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英 语 试 题


1. 本试卷有九大题,共8页。全卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 所有题目必须在答题卡上答题,在试卷上答题无效。选择题在答题卡上选择题答题框内用2B铅笔将各题号下相应选项代号的矩形框“□”涂黑;非选择题在答题卡上答题栏内相应的题号后的空白处用黑色签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔答题。






( )1.Where is the conversation possibly happening?

A. In the classroom. B. In the cinema. C. At the railway station. 听第2段对话,回答第2、3两个小题。 ( )2. How old is Gina?

A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen. ( )3. When is Gina’s birthday party? A. At 10 a.m. B. At 6 p.m. C. At 3 p.m.

听第3段对话,回答第4至6三个小题。 ( )4. Why didn’t Maria go to school?

A. She hurt her leg. B.It was raining hard. C. Her parents were ill. ( )5. How did she go home yesterday? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. ( )6. Who might Mr. Smith be?

A. Her teacher. B. Her father. C. Her doctor.

听第4段对话,回答第7至9三个小题。 ( )7. What are they talking about?

A. How to save more money. B. How to recycle waste paper. C. How to protect the environment. ( )8. How many ways did they talk about? A. Four. B. Two. C. Three.

( )9. Which of the following isn’t mentioned?

A. Riding bikes more. B. Planting more trees. C. Using cloth bags.


( )10. What did Jane do on the school trip?

A. Drew some pictures. B. Climbed a mountain. C. Did some shopping. ( ) 11. Where did Tony go then?

A. The countryside. B. The museum. C. The school restaurant. ( ) 12. How was Tony’s trip?

A. Terrible. B. Not too bad. C. Great.


( )13. Why doesn’t the man like the Surfing English camp? A. It’s too expensive. B. It’s very dangerous. C. There’re not many English classes.

( )14. What does the man dislike about the Language Farm camp? A. The price. B. The classes. C. The activities. ( )15. Which is true about the Language Farm camp? A. It’s on the beach in Australia.

B. It’s not a good experience on the horseback.

C. It has a lot more English classes and the activities.

II. 短文理解。(共10分,每小题2分)

听下面一段短文, 从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。 短文听两遍。 ( )16. What does the shop sell?

A. Something cheap. B. Something expensive. C. Some beautiful handbags. ( )17. Why did the shopkeeper say the dress had been sold?

A. Someone had bought it. B. He didn’t want to sell the dress. C. He didn’t think the woman could afford it. ( )18. What did the woman wear the next day?

A. A beautiful dress. B. An old dress. C. A beautiful shirt. ( )19. How would the shopkeeper feel finally? A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Tired.

( )20. Which is true at the end of the story?

A. The woman left the shop without buying anything.

B. The woman bought the dress she asked for the day before.

C. The woman didn’t punish the shopkeeper and she felt much angrier.



从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )21. —Can I use your car? is under repair. —Of course. Here’s the key.

A. I B. My C. Me D. Mine

( )22. —Any special in this shopping mall now? —Sure, we have the latest e-products on sale.

A. brand B. business C. offer D. service

( )23. —Why can’t you ever take anything _______? —I can’t agree with you. I have my own way to do things.

A. easily B. seriously C. anxiously D. badly

( )24. —It seems that Linda never wants to do anything except drawing pictures. —Right. That’s what she likes to do . A. more B. less C. most D. least

( )25. —How do you like Yìyángqiān xǐ(易烊千玺)? —A cool guy! His music really beautiful.

A. tastes B. sounds C. smells D. looks ( )26. —Who can go shopping with me?

— Lucy Lily may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C.Both; and D. Not only; but also

( )27. —Why couldn’t I get excellent grades in the exam though I prepared for it well?

—You needn’t think like that. ___________, you have made progress in it.

A. Once in a while B. For example C. On the other hand D. After all ( )28. — Will Jingzhou 5th sports meeting be held next month?

— No. It’ll be till September because of the weather. A. put on B. put off C. put away D. put out

( )29. — Let’s go on a trip to King Chu's Mausolem(楚王车马阵) by Mobike this Saturday, shall we?

— Good idea. But I wonder ___________________. A. whether it’s going to rain B. how can I download Mobike App

C. how much should we pay for the Mobike D. that we can meet at the school gate

( )30. —Would you please come to my birthday party tonight, Joy?

— . I’m sure we shall have a wonderful night.

A. Of course not B. Never mind

C. With pleasure D. Have a good time



A woman was waiting at an airport one night, with several hours 31 her flight took off. She took a book from the airport shop, bought a bag of cookies and found a place to sit.

She was reading but happened to see the man sitting beside her, taking a cookie or two from the bag 32 them. She tried to avoid a(an) 33 , so she munched(用力咀嚼) the cookies and watched the clock, as the cookie thief ate her food.

She got more 34 as time passed by, thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would argue with him.” With each cookie she took, he took 35 , too. When only one was left, she wondered what he would do.

With a smile on his face, he took the last cookie and 36 it in half. He offered her half and he ate the other. She snatched(抢夺)it from him and thought, “Oh, God, this guy is so rude! Why didn’t he 37 show any thanks!”

Just then, her flight was called. She headed to the gate, 38 to look back at the ingrate(忘恩负义的人).

As she was on the plane, she was 39 to see her bag of cookies in her baggage(行李). If hers are here, whose cookies were there? If they were his cookies, he tried to 40 . Too late to apologize(道歉), she realized with sorry, that she was the rude one, and the thief.

( )31. A. when B. while C. before D. after

( )32. A. behind B.betweenC. among D. opposite

( )33. A. disappointment B.agreement C.excitement D. argument ( )34. A.friendlyB.comfortable C.tired D. angry ( )35. A.one B. it C. all D. other ( )36. A.ateB.threw C. broke D. tried ( )37.A. even B. also C. only D. never

( )38. A. hoping B. refusing C. deciding D.managing ( )39. A. surprised B. pleased C. interested D. worried ( )40. A. sell B. steal C. show D. share





While other children play soccer or video games, 12-year-old Campbell spends lots of free time on a sewing machine making Teddy Bears.

Campbell began to make them when he was nine. His parents told him they did not have enough money to buy Christmas presents for sick children in the hospital. So the little boy decided to make gifts himself.

Over the past three years, Campbell taught himself how to sew and follow patterns to make stuffed animals for children in the hospital. “I had a pattern and I knew I could do it if I practiced,” he said. “Mum told me ‘Just don’t sew your finger,’ but I’ve done that a few times.” Campbell kept practicing. With each toy, it took him less time to finish. So far, the 12-year-old has made more than 800 toys, many of which he gives to sick children at the local hospital.

Campbell’s bears have made a difference in many people’s lives, especially for his dad, who had cancer before. One night, Campbell showed his dad the bear he’d made for him, saying it would help him beat the illness. For over a year, his dad’s cancer hasn’t come back.

“Campbell changed the entire attitude in our house,” the boy’s mother said, “and I’m sure that the same effect is felt on each receiver of each bear he gives”

41. How does Campbell make Teddy Bears? A. He asks his mother to make them. B. He asks his friends to make them. C. He uses a sewing machine.

D. He makes them only by hand.

42. When did Campbell start to make Teddy Bears? A. One year ago. B. Three years ago. C. Nine years ago. D. Twelve years ago.

43. Campbell’s mother thinks his Teddy Bears . A. can only help his father

B. can only make a difference in their home C. will help a lot of people

D. will be selling very well in the shops

44.We can know from the passage that Campbell is a boy. A. shy B. caring C. naughty D. careless 45. What could be the best title of the passage?

A. One small idea, huge influence B. Teddy Bear, classical toy

C. A boy who saved his father D. How to overcome difficulties


English has become a global language. So which country, not including English-speaking countries, speaks English better? And where does China rank (排名)?

A Swedish language education company published their report this month. The Netherlands (荷兰) ranked first, followed by Denmark and Sweden. These are based on English listening and reading test results of 950,000 people from 72 countries and areas.

According to the report, China is ranking 39th. Out of the whole country, people in Shanghai are the best English speakers. They speak better English than Italians and French. Hong Kong and Beijing follow Shanghai as China’s next best English-speaking cities.

Shanghai and Beijing rank high because they are international cities. However, across China, English ability is different from east to west.

Now China has 400 million English learners. However, the teaching of English in some areas is not very good. According to People Daily Online, there are seven primary schools in a town in Hunan province, but only one English teacher. Many students still learn English by rote. Sebastian Magnusson, an officer at the Swedish Embassy (大使馆) in Beijing, gave some advice. Swedish people speak English well and Magnusson himself is also good at Chinese. He said TV programs, movies and even computer games could be learning tools. “Do not limit it to textbooks. What matters most is to use what you’ve learnt,” Magnusson also said.

46. What country ranked first of English ability in the passage? A. Sweden. B. Denmark. C. The United States D. The Netherlands. 47. Which city has the best English speakers in China? A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Hong Kong. D. Chengdu. 48. What does the underlined part “by rote” mean?

A. 死记硬背 B. 融会贯通 C. 熟能生巧 D. 望文生义 49. According to the passage which of the following is true? A. Chinese people have high levels of English. B. Memorization is a good way to learn English.

C. Some Chinese schools are short of English teachers. D. Half of the Chinese population is learning English now. 50. What can we tell from Magnusson’s words? A. English is difficult for younger students to learn.

B. Learning English from textbooks is not a good method. C. Learners should put what they have learned to practice. D. Learners should get help from their teachers and parents.


Making a speech at the United Nations(UN) in front of 500 people from around the world isn’t easy. And doing it in a foreign language is even harder. But Wang Yuan, 16, a member of the popular Chinese boy band TFBoys, has gone further than many other young people.

While most Chinese teenagers were still enjoying their holidays during the Spring Festival, Wang had already spent days writing the speech. He used all the free time he had - in his bedroom, in cars and on flights- trying to remember it and read it with more confidence. The event Wang took part in was the Sixth United Nations Economic and Social Council Youth Forum(联合国经社理事青年论坛) in New York. The forum brings the world’s young leaders together to discuss hot topics. The subject of Wang’s speech was quality education.

“My dream for 2030 is that every young person can get quality education and that girls have the same right to achieve wonderful things as boys,” he said in the speech. Wang is the first Chinese teenage star to attend the forum and give a speech. He said he felt proud and lucky to do so.

In fact, Wang got the opportunity through hard work. He first handed in a cartoon drawing project. His cartoon works show how he imagined a school day in 2030. Then he passed several interviews by the UN before finally getting the chance to speak.

Wang has been working with the UN China group on young people in the Image 2030 Campaign (畅想2030活动). The campaign encourages China’s young people to think about the world we want to see in 2030. “It has been running for a few months, since Oct 26 last year, and we received over 500 million views online,” he said. ( )51. We may read the passage from . A. newspapers B. science magazines

C. cartoon books D. singing training guide

( )52. We can tell from the story that Wang Yuan___________. A. is acting in a new movie B. decided to study abroad

C. is doing research on education D. made a speech at a UN forum

( )53. What did Wang Yuan note in his speech? A. Big cities need more schools.

B. Boys should have better jobs than girls. C. We should give more money to poor kids. D. Everyone should have good quality education.

( )54. Wang Yuan showed how he imagined a school day in 2030 by__________.

A. singing a song B. writing a report C. drawing a cartoon D. making up a play ( )55. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. How long the campaign will be running.

B. What social activity Wang Yuan is doing now. C. Why Wang Yuan wants to work in the campaign.

D. How Wang Yuan got the chance to speak in the forum.



Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress. This feeling is often called \ 56

Generally speaking, there are four stages you’ll experience if you move to a foreign country. 57 When arriving in a new environment, you’ll be interested in the new culture, everything will seem exciting, everyone will seem friendly and helpful.

But it isn’t long before this stage moves into the next stage. The excitement you felt before changes to stress. It seems that everything is difficult, the language is hard to learn, friends are difficult to make, and even simple things like shopping are challenges. 58 This is the stage which is called as \ 59 If you are one of those who manage to go through, then you’ll move into the \way people behave in your new environment.

The last stage is the “home” stage. 60 And you start to learn from your new home, and prefer certain aspects of the new culture to your own culture. A. The first stage is the \ B. However, culture shock doesn’t last for very long. C. It is important to understand and learn how to deal with it. D. It is at this stage that you are likely to feel anxious and homesick. E. This is the point when people start to feel at home in the new culture.




Erquan Yingyue was written by a folk musician Abing. His mother died 61 he was very young. Abing’s father taught him to play many musical 62 [??nstr?m?nts], such as the drums, dizi and erhu, and by age 17, Abing was known for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abing’s life 63 (grow) worse. He was very poor. Not only that, he developed a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music 64 (make) money. Even after Abing got married and had a home again, he continued to sing and play on the streets. He performed in this way for many years. Abing’s 65 (amaze) musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. 66 the end

of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by Abing 67 (he). It is 68 pity that only six pieces of music in total 69 (record) for the future world to hear, but his popularity continues to this day. Today Erquan Yingyue has become one of China’s national treasures. Its sad beauty not only 70 (paint) a picture of Abing’s own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.


根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 71. Keep on working and your dream .

不断干下去,你的梦想会实现的。 (come) 72. It is very quiet in the library and I there. 图书馆很安静,我喜欢在那儿看书。(enjoy) 73. Wei Fen learn English last term. 上学期魏芬发现学习英语很难。 (find)

74. We five things that we no longer use already. 我们已经决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。 (decide)

75. It is believed that Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. 人们认为,茶在六至七世纪传到了朝鲜和日本。(bring) Ⅸ、短文写作。(共15分)


1. What is your favorite class like? Why?

2. Please tell us an unforgettable experience you've had in your class.

3. Please give at least two suggestions to the teacher about your favorite class. 提示词语:learn by myself, discuss in groups, use the Internet,express freely 要求:1、可以适当发挥,文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2、语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3、词数:80词左右。开头已给,不计入总词数。

My Favorite Class

Everyone has his or her favorite class. My favorite class is




Ⅰ、1. B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11. B 12. C 13.C 14.A 15.C Ⅱ、16.B 17. C 18.A 19. C 20.B 【知识运用】 Ⅲ、单项选择)

21. D 22.C 23.B 24. C 25.B 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. A 30.C Ⅳ、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)

31.C 32.B 33.D 34.D 35.A 36.C 37. A 38.B 39.A 40.D 【阅读理解】 Ⅴ、阅读选择

41. C 42.B 43.C 44.B 45. A 46.D 47.B 48.A 49. C 50. C 51. A 52.D 53.D 54.C 55.B Ⅵ、阅读还原

56.C 57.A 58.D 59.B 60.E 【读写综合】 Ⅶ、短文填空

61. when 62. instruments 63. grew 64. to make 65. amazing 66. By 67. himself 68. a 69. were recorded 70. paints Ⅷ、完成句子

71. will come true 72. enjoy reading 73. found it difficult to 74. have decided to each sell 75. tea was brought to

评分说明:每小题答题正确,得2分;语言错误(含短语结构、单词拼写、首字母大小写,语法错误等)每个扣0.5分,每题最多扣2分。 Ⅸ、短文写作 评分说明: 1.题目要求


1) What is your favorite class like? Why? (5分)

2) Please tell us an unforgettable experience you've had in your class.(5分) 3) Please give at least two suggestions to the teacher about your favorite class. (3分)

4) 书写(2分)


1) 第一档15分(满分):叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言连贯流畅,无语言结构、用词、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内(70—120个词),完整、清晰、有效地传达了规定的信息。

2) 第二档13-14分:叙述要点完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有个别语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,有效传达了规定的信息。

3) 第三档10-12分:叙述要点较完整、正确,清晰,语言较连贯流畅,有少量语言、拼写、标点错误,词数在要求范围之内,较有效地传达了规定的信息。

4) 第四档7-9分:内容要点遗漏较多,语言连贯流畅性较差,有多处语言、拼写、标点错误,词数未在要求范围之内,部分传达了规定的信息。 5) 第五档4-6分:表达了少量的内容要点,语言支离破碎,各种错误太多,词数未在要求范围之内,很难有效地传达规定信息。

6) 第六档1-3分:只能用个别或少量的单词表达,无完整的句子,未能传达有用的规定信息。 7) 第七档0分:所写单词或句子均为无效内容,未能传达任何规定的信息。 3. 书写扣分原则:对于字迹潦草、模糊难辨的书写,可酌情扣0.5—2分。

4. Possible version

Everyone has his or her favorite class. My favorite class is English because I can learn more in English class. My English teacher always makes her class lively and interesting. Besides listening and speaking, we often sing songs and play games in class. She also lets us speak English as much as possible and discuss in groups.

Last year, I was still a little weak in English and was afraid to answer the teacher’s questions even I knew the answer. Then one day my English teacher encouraged me to read a poem in class. When I saw the smile on her face, I felt confident. From then on, I have improved myself so much in English.

I hope in class, we can sometimes use the Internet to learn by ourselves. And we also need chances to express our own ideas freely.

【听力测试原文】 Ⅰ、对话理解。


听第1段对话,回答第1小题。 M: Can I smoke here?

W: Sorry, you can’t. You mustn’t smoke in the cinema.

听第2段对话,回答第2、3两个小题。 M: Hi, Gina. Happy birthday! W: Thank you, Bill.

M: So, how old are you, Gina? W: I’m twelve. How old are you? M: I’m thirteen.

W: Well, can you come to my birthday party? M: Oh, yes. When is it? W: At three this afternoon. M: OK, great. See you!

听第3段对话,回答第4至6三个小题。 M: Hello! May I speak to Maria, please?

