I enjoy (18) ______ (my) here. It is my (19)______ (one) time here, so everything (20)______ (look) fresh (新鲜的). I visited some tourist attractions. Most (21) ______ the places were crowded. Yesterday I went shopping and bought something (22) ______ (interest). I got lost on my way back to the hotel, (23) ______ it didn’t matter. I usually go out and have dinner in a restaurant and it takes me about (24) ______ hour because the food there is fantastic. I took many (25) ______ (photo), so you can see when I come back home. See you! Yours, Linda

III. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)


On the Gobi Desert in Asia, there is a small flower. Its florescence (花期) is so __26__ that it only has a two-day life and __27__ with its mother plant. However, who can __28__ what great efforts (努力) this small flower has to __29__ for such two days' short blooming (开放)?

On the Gobi, the plants with __30__ roots can grow. However, the small flower has only one root __31__ deep into the ground. It usually __32__ it five years to complete the growth of the root, and then it __33__ the nutrients (营养) little by little. In the sixth spring, it can bloom a small four-colored flower.

Only blooming two days, this small flower __34__ its lifetime about six years.

From this small flower, I __35__ that the short beauty and success actually need a long wait and hard work of the lifetime.

( ) 26. A. strong C. short

( ) 27. A. lasts B. dies C. lives

B. tall

( ) 28. A. agree C. imagine .

( ) 29. A. make C. pay

( ) 30. A. unusual C. huge

( ) 31. A. growing C. leading

( ) 32. A. carries C. spends

( ) 33. A. takes out C. takes off

( ) 34. A. kills C. uses

B. achieve

B. show

B. major

B. remaining

B. takes

B. takes in

B. burns

( ) 35. A. learn B. look C. wake




Once three men got to the Dover Station at about ten o'clock one evening. One of them asked a porter (行李搬运工) what time the next train to London was. The porter answered, \missed one. They go hourly. The next train is at eleven.\The three men decided to leave the station. So they went to a bar.

A minute or two after eleven o'clock they ran into the station. The porter told them the train had just gone. So they went back to the bar.

It came to twelve o'clock, and the last train was starting out when all of the three men ran to catch the train as fast as they could. Two of the men got into a carriage, but the third man didn't run fast enough. The train went out and left him behind. He laughed until tears came to his eyes. Then he took the porter's hand and said, \here to see me off.\

( ) 36. When did the story happen? A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning. D. We don't know.

( ) 37. Why did the three men miss the train at eleven? A. Because one of them wanted to take the last train. B. Because they were drunk in the bar. C. Because they came out of the bar late. D. Because they didn't know when the train left. ( ) 38. The train left one man behind because______. A. he didn't want to go to London B. there were enough people on the train

C. the other two men didn't want him to get on the train D. he didn't run fast enough

( ) 39. How often did the train leave for London? A. Every one hour. B. Every two hours. C. Every three hours. D. Every four hours.

( ) 40. Who should go to London?

A. The other two men. B. The third man. C. The three men. D. No one.


An Italian mathematician Fibonacci brought the number zero, along with the rest of the Arabic (阿拉伯的) numerals(数字), back from his travels to north Africa. However, the history of zero goes far deeper into history.

There are at least two discoveries, or inventions, of zero. The one that we got the zero from

came from a place of the Middle East. It first came to be between 400 and 300 BC in Babylon (巴比伦). Before developing in India, it went through northern Africa and then crossed from Italy to Europe. At first, zero worked as a way to tell 1 from 10 or 100 to give an example using Arabic numerals. That was not a full zero. A full zero was a number on its own. It was the average (平均数) of -1 and l. It began to take shape as a number in India in the fifth century A.D.

The second appearance of zero happened independently in the New World, in Mayan culture (马雅文化),likely in the first few centuries A.D. An even earlier appearance of a zero is used to mean an empty number column about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

( ) 41. Where was the man who brought the numerals to the West from? A. Greece. B. North Africa. C. The Middle East. D. Italy.

( ) 42. What can we know from dre second paragaph?

A. People used zero to tell the same places of Arabic numerals. B. Zero was not a number before it developed in India. C. There are two discoveries of zero. D. Zero first appeared in Italy.

( ) 43. What does the underlined word \ A. Actually. B. Carefully. C. By itself.

D. Along with other things. ( ) 44. What's the passage about? A. The history of zero. B. The usage of zero. C. Two inventions of zero. D. The culture of zero.

( ) 45. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Zero meant nothing in ancient times.

B. There were three kinds of zeros in ancient times. C. The second appearance of zero appeared in Babylon. D. There're more than two answers about the history of zero.


Four teenagers are talking about how they have changed in the last few years.

You can't imagine what I was like five years ago. I used to be crazy about watching TV and eating junk food. As a result, I was much too heavy and was in bad health. Then one day I realized I should change myself. So I exercised more and gave up junk food. Now I've got Dave thinner and healthier. No matter how much pocket money I had, I used to spend all of it on snacks and beautiful clothes. About two years ago, a TV show about poor kids in the world impressed(使印象深刻) me. I decided not to waste any money and did something good with it. Now I'm used to Lucy I used to live in my private world alone. And I was afraid to talk to anyone else, even my parents. They worried about me a lot. Then one day I read a book named Change Yourself in, Three Days. Since then, I've tried to express myself to everyone else. I've become more outgoing and learnt to play the guitar. Eric I used to hate PE. Whenever there was a PE lesson, I used to pretend (假装) to be ill and hang out. Later, one patient PE teacher advised me to do more sports to keep fit and train my mind. I thought he might be right. So I fell in love with sports. Now I look forward to Rosa ( ) 46. Who used to be shy and silent?

PE and can play soccer very well. giving away most of my pocket money to charity. A. Dave. B. Lucy.

C. Eric. D. Rosa.

( ) 47. What is Rosa interested in now?

A. Watching TV. B. Buying snacks. C. Playing the guitar. D. Doing sports.

( ) 48. How do you like Lucy at present?

A. She is healthy. B. She is helpful. C. She is outgoing. D. She is patient.

( ) 49. Who or what helps Dave change a lot? A. A TV Show. B. A great book. C. A patient PE teacher. D. Nobody but himself.

( ) 50. What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A. Dave usually eats much junk food. B. Lucy never buys any clothes. C. Eric has lots of friends now.

D. Rosa used to be ill and missed PE lessons.


Steve Jobs helped change the history with the reinvention of several industries including: mobile phones, personal computing and music.

Jobs was born on February 24, 1955. He was raised (抚养) by Clara and Paul Jobs. Jobs began his relationship with technology and electronics (电子技术) at an early age with Paul Jobs. Jobs and his father would take apart electronics and then put them back together. Jobs met

his future business partner Steve Wozniak in high school. Jobs didn't finish his college. He started Apple Computers with Wozniak in 1976. In October of 2001, Jobs showed the iPod to the world, the only way to get \songs in your pocket\The iPod was very successful and brought people to Apple stores across the country. In 2007, Apple made the world know the most revolutionary(革命性的) smartphone of its time, the iPhone. He also created digital(数字的) download (下载) stores unlike any other - with the iTunes Music and App Stores. He continued to raise the bar with his next wonderful product - the iPad.

Jobs died of cancer on October 5, 2011. A year after Jobs' death, Apple was the most valuable company on the planet.

( ) 51. What does the writer think of Steve Jobs? A. A great musician.

B. A great inventor. C. A great scientist. D. A great partner.

( ) 52. Who made Jobs be interested in technology and electronics?

A. His mother. B. His schoolmate. C. His teacher. D. His father.

( ) 53. How old was Jobs when he started Apple Computers with Wozniak?

A. 21 years old. B.18 years old. C. 20 years old. D. 22 years old.

( ) 54. What happened in 2007? A. Nothing happened. B. He showed the iPod. C. He showed the iPhone. D. He showed the iPad.

( ) 55. The writer wrote the passage mainly to____.

A. tell us something about Steve Wozniak B. introduce Jobs' family

C. tell us the most valuable company in the world D.introduce Jobs to us V. 书面表达。(共15分)

有一群游客要去我市动物园参观, 向你打听该园的门票和开放时间。请根据下面表格中 的内容向他们作介绍。要求: 80词左右。

票价 成人(adult)120厘米 (centimeters)以上儿童 120厘米以下儿童 80元 /人 40元 /人 免费 开放时间 星期一 — 星期五 上午9:00 — 下午4:00 星期六 — 星期天 上午8:00— 下午5:30 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

阅读训练营 Reading comprehension

In Canada you can find dogs, cats or horses in almost every family. They are all Canadians' pets. Before Canadians keep these pets at their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections(注射) so that they won't cany disease.

When you visit Canadians' houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their gardens. All kinds of birds are welcome to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go. Nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada.

People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be that their family ties (关系) are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents to start their own life. Then the old people will feel lonely. But pets canbe good friends and never leave them alone.


( ) 1. According to the passage, what don't Canadians keep in their houses?

A. Dogs. B. Cats. C. Horses. D. Tigers.

( ) 2. Why do Canadians give their pets injections before keeping them at their homes? A. Because the pets are sick. B. Because the pets are wild.

C. Because they want to stop them from carrying disease. D. Because they want them to sleep on their way home.

( ) 3. The underlined word \ A. an animal for people to eat B. a thing with food for animals C. a man whose work is feeding animals

D. a box for people to catch animals

( ) 4. Why do children leave their parents when they grow up? A. Because they need to begin their own life.

B. Because they can only find jobs far from their parents. C. Because their parents'houses are too small. D. Because they don't love their parents any more. ( ) 5. The passage mainly talks about______. A. Canadians

B. pets in Canadians' houses C. how to keep birds in Canada D. how to keep pets away from disease

完形小测 Cloze test

The Smiths went to a big city. But Bob was not __1__. He didn't have anyone to play with. \

The next morning, there was a knock at the door. Mrs Smith __3__ it. There stood a woman. She was Mrs Miller. She wanted to borrow two __4__to make cakes. Mrs Smith gave her two. That afternoon, a __5__went to their house. \this __6__ and two eggs.\Bob.\

Soon Bob and Jack started __7__ the cake together.Theybecame __8__ friends.

\eggs.\with your mom! \

阅读短文 ,从短文后每小题的 A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 ( ) 1. A. tired C. sad ( ) 2. A. school C. friends

B. happy D. bored B. time D. family B. listened D. ordered B. boys D. eggs B. woman D. dog B. cake D. chocolate B. drinking D. talking B. different D. clever B. thank

( ) 3. A. opened C. closed

( ) 4. A. cakes C. glasses

( ) 5. A. girl C. boy ( ) 6. A. paper C. chip ( ) 7. A. making C. eating

( ) 8. A. good C. bad ( ) 9. A. find

C. know ( ) 10. A. borrow C. want

D. keep B. get D. buy

非常解读 Read & do


Do you ever feel unhappy when you compare your family with others'? We all have dreams of what our perfect family life will be.

I ever saw a \the house were always in order. Their children were always obedient(顺从的) and never argued with each other. The parents never disagreed on anything, so they never had an argument. Children responded correctly to every situation that they faced. Their home was a centre ofjoy and order at all times. Everyone who saw them just knew that they were, in fact, a perfect family. Let's think about that \others' life. We cannot stay with them all the time. We don't know what they are really like. It seems that they surely do not experience conflicts (矛盾). But if we had the opportunity to spend time with them, we may find that one member struggles with pride, one gets angry easily and one tends to be lazy.

There is no such thing as a \so on.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. The author has a perfect family.

( ) 2. The children in the \ ( ) 3. We can always know everyrhing about others' families. ( ) 4. The writer thinks there is no such thing as a \

( ) 5. Few families experience chaUenges and troubles according to the author.

