增城市永宁街小学英语集体备课记录表module 1

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六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit one (the first 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1、“四会”掌握单词和词组:field,pick,grass,feed,give,cow,sheep,other,few,goat,goose,river. 2、掌握句型: You can ...if you... 3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 2、听说为主,让学生在操练中加深对新知识的理解和运用。 Tape (record) Projection (drawing) Cards 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活 动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点: vocabulary and dialogue .。 三、教学难点:句型There be ?的运用 四、教学准备 1.教具准备:图片,电教媒体。 2.学生先学 1) 动物单词 2)用There be造句 五、教学过程 一、热身、复习Revision 1、歌曲:课本P6 Old Macdonald had a farm 2、明确学习目标 3. Let’s sing the song. 二、呈现Presentation 1、PPT示一个大农场情景,围绕:what,where,who,How,等特殊疑问词进行提问,复习动物类单词,遇到新单词就板书黑板;T—P P—P Q:1.What’s on the farm ? 2、What’s on my farm ?Can you guess ? Do you have any ? on your farm ? 3、Oh yes. I have many chickens Oh yes. I have a few horses 训练句型I have a few ... 4、So I have many ?, some?, a few ? and ? on the farm. 5、.There are also many plants on my farm. We grow peppers and potatoes in this field. And in that field we grow onions and broccoli. 6、Look & say. 复习植物类单词 We grow ? in this field. And in that field. we grow ? . 7、由上引出长句There are some apple trees in this field. You can pick some apples from the trees if you want. They’re delicious.着重朗读操练,小组长帮教,自由找朋友朗读形式。 8、Look & Say There are some ? trees in this field. You can pick some ? from the trees if you want. They’re ? . 9、整体学习课文 T:Children, there are so many things on my farm. OK, so much for that. Now let’s go to visit Uncle Chen. He also has a farm. Ben is also visiting Uncle Chen. They’re talking about the things on the farm. 10、听录音,完成任务; Listen and tick the things on the farm. 11、 重新听一次,对答案,小组交流三、Presentation and三、归纳巩固Summing-up 1.Let’s talk. 让学生做Uncle Chen ,根据文字及图片提示回答。 2.Let’s read. (1)让学生打开课本,把刚才的对话与原文对照,划出不同处。 (2)课文录音,留意停顿及连读并用符号标示出来。 (3)模仿录音熟读课文,特别是划线及标示部分要多读。 3、学习与归纳新单词 归类学习,小组比赛记忆 四、发展 Development 1.Let’s recite. 根据提示词复述课文 2.根据问题的提示完整介绍 Uncle Chen’s farm What does he grow on the farm ? What animals does he have ? What are the farmers doing ? 五、小结 1、提问方式以学生讲自己这节课的得和失。 2、把自己喜欢的单词或者句子读给大家听。 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进


六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit one (the second 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1、能正确认读以下词汇:other, river, feed the chickens and ducks… 2、能正确理解以上词汇的含义,并在已学句子中迅速作出反应。 3. Can sing the song in this module. 4、用几句话描写一种你熟悉的农场动物,要求语句连贯。过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 2、听说为主,让学生在操练中加深对新知识的理解和运用。 Tape (record) Projection (drawing) Cards 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活 动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点: 能运用There is…/There are to talk about existence;在交际的情景中进行交流。 三、教学难点::能运用Is/are there ……? Yes,there is/are ./ No, there isn’t/aren’t,在交际的情景中作出准确的反应。 四、教学准备 1.教具准备:课件、图片。 2.学生先学 1)用There be造句 五、教学过程 一、Leading-in a) Sing the song. b) Let’s play.(Where is the mouse?) 二、Pre-task a)用课件呈现farm picture,指导学生展开对话或表演Unit1对话。 b) 板书句子What are the farmers doing?及答句。 They are …… c) Look & say.It’s five thirty o’clock in the morning. But the animals on Uncle Chen’s farm are all out. Look, they are walking everywhere on the farm. Let’s go and tell Uncle Chen about that. d)Look, listen & answer. 1. 点击Uncle Chen的头像链接录音材料。教师可先 做示范,如回答Where are the cows ?这一问题:I see them in front of the big house. 2.建议先口头回答再写下来。 e)Let’s practice: What’s wrong? Where is the cat ? I see them in the tree. Where are the horses? I see it behind the big house. f)出示农场图:p:Uncle Chen, why are the animals all out ? Because they are hungry. 1、Now the farmers start to work.(出示喂鸡的图画) A: What is the farmer doing ? B: She’s feeding the chickens and ducks. A: What do the chickens and ducks eat? B: They eat rice.

三.Development 1、Let’s talk.(出示喂猪的图画) A: What is the farmer doing ? B: He’s _____________________________. A: What ______ the ____ eat? B: They eat ____ and ____. 2、两个同学分小组进行操练课本第3页的后三幅图。 3、Look & write. Fill in the form after the model, then do a report. Example: The cow eats grass. It gives us milk. 4、Look & say. Example: There is a cow near the rabbits. It’s strong. It’s black and white in colour. The cow eats grass. It can give us milk. 四、总结评价 今天我们学习了许多新知识。看板书,同学们平时要多用 学习过的句型There is/are….,What is/are ……doing? He/She is/they are…讲话,回家后要好好练习。 板书: Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? river other What are the farmers doing? They are …… feed the chickens and ducks feed the pigs A: What is the farmer doing ? B: She’s feeding the chickens and ducks. A: What do the chickens and duckseat? B: They eat rice. 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进


六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit one (the third 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1. Tell the position of something using prepositional of location. 2. Have pupils look at Task 1 on Page 3. Can talk about the flow chart with pupils. 4.To compare the regular and irregular plural forms of countable nouns. 过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点:Fun with language 三、教学难点:: Act out the dialogue 四、教学准备 1.教具准备:课件、图片。 2.学生先学 1)用There be造句 五、教学过程 一.激趣引入 1 . Greetings . 2 . Distation 3. Read the dialogue of Unit 1. 二. 合作探究 1.Sound family(Page 7) To compare the regular and irregular plural forms of countable nouns. To compare the usage of some for countable and uncountable nouns. (1).Read after to your teacher. (2).Found out different. 2.Fun with language. (1).Look, listen and answer.(Page 4) (2).Look and write. Fill in the form after the model, then do a report. (3) Look & say. Example: There is a cow near the rabbits. It’s strong. It’s black and white in colour. The cow eats grass. It can give us milk. (4)Read and write.(Page5) ? In Australia, people keep _____ for their milk and meat. ? People usually raise ______ for their wool. ? Llamas’ wool is good for making ______. ? People in Australia keep______, some big birds, for their meat. ? Some parts of the deer’s _____can be medicine. 3.Let’s talk. 教师以There are also many farms in China. These are the things we know very well. They are ? 引导学生说短语,如rice field, a farmer with a hat, a hardworking buffalo, house with trees and flowers, 为下一环节的听力做准备。 3.To practice There is ...and prepositional phrases of location orally through a survey activity. 4.Listen and tick or cross. ( ) (1) Lingling is visiting the farm with her friends. ( ) (2) Some farmers are picking vegetables on the farm. ( ) (3) The buffalo under the tree is eating grass. ( ) (4) There are some white boats on the river. 三.拓展延伸 Introduce the new vocabulary of animals with pictures . 四.总结评价 这堂课我们学习了Fun with language 的内容并做了有关知识的练习,希望同学们课后多讲多练。 板书:Unit 1 Fun with English 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进


六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit two (the first 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1.Vocabulary:country,life,grandparent,a.m.milk,... 2.Sentence句型:We have more than /a few... 3. Can talk about the life in the countryside. 过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 2、听说为主,让学生在操练中加深对新知识的理解和运用。 Tape (record) Projection (drawing) Cards 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点: To learn the new words and text.。 三、教学难点:To learn the new words and text. 四、教学准备 1.教具准备:图片,电教媒体。 2.学生先学 1) 动物单词 2)用There be造句 五、教学过程 一、Warming-up a) Chant: “Is there ??” Is there a cow on my farm, on my farm, on my farm ? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. Are there any cows, any cows, any cows?

Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.. b) Sing an English song:《Old MacDonald had a farm>>. 二、presentation and Practice 1.T:Have pupils look at the pictures on Page 8-9. To learn the new words:country,healthy,life,grandparent,busy, a.m.,milk,take,minute... 2. To read the words after to your teacher . 3. To learn the text. 1 ) Ask pupils to find out what the boy is doing in each small picture. Guide them to understand that the boy lives on a farm.Introduce the term country life. 2) Have pupils answer the comprehension questions, or look at their answers again if they have had a first attempt already. a. Where does Li Wei live? b. What does he do every morning? c. What does he have for breakfast? d. How does Li Wei go to school every day? d. How does Li Wei go to school every day? 3) Check the answers with pupils. a)提供学生更多的情景进行句型操练 。 b) 先看课文图片的人物,让学生进行看图说话. p: Li Wei often help his father milk the cows. He always has plenty of fresh milk for breakfast. He loves living in the country. c) Listen to the tape. d): Read the text after the teacher. e) Review the words and sentence patterns we have learned this text, to consolidate and practice. 三.Dilatation 1. Read the dialogue again. 2. Read the text after the tape. 3.Try to act out the text in pairs ,then in groups 4. Let the pupils talk about the life in the country. 5. Have pupils to do exercises for Unit 2 in Activity Book.. 四、Summary 提问学生今天所学习的新知识,让全班学生齐读板书的内容。强调同学们要每天多讲英语。 五、Homework 1、Copy the words and expressions. 2、Listen and read the text . Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life Country Li Wei loves living in the country. Healthy He lives on a small farm with his mum and life dad grandparents. grandparent busy He is always very busy. milk He often helps his father milk the cows. fresh ride a.m. take 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进


六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit two (the second 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1.Language knowledge语言知识: Vocabulary:take,still,help...with...,air,plenty of,fresh. 2.Sentence句型:1).We have more than /a few... 2).I never... Because... 3.能谈论农村的生活。 过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 2、听说为主,让学生在操练中加深对新知识的理解和运用。 Tape (record) Projection (drawing) Cards 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活 动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点:Can talk about the life in the countryside. 三、教学难点:To Can talk about the life in the countryside. 四、教学准备 1.教具准备:图片,课件。 2.学生先学 1) What can we do in the country? 五、教学过程 一、Warm-up 1、Sing an English song <>. 2. Free talk. 2、Then read the old words 二. presentation and Practice 1.从chant中引出新单词 板书: take,still,help...with...,air,plenty of,fresh 1) To learn the new words 2) To read the words after to your teacher . 3) Guess the words. 2.再运用What does Li Wei do in the country? 等问句引出学习词组. 板书: ① milk the cows; ② ride my bike; ③learn together ; ④finish my homework, feed our chickens ; ⑤ help my parents, feel tired, have plenty of exercise 3.熟读以上词组。 4.操练 For example T: What does Li Wei do in the country? P1: He helps his father milk the cows. P2: He rides his bike to school. P3: He feeds the chickens and helps his parents with other housework. 四、Summary 提问学生今天所学习的新知识,让全班学生齐读板书的内容。强调同学们要每天多讲英语。 P4: He has plenty of exercise, clean air and fresh food every. 1.配合TPR说句子(出示图) ① T: What is Li Wei doing? P: He is riding a bike. ② T: What is Li Wei doing? P: He is feeding the chickens. ③ T: What is Li Wei doing? P: He is milking the cows. 2.两人小组进行对话: 3. Act out the text. 三、 Development 1)小组合作完成小黑板的练习。并汇报 2) Finish the exercises in Unit 2 in Activity Book .

3) 让学生谈谈他们在农村的生活是怎样的,最好能用英语写出来。 四.Summing up 1、引导学生回忆所学的内容,再读一次词汇和重点句型。 2、结合板书再次归纳其用法,加深印象。 五.Homework 1. Copy the new words and learn them by heart. 2. Read the text five times. 板书: Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life ① milk the cows; ② ride my bike; ③learn together ; ④finish my homework ,feed our chickens ; ⑤ help my parents, feel tired, have plenty of exercise He helps his father milk the cows. He rides his bike to school. He feeds the chickens and helps his parents with other housework. 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进


六 年级 科目: 英语

课 题 备课教师 Unit two (the third 备课时间 period) 邹文敏 主备栏 辅备栏 一、教学目标: 知识与技能 1. Ask about the existence of something using Is there / Are there ?? 2. State the existence of something using There is/are ... 3. Can talk about the life in the country. 4. Can tell where the things in the bedroom. 过程与方法: 1、利用图片、录音、课件联系实际生活创设情景,让教学情景化。 2、听说为主,让学生在操练中加深对新知识的理解和运用。 Tape (record) Projection (drawing) Cards 情感与态度: 1、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活 动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 2、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 二、教学重点:Fun with language 三、教学难点:Can tell where the things in the bedroom.四、教学准备 1.教具准备:图片,电教媒体。 2.学生先学 1) 运用五个W 同桌进行问答。 五、教学过程 一.Warm-up 1 . Greetings . 2 . Dictation . 3. Read the text of Unit 2. 二. 合作探究 Fun with language. 1. To listen to, with understanding,6 sentences. Each sentence describes what a family member of Li Hua is doing on the farm. e.g : (1)Li Hua’s father is going rice in the field. (2)Her grandfather is milking the cow. ( 3)Her grandfather is picking fruits from the trees. (4) Her mother is growing vegetables in the fields. (5)Her aunt is cutting grass. (6)Li Hua is working hard too. She is feeding the pigs. 2. Ask and answer: To talk about a farm. Language focus. --Could you tell me the way...? --Where is ...? --Where are ...? --Are there any...? 3. Read and tick or cross. 1) To read, with understanding, apassage about a grandfather’s childhood days on a farm. 学习并板书下列短语: grew rice, cooked their food, took the vegetables, had time to play, bought toys ,help his father 2) Ask pupils to look at the picture. Tell pupils that the passage is about a person’s grandfather. 3) Give pupils time to study the 3 pictures. Talk about the 3 pictures with pupils. 4. Do the project. a) Pupils design their dream farms and introduce them to the class. b) Language focus: There is.../There are... --a... some... 5. Story time. A) Listen to the tape then answer the questions. ①What will Ben ,Xiaoling and Aki do in the countryside? ②What will they eat? ③Will they enjoy the picnic? b) Read after the tape. c) Have pupils act out the story in pairs. 三.拓展延伸 1)做活动手册Unit2的练习。 2)巩固一般过去时的用法。 四.总结评价 同学们对于本单元所学的课文,单词掌握得都比较好,但个别同学对课文还不是很熟悉,单词没有记熟,希望回去读熟它,学习更进一步. 五. Homework 1. Copy the words and remember the words. 2. Read the dialogue and do exercise . 教学 最大亮点 反思 有待改进

