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This specification defines the welding, thermal treatment, examination, and testing requirements for shop and field fabrication of storage tanks. It supplements the codes listed in Section 2.0 of this specification.



Vendor-Contractor: The word Vendor-Contractor will be used for the 卖方-承包商: Owner:业主: Licensor:签证方:

main supplier responsible for Welding.

“卖方-承包商”用来指负责焊接的主要供货方。 The word Owner will be used for BASF-YPC. “业主”一词用来指BASF-YPC。 The Licensors are BASF or BASELL etc. 专利商指BASF 或 BASELL等。

Purchaser:采购方: Party responsible for issuing the Purchase Order.

This may be the main Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor acting as an agent for the Owner.



The following Codes, Standards and Specifications form a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the references thereto. When an edition date is not indicated for a code or standard, the latest edition and addenda in force at time of purchase shall apply.




API (American Petroleum Institute) API(美国石油协会)

Standard 620 标准 620 Standard 650 标准 650

Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks 大型、焊接、低压储罐的设计和施工的推荐规则。 Welded Steel Tanks for oil storage. 焊接钢制原油储罐



Section II, Part C 第II章,C篇 Section V 第V章

Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals 焊条、电焊条和填充金属 Nondestructive Examination 无损检测

Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels 压力容器施工规则

Welding and Brazing Qualifications 焊接与钎焊评定

ASME (American Society Of Mechanical Engineers) Boiler And Pressure Vessel Code)

Section VIII, Div. I 第VIII章,第I分册 Section IX 第IX章


ASNT (American Society Of Nondestructive Testing) ASNT(美国无损检测协会)


Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification 无损检测人员资格和取证推荐规则




Standard Practice for Indentation Hardness of

ASTM (American Society For Testing And Materials)

E10 E18

E92 E110 E140

Metallic Materials by Comparison Hardness Tester

用比较硬度测试仪确定金属材料压痕硬度的准则 Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials


Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials


Standard Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials


Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers


Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals





Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive Examination 焊接、钎焊和无损检测的标准符号

A3.0 Z49.1


Storage tanks fabricated within the Peoples Republic of China shall be designed, fabricated, inspected and tested fully in accordance with the latest revision of all applicable Chinese codes, standards, and project specifications, (unless otherwise stated in the applicable design documents)

The requirements of this specification shall also apply, except that references to ASME, API, AWS etc. shall be modified to equivalent Chinese codes and standards.

在中国制造的储罐,其设计、制造、检验与测试应完全符合所有最新版的相关中国规范、标准和项目规范(除非在相关设计文件中另有说明)。除了ASME, API, AWS等相关的参考文件按照中国标准和规范的要求进行相应的修订外,本规格书技术要求也同样适用。


Petrochemical design specification for vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks.



Seismic design specification for petrochemical steel facilities



Vertical cylindrical steel welded storage tanks,

Chinese National Codes and Standards 中国国家规范和标准

Standard Welding Terms and Definitions 标准焊接术语和定义

Safety in Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes 焊接、切割和二者结合的安全

AWS (American Welding Society) AWS(美国焊接协会)

fabrication, inspection and testing specifications. 立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐的制造、检验和试验规范。


Code of design for low pressure foam extinguishing systems. (2000 Revision)


All other relevant Chinese standards and regulations. 所有其他相应的中国标准和规程。

The above with exception of welded low pressure storage tanks, with a inside diameter over 15 meters, these are subject to API 620.


2.7 3.0


Welding to this specification shall conform to the requirements of the API 620 or API 650, whichever is applicable. Compliance with this specification and authorization of Welding Procedure Specifications and Procedure Qualification Records shall in no way relieve the Vendor-Contractor of the responsibility of providing welds which are sound and suited to the services for which they are intended.



When the requirements of specifications listed in Section 2.0 above conflict with this specification, Vendor-Contractor shall immediately submit the matter to Purchaser for determination and written clarification.



Welding and nondestructive testing symbols shall be in accordance with AWS A2.4.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 通用技术要求 BASF RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5 (attached) BASF RPI 94/1附录8.5(附后)

焊接和无损检测符号应与AWS A2.4一致。


Welding terms and definitions shall be in accordance with the AWS A3.0.

焊接术语和定义应与AWS A3.0一致。


Safety measures for the protection of welders and operators involved in welding and cutting shall be in accordance with the practices specified in AWS Z49.1 plus all local, state, federal and other governing regulations.

有关焊接和切割的焊工和操作工的安全防护措施应与AWS Z49.1中条款一致,还应符合当地、国家、联邦政府和其他政府法规。



Tack welds shall be made with the same AWS classification consumable that is used for the root pass.



Peening the weld is not allowed, chipping to remove slag using air tools is not considered peening.



Cleanliness shall be maintained during fabrication of welding. All stubs, rods, flux, slag and other foreign material shall be removed from inside and outside the tank.



Attachments such as lugs, clips, support rings and similar items shall not be located on a weld seam without prior authorization from Purchaser.


3.10 Tank design shall incorporate butt-welded or double fillet welded lap

joints between roof plates. Lap joints shall be in the direction which will shed water or drain to the edge of the roof.


3.11 Unless otherwise specified, all welded attachments shall be fully seal





4.1 WPS (Welding Procedure Specification), PQR (Procedure Qualification Record), and Welder's Performance Qualification shall conform to the Unless otherwise specified, all welded attachments shall be fully seal requirements of ASME Section IX, API 620 Section 4.7 or API 650 Section 7 whichever is applicable, and to the requirements of this specification. On the WPS and PQR, the type and brand of welding materials shall be indicated.

WPS(焊接工艺规程)、PQR(焊接工艺评定)和焊工资格考试应满足本规程的要求,除非另有说明;所有焊接附件应符合ASME 第IX卷,API 620 4.7章或API 650 第7章的全密封焊的要求,取适用的那个。焊接材料的类型和牌号应在WPS和PQR上标明。

4.2 Welding Procedure Specification (ASME Form QW-482 or equivalent) and PQRs (ASME Form QW-483 or equivalent) shall be submitted to Purchaser prior to the start of fabrication. Welding shall not proceed until these documents are returned to the Vendor-Contractor with authorization to proceed. 焊接工艺规程(ASME表格QW-482或等同表格)及焊接工艺评定(ASME表格QW-483或等同表格)应在制造开始之前提交采购方。只有在这些文件被批准实施返给卖方-承包商之后,焊接才能进行。


Welds that are deposited by procedures differing from those authorized by Purchaser may be subjected to complete removal at Vendor-Contractor's expense. 按照与采购方批准工艺不相同的工艺施焊的焊缝可能要彻底铲除,由此产生的费用由卖方-承包商承担。


All WPS and PQR for purchased items subcontracted by the prime Vendor-Contractor shall be reviewed by the prime Vendor-Contractor for content and contract compliance prior to submittal to Purchaser .所有被主卖方-承包商分包出去的采购项目的WPS和PQR,都应由主卖方-承包商对其内容和合同符合性进行审查,然后再提交给采购方。


Submerged arc welding of production parts shall be performed using the same name brand flux and the same name brand of wire as used for the PQR.生产部件的埋弧焊应使用用于PQR的相同牌号的焊剂和焊丝。


In case of hardness or notch toughness requirements, welding of production parts shall be performed using the same brand and type as used in the PQR.



Vendor-Contractor shall submit a detailed weld map to Purchaser at the time of WPS/PQR submittal. Fabrication shall not start until the weld map is returned with instruction to proceed. The weld map shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: 卖方-承包商应在向采购方提交WPS/PQR的同时提交一份详细的焊缝布置图。只有焊缝布置图的允许实施意见返回之后,制造才能开始。焊缝形式图至少应包含下列资料:


Sketch of the tank.罐体简图。

Material type and grade for each type of tank component.每种形式罐体构件的材料类型和等级。

WPS to be used for each typical seam, typical large nozzle connection, typical small nozzle connections , roof seams and floor seams. 用于每种典型焊缝、典型大尺寸接管接头、典型小尺寸接管接头、典型顶板焊缝和典型底板焊缝的焊接工艺规程。



5.0 5.1

Shielded Metal-Arc Welding保护金属极电弧焊


Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding 钨极气体保护电弧焊 Automatic Submerged Arc Welding 自动埋弧焊 (喷射或熔滴过渡)

A combination of the above processes.上述方法的组合方法


FCAW (spray or globular transfer) process shall be limited to the following (other limitations maybe applied):

FCAW (喷射或熔滴过渡)方法限于下列焊接(可能还有其他限定情况)

A. B. C.

Weld out of pressure retaining welds in P-1 and P-8 materials.用P-1和P-8材料制造的非承压焊缝

FCAW is not acceptable for root passes of butt welds when welding from one side.当从单面焊时,FCAW不能用于对接接头的根部焊道焊接。 The root pass of butt welds in P-1 materials when welded from both sides, provided the first pass is completely removed by back-gouging prior to start of welding from the second side.当从双面焊时,采用P-1材料的对接接头的根部焊道,条件是,在开始从另一面焊接之前,要将第一道焊道彻底清根。 D. E.

External gas shielding is required except per 5.2.E.除采用5.2.E外,要求采用外部气体保护。

FCAW (spray or globular transfer) with self-shielding wire is acceptable for non-pressure retaining welds in P-1 materials that are limited to 3/8

Welding Process AWS Letter Designation 美国焊接协会焊接方法的字母表示方法:


Type of joint (i.e., full penetration, fillet, socket, partial penetration, etc.). 焊缝类型(即,全熔透焊缝、角焊缝、承插焊缝、部分熔透焊缝)

Gas Metal Arc Welding (Spray or Globular Transfer)熔化极气体保护电弧焊

inch (9.5 mm) leg length and are not subject to impact requirements.对于采用P-1材料、焊脚不超过3/8英寸(9.5mm)、且没有冲击要求的非承压焊缝,采用自保护焊丝的FCAW(喷射或熔滴过渡)是允许的。 F. G. H. I.

FCAW using short circuit transfer is prohibited.采用短路过渡的FCAW是被禁止的。

Electrode diameter shall not exceed 1/8 inch (3.2 mm).焊条直径不应超过1/8英寸(3.2mm)。

Vertical downhill welding is not acceptable.垂直向下焊是不允许的。 Wind velocity shall not exceed 5 mph in the weld area, unless the weld is sheltered from the wind.焊接区域的风速不能超过5 mph,除非焊缝有防风保护。


If GMAW - Short Circuit Transfer process is authorized for a particular application it will be limited to (other limitations may be applied):如果GMAW-短路过渡方法被允许用于特殊场合,有下列限制(可能还有其他限定情况):

A. B.

Carbon steel only.仅用于碳钢

Root pass and weld out through 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) wall thickness. Root pass only on wall thickness greater than 3/8 inches (9.5 mm).根部焊道和壁厚超过3/8英寸(9.5mm)的焊缝。根部焊道仅为在壁厚超过3/8英寸(9.5mm)上的。



Root passes can be made in any direction, but fill and cap passes shall not be made in the downhill direction below the 2 o'clock position.根部焊道可以从任意方向焊接,但填充和盖面焊道不可以在低于2点的位置向下焊接。


Other welding processes require specific written authorization from Purchaser. Submit all pertinent data and intended application of said process for evaluation. Application of these processes shall not be assumed acceptable by the Vendor-Contractor during bid preparation.其他焊接方法要求得到采购方的书面认可。提交所有的相关数据和打算使用的工艺供评价。在投标阶段,这些工艺的采用不能假设被卖方-承包商接受。

6.0 6.1 6.2

Filler metal chemistry for similar metal welds shall match that of the base metal. Similar metallurgical properties shall be produced.用于同类金属焊缝的填充金属的化学成份应与母材的相匹配,并产生相似的金属性能。


All dissimilar metal welded joints should be avoided whenever practical. When proposed, specific authorization must be obtained from Purchaser .所有异质金属接头应尽量避免。当需要时,必须从采购方获得明确授权。


Solid wires for automatic welding processes shall contain the principal elements required for the deposited weld metal. Welds deposited by the submerged arc process shall not derive any principal element from the flux.用于自动焊的实芯焊丝应含有熔敷金属所需要的主要元素。采用埋弧焊得到的焊缝不能从焊剂获得任何主要元素。


Fluxes that the flux Manufacturer recommends for single pass shall not be used for multiple pass welds.焊剂制造商推荐用于单道焊焊缝的焊剂不能用于多Filler metal shall be as specified in ASME Section II, Part C.填充金属应按ASME 第II章, C篇规定。 FILLER MATERIALS 填充材料



Filler wires in specification AWS A5.2 shall not be used for welding with GTAW process.

AWS A5.2 规范中的填充焊丝不能用于采用GTAW方法的焊接。


Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for all shell course, bottom plates and other pressure retaining welds. For carbon steel piping welded from one side only, E6010 may be used for the root pass. For non-pressure retaining welds of roof plate, AWS Classification E6010, E6011,E6012, E7024 and E7027 may be used.所有壳体、底板和其他承压焊缝都应采用低氢焊条。只能从一侧焊接的碳钢管道,可以采用E6010焊接根部焊道。顶板的非承压焊缝,可以采用AWS等级E6010, E6011,E6012, E7024 和 E7027焊条。

6.8 6.9

After opening shipping containers of electrodes, fluxes and other welding materials, storage and handling shall be as specified in the Manufacturer's recommendations and ASME Section II, Part C.在打开焊条、焊剂和其他焊接材料的装运包装之后,储存和管理应按照制造商推荐的和ASME第II卷, C篇的规定做。


When requested, the Vendor-Contractor shall submit his procedure for the storage and handling of electrodes, filler metal and fluxes to Purchaser for review prior to the start of fabrication. The procedure shall include moisture, cleanliness and identification controls.当有要求时,在制造开始前,卖方-承包商应将其焊条、填充金属和焊剂的储存和管理程序提交采购方审核。该程序应包括湿度、清洁度和标识控制。


Carbon and low allow steel electrodes/barewire that have a nonspecific chemistry as indicated by a G\EXXTX-G shall not be used.具有无规定化学性能,标有“G”级标志的碳钢和低合金钢焊条/光焊丝,即EXXX-G 或 ERXXX-G, EG, EXXTX-G,不能使用。


Weld metal analysis for P-1 material shall be “A1”. The use of carbon - 1/2 Coated electrodes shall be purchased in hermetically sealed containers. 应采购放在密闭容器内的药皮焊条。

Moly filler metal (such as ER80S-D2) for welding of carbon steel is not permitted.P-1材料的焊缝金属分析应为“A1”。不允许使用碳-1/2钼填充材料(例如ER80S-D2)进行碳钢焊接。




Weld joint preparation shall be made by machining, grinding, or thermal cutting. When thermal cutting is performed, the joint surfaces shall be mechanically cleaned to sound metal prior to welding. 焊接接头的准备应采用机械加工、磨削或热切割方法。当采用热切割法时,在焊接之前,接头表面应用机械法清理至基本金属。


The parts to be joined by fillet welding shall be brought together as close as practical. The gap between faying surfaces of lap joints should not exceed 3 mm (1/16 in.). If the separation is greater than 3 mm after straightening and assembly, the leg of the fillet weld shall be increased by the amount of separation, but shall not exceed 5 mm (3/16 inch).通过角焊缝连接的部件应尽可能贴紧。搭接接头结合表面的间隙不应超过3mm(1/16英寸)。如果在夹紧和组装后,间隙仍然大于3mm,应根据间隙大小增大角焊缝焊脚高度,但不能超过5mm(3/16英寸)。

7.3 7.4 7.5

Bottom plates shall be welded in a sequence that will result in the least amount of distortion to provide, as nearly as possible, a plane surface.底板的焊接顺序应使变形最小,尽可能焊成平面。


Backup rings or strips, where permitted, shall be of the same chemical analysis as the base plate, except for low alloy base plate the backup strip may be low carbon steel.在允许使用背部衬环或垫板的地方,除了低合金钢底板可以采用低碳钢背部垫板外,衬环或垫板应具有与母材相似的化学性能。


After the removal of any temporary backup rings or strips, the weld area shall be dressed and visually examined for possible cracks.在拆除背部衬环或垫板之后,焊接区域要进行打磨,并目检是否有裂纹。

Shell to bottom fillet welds shall consist of two passes minimum, both sides.壳体-底板角焊缝至少焊两道、两面焊。

All shell joints shall be full penetration, double welded joints.所有壳体接头应为全焊透、双面焊接头。


Surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free from paint, oil, dirt, scale, oxides, and other foreign material detrimental to the integrity of the weld.焊接表面应干净,没有油漆、油、垃圾、污垢、氧化物和其他对焊缝的完整性有害的异物。


Cleanliness shall be maintained during fabrication welding. All stubs, rods, flux, slag, and other foreign material shall be removed from the equipment.在焊接过程中,应始终保持清洁度。所有焊棒、焊丝、焊剂、焊渣和其他异物都应从设备上清除。


Grinding wheels and austenitic stainless steel wire brushes used on austenitic or other higher nickel and nonferrous alloys shall not have been previously used on ferrous materials, copper alloys, aluminum or zinc coatings (paint or galvanizing).用于奥氏体或其他高镍及非铁素体合金的砂轮和奥氏体不锈钢丝刷,应未在在铁素体材料、铜合金、铝或锌涂层(油漆或镀锌)上使用过。


Contamination of austenitic stainless steel and nickel alloys by zinc and other low melting point metals shall be avoided. Welding of galvanized attachments or galvanized attachments from which the galvanizing has nominally been removed by mechanical means, or material painted with zinc rich paint, to austenitic stainless steel or nickel alloys is not permitted.应避免锌和其他低熔点金属对奥氏体不锈钢和镍合金的污染。镀锌附件或镀锌层名义上已用机械方法去除了的镀锌附件、或涂有富锌漆的材料,不允许和奥氏体不锈钢或镍合金焊接。


All production bottom plate lap welds shall be full-fillet welds (as defined in API 650, Paragraph 3.1.1).所有产品底板搭接焊缝应为满焊角焊缝(按API 650, 第3.1.1节规定)。

8.0 8.1

Preheat Temperatures for thermal cutting, tack welding and welding, and interpass temperature shall be in accordance with API 620, Appendix H, or API 650 Paragraph 5.2.1(2), whichever is applicable. 热切割、点焊和焊接的预热温度及层间温度应符合API 620, 附录 H, 或 API 650 第 5.2.1(2)节,取适用的那个。



The maximum interpass temperature for austenitic stainless steel shall be 350oF (177oC) and for low alloy and carbon steel it shall be 300 deg C.奥氏体不锈钢的最大层间温度为350oF (177oC),低合金钢和低碳钢为300℃


PWHT (Postweld Heat Treatment) shall be performed in accordance with API 620, Paragraph 3.25, or API 650 Paragraph 3.7.4, whichever is applicable.PWHT(焊后热处理)应符合API 620, 第 3.25节, 或 API 650 第 3.7.4节,取适用的那个。


Specific nondestructive examination, in addition to the API 620 or API 650 requirements, will be noted on Purchaser equipment drawings, Project specifications, or Purchase Orders. When purchased equipment drawings are not provided, these requirements shall be noted on the Vendor-Contractor's tank drawings submitted for Purchaser’s approval. 除了API 620 或 API 650的 要求外,无损检测还应标在采购设备图纸、项目技术规格书或采购定单上。当没有提供采购设备图纸时,这些要求应标在已提交采购方批准的卖方-承包商的储罐图上。


All nondestructive examinations shall be performed by personnel certified in accordance







Vendor-Contractor's own certification program that has been authorized by Purchaser.无损检测应由根据ASNT推荐规则SNT-TC-1A 或由采购方授权的卖方-承包商自己的取证程序获得资格证书的人员进行。

9.3 9.4

When requested, procedures shall be submitted to Purchaser, in which case examination shall not proceed until authorized by Purchaser. In addition, all other records pertaining to inspection and certification shall be available for review by Purchaser.当有要求时,检验程序应提交,在此情况中,未经采购方批准,检验就不能进行。另外,所有有关检验的记录和证明都应能够提供给采购方审查。


The Vendor-Contractor shall perform a visual examination of all completed welds. The Vendor-Contractor shall verify that all welding has been performed is in accordance with API 620 or API 650, whichever is applicable. Welds which are suspect of any defect shall be verified by the vacuum box test per Visual Examination 外观检验

Interpretation of results shall be performed by personnel certified Level II or III.结果的判定应由有II 级或 III级证书的人员承担。


API 650 Paragraph 5.3.3 or other suitable methods such as RT per API 650 Section 6.卖方-承包商应对所有已完工焊缝进行外观检验。卖方-承包商应确认所有的焊接工作都是按照API 620 或 API 650 (取适用的那个)施工的。任何有可疑缺陷的焊缝应通过按照API 650 第5.3.3章要求的真空箱试验或其他合适的方法,如按照API 650 第6节要求的RT进行检验。



Magnetic particle examination procedures shall be in accordance with the requirements and methods specified in API 620 Paragraph 5.20, API 650 Paragraph 6.2, and ASME Code, Section V, Article 7. 磁粉检验规程应按照API 620 第 5.20节、 API 650 第 6.2节和ASME 规范第 V卷的第 7章规定的技术要求和方法。


Magnetic particle examination of welds shall include a band of base metal at least one inch wide on each side of the weld.焊缝的磁粉检验范围应为包括焊缝每侧至少1英寸宽母材的一条带。


The evaluation of indications and the acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 6, Paragraph 6.4.显像评定和验收标准应符合ASME 规范第VIII卷之第1册, 附录6, 第 6.4节。


If arc burns occur during magnetic particle examination, the arc burns shall be removed and the area reexamined by the magnetic yoke method.如果在磁粉检测期间发现有电弧烧伤现象,应将电弧烧伤去除,该区域用磁轭法重新检测。



Liquid penetrant examination procedures shall be in accordance with API 620 Paragraph 5.22, API 650 Section 6 Paragraph 6.4, and ASME Code, Section V, Article 6.液体渗透检测规程应符合API 620 第5.22节、 API 650 第6章 6.4节和ASME 规范第V卷, 第6章。


Penetrant materials shall meet the requirements of Paragraph T-641 of

Liquid Penetrant Examination 液体渗透检测 Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验

Article 6, Section V of ASME Code, for sulfur and halogen content regardless of the type of material to be examined.渗透材料应符合ASME规范第V卷第6章T-641节的要求,不管被检测材料为何种类型,都要检测硫和卤素含量。


Liquid penetrant examination of welds shall include a band of base metal at least one inch wide on each side of the weld.焊缝液体渗透检测的带宽应为焊缝两侧至少包含1英寸母材。



The evaluation of indications and the acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 8, Paragraphs 8.3 and 8.4.显像评定和验收标准应符合ASME 规范第VIII卷之第1分册, 附录 8, 8.3 和 8.4节。



Ultrasonic examination procedures shall be in accordance with the requirements and methods specified in API 620 Paragraph 5.21, API 650 Paragraph 6.3, and the ASME Code, Section V, Article 5.

超声波检测规程应符合API 620 第 5.21节、 API 650 第 6.3条和ASME 规范第 V卷的第5章规定的技术要求和方法。


The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 12, Paragraph 12.3.验收标准应符合ASME规范第VIII卷之第1分册,附录12,12.3条。



Radiographic examination procedures shall be in accordance with the requirements and methods specified in ASME Code, Section V, Article 2 and as modified by API 620 Paragraph 5.17, or 650 Paragraph 6.1, whichever is applicable. 射线检测规程应符合ASME规范第V卷之第2章所述的要求和方法及API 620第5.17节或650第6.1节(取适用的那个)的修改内容。


Extent of radiographic examination shall be in accordance with API 620, Paragraph 5.16 or API 650, Paragraph 6.1, whichever is applicable.射线检测的范围应符合API620第5.16节或API 650第6.1节,取适用的那个。


Interpretation and acceptance criteria of radiographs shall be in accordance with API 650 Section 6 and ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UW-51b.射线检测的判定和验收标准应符合API650第6章和ASME规范第VIII卷第1分册,第UW-51b条。

Radiographic Examination 射线检测 Ultrasonic Examination超声波检测



Internal surfaces of tanks which are to be lined or painted shall have the interior wiped clean of any solvents or other petroleum type oils which were used during vacuum box testing or other NDE. Tank surfaces that are to be coated shall have a soluble soap solutions used in leak testing.将要加衬里或油漆的罐体内表面应清除在进行真空试验或其他无损检测期间使用的溶剂或油类物质。罐体表面可以保留有用于试漏的可溶性肥皂液。


Tank bottom welds, including welds attaching the lower shell course, shall be vacuum box tested. A corner-type tester shall be used to ensure testing of the bottom welds near the shell and the bottom-to-shell welds. Welds shall be observed for detection of leaks while coated with a bubble-forming solution and under a vacuum applied to the testing box of at least 21 kPa.罐底板焊缝,包括低的壁板附着焊缝,应进行真空试验。应使用角型检测器确保靠近壁板的底板焊缝和底板与壁板角焊缝的检测。当涂上起泡溶液且在真空度至少21千帕下,可以观察焊缝的泄漏情况。


Vacuum box testing may be used in lieu of internal pressure leak detection to test the roof of any tank for leaks.真空试验可以用于测试任何罐顶泄漏的内压检漏。

10.0 10.1


For ferritic steels, hardness tests on a cross section through the weld, heat affected zone and adjacent base metal shall be performed. The hardness measurement shall be made on a polished and etched cross section of the weld. Hardness traverses shall be taken maximum 2 mm from both surfaces of the test sample. Three hardness tests shall be performed in each area. Test method shall be the Vicker’s method in

PQR (Welding Procedure Qualification Record) Hardness Testing PQR(焊接工艺评定记录)硬度试验

MECHANICAL TESTING OF WELDS 焊缝的机械性能检测 Vacuum Box Testing真空检测

accordance with ASTM E92.

对于铁素体钢,硬度测试应覆盖焊缝、热影响区和邻近母材区域。硬度测量应在焊缝磨光且腐蚀过的表面上进行。试样两侧表面硬度的测试错开最大2mm。每个区域至少应测试3个硬度值。测试方法应为与ASTM E92一致的维氏法。



When postweld heat treatment is required, hardness testing shall be performed after postweld heat treatment.当有焊后热处理要求时,硬度测试应在焊后热处理之后进行。


P-1 and P-4 Materials P-1和P-4 材料 1.

Hardness results shall not exceed 210 HV10 for P-1 material and 237 HV10 for P-4 material.对于P-1材料和 P-4 材料,硬度值分别不应超过210 HV10和237 HV10。



Equipment used for production hardness testing shall be calibrated on a daily basis. Personnel performing hardness testing shall be familiar with all hardness testing procedures and test methods 用于产品硬度测试的设备应每天校验。测试硬度的人员应熟悉所有的硬度测试规程和测试方法。


Hardness testing of production welds in ferritic steels shall be performed using portable test equipment. Measurement shall be made on properly prepared surfaces of the weld and heat affected zones. Procedure for hardness testing shall be submitted to Purchaser 铁素体钢产品焊缝的硬度测试应使用便携式测试设备。测量应在焊缝和热影响区准备好的表面上进行。硬度测试的程序应提交采购方。


The hardness shall be determined as an average of three (3) tests as follows – the weld itself, the heat affected zone and the base material. Reading shall be taken on inside of the storage tank. All readings shall be reported in the hardness test report.硬度值应按下列三个测试点的平均值确定——焊缝本身、热影响区和母材。应在储罐内取读数。所有的读数都应写在硬度测试报告上。


Purchaser 's representative(s) may witness the performance of production hardness testing. The documented test results shall be

Production Welds Hardness Testing 产品焊缝硬度检测

submitted to Purchaser when requested.采购方代表可能见证产品硬度测试过程。当有要求时,记录的测试结果应提交给采购方。


One hardness test per 300 m (1000 ft) of weld, and for each nozzle weld shall be made.每300米(1000英尺)长焊缝测试一处硬度,每一个接管焊缝测试一处硬度。


P-1 and P-4 Materials P-1 和 P-4材料 1. 2.

One test from each longitudinal, circumferential, and nozzle weld is required. 要求每条纵焊缝、环焊缝和接管测试一处。

Hardness results shall not exceed 210 HV10 for P-1 material and 237 HV10 for P-4 material. P-1 和 P-4材料的硬度值分别应不超过210 HV10和237 HV10。


Procedure qualification for welding materials having Charpy impact values shall require Charpy Vnotch impact tests of the weld metal and heat affected zone. Impact testing shall be performed in accordance with API 620, Appendix Q or API 650, Section 7 whichever is applicable. 具有夏比冲击值的焊接材料的工艺评定要求对焊缝和热影响区进行夏比V型缺口试验。冲击试验应符合API 620, 附录 Q 或 API 650, 第7节,取适用的那个。



600 mm of lap weld shall be fabricated for test specimens. This test joint shall be made using the same fabrication (electrode, plate, and weld procedure) as used to make the production joint.搭接焊缝应制作600毫米长的试板。该试验接头应采用与制造产品试板相同的方法(焊条、板和焊接工艺)制作。

Lap Welded Tank Bottoms Welding Procedure Qualification搭接焊罐底焊接工艺评定

Impact Testing (Charpy V-Notch) 冲击试验(夏比V型缺口)



Three tensile test strips 75 mm by 450 mm shall be cut from the test weld. The minimum breaking load of the strips shall be at least 70 percent of the minimum ultimate strength of the unwelded plate. A weld shall indicate at least 95 percent shear fracture.

从试验焊缝上截取3个75 mm × 450 mm的拉伸试样。试样的最小拉断强度至少为未焊板材抗拉极限强度的70%。 焊缝应显示至少95%剪断断口。


Three cross sections of the test plate weldment shall be polished and etched sufficiently to show the weld's penetration into the base material. Full fusion shall exist throughout each cross section. A minimum of 3/32 inch (2.5 mm) penetration into the bottom plate shall exist. 截取焊接试板三个截面抛光,并进行足够腐蚀直至显示焊缝熔入母材。贯穿每个截面的熔合线应存在。底板内的熔深最小为3/32英寸(2.5mm)。

11.0 11.1

Unacceptable discontinuities shall be completely removed by chipping, gouging, grinding, or other methods (for the type of material being repaired) to clean, sound metal, and the excavated area shall be examined by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods to assure complete removal of defects.不合格的连续焊应采用铲、凿、磨或其他方法(视材料返修的类型)彻底去除,清理至基本金属;被挖除区域应采用磁粉或液体渗透法检查,以确保彻底将缺陷清除。


Repairs to correct weld defects shall be made using the same WPS used for the original weld or other previously authorized WPS. 纠正焊缝缺陷的返修应采用与原始焊缝相同的WPS或事先得到认可的其他WPS。


The repaired areas shall be reexamined using the same examination method and procedure by which the defect was originally detected. 返修区域应采用与初始缺陷检测所用的相同的检测方法和规程重新检测。


11.4 Two repair attempts will be allowed on any one defective area. No further attempts to repair shall be carried out without the authorization of Purchaser. 任何有缺陷区域的两次返修是允许的。在没有得到采购方认可之前,超过2次的返修是不允许的。


BASF RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5 Edition October 2001 for Flat-bottomed tank units is added as an attachment to this specification.

增加平底罐单元用的BASF RPI 94/1 附录 8.5(2001年10月版)作为本技术规格书的附件。

BASF RPI94/1 Annex 8.5 BASF RPI94/1 附录 8.5

BASF Aktiengesellschaft 巴斯夫股份公司 Planning and Maintenance Guidelines计划和维护指南 Procurement, Sale, Contracts采购、销售、合同 General Requirements for BASF-Technology Projects Welding Engineering BASF技术项目焊接工程通用技术要求 RPI 94/1 Annex 8,5 Page I of 11 附录8,5,第1页(共11页), Edition Oct 2001 2001年10月版

Flat-bottomed tank units平底罐单元 Tanks fabricated on site 现场制造的罐

1 General 概述

1.1 Scope 范围

The requirements described in this Annex shall apply, together with the

?2001 BASF Aktiengesellschaft requirements detailed in Part 8, to aboveground vertical cylindrical flat-bottomed tank. units with fully supported bottom, which serve to store liquids or cooled gases in liquefied condition at atmospheric pressure or at a pressure slightly above or below atmospheric.


1.2 Materials 材料

The requirements shall apply to the following materials: 这些技术要求适用于下列材料:

? ? ?

Plain steels that feature a (tensile) yield strength not exceeding 355 N/mm2;屈服强度不超过355N/mm2 普通钢;

Austenitic stainless steels of standard grades; 标准等级的奥氏体不锈钢。 Austenitic-ferritic stainless steels of standard grades (duplex steels);标准等级的奥氏体-铁素体不锈钢(双相钢);

? ?

Alurriinum alloys.铝合金。

Compliance with materials-related specifications for fabrication (e.g. Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt SEW 088 for fine-grained structural steels suited for welding) is essential.符合材料相关的制造规范(例如适合焊接的细晶粒钢结构的Stahl-Eisen-Werkstoffblatt SEW 088 标准)是最基本的要求。

The materials shall satisfy the requirements to be met in fabrication and at the mechanical loads and stresses as well as the chemical and thermal exposure anticipated for service. In selecting the materials, care must be exercised to ensure that the materials are adequately suited for welding.材料应满足制造和机械承载与应力以及化学和热膨胀用途的技术要求。在选择材料时,必须予以注意以确保材料充分适合焊接。

1.3 General Requirements as to Design and Fabrication 设计和制造的总技术


The tanks shall be designed and fabricated while complying with relevant statutory requirements. Requirements as hereunder shall apply in addition:罐的设计和制造应符合相应的法定技术要求。下面的技术要求作为补充:


For tanks fabricated on site, every welder must undergo a workmanship test to demonstrate their skill for the particular assignment prior to commencement of welding work.对于现场制造的罐,在开始焊接工作之前,每个焊工必须经过技能考试以确定他们的技能是否适合所分派的工作。

Where automatic welding machinery is employed a specimen shall be welded with each machine prior to commencement of welding work.在采用自动焊的地方,在开始焊接工作之前,每一台焊机都要焊接一个试件。


For every welding process and each direction of welding, a specimen in the form of an extension of the weld shall be welded on that tank section that features the greatest wall thickness, and the specimen so produced shall be tested in conformity with the rules and codes of practices agreed upon.对于每一种焊接工艺和每一个焊接方向,应在罐体部件的最大壁厚延长部位焊接一试板,这样焊接的试板应按照所同意的规则和规范进行试验。

? ? ?

The welding site shall be protected from atmospheric exposure (refer to Section 8.9).焊接现场应保护不被暴露于大气中(参见8.9节)。

The use of auxiliaries for field assembly shall be minimized.现场组装应尽量减少辅助器件的使用。

The practice and scope of nondestructive testing shall conform to the rules and codes of practice to be applied, Mininum requirements in this respect are described in Section 2 below. 无损检测的惯例和范围应符合适用的标准和规范里的要求,有关这个的最低要求在下面的第2节里有描述。


Welds shall be evaluated as detailed in Annex 8.2 and in conformity with the rules and codes of practice agreed upon. The respective more stringent requirements shall prevail.焊缝应按照附录8.2和所协商的规则和规范的详细要求进行评定。以最严的标准为准。

Technische Dokumentation und Standardisierung 技术文件和技术标准 94 la8.5-entwurf.doc / 07.11.01 941a3.5-草案.DOC./2001.11.07

RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5

Page 2 of 11附录8,5,第2页(共11页) ?

- Fabrication documents (drawings and welding instructions, welding sequence schedule, testing and inspection schedule);制造文件(图纸和焊接说明、焊接顺序图、检验与试验计划);

- Material certificates (for parent metal and filler metals);材料合格证(母材和填充材料);

- License (e.g. as per AD 2000-Merkblatt HP0 or ASME); 许可证书(例如符合AD 2000-Merkblatt HP0 或 ASME);

- Relevant Welding Procedure Approval Records (WPARs) for the given application;有关给定用途的相关焊接工艺审批记录(WPARs); - Relevant Welder Performance Qualification certificates (WPQs) for the given application; 有关给定用途的相应的焊接人员资格证书(WPQs);

- Test certificates of all nondestructive testing conducted, including indication of the scope of testing;所进行的所有无损检测的检验证书,包括指出检验范围;

- Assignment of welders/automatic welding machines to the welds;焊工/自动焊机的任务书;

- Documentation showing the location of the butt joints, of the back-ups on the tank bottom, unless marked on the tank bottom;除非标在罐底板图上外,标明罐底板对接接头和垫板位置的文件;

- Dimensional record (out-of-roundness, unevenness of bottom and foundation).尺寸记录(不圆度、底板和基础的不平度)。

2 Tests检测

Testing shall commence during fabrication to permit sources of error to be detected and eliminated in good time. Repaired welds shall be re-tested.检测应在最有利于缺陷源被检测出和消除的时候开始。返修焊缝应重新检测。

Oct 2001,2001年10月

The fabricator shall prepare a set of final documentation comprising at least the following:制造商应准备一份至少包含下列内容的交工文件:

A 24-hour leakage test using water shall be conducted, At the time the leakage tests are conducted, the weld zones shall be free from any coating.应进行24小时充水试漏。在试漏期间,焊缝区不能有任何涂层。

Also, a stability test shall be conducted.还要进行稳定性试验。

Bottom welds底板焊缝 ?

Bottom-to-shell joint底板与壁板接头 ?

100% Vacuum test of the weld in contact with the product (prior to and after the water-level test); 与产品接触的焊缝进行100%真空试验(在充水试验前后); ?

Shell welds 壁板焊缝 ?

For every welder involved, radiographic examination shall be performed on one weld for every welding process and every welding position prior to commencement of welding work. 对于参与焊接的每个焊工,在焊接工作开始前,每一种焊接方法和每一个焊接位置各取一条焊缝进行射线检测。 ?

Furthermore, radiographic examination shall be conducted every 30 meters of vertical weld and every 60 meters of horizontal weld (circumferential weld). The tests shall be conducted such that the welders are 'covered' according to their work on a pro-rata basis. Not less than 25% of the tests shall be conducted on joints between three members. The length of radiographs that can be evaluated shall be not less than 200 mm. Subject to client's consent, the afore-mentioned radiographic examination may be replaced with ultrasonic testing. 另外,每30米立缝和每60米水平焊缝(环焊缝)应进行射线检测。检测应覆盖焊工所施焊的比例。三层板交界处的焊缝至少检测25%。每张射线底片有效评定长度不少于200mm。在客户同意的前提下,上述射线检测可以用超声波检测替代。

Surface-crack inspection on 10% of the fillet welds. 对10%角焊缝进行表面裂纹检测。

100% Vacuum test (prior to and after the water-level test).100%真空试验(在充水试验前后)。

Shell nozzles 壳体接管 ? ?

Surface-crack inspection on not less than 10% of nozzle-to-shell welds;接管与壳体焊缝表面裂纹检测不少于10%;

Leakage test through an air gap between cutout-reinforcing plates and shell by means of the bubble method and foam-producing agents;用气泡和发泡介质检测补强板与壳体之间空气间隙的气密试验; ?

Bottom nozzles 底板接管 ? ?

Surface-crack inspection on 100% of nozzle-to-bottom welds;接管与底板焊缝100%表面裂纹检测;

In case of 'concealed' welds, 100% radiographic examination of the circumferential welds of nozzles;在有“隐蔽”焊缝的地方,接管环焊缝进行100%射线检测。 ?

Leakage test through an air gap between cutout-reinforcing plates and shell by means of the bubble method and foam-producing agents. 用气泡和发泡介质检测补强板与壳体之间空气间隙的气密试验。

24-Hour leakage test using water. 24小时充水试漏。

Oct 2001 2001年10月

Shell-to-roof joint 壳体与顶板接头 ? ? ?

Leakage test by means of the bubble method and foam-producing agents (only on tanks designed to be operated at a pressure above atmospheric). Roof 采用气泡和发泡介质检测的气密试验(仅用于罐的设计操作压力高于大气压力的情况)。

Leakage test by means of the bubble method and foam-producing agents (only on tanks designed to be operated at a pressure above atmospheric). 采用气泡和发泡介质检的气密试验(仅用于罐的设计操作压力高于大气压力的情况)。

3 Design of Welded Joints on Flat-Bottomed Tank Units平底罐单元的焊接接头设计

The welded joints shown in Table 1 are subdivided as follows:表1中的焊接接头划分如下:

1. 2. 体 3. 4. 5. 6.

Shell壳体 Nozzles接管

Shell-to-roof壳体与顶板 Roof顶板

6 7 10 11



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RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5

RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5

Page 4 of 11附录8,5,第4页(共11页)

Oct 2001 2001年10月

4 Table 1: Design of welded joints on fiat-bottomed tank units平底罐单元的焊接接头设计 No. 序号 Detail详图 Application 应用 Requirement(s) 要求 Remarks 备注 1. Bottom底板 The fabricator shall prepare a welding sequence schedule that aims to achieve a, stress-relieved final condition of the bottom (typically welding transverse welds (1) before executing longitudinal welds (2); back-step welding, etc.), and guarantees the flatness specified in the rules and codes of practice applied.制造商应准备一份焊接顺序方案,用来表明底板最终应力状态的目标(一般情况下,先焊横向焊缝(1),后焊纵焊缝(2),再焊带垫板焊缝等)及保证所采用标准和规范规定的平整度。 The minimum thickness of the bottom plates shall be not less than 5 mm and 6.5 mm in case of butt joints and lap joints, respectively.在采用对接接头和搭接接头时,底板的最小厚度分别不应小于5mm和6.5mm。 As a rule, bottom welds shall be executed in not less than two passes. Where the two-pass approach is employed the second pass must completely cover the first pass.作为一条原则,底板焊缝不应少于两道。在采用两道焊缝的地方,第二道焊缝必须将第一道完全盖住。 1.1 Back-up 垫板 Butt welds on back-ups shall:垫板上的对接焊缝应: - have root penetration;具有根部熔深; be durably marked on the bottom or documented on the drawing.永久地标在底板上或标在图上。

1.2 Back-up 垫板 Back-ups shall be tacked on one side only.底板只能在一侧点焊。 1.3 α= 50° to 70°α= 50°- 70° b=2to4mm b=2-4mm c=2to4mm c=2-4mm with cap pass有盖面焊道 1.4 t1 = 1/3 t αl = 50° to 70°αl = 50°- 70° α2 = 40° to 60°α2 = 40°- 60° b=0to4mm b=0-4mm 1.5 To have root penetration具有Only 根部熔深 permitted with plasma arc welding只允许采用等离子电弧焊 1.6 Not permitted in the shell area (refer to 1.7)在壳体区不允许(参照1.7) 1.7 Lap joint In the area of the connection to the shell与壳体连接区的搭接焊缝 Oct 2001200110月 No.序号 2.1 Mantel壳体 Boden 底板 2.2 2.3 Detail 详图 ,年

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Application应用 Requirement(s) 要求 Remarks 备注 2. Bottom to Shell底板与壳体 Seam in contact with (Mantel = Shell壳the product to be 体) welded first.与产品接触的焊缝应先焊。 (Boden = Bottom底板) α= 45° to 60°α= 45°- 60° b=2to4mm b=2-4mm α= 45° to 60°α= 45°- 60° To have root penetration具有根部


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Oct 2001月

No.序号 3. Shell壳体 Vertical welds (4) shall be executed prior to horizontal welds (5).立缝(4)应在焊接水平焊缝(5)之前焊 3,1 3.2 α = 45° to 60°α = 45° - 60° b=2 to 4 mm b=2 - 4 mm with cap pass有盖面焊道 b1= 0 to 4 mm b1= 0 - 4 mm α1= 45° to 60°α - 1= 45° - 2= 45°t2 = 1/3 t 3.3 α1= 20° to 45°α1= 20° - 45° α2= 0 to 10°α2= 0 ,


Detail详图 Application应用 Requirement(s)要求 Remarks备注 60° 60° α2= 45° to 60°α-10° b=2 to 4 mm b=2 -4 mm with cap pass有盖面焊道 3.4 b=2 to 4mm Where the wall (innen = inside内b=2 4mm - thickness is 侧) unequal the shell sections shall be α1= 30° to aligned on the 60°α1= 30°inside.当壳体壁- 60° α2= 30° to 60°α2= 30°- 60° 3,5 b=0 to 4mm To b=0 4mm have root Preferred welding processes:较好的焊接方法: - Plasma arc;等离子弧焊; - Submerged arc;埋弧焊 - TIG on both sides双面钨极氩弧焊 - Simultaneously 组合方法 - penetration 具有根部熔深 板壁厚不相等时,应在内侧对齐。

Oct 2001200110月 No.序号 4. Nozzles接管 Nozzles shall be not less than 50 mm in diameter.接管直径应不超过50mm。 Cutout-reinforcing plates shall have a check hole which shall be sealed upon completion of the leakage test. 补强圈应设置检查孔,在泄漏试验完成后密封。 Bottom nozzle底板接管 Bottom nozzles shall have a minimum wall thickness s as hereunder:底板接管具有的如下最小壁厚: ? ? For 对于D≤80 mm s>4mm For对于 D> 80 mm s>5mm Detail详图 Application应用 Requirement(s)要求 Remarks备注 ,年

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The bottom plate must be connected throughout the cross-section; fillet welds are not permitted,底板必须采用全焊透型连接,骑座式角焊缝是不允许的。 4.1 b=2to4mm b=2-4mm α= 30°to 60°α= 30°- 60° 4.2 b=2to4mm b=2-4mm α≥0.7t

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No.序号 Detail详图 Application应用 Requirement(s)要求 Remarks备注 Shell nozzle壳体接管 The shell plate must be connected throughout the cross-section. Fillet welds are not permitted. 壳体板必须采用全焊透型连接。骑座式角焊缝是不允许的。 4.3 b=2to4mm b=2-4mm α1= 30° to 60°α1= 30°- 60° α2= 30° to 60°α2= 30°-60° 4.4 b=2to4mm b=2-4mm 4.5 b=2to4mm b=2-4mm α= 30°to 60°α= 30°-60° Root TIG or with cap Pass根部为TIG焊或有盖面 Oct 2001,2001年10月 No.序号 Detail详图 Roof nozzles顶板接管 Application应用 Requirement(s)要求 Remarks备注 RPI 94/1 Annex 8.5 Page 9 of 11


4.6 a ≥0.7t 4.7 b=2 to 3mm b=2 -3mm

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No. 序号 Cone-roof or dome-roof tanks, even if not required in the light of calculations made, shall be consistently provided with a roof stiffener ring.锥顶或拱顶罐,即使在计算没有要求的情况下,也应考虑提供顶板支撑圈。 5,1 Roof stiffener ring the outside 外侧顶板支撑圈 on a = 3 mm max最R = 'Break' weld 大 R=间断焊 A steel shape may be used in place on the steel fiat attached by welding.在附着焊有扁钢的地方可以采用型钢。 5,2 Roof stiffener ring on the inside 内侧顶板支撑圈 Roof fillet weld to A steel shape may be executed as a be used in place 'break' weld as on the steel flat under 5.1 above.attached by 顶板角焊缝应按welding. 在附着焊照上述5.1要求采有扁钢的地方可以用间断焊。 采用型钢。 Detail 详图 Application 应用 Requirement(s)要求 Remarks 备注 ,


5 Shell to Roof壳体与顶板 5.3 For joints the lap of roof welds用于顶板搭接焊缝 Oct 2001200110月 No.序号 6 Roof 6.1 t≥5mm a = 0.7t Fillet weld on the inside to be tacked. Where there is a risk of crevice corrosion, circumferentially. 内侧角焊缝点焊。在存在间隙腐蚀的地方,焊缝要连续焊。 Shape to be tacked alternately.点焊位置应交错开。 Where there is a risk of crevice corrosion, weld circumferentially. 在存在间隙腐蚀的地方,焊缝要连续焊。。 6.2 α= 50° to 70°α= 50°- 70° b=2to4mm b=2-4mm c=2to4mm c=2-4mm Root TIG or with weld Detail详图 Application Requirement(s) 应用 要求 Remarks 备注 ,年

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cap Pass TIG焊打底或有盖面的焊道。

