06 Manual Handling Risk Assessment by Steve Carey
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Manual Handling Risk Assessment 0006Stage One ManagerLine manager to Complete 1 Are all individuals involved been trained in Manual Handling 2 Do the regulations apply? (Any Lifting Pulling Pushing or Carrying) 3 Is there a risk of injury? 4 Is it reasonably practical to avoid moving the loads? 5 Is it reasonably practical to automate or mechanise the operations? 6 Does some risk of a manual handling injury remain after Q5 7 Carry out a Manual Handling Assessment 8 Identify the Tasks Involved 9 Any need to hold loads away from the trunk? 10 Any twisting involved? 11 Any stooping involved? 12 Any reaching upwards involved? 13 Any large vertical movements? 14 Any long carrying distances? 15 Any strenuous pushing or pulling? 16 Any likely unpredictable movement of loads? 17 Any repetitive handling? 18 Any insufficient rest or recovery time? 19 Any work rate imposed by the process? 20 Assess the Loads Involved 21 Is the load heavy? ( above 20kg) 22 Is it bulky or unwieldy? 23 Is it diffulcult to grasp? 24 Is it unstable/unpredictable? 25 Is it harmful ( e.g.sharp/hot) 26 Assess the Enviroment 27 Are there constraints on posture? 28 Is the floor condition poor? 29 Are there variations in levels? 30 Are the conditions hot/cold/humid/wet? 31 Are there strong air movements? 32 Are there poor lighting conditions? 33 Assess the individuals involved? 34 Is there a requirement of a unusual capability? 35 Is there a hazard to those with a health problem? 36 Is there a hazard to pregnant workers? 37 Is there a need for special training?
Review Date
Dec-13Yes or No
Job Number
If No sign off sheet If No sign off sheet If Yes sign off sheet If No go to Q7 If No sign off sheet
Line manager to Complete
38 Are there any other factors that could affect the load? Please List Any Others Below 39 Is movement or posture hindered by clothing or P.P.E? 40 41
P.T.O to add safe systems of work and controls for all the positive answers.
Manual Handling Risk Assessment 0006Stage OneManagerLine manager to Complete
123Is there a risk of injury?
4567Carry out a Manual Handling Assessment
Review DateMay-14Yes or No
NumberLine manager to Complete
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Review Date
Stage Two Determine measures to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level reasonably practical.
Is the risk of injury sufficiently reduced? ( If No, more measures/controls are required.) Review if conditions change significantly Signed
Manual Handling Risk AssessmentReview DateMay-14Determine measures to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level reasonably practical.
06 Manual Handling Risk Assessment by Steve Carey08-20
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