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第三章 英汉语言对比
1.Its gleaming闪烁的 sands and backdrop背景 of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere. (动静结合)
2.On several occasions I watched him paint fluffy毛绒绒的 little chicks and vivid cormorants with their heads in clear green water. (化零为整)
【译文】我曾多次见他画小鸡,毛茸茸,很可爱;也见过他画的鱼鹰,水是绿的,钻进水里的,很生动。(化整为零) 3.If you confer(授予,赋予) a benefit,never remember it; If you receive one,remember it always. (形合,直译)
4.Slowly climbs the summer moon.(句型结构转换) 【译文】夏天的月亮慢慢地爬上来了。
5.Heat is constantly produced by the body as a result of muscular肌肉的 and cellular细胞的 activity. (被动变主动)
6.In future conflicts, similar logistical后勤方面的 problems are likely to be repeated.(被动变主动)
【译文】在未来的冲突中,类似的后勤问题大概还会重复出现 。 7.That girl student is in the green.(英语词汇含义多——内涵意义) 【译文】那个女生正值青春年少
8.Science is a servant of mankind.(英语词汇含义多) 【译文】科学造福于人类。
9.I used to be a bit of a fancier myself.(化静为动) 【译文】过去我也常常有点胡思乱想。
10.Silence followed this remark.(化动为静) 【译文】话音落下,一阵沉默。
11.We should find truth in the light of science.(英语词汇搭配多——固定搭配) 【译文】根据科学,探求真理
12.She was happiness incarnate.(定语的位置) 【译文】她是幸福的化身。
13.He left today week.(状语的位置) 【译文】他上星期的今天离开了。
14.He will leave today week.(状语的位置) 【译文】他将在下星期的今天离开。
15.He is not so ill but he can come to school.(词汇固定搭配,不可望文生义) 【译文】他还不至于病得不能上学。
16.It is not half bad for a beginner.(词汇固定搭配,不可望文生义) 【译文】就新手而言,这是相当不错的了。
18.I’m something of a carpenter.(状语位置在修饰词之前,翻译时应仔细推敲) 【译文】我能作些木工活。
19.Xiao Gao is anything of a gentleman.(状语位置变化) 【译文】小高有点儿君子的风度。
20.His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.(英汉句子结构的互换)
21.What troubles me is that I don’t have much experience in this kind of work.(英语并列句、复合句可转换成汉语简单句)
22.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.(句子的结构转换)
23.The young cyclist dashed about madly and was knocked down by a truck.(调整逻辑顺序 ) 【译文】那个骑车的青年横冲直撞,结果被一辆卡车撞倒了。
24.This preface(序言 ) must necessarily be short and modest, for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting, merely an ardent(热情的) lover of the art.(按照逻辑顺序)
25.He stands on the threshold门槛 of a distinguished career.(英汉句意表达对比,英汉都有增补与省略)
26.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.(英汉增补) 勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;节约过度,即成贪婪。
27.The love of money is the root of all evils. (英汉句意表达对比,英汉都有词类转换) 【译文】贪财是万恶之源。
28.Asia’s strength of economic management has not been in its perfection, but in its pragmatism实用主义and flexibility灵活性, 弹性 . (英汉句意表达对比,英汉都有巧妙重复) 【译文】亚洲经济管理向来不以完美见长,而是以务实和弹性取胜。
29.Although they were promised better housing in the North, some families were forced to live in overcrowded and unhealthy quarters.(英文中的增补)
30.The most valuable in life is life; the greatest necessity in life is study; the greatest pleasure in life is work, while the most important in life is friendship. (Stalin)(英汉受上下文制约要正确选择词义)
31.With all his achievements he remains modest and prudent.(英文的增补,将状语补成句子进行翻译)
32.He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers.(英汉句子语序的调整—按照信息中心) qualm [kwɑ:m] n.疑虑, 晕眩, 紧张不安
【译文】他感到一阵心酸,与其说是预见了她的凄凉,倒不如说是想到了他自己的孤独。 33.For example, a girl student who had difficulty studying made dramatic strides when she got a better desk lamp and moved her desk away from her bed.(英汉句子语序的调整—调整时间顺序)
第五章 词义的处理
1. “I will teach him to deceive others,” he said. (词义的选择,避免望文生义)
【译文】他说,“我要教训他一顿,看他还敢不敢再欺骗人。” 2. She has given heart to him.(词义的选择,避免望文生义)
3. I bought a tape-recorder for a song. (词义的选择,避免望文生义)
4. The doctor said to me, “That patient may die of cancer, for all I care.”(词义的选择,避免望文
5. Everything was working very smoothly and I felt on top of the world.(词义的选择,避免望文
6. There is no need for you to worry; if anything goes wrong it is I who will have to face the music.(词义选择,注重词性,动词)
7. They have winked at these irregularities too long.(词义选择,注重词性,名词)
8. Jane’s been ill, but she’s as right as rain now.(词义选择,注重词性,形容词、副词)
9. Because he has caught cold he is not at home today. (词义选择,注重词性,介词短语)
10. He was at once a soldier and a writer.(词义选择,注重词性,介词短语)
11. What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range.(词义选
择, )
【译文】他的诗形象生动,独具一格,而且气势磅礴,题材广泛,这是显而易见的。 12. Every one of us poured forth his expertise. (词义选择,注重搭配)
13. Care killed a cat.(词义选择,立足三“意”:基本意义、衍生意义、搭配意义)
14. It cost him a sight of trouble.(词义选择,立足三“意”)
15. He fell in love with her at first sight.(词义选择,立足三“意”)
16. The Great Wall in China is one of the sights of the world.(词义选择,立足三“意”)
17. Things cannot be always to one’s liking.(词义选择,瞻前顾后)
【译文】事情不会总是称心如意的。 18. Like likes like.(词义选择,瞻前顾后)
19. I want to present everyone present a present. (词义选择,看词在句中位置)
20. It’s not a good habit for a child to water anywhere.(词义的近似)
21. Suddenly, something inside me turned.(词义的升华)
22. Every life has its roses and thorns.(把具体的词义抽象化化)
23. Watch out for Harlow, he’s full of mickey mouse ideas.(把具体的词义抽象化)
24. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the terrorists.(把具体的词义抽象
【译文】恐怖主义分子的性格是既残暴又狡猾。 25. This reminds me about Lot’s wife.(注意比喻和典故)
26. It’s unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy.(注意比喻和典
27. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.(褒义)
【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。 28. He has the assurance to ask me for money.(贬义)
29. He looked at her with a smile pasted on her porcine face.(贬义)
【译文】他看着她,猪一样的脸上皮笑肉不笑。 30. They seize every opportunity to do all kinds of evils. 他们无孔不入,干尽坏事。(贬义)
第七章 增补与省略
1. It is fitting that we should remember him on his birthday. (译形容词时增加程度副词) 【译文】我们在他的诞辰之日来纪念他是比较合适的。
2. At the same time, inequality has become worse, poverty has increased absolutely.(给表示现
3. Use your intelligence, and you're sure to achieve something.(译抽象名词时增加另一个抽象
【译文】发挥你的聪明才智, 你一定能取得成就。
4. We admire him for the way in which he faces his difficulties. (译名词复数时增加表示门类、
5. Some of the gases in the air are fairly constant in amount, while others are not.(补译替代部分) 【译文】空气中有些气体的含量相当稳定,有些就不稳定。
6. Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.(补译省略部分)
7. Know the true value of time; snatch夺取 , seize抓住 , and enjoy every moment of it.(补译替
【译文】知道时间的真正价值。才能争取每一刻,抓住每一刻, 享受每一刻。 8. I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.(补译替代部分) 【译文】希望会议不要开得太久,太久了只会浪费时间。
9. And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.(补译解释说明)
10. He poured out his tale of misfortunes.(根据语气增词) 【译文】他滔滔不绝地诉说了自己的遭遇。
11. The speed and reliability are the chief advantage of the electronic computer. (根据语境增词) 【译文】运行速度快,可靠性高是电子计算机的主要优点。 12. Illness prevented him from doing his work.(根据逻辑修辞增词) 【译文】他因病不能干活。
13. “I’ll make a doctor of him,” said Mrs. White.(根据语气增译)
【译文】“我一定要把他培养成一个高明的医生,”怀特太太说。 14. The rocket was invented by Chinese in the 12th century.(介词的省略) 【译文】中国人在12世纪就发明了火箭。
15. Because everyone uses language to talk, everyone thinks he can talk about language. (连词的
省略) (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
16. The rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the concentrations of the reacting substances.(冠词的省译)
17. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave
第十章 习语、俚语、谚语、外来语的翻译
1. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. (习语——直译)
2. Run with the tail between the legs. (习语——直译)
3. Life is but an empty dream. (习语——套译)
4. A lame traveler should get out bedtimes. (习语——套译)
【译文】笨鸟先飞。 5. to cross the Rubicon=
passing the point of no return (习语——释义) 【译文】做出(采取)无可后悔的决定(行动);破釜沉舟
6. from the egg to the apple (习语——意译)
7. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (习语——意译)
8. I’ve carried a torch for her for years. (俚语——名词词组)
9. I’ve got you pinned to the ground so you might as well cry uncle. (俚语——专有名词词组) 【译文】你已经跑不了啦,最好还是认输吧。 10. I always play by the numbers so you can trust me.
(俚语——动词词组) 【译文】我总是规规矩矩的,你尽可以相信我。
11. A holiday at the seashore is just my dish of tea.(俚语—名词词组)
12. Beyond the mountains there are people to be found.
(谚语——套译) 【译文】山外有山,天外有天。
13. A book is known in time of need. (谚语——套译)
14. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, (谚语——直译)
15. Great hopes make a great man. (谚语——直译)
16. He that is down, down with him. (谚语——意译) 【译文】落井下石。人一倒,众人踩。墙倒众人推。
wealthy and wise.
17. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun.
(谚语——意译) 【译文】吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜。
18. toast (外来语——音译(全音译))
19. Cookies (外来语——音译(部分音译))
20. Carefour (外来语——音译(约定俗成))
21. Boston (外来语——常见音译(地名))
22. Snow White (外来语——常见音译(人名-译意))
23. Clinton (外来语——常见音译(人名-译音))
24. Benz (外来语——常见音译(商标))
【译文】奔驰(汽车) 25. Hamlet
(外来语——常见音译(音译书名、电影(视剧)片名、戏剧名)) 【译文】《哈姆雷特》/《王子复仇记》 26. gene
(外来语——常见音译(音译科技文化新词)) 【译文】基因
27. Home Alone (外来语——意译)
28. hunting-cap (外来语——形译)
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