更新时间:2023-11-13 09:59:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
- 青岛大学翻译硕士好考么推荐度:
- 相关推荐
I. Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 20 items in this part of the test, 10 in English and 10 in Chinese, with two points for each.(40 points)
1. CBD 2. CPI 3. EMBA 4. GPS 5. CPA
6. international arbitration 7. stock listings 8. profit before tax
9. consecutive interpreting 10. foreignization 11.金砖四国 12.—线城市 13.保障性住房 14.橙色预警 15.外汇储备 16.联合军演 17.世界遗产名录 18.西部大开发 19.自主创新能力 20.学历门槛
II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(50 points)
Some 350 million people of all ages, incomes and nationalities suffer from depression. Millions more — family, friends, co-workers – are exposed to the indirect effects of this under-appreciated global health crisis.
Depression diminishes people’s ability to cope with the daily challenges of life, and often precipitates family disruption,interrupted education and loss of jobs. In the most extreme cases, people kill themselves. Approximately one million people commit suicide every year, the majority due to unidentified or untreated depression.
People develop depression for a number of reasons. Often, different causes ~ genetic, biological, psychological and social — combine to provide the trigger. Stress, grief, conflict,
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abuse and unemployment can also contribute. Women are more likely to suffer depression than men, including following childbirth.
A wide variety of effective and affordable treatments are available to treat depression, including psychosocial interventions and medicines. However, they are not accessible to all people, especially those living in less developed countries and the least advantaged citizens of more developed nations. Among the barriers to care and services are social stigma and the lack of general health care providers and specialists trained to identify and treat depression. This is why the World Health Organization
III. Translate the following passage into English(60 points)
近日热播的纪录片《舌尖上的中国》令23岁的陈佳宇胃口大开。中华美食 中新鲜的食材,精美的菜式,复杂精细的烹制过程以及饮食传统的多样性都令 他为之着迷。
然而,一系列食品安全事件却令中华美食名声受损。有关专家表示,长期 以来食品安全监管机制存在的缺陷正在摧毁公众对食品的信心。“如今外出就 餐时,人们被无数个问号困扰着。肉类安全吗?食品里含添加剂吗?他们用的 是地沟油吗? ”作为武汉市一名食品质量检验员,陈佳宇说:“当我在工作中 看到一些食品的来源时,感到十分震惊。”
农业部的统计数据显示,中国每天消耗200多吨的食品,这些食品来自于 40多万家食品生产商,以及323万家相关企业。为了解决复杂的食品安全问题, 2010年我国设立了国务院食品安全委员会,由国务院副总理李克强出任主席。 然而,现实情况是,在目前的食品安全监管体系下,涉及到六大部委的十几个 部门均参与其中,直接负责监管从田间到餐桌的每一个环节。
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