unit 7 the English countryside

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Unit 7 The English Countryside

I .Teaching Objectives

1. Functions : Asking & expressing opinions

2. Grammar points : Adj-phrases ; -ing /-ed used as predicative adjectives ; the

with the expressions of the geographical names

3. Vocabulary : permit of , be at home , sensuous , homely , insignificant , subtle , for the most

part , more or less , on one hand … , judged by , in the case of , from time to

time , stretch out , overlook , influence , cluster , ample , haunt , tend to ,

consist of

II . Teaching Focus

1. Functions : Asking & expressing opinions

2. Grammar points : Adj-phrases ; -ing /-ed used as predicative adjectives ; the

with the expressions of the geographical names

3. Conversation

III. Time Allocation

Periods 1-2: Section A of the text

Periods 3-4: Reading skills and writing/translation practice

Periods 5-6: Exercises

IV. Teaching Methods and Strategies

1).Use student-centered teaching method to guide students in their learning; encourage students think themselves and participate in class activities actively.

2). Through group work or role-play, develop students’ communicative ability. V . Teaching Procedures

1. Listening and Speaking Activities

2. Reading Comprehension

1) Warm-up questions

2) Listening to the text twice

3) Doing the comprehension work :

Reading the text

Discussion : Read the text carefully to find the answers to the questions and look to the

evidence from the text to support the answers

Retelling the text using the key words 4) Extended Activity


英国是由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰和一些小岛(海外领地)组成。英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。24.36 万平方公里(包括内陆水域),英格兰地区13.04 万平方公里,苏格兰7.88 万平方公里,威尔士2.08 万平方公里,北爱尔兰1.36 万平方公里。位于欧洲西部的岛国。由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和一些小岛组成。隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆相望。它的陆界与爱尔兰共和国接

壤。海岸线总长11450 公里。全境分为四部分:英格兰东南部平原、中西部山



属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,终年温和湿润。通常最高气温不超过32℃,最低气温不低于-10℃,平均气温 1 月 4~7℃,7 月 13~17℃。多雨雾,秋冬尤甚。年平均降水量约1000 毫米。北部和西部山区的年降水量超过2000 毫米,中部和东部则少于 800 毫米。每年二月至三月最为干燥,十月至来年一月最为湿润。全国气候类型为温带海洋性气候。


英伦三岛自十四世纪以来的繁荣发展日益有赖于其国人对外征战、探索开拓、大力发展殖民地并拓展贸易的能力。英伦三岛在海上所取得的霸权在很大的程度上赋予其国民上述的能力。英国大规模、系统化的造船工业起始于约翰国王在位的年代,是他于公元十三世纪初就在朴次茅斯港设立了皇家海军造船厂。之后,英国于 1600 年成立了东印度公司,随之而来的就是对远东、东南亚、美洲和澳洲的远征和探险考察。不过,与造船能力相比,对英国的海上霸权做出更大贡献的是航海技术和航海仪器的发明,其中包括用来确定经度和纬度的六分仪,该仪器是在气势磅礴的贝尔法斯特克莱德造船厂、泰恩河和维尔造船厂于十九纪下半期成功地发明而成的。

Reading Comprehension and Language Activities

1. Warm-up questions and discussion

Studying the following words and phrases; select the ones that can be applied to describe the views in your places; and imagine which of them can be used to describe the English countryside. bush rivers meadow lawn coast beach the wilderness footpath brookvalley lowland upland cliffs stream landscape rural pasture rice-paddy cultivated land

2. Read the text and try their best to answer the questions .

location of most English villages

hills , clustered about its ancient church .)

description of English farmers’ homesteads

sheltered by ample trees , with broad fields , and a river flowing not far away . ) importance of the village rivers in the English countryside

(The rivers in English villages are generally small and insignificant, judged by Continental standards. No national songs are composed for them as in the case of olga , the Danube or the Rhine .)

sometimes catch fish , and they permit of come homely occupations such as gathering watercress or the growing of osiers for basket-weaving . On summer evenings , men can lean over weirs to watch the swallows flying across the clear water under the bridges . These rivers influence the lives of people near them in most subtle and sensuous way . )

Where did the writer once live ?

y couldn’t he see the mountains in the distance ?

time , the mountains might be hidden by mist and cloud , so he

sight could clearly follow the course of the river down to its wide muddy

3. Practicing asking and answering the questions in pairs .

4. Retell the text using the key words .


1) used to express a wish with reference to present or future time;

2) used to express a wish that past events had been different


1. If only I were rich. 但愿我很富有。

2. If only it would stop raining. 真希望雨能停。

3. If only I had gone by taxi. 假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。

Essential –adjective

1.absolutely necessary; indispensable:

Discipline is essential in an army.

2.pertaining to or constituting the essence of a thing.

Synonyms fundamental, basic, inherent, intrinsic, vital

Antonyms incidental, extraneous, extrinsic; accidental.

2 at home

a. in one's own house or place of residence

b. in a situation familiar to one; at ease:

to feel comfortable in a place or with a person

e.g. Make yourself at home! 不要拘束。

After a while we began to feel at home with each other.


She has a way of making everyone feel at home.


Sensuous : affecting , noticed by or giving pleasure to the senses

For the most part : on the whole ; usually ; mostly

Eg. Japanese TV sets are , for the most part , of excellent quality .

3 The popular idea of an English village is of one in a valley, where it can be overlooked from the hills, clustered about its ancient church; and similarly, the general conception of a farm in this country is of more or less commodious homestead in a valley, sheltered by ample trees, with broad fields like open hands stretched out to receive the sun, and a river flowing not far away.


More or less

(1)about; in substance; approximately; basically:

Eg We came to more or less the same conclusion.

(2 ).to some extent; somewhat:

Eg She seemed more or less familiar with the subject.

commodious spacious and convenient; roomy:

a commodious apartment.


Stretch out

(1) to extend over a distance or area or in a particular direction:

Eg The forest stretches out for miles.

(2) to extend the hand or to reach, as for something.

Eg He stretched out for the apples but was in vain.

4 For the most part with respect to the greatest part; on the whole; generally; usually; mostly:

Eg They are good students, for the most part.

For the most part, she is a well-behaved child.


For the most part, people seemed pretty friendly.


5 Intimately—in a close manner

Eg They are intimately known for that.

We feel closely associated with them.


6 Compose: comprise, consist of, constitute

Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.


[rain]莱茵河(源出瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山,贯穿西欧多国) [‘v lɡ ] 伏尔加河(欧洲第一大河)[‘dænju:b]多瑙河(欧洲南部河流)

7 Certainly they are not the kind about which national songs are composed, as in the case of the Rhine or the Danube or the Volga; but at least they are the kind in which boys cab bathe and in which (even today) a farm-hand can tickle an occasional trout. As in the case of—just like

Eg Some students are clever but lazy, as in the case of Tom and Mike。

Permit of –allow as possible, admit (fml)

Eg The facts permit of no other explanation.

8 Such rivers, insignificant as they may be, influence the lives of those who live near them in the most subtle and sensuous way.


9 Cotswolds [‘k ts,w uldz]科茨沃尔德,此地古香古色,充满诗情画意。

10 In front of my garden a meadow—itself a garden of cowslips in spring and a haunt of bee-orchises that fell with the swaths of grass in summer –dipped down to the Severn valley.

我花园前面的草场一直向下延伸到塞文河。春天它就是一座长满黄九轮草的花园,而夏天则是一个开满了对叶兰好去处,但兰花会在青草被刈后香消玉殒。 11 Those far blue ridges might be hidden by mist or cloud from time to time; but seldom was there a day when I could not clearly follow the course of the river to its wide, muddy estuary.


12 Year in and year out, the Severn was part of my view; it was even part of my consciousness.

The writer was so familiar with the views of the river, and therefore, the landscape tended to be part of his consciousness—that is he is able to see the views with his mind eyes.

Comprehension work

Where do the majority of the English people live?


What are the attractions of an English village?

It is situated in a valley, overlooked by the hills, clustered about an ancient church, with a river nearby, mills, animals such as swallows, birds, plants on weirs such as watercress, osiers, children playing along the banks, men leaning on weirs watching birds flying across the river, gardens in front of a cottage, pastures near around… What are the differences in rivers between England and other European countries? England: small and insignificantNo national songs are composed

What does the last sentence in the text means?

The writer was so familiar with the views of the river, and therefore, the landscape tended to be part of his consciousness—that is he is able to see the views with his mind eyes.

