五年级英语U6 In a nature park 教学设计

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Unit 6 In a NaturePark

A Let’s Learn

教学步骤: Step1.Warm up(0.5m) 1. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to learn a new topic Unit6 In a nature park. This class we will learn the new words in Part A Let’s learn.

Step2. Presentation(22.5m) 1.课前检测(2m)

T: Yesterday, we had a preview about Part A Let’s learn. Now Let me check you. Please match the pictures to the words.(利用pad的功能呈现座位表查看学生完成的进度、投影个别学生做题的过程,接着呈现得分率以及发批改给学生)

2. FLASH Game:图词搭配,让学生自己在游戏中了解单词的意思 (1.5m)

T: …% of you are wrong. But it doesn’t matter. Here comes a game. It will help you know the meaning of the words.Let’s try on your pads. 3. 单词教学(16m)

(1)Sharp eyes(复习旧单词,为学生在小组中学习单词做好准备)快速闪现旧单词,学生读出(1m)

T: Look,here comes a game“sharp eyes”, please read together. (2)根据旧单词读出新单词,先演示一个单词,再发送单词教学PPT给学生,让学生在小组讨论中尝试读出新单词。(3m)


T: Now I sent a PPT for you, please learn how to read the new words in your groups.


T: Now let me have a check. Which group want to try? (老师拿词卡逐个贴黑板,先请一组学生看词卡先说4个单词,然后询问其他学生的意见。接着,再请一个小组看词卡说5个单词,然后询问其他学生的意见。)

(4)呈现单词点读flash,全班跟读一次,纠正学生的错误发音,然后发点读flash给学生根据自我程度自我学习巩固。自由点读(2m) T: OK, now let’s read after the tape. Next I want you to practice reading by yourselves. Please put on your earphones.

(5)Look and answer: 老师问“What’s in the nature park?”,分别提问6个学生根据呈现的图片回答。(3m)

T: I took some pictures in a nature park. Next I want you have a look and answer my question like this: There is … in the nature park. (边说边板书句型)

(6) Pair work:老师推送“问答PPT”给学生,让同桌两人进行问答操练。(2m)

T: Now I sent the PPT for you, please practice ask and answer with your partners.

(7)Guessing game:呈现六个图片十秒并遮住,让学生尝试用“Is there



T:You did a job. Here comes a guessing game for you. Can you remember picture 1? Please guess like this “Is there a …? 4.课中测试: 选择题(3m)

T: Now I think you know more about the words. Let me check you again. Please choose the right pictures .(利用pad的功能呈现座位表查看学生完成的进度、投影个别学生做题的过程,接着呈现得分率以及发批改和答案给学生) Step3(13m)

1. 呈现生活中的一些著名的河流、湖、山峰、原始森林及自然公园的图片,并以Qifeng Park为例进行具体介绍。(3m)

T:This time many of you can do it right. Actually, there are many famous river, lake, mountain, nature park in China. Let’s have look.(引导学生说出This is… .) Let’s go and have a look at Qifeng Park. 2. 拓展(10m)


T: Next I want you to talk about the pictures on your photo. Please talk in your groups.请大家在小组里合作描述nature park。 (2)以抢答的形式让3个小组的学生站起来展示。(4m)

T: Now I want to choose 3 groups to show us. Let’s have an answer race(抢答),see which group can get the chance. (3) 发起投票(1m)

T: They did a good job. Let’s vote which group is the best. Step4. Summary(3m)

1. 指板书上的单词图片,让学生说一次.


T: In this class, we learned ….(引导学生说出单词) 2. Let’s chant

T: So many words. Here is a chant for you. Let’s listen to the chant first. This time let’s chant together. Step5: Homework.(1m)

Level 1: 画一幅nature park的图并标上单词. Level 2: 把小组合作描述公园的语句写下来.


