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第一章 公共用语

口述题 1. Please say something about your hometown. 请评价一下你的家

乡 例一(简单)

(1) My hometown is Dalian. Dalian is a beautiful city. 我的家乡是大连。大连是一座美丽的城市。It is in the Liaoning Province, facing the Bohai Sea. 它是在辽宁省,面对渤海。There are about 5 million people in the city. 大约有500万人在城市。

(2) It is a famous tourist coastal city in China. Its climate around the year is suitable and comfortable for living. 它是著名的旅游沿海城市 ,整年的气候很合适,舒适对于的生活。The sky is blue and the air is clean. There are many famous spots attracting many tourists every year. 天空是蓝色的,空气是那么清新。有许多著名的景点每年吸引了很多游客。

(3) The specialties of Dalian is the seafood. There are many good restaurants providing delicious seafood. 大连特色是海鲜。有很多好的餐厅提供可口的海鲜。 例二(稍难)

I come from Zhoushan我来自舟山Zhoushan is a city in Zhejiang province舟山是浙江省一个城市It is a small city with a population of about 100,000. 这是一个小城市的人口大约10万It is located by the sea. It is a famous tourist city. 它坐落在海边。这是一个著名的旅游城市Many tourists come to visit my hometown, they enjoy their summer holidays in my hometown. 许多游客来我的家乡,他们在我的家乡享受暑假。People here are very friendly. Now you can see many new buildings, modern-looking residential houses, many straight country roads connected to broad highways, and green trees and plants with flowers everywhere. 这里的人也很友好。现在你可以看到很多新的建筑物,时尚的外表住宅,许多笔直乡村路,连接到公路,到处是绿色的树和植物和鲜花。It is a famous tourist city in China. It is noted for its beautiful sea and clean environment and ship building and repair industry. 它是中国著名的旅游城市。这里出名的是漂亮的海洋和又乾净的住宿环境和船舶制造和维修行业。

2. Please say something about yourself. 说说你自己的情况

。1)My name is …,I am …years old. I graduated from Dalian Shipping College. My major is marine navigation. I am 25 years old. I come from Dalian. 我的名字是…,我…岁。我毕业于大连航运职业技术学院。我的专业是航海技术。我今年25岁。我来自大连。

(2) I am a third officer. My daily work includes watching-keeping, maintaining firefighting and lifesaving equipment etc. My watching time is from 0800 to 1200 a.m. and p.m. when at sea. (2)我是一名3副。我的日常工作,包括值班,维护消防、救生设备等领域。我看时


(3) In my spare time, I like reading ,watching TV, playing basketball and football. Sometimes I would like to surf the internet, to go shopping etc. 三)在我的业余时间,我喜欢看书、看电视、打篮球、踢足球。有时我想浏览互联网,去购物等。

3. Please say something about your family3。请说说你的家庭。 (1) My family is a happy one. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and I.. 1)我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。我家有三口人,爸爸、妈妈和我. .

(2) My father is an engineer. He works in Dalian shipyard. My mother is a teacher. She works in Dalian Maritime University2)我的父亲是一名工程师。他在大连造船厂。我的妈妈是一位教师。她在大连海事大学My mother teaches English language. She is one of the most popular teachers.


(3) My mother has a hobby of collecting stamps. She has collected thousands pieces of stamps, including quite a lot of foreign stamps. (三)我的母亲有集邮的爱好。她已收集了上万件邮票,包括大量的外国邮票。My father likes playing pingpong and this makes him healthy. 我的父亲喜欢打乒乓球,这使他身体健康。

4. The favorite port you have called at. 4。你最喜爱的港口。 1) I have called at many famous ports around the world. Dalian port is my favorite port I have called at. (1)我拜访过许多著名世界各地的港口。大连港是我最喜欢的港口,我所说的。

(2) It is a modernized port. There are many modernized port facilities, including deep water berths and cargo loading and unloading equipments. 2)这是一个现代化的港口。有许多现代化港口设施,包括深水泊位和货物装卸设备。It can accept various large and ultra large vessels. 它能接收各种大、特大船

(3) Dalian port is an ice-free port. 三)有限公司、大连港是一不冻港。With the fast pace of development and the special geographic position, Dalian port will surely become the most important port in the northeast of China. 与快节奏的发展和特殊的地理位置、大连港,他一定会成为最重要的港口在中国的东北。

5. Please say something about your responsibilities on board. 5。请说说你的责任。

(1) I work in the deck department. I am a third officer. (1)我在甲板上。我是一名3副

(2) I shall keep a navigation watch from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 while underway at sea. 我必遵守值班是,从1200到 0800 2000到2400在海上。I shall supervise the operation at station on the bridge while the vessel is mooring , unmooring or anchoring.我在船舶系泊,航行,抛锚时负责

(3) I am responsible to the Master for the care of all lifesaving appliances and firefighting equipment and to ensure that all of them are maintained in a thoroughly efficient state and all are in valid. ,船长的责任是所有救生和消防设备,以确保他们所有的都保持充分的立即可用状态,所有的是有效的。I shall keep the safety equipment record book.. 我要保持设备的安全记录书… 问答题

1 My date of birth is 4th of April 1974. 我出生于1974年4月4日。 2 It’s A3996625.

3 I am from Dalian China我来自中国大连

4 My captain’s nationality is China我的船长国籍是中国

5 I thick the most important thing on board is safe, secure and efficient我想最重要的事情是安全、保险和有效的

6 I often call at Dalian, Shanghai, and Honking ports我经常在大连、上海、喇叭港口

7 My favorite TV program is news program我最喜欢的电视节目是新闻节目

8 My favorite Web site is www. CCTV. Com我最喜欢的网站是www。中央电视台。Com

9 My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is weekend day and next date is off day


10 My favorite movie is action movie我最喜欢的电影是一部动作片 11 My favorite music is light music我最喜欢的音乐是轻音乐 12 My favorite magazine is READER我最喜爱的杂志的读者 13 The population of my hometown is six millions我家乡的人口是六百万

14 The population of my country is 13 billions我的国家的人口是13亿

15 The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter最大的好处是我的家乡天气。它没有炎热的夏天,和寒冷的冬天

16 The worst thing about my hometown is the cost of living is too high, especially cost of medicine, education and house最糟糕的我的家乡生活费用太高,特别是医疗、教育成本和房子

17 My hometown is a middle size modernization city我的家乡是在一个中型现代化的城市

18 Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, typhoon etc.. 是的。有许多灾害,比如地震、洪水、台风等。 19 I like to watch football games on TV我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛 20 I think the most popular sport in the world is football match我认为世界上最流行的体育运动是足球比赛

第三章 靠离与锚泊业务

口述题 1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor. 描述在抛锚时作为值班员的责任。


Regular operations for anchor watch锚班常规操作 (1) The watch officer should observe the anchor position, note down the vessel’s heading and depth of water, and mark the anchor position on the charts; 值班员应该观察锚位,船首向和水深,在海图上标出锚位。

2) The officer on watch and the sailor on duty should keep watch on the bridge and read and sign the master’s night orders/special orders; 值班员和水手应该驾驶台值班,,阅读和签署了船长的夜航命令和特殊命令。

(3) They should maintain proper lookout, pay attention to the vessel’s movements in the vicinity, check the anchor position frequently, check whether the vessel and other vessels are dragging anchor; 他们应保持正规了望,注重那附近船的运动, 频繁检查锚的位置,检查本船和其他船是否走锚。

(4) They must ensure that the signal flag, lights and shapes are correctly hoisted. When the visual range reduces to 2 miles, they should sound the fog signal according to the Regulation. 就必须确保信号旗,灯和型号正确挂出来了。当目视距离减少到2英里,他们应该发出雾声信号按照规定。

(5) The anchor position, vessel’s movement in the vicinity, VHF listening channel, tide stream and weather information as well as matters ordered by the master should be transferred to the relieving officer when change watch. 当改变值班时锚的位置,在附近运动的船舶,甚高频收听的,潮流 天气信息,更多的事项由船长命令的应该转达给接班人员。

2) Emergency handling in case of dragging紧急处理走锚

In case of dragging, the watch officer must inform the master and the engine room and carry out the following emergency measures: 防止拖延值班员必须告知船长及机舱和落实紧急措施。:

(1) veer out more chain on the anchor dropped; 松出更多的锚链。 (2) drop the second anchor, veer out good scope, and then weigh the first anchor放下第二个锚,松开良好的范围,然后起第一锚 2)


It is very important to monitor the anchor position and avoid dragging. 监控锚位是非常重要的避免拖行着。 2. Describe the proper way of using VHF描述正确使用VHF方法 1)

How to operate VHF set properly如何操作VHF

Switch on the power, select the channel, and turn up the volume, then

you can receive message on that channel. If you want to transmit message, press the transmitting button and speak. 1接接通电源,选择频道和放大音量, 在那个频道你就可以接收讯息。如果你想发送信息,按传输按钮和说话。

2) General rules of using VHF使用甚高频一般规则

(1) Keep listening watch on channel 16 at all times while the bridge is manned;在16频能够全天的有人在驾驶台职守

(2) Use channel 16 only to establish contact and then change to another frequency at once; 使用频道16仅仅建立联系,然后在换成另一频道。

(3) Distress calls or messages have absolute priority(优先权) over all other communication. When hearing distress calls, all other transmissions should stop and a listening watch should be kept. 遇险的电话和信息有绝对优先级(优先权)超过其他所有的沟通。听到遇险电话,所有的其它传输应该停止并保持监视收听 3) Rules of using CH 16使用规则CH 16

VHF channel 16 is only to be used for calling in cases of distress, safety and urgency. 16通道高频仅限使用遇险,安全性和紧急时使用 3. Describe the procedures before arrival at a port描述抵达港口程

序 1)

The preparations from the bridge驾驶台的前期准备

The bridge should驾驶台应该 (1)

send ETA to the pilot station at appropriate time with all

relevant information; 预计到港时间和各类相关信息在恰当时间发送给引航站,

(2)study port information, sailing directions and other navigation information, including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, etc.; 入港时间细读港口信息和航路指南等。 学习其他导航信息,包括限制的吃水,速度

(3)check and correct the charts used for entering the port and mark the intended track and courses on the charts; 检查和正确使用进入港口海图并标记预定航线和航道在海图上。 (4) check the communication equipment; 检查通讯设备。 (5)

check and test the indicators, displays, meters, vessel’s clock, navigational aids and walkie-talkie; 检查和测试指示器,显示,仪表、船舶的时钟、导航仪器及步话机。 (6)

hoist the vessel’s national flag and that of the port state, 船

旗和港口国旗vessel’s ensign, signal flag and shapes as per the international practice;船旗、信号旗和型号按照国际惯例turn on/off he stipulated (规定的) lights in time. 打开/关闭他规定灯。 2) Preparations done from the engine room机舱应准备 The engine room should机舱应该

(1) check and inspect the main engine, correct defects and make

records; 检查,检测主机及辅机、改正缺陷并做好记录。 (2) make deck power available; 提供甲板电源

(3) put adequate pressure on fire main. 消防水管打开足够压力 3) Preparations done from the deck从甲板上做准备 The deck department should甲板上的部门应

(1) check and inspect the mooring equipments, anchoring equipment, emergency

equipment, and solve the problems and make records; (1)检查,检测系泊设备、锚机设备,应急设备、解决问题并做好记录

(2)have ship’s crew at station for entering port; 进入港口人员就位; (3)stand by both anchors as per the master’s instruction for use in emergency; 备双锚为了在紧急状态下根据船长指令使用双猫 (4)get ready the pilot ladder, manropes, lifebuoy and lights and ensure they are in

good order, safe and reliable. 准备领航梯,扶手索 救生圈和灯光,并确保其正常有效,安全可靠。

4 Describe the procedures before leaving a port描述离港业务 The procedures before leaving a port are as follows: 离开港口前程序如下:

1) Preparations done from the bridge驾驶台的准备 The bridge should 驾驶台应该

(1) switch on gyro and repeaters and have them synchronized; 打开电罗经和复示器并让他们同步(电罗经复示器)。

2) start up and tune the radars, and have them ready for operation; 启动和调谐雷达、做好运行准备,

(3) check magnetic compass heading; 检查磁罗经首向。 (4) synchronize ship’s clocks; 校准船钟

(5) check autopilot and changeover arrangements; 检查的自动舵和转换装置

(6) keep VHF listening watch on appropriate channel and enhance contact with port control. 保持在适当频道甚高频加强职守并且与港口当局联系。

2) Preparations done from the engine room机舱准备 The engine room should机舱应该

(1) have the main engine ready and test the telegraphs; 备好主机,测试车钟。

(2) have deck power available; 提供甲板电源。 3) Preparations done from the deck甲板做准备 The deck department should甲板上的部门应

(1) have crew at station for leaving port; 离港时人员就位 (2) have anchors clear and ready for use; 锚清爽、随时可用。 (3) lash and secure cargo, containers, removable parts and fittings;


(4) seal up cargo holds, fix the hoisting gear, and secure accommodation ladder; )封闭货舱、固定起重机,和系固舷梯。 (5) take back mooring lines, lashings and coverings. )收回,系泊缆绳和绑扎用具和挡板。

(6) Carry out a thorough security inspection, search for stowaways and smuggling. 进行彻底的安全检查,搜索偷渡者和走私者。 5. Describe the procedures of pilotage。描述引航的程序 The procedures for pilotage are as follows: 引航程序如下: 1)

General procedures for pilot request请求引水一般程

The ship requesting a pilot should send the following information to the pilot station as early as possible: 船如需要引航员,驾驶台应该及早向引航站发送以下信息

(1) ETA or ETD )预计到港时间或预计离港时间

(2) Ship’s name, call sign, ship’s agent; 船名、呼号、船舶代理。 (3) Ship’s characteristics: length, beam, draft, air drafts; etc 。船的参数::长度、宽、吃水、净空高度如有推进器等”:

(4) Estimated time and date at the pilot’s boarding point; 预计引航员登船时间和日期

(5) Destination and berth ( if required, side alongside); 目的地和码头(如果需要、岸边)

(6) Other relevant requirements and information. 其他有关要求和信息。 2)

The preparations for receiving the pilot准备接受引航员 The ship should get ready the pilot ladder, manropes, a heaving line, lights and a lifebuoy. 这艘船应该做好准备,引航梯 扶手索、撇揽 灯光和一个救生圈。 3)

General rules for pilotage一般引航规则

(1) The master must employ a pilot whenever the safe navigation of the vessel or the regulation makes it necessary. ,船长必须雇佣引航员以保证让船安全航行或根据有关的规定

(2) With the pilot on board, the master is still responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel.引航员在船上,船长仍然要负责船的安全 (3) The master must remain alert and be attentive to the pilot’s handling of the vessel and must advise the pilot at any time the pilot is in error or otherwise neglecting the safe navigation of the vessel. If the pilot fails to act on the master’s advice when the master judges the safety of the vessel to be jeorpadized, the master must relieve the pilot and take control of the vessel. Full details of this action must be entered in the deck log. 船长必须保持警惕引航员的操作,必须在任何时候避免发生引航员错误操作或忽视船的安全航行行为,如果引航员不听从船长判断船存在安全问题时 船长当解除引航员的权利控制这条船,这次行动的所有细节要写入航海日志。


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines? The ship’s mooring lines are: 1) the head line 首缆

2)the stern line 尾缆 3) the forward breast line 前横缆

4) the forward spring

line 前倒缆

5) the aft breast line 后横缆

6) the aft spring line 后


2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, the pilot ladder, lights, heaving line and lifebuoy should be prepared and ready for use. 在引航员来之前领航梯、灯光、扶手索、救生圈应备妥使用

3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? 当抛锚时不损害锚链的最大对水速度是多少?

I think the maximum speed is below 2 knots. 我认为最大速度低于2节

4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? 当需要引航员的时候应该挂什么样的旗帜

When a vessel requires a pilot, the signal flag G should be hoisted. (Signal letter Golf means I require a pilot.) 当一艘船需要一名引航员,信号旗G应该挂出来了。(信号G意味着我需要一名引航员。) 5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? 。如何能取得联系当船到达港口之前

The ship can get in touch with a port by VHF. 这艘船能用VHF来来联系港口。

6. What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?引航站通常需要询问的船舶资料

The pilot station usually asks for ship’s name, call sign, LOA, ETA, ETD, drafts fore and aft, air draft, last port of call, next port of call, cargo conditions, etc. 引航站通常要求的船的名字、呼号、全长预计到港时间 预计离港时间 前后吃水,压载水、、上一港口的名字,下一个港口、货物情况等

7. What should be reported to the pilot station? 什么应该向引航站报告?

The following should be reported to the pilot station: 以下时,应当报给引航站

ship’s ETA, ETD, name, call sign, LOA, 船ETA ETD :、船名、呼号、总长

drafts fore and aft, air draft, 船头到船尾的吃水,空气压载水, last port of call, next port of call, 上一挂靠港,下一个停留港 cargo conditions and information about ship’s deficiency. 货物情况和关于船的缺陷信息

8. What should be confirmed from the pilot station?什么应该跟引航站确认

Pilot’s boarding time and place, pilot ladder on which side. 引航员员的登船时间和地点,船舶的哪一侧有引航梯。

9. When the vessel enter the VTS area (交通管制区), what is requested to report?当船舶进入管辖区域时,要求做什么报告

Ship’s ETA, name, call sign and flag state; ship’s position, course and speed, the reporting point the vessel is passing, cargo conditions, etc. 船的预计到达时间:名字,呼唤标志、船旗国,位置、航向和速度、船舶经过报告点,货物情况,等等。

10. What does foul anchor mean? 锚交缠是什么意思?

Foul anchor means that the anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction. 锚交缠意味自己的锚链绞缠一起或者锚链缠到一个障碍物。

11.If you are ordered “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report? 如果你被要求“备双车”,你应该怎样回复,报告吗? I should reply: “Stand by both engines” and report: “ both engines standing by”. 我应该回答道:“备双车””和报告:“备双车”

12. Can you list three famous canals in the world? 你能列举三个世界著名的运河

They are the Sues Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 他们是苏伊士运河、巴拿马运河和基尔运河。

13. When you request the receiver to remain on the channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say? 当你请求保持对VHF的16频道通讯时,你会说什么呢?

I’ll say “Stand by on Channel 16”. 我会说“待命16频道” 14. How to rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication? 如何纠正错误,海事VHF通讯中?

To rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication, you should say two words: “mistake, correct” followed by the correct part of the message在16频纠正错误时,你应该说两个字:“错误,改正”,紧随其后的是正确的部分信息For example: My present speed is 14 knots, mistake, correct, my present speed is 12, one two knots. 例如:我现在的速度是14节,错误,改正,我的当前的速度是12,12节。

15. How to emphasize the important part of the message in maritime VHF communication? 在VHF通讯中如何强调重要部分的信息? To emphasize the important part of a message in maritime communication, you should say the word “repeat” and then say the important part of the message. 强调的重要部分海事信息通讯时,你应该就说“重复",然后就说重要部分的信息For example, “do not overtake, repeat, do not overtake. 例如,“别超车、重复一遍,别超车。 16. What does abandon “abandon vessel mean? “弃船是什么意思? Abandon vessel means evacuating crew and passengers from a vessel

after a distress. 弃船意味着在遇险后,人员和乘客从船上撤离 17. What does the abbreviation “ETD” stand for? ETD代表什么 ETD stands for Estimated Time of Departure. ETD代表预计离港时间

18. What does dredging an anchor mean? 拖锚什么意思吗?

Dredging anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel. 拖锚的意思是用海底运动的锚控制船的运动

19. What does “underway mean”? UNDERWAY是什么意思 Underway means a vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. 是指不是在船锚或者系泊,或搁浅。 20What does “dragging of an anchor” mean?走 锚”的意思是什么? Dragging of an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily and it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel. 是指锚在海底不由自主的运动并且不在防止船得运动 21. What is the difference between a “radar beacon” and a “radar reflector”? "雷达信标”和“雷达反射器”之间的差别是什么

A radar beacon is an active device that can transmit a pulse for identification while a radar reflector is a passive device that can only enhance the aids’ ability to reflect radar signals. 雷达指标是一个主动的设备,他能发射脉冲而且识别一些物标。而雷达反射器是一种被动的加强反射雷达信号能力。

22. How many objects do you need to get a position using “horizontal sextant angles 六分仪水平角定位”? 使用“六分仪需要多少个点才能定位”? At least two

23. Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate? 在船上船上的陀螺罗经更准确,为什么还要配备磁罗经?

Because magnetic compass is self-contained simple and reliable, and not easily damaged. 因为磁罗经是独立供电、结构简单、工作可靠,不容易被损坏。

24. What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it? 你们有什么话当锚离开水底 The anchor is aweigh. Anchor clear锚离底。

25. When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers船首制链器?在准备抛锚时再打开船首制链器应该做什么?

I should first lock the break belt tightly and disengage the clutch . 我应该先刹紧刹车带然后打开离合器

26. Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters? 如果水深75米你会让锚链从锚链孔放出吗?

I would not let go the anchor because the water is too deep我也不


27. Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stopper? 当你释放船手制链器你为什么必须考虑船的速度和海洋深度?

If the ship’s speed is too fast, the anchor chain may break. 如果船的速度太快,锚链可能损坏。

If the sea is too deep, the cable may be surged 滑脱, get out of control and damaged. 如果海底是如此深,锚链可能滑脱,失控并毁坏的。

28. What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation? 引航员登船之前,要在引航梯上放些什么?

The manropes, lifebuoy, heaving line,lights and a lifebuoy must be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarkation. 扶手索 ,救生圈,扶手索,灯准备好救生圈必须放在引航梯附近载引航员的登船前。

29. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?为什么在冰上抛锚有危险 Because the ship may be icebound and cannot move. 因为船被冰困住和不能移动。

30. What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? 悬挂什么信号旗当引航员已经上船时?

The signal flag H should be hoisted. 信号旗H应该挂出来了。

第四章 装卸作业


1. Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board. 描述船上其它货物运输危险程序。

When carrying dangerous cargo on board, the vessel must follow the correct procedures船舶载运危险品时,船必须遵循正确的程序:: (1) The chief officer should obtain information of the dangerous cargo from the shipper. The information includes the following: 大幅应该从托运人获得危险货物的信息。信息包括如下: packing, classes and UN No. ; 包装等级和编号。 tons to be loaded; 被装载的吨数

country of production and country of destination; 生产的国家和目的地国

notices on loading, care on board and discharging. 注意装货,船上的看管和卸货。

(2) When loading and discharging the dangerous cargo, precautions should be taken for the safe operation. 当装卸危险品,应当采取安全防范措施

While loading, 当装载,

check the correct technical names in documents and correct marks;在文件里检查正确技术名称和标签。

check the proper use of handling gear; 检查吊货装置的正确使用情况

check the careful and safe stowage; 检查小心和安全的装载 check if cargo is carefully separated and secured. 仔细检查货物隔离和固定

While discharging, 卸货时

take safety measures to discharge dangerous cargo; 采取安全措施卸载危险货物。

check the proper use of handling gear; 吊货装置的正确使用。 check the complete unloading. 检查是否完全卸完 During the voyage, 在航行中,

check the hold ventilators; 检查货舱通风系统。 check the hatch cover; 检查舱口盖

check the temperature in the hold. 检查货舱温度。

2. Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed space. 描述了预防在进入一个封闭的空间的预防措施。

Before entering an enclosed space, take the following precautions into account: 在进入一个封闭的空间,采取以下措施考虑:

(1) Make sure to have a person in attendance with you; 确保有一个人与你一起。

(2) Ensure that the space has been thoroughly ventilated;确保空间已经彻底的通风。

(3) Prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases test equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist;做好通风,呼吸工具,联系信号,氧气,空气和有毒气体的检测设备和其他有清单上的必要设备

(4)Test the atmosphere of the space at different levels for oxygen deficiency and harmful gases or vapors. 测试空间的不同层的氧缺陷和有害气体和蒸气。

(5) Wear self-contained breathing apparatus if necessary; 如有必要穿自己呼吸设备;

(6) Get the Master's signature on the checklist;在检查清单上签有船长的签名

(7) Even when a space has been found safe for entering, it should be monitored for as long as any person is inside.即使确认为空间安全后,应该在外面有人监视

3. Describe the procedures of cargo stowage. 描述货物装载程序。 The procedures of cargo stowage are as follows: 货物装载程序如下: (!) The chief officer should obtain the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo information from the shipper; 大幅应获得货物信息,


(2) The cargo list should be available and complete; 货物清单应可供使用和完整

(3) The principles and considerations on navigation safety保证航行安全应有原则和注意事项

(4) The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan to ensure cargoes are proper loaded on board 在航行中大幅应该准备一份合适的装载计划。

The cargo should be properly distributed on board to ensure the ship's stability and reasonable drought and trim during the voyage; 航行中货物应该适当地分布在船上确保船的稳定性和合理的吃水和纵倾 The bunkers and waters should be proper arranged on board to ensure the proper distribute the longitudinal stress; 燃料和水应该合理分配保证船舶纵向强度

The double bottom tank should be filled to improve stability. 双底压载舱应打水,提高稳定性。

(5) The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary.如果有必要货物配载图应加以修改,

4. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board. 描述船上发生溢油的应对措施

In case of an oil spill on board, actions should be taken according to the SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 在船上万一溢油, 根据SOPEP(船舶油污应急计划)应采取行动、 (1) Send out oil spill signals; 发出溢油信号

(2) Muster the oil clearance team to fight against the spillage; 集合清油队处理泄露。

(3) Take measures to prevent spilt oil spreading;采取措施防止油扩散 (4) Report the spillage to MSA (Marine Safety Agency 海运安全管理局)or the local pollution control; 把溢油报告给海运安全管理局或当地污染控制机构

(5) When taking actions against oil spill, the precaution should be taken for preventing second pollution. 当采取行动防备溢油,应采取措施防止二次污染。

5. Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo. 描述杂货的合理装载

(1) General factors to be taken into account: 普通因素要考虑: A description of the cargo; 货物的描述。 The gross weight of the cargo; 货物的总重量。 The dimensions of the cargo; 货物的尺寸。

Any special properties of the cargo. 任何货物的特殊性能。 (2) Special considerations: 特殊事项:

The vessel should be fully loaded; 船应该充分装载

A reasonable drought and trim to ensure a comfortable voyage; 以确保


Have satisfactory ship's stability and strength. 令人满足的船的稳定性和强度。 问答题

1. How many classes were dangerous cargoes divided into according to the IMDG code? Can you list some? 根据《国际海运运输规则》怎么分货物的危险等级?你能列举一些吗?

According to the IMDG code, the dangerous cargoes are divided into 9 classes: 根据《国际海运运输规则》货物的危险等级共有9种 Class 1: explosives (爆炸物) Class 2: Gases; 气体

Class 3: flammable liquids (易燃液体); Class 4: flammable solids (易燃固体);

Class 5: oxidizing substances and organic peroxides (氧化物和有机过氧化物);

Class 6: toxic and infectious substances (有毒和污染物); Class 7: radioactive materials (放射性物质); Class8: corrosives (腐蚀性物质);

Class 9: miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles (混合的危险物质和物品)

2. What kind of cargo is classified as flammable liquids? 什么样的货物被划分为易燃液体呢

Flammable liquids refers to the liquids, or mixture of liquids which gives off flammable vapor(易燃性蒸汽)at or below 60 degree centigrade in the closed cup test (闭杯试验). 易燃液体或混合液体的液体是指低于60度在闭杯试它就会发出易燃蒸汽

3. Please describe the general nature of general cargo? 请描述的一般特性杂货

(1) General cargo means various kinds of solid cargoes with or without package carried in a single hold; 普通货物意味着各种固体货物或者没有包装的货物储存在同一舱室内。

(2) General cargo may be in bags, bales, cases or steel drums; 普通货物可能用包或捆或用铁桶

(3) The stowage of general cargo needs separation and dunnage. 普通货物需要隔离的垫舱

4. Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo. 请描述散货的一般特性。

(1) Bulk cargo means cargo can be directly put into the holds or tanks of a ship without any package or without any form of containment; 杂货指货物可直接放在货舱或舱底没有任何包装或没有放在任何容器内。

(2) Grain, coal and iron ore are common solid bulk cargoes; 粮食煤


5. What kind of cargo is canvas sling (帆布吊兜) suitable for lifting? 什么样的货是帆布吊索适合起吊的?

It is used for lifting bulk cargo. 它是用来提升散货。

6. What kind of cargo is chain sling (链式吊索) suitable for lifting? 什么样的货物适合链式吊索链提升?

It is used for lifting heavy slender articles (重而细长货), such as timber or steel rails. 它是用来抬沉重的长条的货物,如木材或钢铁轨上

7. What kind of cargo is net sling (网吊兜) suitable for lifting? 什么样的货物是净吊索适合提升的?

It is used for lifting general cargo. 它是用来提升杂货。 8. What does the abbreviation COW stand for? COW代表什么? COW stands for crude oil washing COW代表(原油洗舱)。 9. What does “jettison of cargo” (弃货) mean? 弃货是什么意思 It means to throw goods overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency. 它的意思是把货物抛弃以减轻船舶或提高其稳定性以防危险。

10. What does “ compatibility of goods” (货物的兼容性) mean? 货物的兼容性是什么意思

It means that different goods can be stowed together in one hold without causing any chemical reaction. 这意味着不同的商品可以装在同一个保持无引起任何的化学反应。

11. What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? SWL缩写是什么意思 It stands for Safe Working Load. 它代表了安全工作负荷。 12. What does “ shifting cargo” (货物横向移动) mean? 货物横向移动什么意思

Shifting cargo means transverse movement of cargo, caused by rolling or heavy list.

13. What does “union purchase” (双杆联吊) mean? 双杆联吊什么意思

It means using two derricks to work together at one hatch while handling cargo.

它的意思是用两吊杆联合在一起工作在一个舱室内装卸货物。 14. What preparations should be done before loading cargo? 载货前要做什么准备

Before loading cargo the following preparations should be done: 载货前应该做

(1) complete the stowage plan; 完成配载图

(2) keep the holds clean, dry and free of smell; 保持货舱清洁、干燥、无气味,

(3) prepare the cargo handling gear; 准备货物装卸工具

(4) check the safety arrangements and ventilators in the holds;在货


(5) prepare sufficient dunnage materials; 准备充分垫舱材料; 15. What is the loading capacity (装载能力) of your vessel? 什么是你的船承载能力呢?

The loading capacity of my vessel is 16789 cubic meters. (2000 TEUs). 我的承载能力的船只16789立方米。(2000货柜

16. What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? 用什么设备装卸货物

My vessel has winches and derricks. 我的船舶用绞车、吊杆。 17. What can be used to remove spillage? 什么可以用来清除溢出 The booms (浮木挡栅), straw (稻草), skimmer (撇油器) and absorbent materials (吸附材料) can be used for preventing spill oil spreading. (浮木挡栅稻草撇油器(吸附材料用来清除溢出

18. What should be ensured before entering the enclosed space? 在进入封闭的空间要保证什么?

Before entering an enclosed space, it should ensure that the space pass enough ventilation and there is no toxic air. 在进入一个封闭的空间,它应该确保经过足够通风没有有毒空气。

19. Please list some cargo papers. 请列出一些货物的文件

Cargo manifest (货物舱单); Stowage/Cargo plan (船舶配载图、船舶积载图);Shipping order (装货单);Bill of Lading (提单);Hatch list (分舱单);Heavy cargo list (重件货清单);

20. What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?当你进入封闭区域是你应该穿什么?

When I enter an enclosed space, I must wear the protective clothing and breathing apparatus. 当我进入到一个封闭的空间,我必须穿著防护衣和呼吸设备。

第五章 航行


1. Describe the duties of the watch-keeping officer when underway. 描述值班员在航行中的责任

The OOW is the Master's representative and is primarily responsible at all times for the safe navigation of the vessel and for complying with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (ColRegs 国际海上避碰规则). The officer of the navigational watch shall: 在任何时候安全航行的船舶航行值班人员是船长的代表和主要负责人,并遵守其国际海上避碰规则。航海值班人员应: (1) Keep the watch on the bridge; 保持在驾驶台值班

(2) In no circumstances leave the bridge until properly relieved by an appropriate officer; 在任何情况下,直到有人来替换驾驶台值班,否则不能离开驾驶台

(3) Notify the Master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interests of safety; 在有任何疑问时通知船长,采取何种行动影响船安全的利益

(4) Continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel despite the presence of a pilot on board; 继续负责船舶安全航行,尽引水在船

(5) Ensure that the vessel is in hand steering in areas of high traffic density, in conditions of restricted visibility and in all hazardous navigational situations; 在交通密度系统、条件和能见度危险航行的情况确保船使用手操舵

(6) Keep a proper record during the watch on the movement and activities relating to the navigation of the vessel; 保持有效记录船舶的运转和其他相关的航行活动

(7) Use the radar at all times in areas of high traffic density and whenever restricted visibility is encountered or expected; 雷达在所有时间内使用,在高交通密集区和能见度不良的时候

(8) Check the vessel's position, course and speed at frequent intervals; 检查船舶所在位置,速度航向,在频繁的间隔时间内。

2. Describe the bridge shift changes (驾驶台换班).描述驾驶台换班 (1) Before taking over a bridge , the relieving officer must: 在驾驶台接班人必须:

Read and understand the standing orders (常规命令)issued by the master; 阅读和理解船长分负责的常规命令。

Become familiar with the steaming plan, required course and speed changes, and master's call instruction(呼叫指令); 熟悉机器的计划,规定和速度的变化,呼叫指令

Confirm the ship’s present position;确定船舶的位置

Discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch. 和值班员讨论的航行形势

(2) Procedures for shift changes: 驾驶台换班程序

The watch officer must never leave until properly relieved by a licensed deck officer; 值班员必须永远不会离开,直到有驾驶员来换班。

The watch officer must relieve the watch on time, and the relieving officer must report to the bridge early enough; 值班员必须按时换班,接班驾驶员早点到驾驶台

The change of conn(指挥操舵的改变)must be clearly stated and logged the actual time that it took place; 清楚声明和记录实际的指挥船舶人员的改变的时间地点。 (3) Special attention: 特别的注意:

If at the time the officer of the watch is to be relieved, a maneuver of action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of the officer(驾驶员的换班) should be deferred (推迟)until such action is completed;接班时船舶正在进行避让的时候,应该推迟交班,直到实际行动完成为止。

The officer of the watch should not hand over the watch(交班)to the relieving officer if he has any reason to believe that the latter is not capable to carry out his duties effectively. 如果他有任何理由相信后者是没有能力执行工作值班员看不应交给下一值班员。

3. Describe the differences between navigating in narrow channel(狭水道) and in a traffic separation scheme(分道通航制). 描述航行在在狭水道和分道通航制之间的差别

According to COLREGs Rule 9, when navigating in narrow channels: 根据国际避碰规则第九条,航行在狭窄水道:

(1) A vessl shall keep as near to the outer limit (外缘)of the channel which lies on her starboard side as safe and practicable; (1)尽可能安全的和可行的情况下船要靠水道右舷外

(2) A vessel shall not cross a narrow passage or fairway if such crossing impedes( 阻碍) the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within such channel or fairway; 如果不能安全通过的航标或航道,船舶不得过狭水道或航道

(3) Overtaking (追越)can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken (被追越船)has to take action to permit safe passing; 只有被追越船同意才允许安全通过才允许追越发生

(4) Any vessel should, if the circumstances of the case admit(如果情况容许), avoid anchoring in a narrow channel. (如果情况容许),船只避免在一个狭水道内抛锚According to COLREGs Rule 10 Traffic Separation Schemes, a vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall: 根据避碰规则十条分道通航使用分道通航方案:

(1) proceed in appropriate traffic lane (正确的通航分道)in the general direction of traffic flow ( 船舶总流向)for that lane; (1)船舶总流向是正确的通航水道。

(2) So far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line (分隔线)or separation zone(分隔带);在可行的范围内远离交通分隔线或者分隔带

(3) Normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane(通航分道的终点), but when joining or leaving from either side shall not do so at small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practical;(与分道的船舶总流向形成尽可能小的角度)通常加入或者离开通航分道的终点,但是当加入或离开通航分道的终点时尽量与分道的船舶总流向形成尽可能小的角度。

(4) So far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if obliged to do so a vessel shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to general direction of traffic flow; (应尽可能与分道的船舶总的流向成直角的航向穿越)

(5) So far as practicable, a vessel shall avoid anchoring in a TSS or in areas near its terminations. 在可行的范围内,或船舶应避免锚定在TSS或附近的终止地区。

4. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout. 描述如何利用各种工具和技术保持正规瞭望

Every vessl shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight(视觉)and hearing(听觉) as well as by radar scanning.每条船要时刻保持正规了望和听觉包括雷达扫描 (1) Radar observation: (1)雷达观测:

Rader can detect the presence of an object within its working range in various weather conditions. But radar cannot tell the shape, size or height of the object. Besides, radar has blind sectors. 雷达能探测到出现在它的工作范围的对象的各种气候条件。但雷达无法告诉的形状、大小或者高度目标。此外,雷达有盲区。 (2) Visual lookout (视觉了望)

It can discover object and find out its shape, size and height. But this can be possible within a certain distance in favorable weather conditions. 它可以发现对象和弄清它的形状、大小和高度。但这些可能在一定距离能见度以及良好的天气情况才可以。

Different tools and technologies have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we should use all available means to keep a proper lookout in order to ensure safe navigation.


5. Describe the preparations to be done by the deck department prior to arrival. 描述甲板部在进港之前的准备工作

(1) The responsibilities of the deck department are to get ready for: entering the port, going through customs, immigration and quarantine inspection formality(办理海关,移民和检疫检查手续), and loading and unloading cargo. 在船甲板部门是去准备:进入港口,通过海关、移民,检疫手续和装卸货物检查。

(2) Preparations done from the bridge prior to arrival: 从甲板部做准备在到达以前:

Send ETA to the pilot station at appropriate time with all relevant information; 驾驶员把预计到港时间及各类相关信息传达到引航站,

Study(细阅)port information(港口资料), sailing directions(航路指南), and other navigation information, including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, ect. 细读港口资料,航路指南,其他导航信息,包括限制的货物、速度、进入时间等。

Check and correct the charts used for entering the port and mark the intended track, course on the charts; 检查和正确使用进港海图及进入计划航线和航向。

Check and inspect the communication equipment, steering gear and solve the problem and make records; 检查和记录,通信设备、操舵设备

Check and test the indicators, displays, meters, vessel's clock, navigational aids and walkie-talkie; 检查和调试指标,显示,仪表、船舶的时钟、导航仪器及步话机。

Hoist the national flag of the arriving country, vessel ensign(船籍旗),signal flag and shapes as per the international customary practice; 升起国旗,港口国家的国旗,船旗、信号旗和型号按照国际惯例 Turn on/off the stipulated lights in time. 打开/关闭规定的灯。 (3) Preparations done from the deck: 从甲板上做准备。

Check and inspect the mooring equipments, anchoring equipment, emergency equipment, and solve the problem and make records; 检查和检查系泊设备、锚定设备,应急设备和解决问题并记录, Ship's crew at station for entering port; 进港之前人员就位

Stand by port and starboard anchors as per the master's instruction for use in emergency; 备双锚,为了在紧急时候下,根据船长指令使用双锚

Get the pilot ladder, manrope, lifebuoy and lights ready and ensure they are in good order, safe and reliable. 把领航梯,安全索救生圈和灯光,做好准备,确保其处于正常有效、安全可靠。


1. Why is it important to sound fog signals? 为什么鸣放雾号是重要的?

Fog signals may indicate the presence of own vessel and warn the other vessels in restricted visibility. 在能见度不良时雾号可能意味着自己船的存在,并警告其他船。

2. When would you sound the emergency general alarm? 你什么时候(才)能发出通用报警?

When the vessel suffers explosion, collision, fire or flooding and is in a critical condition, the emergency general alarm should be sounded. 当船舶碰撞,爆炸、火灾或进水及任何紧急情况下, 应该使用通用报警。

3. When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation? Please list some. 什么时候应该立即通知船长在紧急驾驶或复杂的航行时?请列出一些。 The OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be running into danger and in various other situation. For example: 在任何时间船舶似乎处于危险中和其他各种情况中必须立即通知船长。例如

(1) when the vessel is navigating in restricted visibility or in restricted waters; )船舶航行在能见 度不良或限制水域 (2) when there is heavy traffic; 航道拥挤

(3) and during heavy weather condition; ,并在恶劣天气状况 (4) or when the OOW considers it necessary to call the master或当中认为必要的时候通知船长

4. How does the OOW assess risk of collision (评估碰撞危险)generally? 如何对船舶碰撞危险合适评估?

In general, the OOW assesses the risk of collision by means of observing the bearing change and distance change of an approaching vessel. 一般来说,碰撞危险评估中通过观察对船舶的方位的变化和距离的变化。

5. How should the relieving officer(接班驾驶员) behave in case a bridge maneuvering already took place but has not been over? 接班驾驶员应该如何行动驾驶台已发生的操纵,但是还没有结束?

The relieving officer can’t take over the watch until the bridge maneuvering has been completed. 接班驾驶员不能接管,直到驾驶台的操纵全部完成为止。

6. List the main items to be updated on the pilot card (引航卡片).例举引航卡中新的项目。

Draft 吃水 air draft 净空高度 freeboard 干舷 and other ship’s maneuvering characteristics.

7. Besides the collision risk, what else should you monitor on watch in

reduced visibility? 除了碰撞危险以外在能见度下降时,还应注意什么?

I should monitor the helmsman to execute and acknowledge all orders to the helm promptly, and also monitor own ship's position, other ship's position and variable weather conditions. 我应该监视舵工执行并知悉所有舵令,及时监控自己的船的位置,其它船的位置然后天气的变化情况。

8. How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? 你怎麽知道这VHF通道被监控当离开港口?

When I hear the VTS station or port control calls ship's name, call sign and gives me navigational warning or advice, I know the VHF channel is monitored. 当我听VTS港口管制站或呼叫船名、呼号,给了我航行警告或者建议的时候,我知道VHF频道监测。

9. What should the Master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? 。船长到达驾驶台应该从值班人员那知道什么?

The master expects the OOW reports to him about the ship's position, course and speed and whether the vessel is on the intended track. 船长希望报告船的位置、航线和速度,船舶是否在计划航线上。 10. Who should be in attendance (负责)when a pilot is on the ladder? 谁应该负责引航员在引航梯上

The officer on watch or licensed deck officer should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder.值班驾驶台或有证书的人员应该负责当引航员登上引航梯时。

11. When should you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? 在驾驶台你应该什么时候指导帮助瞭望?

I should instruct a lookout to assist me at any time I consider it necessary. 任何时候我认为必要时我应该帮助

12. What effect will the general alarm have on all the crew? 通用警报对所有的船员一般会产生什么样的后果?

When hearing the general alarm, all crew must go to their designated position and act according to their designated duties in the muster list. 听到一般报警所有船员都必须去他们的指定位置,根据应变部署表的任务采取行动。

13. Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch-keeping? 为什么记录是值班过程中是不可缺少的一环。

To see that everything is in good order and let the next watch-keeping officer know the whole situation. In addition, these records have legal effect(法律作用)in the casualty investigation(在海事调查). 看到一切都井井有条,让下一个值班驾驶员知道整个状况。此外, 对事故调查这些记录有法律影响。

14. Apart from those for navigation safety, what else should you do on an anchor position? 对航行安全除了你应该做的,在锚地你还要做什么?

I should pay attention to the nearby vessel's position and movements, to check my own anchor position, to exhibit the appropriate lights, shapes and sound signals and take measures to protect the environment from pollution by the vessel. 我要注意附近的地方船的位置和动作,检查自己的锚位,悬挂适当的灯,型号和声音信号和采取措施保护环境污染的行动。

15. How would you conveniently, check the compass error in pilotage water? 你会如何方便、检查罗经差在引航水域?

I would observe one landmark and compare the compass bearing of it with the true bearing of the landmark getting from the chart. The difference is the compass error. 我观测一个路标的方位,然后在海图上找出路标的方位差值就是罗经差。


16. If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driver vessel, who has the right of way(航路权)?如果帆船想超越动力船,你有何种航路权 The power-driven vessel has the right of way. 动力船有优先权 17. A power-driver vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler(拖网渔船). Who has the right of way?动力船与拖网渔船碰撞,谁是对的?

Both the power-driven vessel and the fishing trawler have no right of way, they should comply with the Collision Rules. 两艘船,都没有用正确的方法航行,他们应该遵守碰撞规则。

18. How many meters are there in a nautical mile? 一海里等于多少米?

A nautical mile equals to 1852 meters. 一个海里等于1852米。 19. If you travel from Panama to New York, will your latitude increase or decrease? 如果你旅行从巴拿马到纽约,你的纬度增加还是减少? From Panama to New York, the latitude will increase. 从巴拿马到纽约,纬度将会增加

20. How many " position lines" (位置线) are needed to make a position? 有多少种”的位置需要“位置线?

To make a position at least two position lines are needed.确定一个位置,至少需要两个位置线。

21.Can you define the very important term "underway" ? 你可以定义非常重要的术语“在航”?

Underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore or aground. 航行意味着船舶不在抛锚,不在系泊或搁浅。 22.If you observe a ship, during daytime, exhibiting three balls on the same halyard, what has happened? 如果你观察的一艘船,白天3个球,展示在同一吊索,是什么事呢? The vessel is aground. 船舶搁浅后

23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for? IALA代表什么?

IALA stands for the International Association of light House Authorities (国际航标协会).

24. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark(南方位标)?它是安全在北面航行的南方位标吗?

No, it is not safe to pass north of a South Mark. 不,从北面通过南方位标是不安全的。

25. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark (北方位标)它从北面通过北方位标是安全的么?

Yes, it is safe to pass north of a North Mark. 是的, 从北面通过北方位标是安全的么。

26. Does "variation" (磁差)change due to ship's position? 磁差随船位的变化而改变么?

Yes, variation changes with ship's position. 是的,磁差的变化随船的位置改变。

27. Does "deviation" change due to ship's position?自差随船位的变化而变化么?

No, deviation does not change due to ship's position. 不,不随船位变化而变化。

28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from charts 5011? 改海图你为什么必须用海图5011的符号和缩写呢?

(1) Because many symbols and abbreviations are used on charts. These constitute a kind of shorthand which tells the navigator the physical characteristics of the charted areas and details of available aids to navigation. ,因为有许多的符号和缩写被应用于海图。这些构成了一种速记,告诉导航的制定区域地理特点和现有的细节导航

(2) Also because these symbols and abbreviations are used in the Admiralty Notices to Mariners. 也因为这些符号和缩写在航海通告也会使用

29. You have purchased a new chart. Is it right ready for use? 你已经购一个新的海图。可以立即使用么?

No, it must be corrected according to the latest Admiralty Notices to Mariners. 不,它根据最新的通告改正必须要改正。

30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly? 你需要什么出版物来修改海图呢?

I need "Notices to Mariners" and any radio warnings that are received. 我需要航海通告改正”和任何无线电收到警告。

31.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east? 东南是多少度啊?

135 degrees corresponds to south-east.东南是135度

32. What is the angle between magnetic(磁子午线) and true meridian(真子午线) called? 磁子午线和真子午线之间的夹角是什么?

It is called variation. 这是磁差。

33, Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? 你总是在哪里可以找到关于磁差变化信息?

Magnetic variation can be found on a chart in the center of the compass rose(方位圈)or indicated by isogonic lines (等磁差曲线)or found in a note on the chart. 磁差变化可以在海图中间方位圈或等磁差曲线或海图的标题栏上找到。

34. When a ship picks up speed (加速) will draught increase or decrease? 当一艘船加速吃水线增加还是减少?

When a ship picks up speed, her draught will increase. 当一艘舰船加速,她的吃水将增加

35. A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag “o”, what has happened? 一艘船在你前面,把信号旗有“o”,是什么事呢?

It indicates the ship has man overboard. 这预示着船已有人掉下水。

第六章 修船与船体保养


1 1 After some time of sailing, the ship’s hull, equipment may be rusted, worn out and defects appear. These will affect the ship’s safety and function. So it is necessary to carry out ship’s repair。远航一段时间后,这艘船的船体、设备可能会生锈磨损, 出现缺陷。这些都会影响船舶的安全和功能。因此,有必要进行船舶修理。

2 Before the ship’s repair, there are some formalities.(1)Determine the scope and items of ship’ repair according to the condition of the ship and the requirements of the ship’ surveyor. (2)Write up the repair list and requirements of the repair in detail.(3) Report to the company for approval. 在船上修理之前,有一些手续。(1)决定了船修理规模的大小、修复项目根据船只情况和验船师要求认证。(2)写出修理列表和要求的修理细节。(3)向公司报告批准。

3 Special attention :Pay attention to fire protection and safety. 3个特别注意:注意防火和安全。

1 )Preparations before hull maintenance:(1)Determine the items of maintenance ,e.g ship’ hull, deck. Get the relative tools and materials ready. 准备船体维护:(1)确定的项目的维修、例句船的船体,甲板上。获得相关工具和材料准备好了。

2) Contents of hull maintenance .船体保养内容

(1)The main contents of hull maintenance is derusting and painting.主要保养内容是除锈和油漆

(2) The rested plates should be chipped and scraped to bare metal and painted. 其他船体应该除锈并且出白然后油漆。

3) The cautions to be taken: Pay attention to fire protection and safety.


3 Periodic overhaul to navigational aids can prevent costly repairs. Extended operation of the instrument is due for overhaul otherwise will result in erratic performance and it is dangerous for the safety of the vessel. 助航器定期检修,可以防止昂贵的维修费用。长期的船只应定期检修否则将产生错误的性能对船安全是非常危险的The most common instrument to be overhauled includes the gyro compass and the chronometers. 最常见的检查工具,包括陀螺罗经和天文钟。 Overhauls to navigational aids should be done by professional certified technicians and the process should be recorded in the Record Book对助航设备的大修应该由专业认证的技术人员修理被修过程应该记录在对应记录簿. Readjustment is necessary right after the overhaul. For example for the gyro compass, the residual deviations should be checked and readjusted.在大修后在进行读数的调整。例如为陀螺罗经,需要调整检查误差。

4 1 Preparations before the maintenance: (1)Determine the items of maintenance of riggings.

(2)Get the maintenance tools and materials ready. 在维护前的准备(1)确定维修项目索具。2)准备好维修工具和材料。

2 The contents of the maintenance of riggings:(1)All cargo wires and topping lift wires to be wire brushed, cleaned and greased.(2) The turning accessories of riggings to be dismantled ,examined cleaned, greased, repaired if necessary and refitted. (3)All blocks to be dismantled, overhauled, measured, well greased, painted and repaired if necessary, then reassembled in order. 维护索具内容:(1)所有吊货钢丝和千斤索、用钢丝刷刷 清洁和加油。(2)索具的旋转部件应拆开,检查,清洁,修理有必要要加油。(3)所有吊艇滑车应拆开,检查,、测量、加油,刷漆修理,如果有必要修理,然后在重新完好组装。

3 The cautions to be taken: Pay attention to the safety and maintenance quality. 应注意:请注意安全、维修质量。

1 To keep the ship and ship’s equipment in good working condition. 1保持船、船用设备处于良好的工作状态。

2. The chief officer is in charge of the much maintenance work of deck department on board. 在船上大幅负责大部分甲板部的保养,维护工作。

3. Yes, there are voyage repair, annual repair, temporary repair, permanent repair, major repair, minor repair and average repair. 是的,有航次修理、年度维修、临时抢修,永久的修理、大修,较小的维修和平均修理

4. The repair is carried out in a period of a voyage.航行了一段时间之后的修理。

5. The repairs are the important ones. 修理是重要的

6. The repair is carried out yearly. 。每年进行修复。

7. It is a list that includes the repair items. 这是一个名单,其中包括修理的物品

8. The frammatical features.故障估计机器的特点

9. Yes, there are metal primer, top coat, undercoat, heat-resistant paint, non-slip paint, varnish, etc. ,有金属底漆,,顶层漆、底漆,耐热漆,防滑涂料、清漆等。

10. The Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, CCS, BV, DNV, ABS, etc. 路易登记的海运、CCS、BV(法国)、DNV(挪威)、ABS(美国)、等。 11. Anti-fouling paint. 防污漆。 12. Heat-resistant paints. 耐热漆。 13. Bitumastic solution. Bitumastic沥青漆。

14. The repair list lists all the items to be repaired, while the repair bill shows the expenses of all the items that have been repaired. 修理表中列出了所有可以被修复的项目, ,所有修好的项目费用。 15. Ultrasonic thickness indicator. 。超声测厚的指标。

16. Annual surveys, docking surveys, special surveys, surveys for renew certificates, initial survey, damage survey and so on. 年度检查、进坞检查,特殊的检查,证书初始检查,损失评估等

17. The area must be de-rusted to bare metal surface.除锈区域必须出白。

18. cement wash. .水泥洗。。

19. The synthetic ropes must be stowed away from paint and chemicals. 装合成纤维的必须远离油漆和化学品

第七章 事故处理


1 When a fire occurs, fire alarm should be sounded as soon as the fire is discovered . Inform the bridge. After the fire has been extinguished, rope off the fire area and post a fire watch and check the fire area at intervals to prevent the fire re-ignition. As the third officer on board, I am responsible for fire fighting. In the event of fire, I must arrange the

proper response to the fire and must the crew member to fight against the fire. 一旦发生火灾,消防报警应报警。通知驾驶台。大火已经消失之后,火区应围起来进行观察,时时检查,以阻止火重燃。我作为三副在甲板上,我负责灭火。一旦发生火灾,我必须正确的应对火情并必须让船员集合按职责表进行灭火。

2 When a ship-borne oil pollution occurs, an alarm should be sounded at once. Stop the oil operation. Then send out oil pollution procedures to fight against the spillage up according to the SOPEP. 1)Determine the source and cause of spillage .2) Take measures to prevent the spill oil from further spreading and muster crewmembers to control oil pollution. Then clean up the oil spillage.3) Inform local pollution control authority. 当一个船发生油污染时,应立即报警,停止油操作。然后根据船上油污染应急定计划油来制止漏油。1)确定泄漏或溢出源和原因。2)采取措施防止油进一步扩散,集合人员控制油污染,清除漏油3)通知当地主管机构

3 My friend told me a story he experienced on board ship last year . He worked on a general cargo as a chief officer. One day, a minor fire took place in the galley. The cook forgot to turn off the heat on the stove and he went out the galley for a minute. When he came back, the frying pan was on fire. He took the nearest fire blanket and extinguished the fire. The frying pan was damaged but nothing else. The cook took the right measures to fight against the fire. But he should have been more careful or the fire would not have happened and a minor accident can quickly become a major one without the proper treatment. 我的朋友给我讲了去年他在船上经历的故事。他曾在一个杂货物船作为大副。有一天,在厨房发生一个小火灾。厨师出去一会儿忘记关上炉子上煎锅。当他回来时,煎锅着火了。他用最近的灭毛毯扑灭火。除了煎锅别的没什么损坏。厨师做出了正确的措施灭火。但是他应该更小心,否则火就不会发生的,小火灾或变成一个大的火灾。。

4 In different situations ship may aground, for example, the shallow water, the deep draft, the heavy weather. 船在不同的情况下可能搁浅,例如,浅水,大吃水 ,恶劣天气。

In order to re-float a vessel aground, the following methods can be taken: 为了船舶搁浅后浮起,以下方法可以被使用。

1. First determine what part of the vessel is aground. 。首先确定船舶搁浅的部分

2. Take over side sounding. 测量两边水位。

3. Prepare for de-ballasting or shifting of ballast to re-float the vessel. 准备排压载水或移动压载水去起浮

4. Re-arrange the cargo on board to re-float the vessel. 在甲板上重新调整货物

5. Try to jettison some cargo to re-float the vessel. 试着抛弃部分货


6. Obtain tidal and weather information to take the risde of tides. 获得潮汐和天气信息以利用潮汐

7. Request the tug assistance when necessary. 必要的时候请求帮助 5 1 There are different kind of cargo damage (1)Cargo damage may cause by cargo handling. This kind of cargo damage results from careless or improper handling during loading and unloading operation.(2) Cargo damage may caused by leakage moisture mixture of cargo or heating damage. 有一些不同的货物损失(1)由装卸货造成的损害。这种货物的损害来自在不小心或错误装卸操作。(2)货物损失可能由于渗漏或货物的混合或加热伤害。

2 The general procedures for handling cargo damage is to leave all the damaged cargo on one side , investigate the cause and responsibility of damage . 装卸货物的损失一般程序是把所有的破损货物在一边,查明损害原因和责任。

3 Special attention :If the damage is caused by the stevedore, it should be confirmed by the foreman or stevedore company. 特别注意:如果由工人造成损坏的,应当由工人或装卸公司确认。 问答题

1 The confirmation can be used as an evidence when judging the liabilities afterwards. 确认,以后可以用于判断证据的责任

2 The following should be attached to the report: 以下的内容可以被纳入报告:

1) the abstract of deck log book;2) witness evidence and photos relating to the accident. 1)航海日志的摘要;2)这一事故见证有关的证据和照片

3 After a ship suffering from explosion, fire, flooding, collision or heavy weather. 船遭受爆炸、火灾、洪水、碰撞或恶劣天气。 4 The vessel underway is responsible for the damage在航船负责赔偿 5 At least 5 short blasts of the whistle至少5短的汽笛声 6 I should the following actions: 6下列行动我应该: 1) inform captain and engine room; )通知船长和机舱 2) sound emergency alarm; 鸣放紧急警声

3) maneuver the ship to minimize the effects of collision;操纵船舶使碰撞降低到最低。

4) close watertight doors; 关闭水密门。

5) muster the damage control team to fight against flooding; 集合破损队去处理进水

6) send out distress signal when necessary. )如有需要发出求救信号,

7 The C/O is in command of damage control team. 大副指挥控制损


8 SOPEP means ship oil pollution emergency plan SOPEP意味着船舶油污应急计划 9.

The local pollution control should be reported. 报告给当地污染控制部门

10. The first step is to get the confirmation from the foreman of stevedores’ company. 第一步得到的确认是装卸公司的工头。 11. Before sailing from a port a thorough search for stowaway must be carried out. 在全船进行彻底的偷渡人员的检查

12. I will call out “fire” and operate the nearest fire alarm. 我喊着火了,用最近的警铃报警

13. Straw and skimmer can be used without permission. Chemical dispersants can be used but require permission. 稻草和撇油器在许可条件下,可使用

14. There are many ways, for example, waiting for the tide rising or weather improving; jettison cargo when necessary; requiring tug assistance. 有很多方法,例如,等待潮上升或天气改善,抛弃货物,必要时,需要拖船帮助。

15. There are some ways to correct listing, for example, ballasting or deballasting, transferring cargo or bunkers, jettisoning cargo in case of emergency. 有一些纠正方式,例如,压载水或排水、转移货物、燃料、抛弃货物,在紧急状况

16. I should stop bunkering immediately. 我该立即停止装燃料。 17. I’ll apply first aid to the injured person and inform the company and contact with the coast for medical assistance. 我急救受伤的人,并通知公司和与沿海地区医疗援助。

18. If the vessel is under attack by the pirates, I will activate the SSAS and call for help by means of communication equipment. 假如船舶遭到海盗,我要激活SSAS并呼叫采用通讯设备寻求救援


19.No, he should be attended. 不行。他要参加。 20. I should cry out for help我应该求救

21. Immediately carry or drag the person to fresh air. Send someone for help as quickly as possible. 立即带或拖拽人到有新鲜空气地方。派人寻求帮助,越快越好

22. If the victim's breathing has stopped or is irregular. 如果呼吸已经停止或是不规律的说明受伤。

23 I should try to stop bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound 我应该试着,立即直接压迫伤处止血

24.I should try to make him to vomit and then to send him to the hospital at once. 我应该试着让他吐出来了,然后把他送到医院

25. The first step is to stop the bleeding. 第一步是给他止血。 第八章 消防与船员自救作业

口述题 1. Describe fire precautions on board 描述船上防火预防措施 1) Fire protection equipment to be checked. 进行消防设备检查 2) Procedures of a fire drill. 消防演习的程序 3)

Summary 总结

Proper fire precautions on board are very important to the ship’s safety. Fire detection equipments(火灾探测设备)(such as the fire alarms, smoke alarm, and fire fighting equipments, such as portable fire extinguisher, fixed fire fighting system, fire pump and fire main)should be checked regularly. 船上适当的防火预防措施 对于船舶的安全具有重要的作用。火灾探测设备如火警,烟雾报警器和消防设备如手提式灭火器,固定消防系统,消防泵,消防主管,需要定期检查

Each member of the crew shall participate in at least one fire drill every month. The crew should report to stations and prepare for the duties described in the muster list. Then fire fighting parties arrive on the scene and fight the simulated fire(模拟火场) with their equipments. 每位船员每个月至少参加一次消防演习,船员应向电台报告并按应变部署表所描述的责任作准备。然后消防队到达现场,用灭火设备灭模拟火灾。

The only sure way to avoid fire at sea is not to have one. The crew members should observe all precautions against the outbreak of fire.是一种可以避免火灾的方式。所有船员应遵守预防火灾爆发的措施 2. Describe damage control on board.描述船上损坏控制 1) Equipment to be checked 进行设备检查 2) Damage control activities 破损控制活动 3)

Summary 总结

The operation of damage control equipments (such as the controls of watertight compartments and doors, the opening and closing devices of hatch, the bilge pump, emergency pump) should be checked at regular intervals. 船上破损控制设备的操作如:水密舱和水密门的控制,货仓的开关设备, 污水泵,应急泵需要定期检查

The crew members should study the damage control plan and be familiarize with their duties. If any damage is found, actions shall be taken. Muster damage control teams and get all damage control material ready. The officer should have a sound knowledge of the ship stability in the event of damage and the counter measures(应对措施) of flooding. 船员应该阅读破损控制计划并熟悉他们的责任,集合破损控制队并备齐所有破损控制材料, 在破损时驾驶员应对船舶稳定性和应对漏水的相应措施具备良好的知识

The control of damage is to reduce the effects of collision or grounding. Damage control team should carry out damage control drill. 破损控制是要减少碰撞和搁浅的影响 ,破损控制队应当进行破损控制演习 3. Describe the measures taken on board if aground. 描述如果搁浅采取的措施

1) Particulars to be clarified 阐述细节

2) Actions to be taken in different situations 在不同的情况所应采取的措施


Summary 总结 参见第7章第4题。

When the vessel is aground, the officers should establish which part of ship is aground, tell the carpenter to sound the vessel, and fix the vessel position on chart to clarify the particulars. 当船舶搁浅时,驾驶员应确定船舶搁浅的位置,告诉木匠测水深,并在海图上确定船舶的位置

The ship aground could transfer cargo or ballast, jettison cargo, wait for tide to rise, wait for weather to improve or refloat with tug assistance. 搁浅船只可以转移货物或者压舱物,弃货,等待涨潮,天气改善或让拖船帮助脱浅 4. Describe the measures taken on board if on fire. 描述如果着火了船上采取的措施

1) Particulars to be clarified 要阐明的细节,

2) Actions to be taken in different situations 在不同的情况中采取的措施


Summary 总结 There are many particulars to be clarified. Is any person at immediate risk from the fire? What is burning? How can the fire area be accessed? What equipment is available to fight the fire, what else is threatened? What precautions can be taken to prevent spread of the fire? Are there flammable gases or liquids likely to be present? 有许多的细节要去分析阐明,火灾中是有人处于紧迫危险吗?怎么燃烧的?如何进入火灾区域?用什么工具来灭火?还有什么受到威胁?能采取什么预防措施来防止火灾的蔓延?可能有易燃气体或液体吗/

When a fire occurs, the alarm should be raised and the bridge informed immediately. If possible, an attempt should be made to extinguish or limit the fire with suitable fire fighting equipments. After a fire has been extinguished, make steps to prevent re-ignition. 当起火应立即鸣火警并通知驾驶台。如果可能的话 要用合适的消防设备扑灭或者限制火。大火扑灭之后要防止自燃


1.What kind of the fire extinguisher can you use for an electric fire? There are fire–fighting team, rescue team, first aid team and support team. 有消防队,救援队,急救队和支援队

11.Where should fire control plan(防火控制图) be located? 消防哪种灭火器用来灭电火?

We can use carbon dioxide (CO2) and dry powder extinguishers. 我们可以用二氧化碳和干粉灭火器

2.What cannot be used for the electric fire? 哪种灭火器不能扑灭电火

Water and foam extinguisher cannot be used. 水和泡沫灭火器就不能使用

3.What are the three components(成分) of fire? 三个主要的着火因素是什么?

The three components of fire are fuel, oxygen and heat. 这三个是燃料氧气和火源

4.How often is a fire drill required to be carried out on cargo ships. 多久需要进行一次消防演习?

It should be carried out at least once a month on cargo ships. 货船至少一个月一次

5.What must you do first if you find a fire on board ? 你发现船上着火你首先要做什么/

I should call out “fire and sound the nearest fire alarm. 我应该喊救火和用最近的火警报警

6.What do the muster list (应变部署表)show? 应变部署表包括什么?

The muster list shows the emergency signals, the stations(船员位置) and duties of each crewmember accordingly. 应变部署表包括;应急信号和每个船员的部署和相应的职责

7. What will you first do if you see a person falls overboard? 如果你看到有人落水你首先应该做什么?

I will drop a lifebuoy towards the man, sound the “man overboard” alarm, keep my eyes on the man in water and inform the bridge. 我会发出有人落水的警报并向落水人员抛出救生圈,密切注意落水人员,通知驾驶台

8.How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? 货船应多久进行一次救生艇演习?

It should be carried out at least once a month on cargo ships.始终贯彻一个月至少一次关于货物的船只

9.Can you list at least three different kinds of fire extinguishers? 你能列出至少三种不同的灭火器吗?

Yes, I can. There are CO2, foam, dry powder extinguishers. 是的我能,二氧化碳,泡沫,干粉灭火器

10. In general, what parties are involved in a fire drill? 一般来说,有几个队伍参与消防演习?


The fire control plan should be located on both sides of the entrance of the living spaces. 消防控制图应位于生活区入口处两侧 12. How often should the lifeboat be launched into water? 救生艇应多久下水一次

The lifeboat shall be launched into water every three months. 救生艇每三个月要下水一次

13.What does “retreat signal”mean?撤退信号是什么意思

Retreat signal is the sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return its base(出发点) 撤退信号是给灭火队发出的声号,视觉信号或其他信号,要求其撤回原来的位置。 14.What is “general alarm signal”?什么是通用警报?

General alarm signal is seven short blasts followed by one prolonged blast on the whistle(鸣汽笛时) or alarm signals announced by the master to all persons on board about the imminent danger. 通用警报有七短汽笛声后跟一长声或船长就紧迫危险向全船人员发出的警报

15.What does “fire patrol” mean? 消防巡逻的意思是什么? Fire patrol means a round through the vessel (巡视全船)carried out by a crewmember of the watch at certain interval (在一定时间内)so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected.消防巡逻是指值班的船员在一定时间内对全船的监视,以便即使发现火灾的爆发, 16.What is “damage control team”? 什么是“破损控制队”?

Demage control team is a group of crewmembers trained for fighting flooding in the vessel. 破损控制队是船上经过堵漏训练的组织 17-30题为第三版新增题

17. How do you check fixed installation(固定设备)? 怎么检查固定安装

I should keep fixed installations in good order and test them regularly.我应该维持固定设备和定期测试

18. Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire(电器失火)?你可以列出两个电器失火的主要原因吗?

Yes, I can. Short circuit短路, overheat, loose connection and lack of maintenance can cause an electrical fire. 是的我能,短路,过热,松散的连接和缺乏维护会导致电器失火

19.What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats(机动救生艇) fitted on board? 船上至少配备几个机动救生艇

Every cargo ship shall at least carry one motor lifeboat. Every passenger ship shall at least carry one motor lifeboat on each side of

the ship. 每艘货船至少装配一个救生艇,客船每舷至少有一个救生艇

20. Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat(开敞式救生艇)? 你能列举一些开敞式救生艇设备吗?

Yes, I could. They are hand flares, smoke signals, whistles and sea anchor, etc. 是的我能。手提火焰信号,烟雾信号,口哨和海锚等 21.Would a cargo with a high “flash point”(闪点) be of more concern to you than one with a low “flash point”? 具有高闪点的货比具有低闪点的货更令人担心吗?

No, it wouldn’t. Cargo with a low “flash point” is more easily to be ignited. 不,不是。具有较低闪点的货物更容易燃烧起来 22. What is meant by “starving” a fire? 何谓“闷熄”火灾?

It means to put out a fire by cutting off its oxygen supply and removing all flammable material.它的意思是切断氧气供应和去除所有易燃材料使熄灭

23.Before you enter into an “enclosed space”, what safety precautions should you take? (P. 87 Chapter 4 topic 2)24 在你进入“密闭的空间”前,你应该采取的安全措施?

I should ventilate the space thoroughly and wear self-sustained breathing apparatus(穿上自给式氧气呼吸器).我应该把空间彻底通风,穿上自给式氧气呼吸器

24.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection国际通岸接头? 在国际通岸接头中应转移什么? Water is transferred over the International Shore Connection.水是国际通岸接头中应转移的。

25.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship, where should he be stopped?如果未经授权的人试图登船,应该在何处拦截此人?

He should be stopped at the gangway.他应该在舷梯上被拦截 26. How often should an “emergency fire pump” be tested? 多久检测“应急消防泵”?

It should be tested once every week. 它应该每周测试一次

27.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship?在船上什么为厨房最有效的灭火器?

Portable foam fire extinguishers are most effective on oil fires. 便捷式泡沫灭火器是灭油火最有效的

28. For ship at sea what is the general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? 在海上船舶货仓的灭火的一般程序时什么?

The procedure is to activate fire alarm, secure the ventilation of the hold, and extinguish the fire. 启动火灾报警,关闭货仓通风,灭火 29. What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship? 船上最少要配备多少件救生衣?

The absolute minimum number is one lifejacket for each person.绝对


30. You are a survivor at sea when an SAR (Search and Rescue) aircraft drops a red container. What is in it?在海上你是一名幸存者,当一个搜救和营救飞机抛下一个红色容器,里面是什么? Medical supplies(医疗供给) and first-aid equipment are in red container.红色容器里是医疗用品及急救设备

第九章 救助

口述题 1.

★●▲Describe the procedures of search and rescue operations. 描述搜索和救援作业程序。

Vessels can transmit distress alerts by GMDSS, EPIRB, SART and VHFset. 船舶能用全球海上遇险和安全系统,应急无线电示位标,搜救雷达应答器和甚高频发出遇险警报

After receiving the distress alert, the rescue vessel should acknowledge the message, proceed to the distress position and give assistance. 在收到遇险报警后救援船应该确认收到信息,到达遇险地点和给予协助。

The patterns of search may be expanding square searching, sector searching, parallel searching or aircraft loordinated searching. 搜索模式可以为展开方形搜索、分区搜索、并行搜索、海空协同搜索。 One vessel will act as the on scene coordinator. It will decide the search pattern, initial course and speed, direct the search and rescue operation and announce the finish of rescue operation. 一艘船只将作为现场协调员。她将会决定搜索方式,最初的航向和航速,并指挥搜索和救援作业,最后宣布救援作业的结束。 . 2. ★Describe the responses when a person falls overboard. 描述人员落水时的应对措施。

If you see anybody falls overboard, act as follows: (1)call out “man overboard”, throw lifebuoys overboard, (2)inform the officer on watch and the captain immediately, (3) keep the man in water in sight with continuous watch. (4)The officer on watch should maneuver the vessel towards the side of the man falls. 如果你看到有人落水,行动如下:呼叫有人掉下水”,并抛下救生圈 ,立刻通知值班员和船长,密切注意水中落水人员。值班员应操船驶向落水人的一侧。

The ship maneuvers available to man overboard may be one of the following: single turn, double turn, Williamson turn, and Scharnow turn.营救落水人可采取如下操船方式:单回旋圈,双丰旋回法,威廉


Attention should be paid to keep the stern away from the overboard man to prevent the propeller from injuring him. 要注意保持船尾远离落水人,以防止螺旋桨弄伤他。 3.

★●▲Describe briefly the GMDSS简要描述全球海上遇险和安全系统

1) Main objectives of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统主要目的

2)The components of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统的成分 3)Main functions of GMDSS 全球海上遇险和安全系统主要功能

The basic purpose of GMDSS is that search and rescue authorities ashore, as well as other ships in the vicinity, will be rapidly alerted to a distress, so that they can assist in SAR operation with the minimum delay. 全球海上遇险和安全系统的基本目的是使搜索和营救部门,以及附近其他船只,迅速地得到遇险警报,以便他给搜救和救援作业以及的协助。

The components of GMDSS are EPIRB, NAVTEX, DSC, and SART.全球海上遇险和安全系统包括,紧急无线电示位标,航行警告电传 ,数字选择性呼叫和搜救雷达应答器

The main function is to ensure that no matter where a ship is in distress, aid can be sent and more lives can be saved.GMDSSS主要功能是确保无论船在何处遇险,都可以得到援助并挽救更多的生命。 4.

★●Describe briefly the DSC distress alert简述数字选择性呼叫的遇险警报

1) The function of DSC 数字选择性呼叫的功能 2)The format of a distress alert遇险警报的格式 3)Summary 总结

The DSC (digital selective calling) is used in the GMDSS for transmitting distress alerts from ship or for transmitting the associated acknowledgements from the coast stations. It is also used for relaying distress alerts from either ships or coast stations. 在全球海上遇险和安全系统中,数字选择性呼叫用于船舶发出遇险警报或用于海岸电台发出相关的确认收到信息。它还可以被用作传达船舶或海岸电台的遇险警报。

The distress alert indicates the identity of the calling station and the purpose of the call, and contains the vessel’s MMSI, name, call sign, position, nature of distress, and assistance required. 遇险警报表明的呼叫电台的身份和呼叫的目的,又包含了船舶的海上移动识别码、船名、呼号、位置、困难类型,援助要求。

The DSC system plays an important role in the GMDSS.数字选择呼叫

系统在全球海上遇险和安全系统中起着重要的作用 问答题

1. ★●▲What does “initial course” mean in search and rescue operation?

It means the course directed by the OSC to be steered at the beginning of a search.

1) 初始航向”在“搜索和救援作业是什么意思?


2. ★●▲What does “jettison of cargo” mean?

It means to throw goods overboard to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of emergercy. 2)弃货物”的意思是什么?


3. ★●▲What is the difference between heel and list?

Heel means the inclination of the vessel caused by outside factors while list means the inclination of the vessel caused by inside factors. 3)倾向与横倾之间的差别是什么?

heel指横倾是由外在因素引起的.而list 是指船的横倾是由内部因素引起的。

4. ★●▲What does “EPIRB” stand for?

EPIRB stands for Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. 4)。应急无线电示位标”代表什么?

应急无线电示位标代表应急位置指示无线电广播台的。 5. ★●▲What does SAR stand for?搜救代表什么? SAR stands for Search and Rescue. 搜救代表搜寻和营救

6. ★●▲What is INMARSAT short for?

INMARSAT is short for International Maritime Satellite Organization. 6)★●▲简称海事卫星组织是什么? 海事卫星是国际海事卫星组织的简称。 7. ★●▲What does UTC stand for? UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinated. 7)协调世界时代表什么

协调世界时代表协调世界的通用时间 8. ★●▲What does RCC stand for? RCC stands for Rescue Coordination Center. 8)救援指挥中心代表什么 救援指挥中心协调营救中心 9. ★●▲What is the SART?

SART stands for Search and Rescue Radar Transponder.


搜救雷达应答器是代表搜寻和搜救的雷达应变器 10. ★●Can you list three or more search patterns?

There are four search patterns: expanding square search, sector search, parallel track, and ship/aircraft coordinated search. 10)你能列出三个或更多搜索的方式吗?


11. ★●▲What does a “hampered vessel” mean?

A vessel is restricted by her ability to maneuver in the nature of her work or its deep draft. 11)碍航船的意思是什么?

碍航船是指船舶的操纵性由于其工作的性质或是吃水而受到限制 12. ★●▲What does MMSI stand for?

MMSI stands for Maritime Mobile Service Identity. 12) 海上移动通信业务标识代表什么? 海上移动通信业务标识代表海上移动电台识别 13. ★●▲What do the “muster list” show?

Muster list a deployment list showing the functions of crew and passergers or board in distress or drill .. 13)应变部署表是什么?

应变部署表是表明在遇险和演习中船员和乘客作用的部署表。 14. ★●▲What does OSC stand for? OSC stands for On Scene Coordinator. 14) 现场协调员代表什么? 代表现场协调员。

15. ★●▲What does VHF stand for? VHF stands for Very High Frequency. 15)甚高频代表什么? 甚高频代表非常高的频率


16. ★●▲What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel? It is seven short blasts and one prolonged blast. 16)★●弃船的警告提示什么? 是七短声一长声。

17. ★●▲When will a parallel sweep search usually be used?

Parallel sweep search is used when two or more vessels take part in search and rescue operation in a large area with survivor’s location uncertain.



18. ★●▲When will a sector search pattern usually be used?

It is the most effective when one vessel in search accurately knows the object and the search area is small. 18)通常什么时候将采取分区搜索方式?


19. ★●▲When will the expanding square search usually be used? It is the most effective when one vessel in search knows the location of the object within relatively close limits. 19)通常什么时候将采取展开方形搜索?


20. ★●▲List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress?

Red rocket parachute flare, red hand flare, orange smoke signal, flames on the vessel, continuouss fog signal, and MAYDAY message.



21. ★●▲Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”?

Yes, I would. They are pronounced as Alfa, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. 21)。你能正确的读这个国际码“A”、“B”,“C”和“D”吗? 是的,我能。他们是 Alfa, Bravo, Charlie and Delta.。

22. ★●▲By regulation, what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?

The minimum amount of water is three liters.

22)。按规定救生艇内,每人的最少量的用水是多少吗? 水的最低限额是三升。

23. ★●▲”Smothering”闷熄 is a way of dealing with fire. How does it work?

It cuts off the oxygen necessary for combustion.. 23)“闷熄法是一种处理火灾方法。如何实施这一方法? 切断必要的氧气使火焰不能燃烧。

24. ★●What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?

When leaving a port where less than 25% of the crew has been replaced,

the fire drill may be postponed to a more suitable time. 24)。在什么情况下才可将消防演习推迟到更合适的时间? 当离开港口的时在该港口更换的船员不足25%,消防演习可以推迟到更适合的时间。

25. ★●▲A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag “I” what action should you take?

The ship hoisted the flag “I” means she is altering her course to portside. I should not take any action but pay attention to her movement.

25)在你船附近锚泊的船悬挂起信号旗“I”,你将采取什么行动? 悬挂“I”信号旗的船意味着船舶正在向左转向。要注意该船的运动。

26. ★●▲What altitude must a “rocket parachute flare” reach to comply with regulation?

It should be not less than 300 meters.

26)按规定火箭降落伞闪火焰信号必须发射到多高? 高度应不小于300米。

27.●▲What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ship’s side?

Stop the source of leakage if possible, plug the scupper and sound the alarm.

27。如果你在甲板上值班时发现船侧漏油,你要采取什么措施 如果可能阻止源漏,堵上排水孔拉响警报

28. ★●▲When would you need a “resuscitator”人工呼吸器? I need it when an injured person has been unconscious or his heart is not beating.


当伤员已经丧失意识,或者心跳停止时需要人工呼吸器。 29. ★●▲A ship ahead hoists the flag “D” and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts. What is the message?

Flag “D” means "keep clear of me I am maneuvering with difficulty”. That one long blast followed by two short blasts means that the vessel may be not under command or restricted in her ability to maneuver or constrained by her draught.

29)。前船挂" D "旗,并发出了一长音和两短音汽笛声。是什么信息? 旗" D "的意思是让开我船,我操纵有困难。一长两短汽笛声表示该船失控,操纵能力受限或是吃水受限

30. ★●▲What does 2182kHz mean to you? It’s the frequency for distress alert. 30)。2182kHz对你来说,意味着什么?


第十章 遇险


1 Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Blue Whale, Blue Whale, Blue Whale。WXCP, WXCP, WXCP(注意字母要拼读)。I am in position 47°04′N, 50°08′W, I am on fire after explosion in the engine room, I require fire-fighting assistance. mayday maydy mayday ,这是蓝鲸号,蓝鲸号.蓝鲸号 。Whisky x-ray charlie papa .我的位置是在′北纬47,04°南纬50.08°′,我的机舱正在着火,我需要消防协助。结束了。 Over. 2 Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is South Pacific, South Pacific, South Pacific, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, I am in position 22°04′N, 127°08′E, I am grounded on the bow, I require tug assistance Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,这是南太平洋号,南太平洋号,南太平洋号,NOPE, NOPE, NOPE,我在位置22°04′北纬、127。08东经,我的船首搁浅,我需要拖船的援助。. Over.

3 PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN,, this is White Snow, White Snow, White Snow, ALMI, ALMI, ALMI, I am in position 22°04′N, 127°08′E, my








PAN-PAN,PAN-PAN,PAN-PAN,这是白雪号,白雪号,白雪号,ALMI,ALMI,ALMI,我在位置北纬22.04度、东经127。08′,我的发动机坏了,我需要拖船的援助。. Over.

4 PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN,, this is Blue Sea, Blue Sea, Blue Sea, BERN, BERN, BERN, I am in position 22°04′N, 127°08′E, my steering







PAN-PAN,PAN-PAN,PAN-PAN,这是蓝海号,蓝海号,蓝海号,BERN, BERN, BERN, 我在位置北纬22°04′、东经127° 08′,我的舵有故障了,我需要护航. Over.

5 Before entering the lifeboat, all crew members should muster to the muster station wearing warm outer clothing and with lifejackets properly secured. Crew members should take the proper action as on the muster list在进入救生船,所有机组成员应该穿暖和的衣服和系牢救生衣到召集站聚集处。按照应变部署表船员应采取适当的行动.

After entering the lifeboat, personnel in the boat should remain seated。Lifejackets should be worn. In totally enclosed lifeboats seat belts should be secured. While craft are in the water, crews should practice manoeuvring the vessel by oar, sail or power as appropriate. 在进入救生船,所有机组成员应该穿暖和的衣服和系牢救生衣到召集站聚集处。按照应变部署表船员应采取适当的行动.

